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Milbourne Lodge School

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Fired Earth

Milbourne Lodge is a very energetic school which provides endless opportunities and variety. We have a reputation for academic excellence and strong traditional values. Every child is encouraged to build on their own particular talents and to discover new ones. We set the academic bar high, enjoy sport every day and value cross-curricular activities. We instil a sense of responsibility and good manners and nurture and develop children who are resilient, confident and prepared for the future.

Health and happiness hold paramount importance at Milbourne Lodge. When children feel valued and secure they perform better and enjoy life and school. We aim to provide a purposeful environment that encourages confidence, kindness and self-belief, a place where all our children can create memories. We celebrate diversity and offer inspirational teaching that is reflected in our outstanding academic results. milbournelodge.co.uk/admissions registrar@milbournelodge.co.uk.

As an Independent Prep School for boys and girls aged 4 to 13, the school has a long-standing tradition of preparing children for Pre-Tests and Scholarship exams. In 2022, all pupils accepted places to their chosen Senior Schools, with two pupils being awarded King’s Scholarships at Eton. We are located in Esher, just off the A3, with over 8 acres of beautiful grounds and are easily accessible from London and the South East.

Join us on Friday 10th March 2023 for our Spring Open Morning and find out how we can help your child develop a love of learning and an inquisitive mind.

T: 01372 462737




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