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Fired Earth

Fired Earth

Hurst College has grown and developed significantly over the past 15 years. It has doubled in size, become one of the leading independent schools in the south east academically and strengthened co-curricular engagement. There has also been a shift away from full boarding to weekly and flexi boarding and a move to an equal split between boys and girls.

Over the last three years, the Senior Leadership Team and the governors have been considering the best structure for the college - influenced by the shifting landscape in which the school operates and the way in which education has developed nationally. The decision was taken a year ago to reshape the college structure to reflect the shift towards an 11 to 16 educational curriculum and the way in which children grow up faster now than in the past. Hurst has introduced a Junior Prep (Reception to Year 6), echoing the maintained sector, with a separate Senior Prep (Year 7 and Year 8) focusing on these interesting developmental years.

A pioneering initiative, known as the Hurst Education Trust (HET), has also been developed. This initiative has been driven by a desire to do the right thing by integrating Hurst with a local group of schools - to benefit pupils and staff in the college and the HET schools. There are already three primary schools in the trust, and this will grow in a considered manner to include a secondary school.

The leadership structure has also evolved. Tim Manly has become Principal, responsible for the strategic direction of the College as well as CEO and leader of the HET. Dominic Mott, previously Head of the Senior School, has become Head of College and taken on the day-to-day responsibilities. He is succeeded by Lloyd Dannatt who was Deputy Head Academic. Lloyd has been key in developing the successful linearisation of academic programmes across the entire college. His role has been taken on by Michelle Zeidler who also acts as Director of Education for the HET.

These changes will enable the college to cater for the needs and ambitions of each school section - with a shared set of values and ethos. Although many changes have been introduced, and came fully into play in September, the transition has been carefully planned. The ethos will remain the same, and whilst continuing to develop strongly, the college will stay close to its vision and values, enabling pupils to achieve the best they can according to their ability - at the college and in the Hurst Education Trust..


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