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in the classroom with fast-paced, interactive lessons. School days are deliberately longer than normal to allow pupils the time they need to recharge their batteries through well-considered breaks throughout the day. Sport for all and on a daily basis is a cornerstone of what is on offer, as is a wide range of academic subjects and cocurricular activities.
We pride ourselves on excellent Common Entrance results (100% pass rate). Recent leavers have joined Eton, Harrow, St Albans and Berkhamsted with a range of scholarships, awards and special commendations for exceptional exam results.
Our flexible boarding provision allows boys to gain confidence, independence and boost their self-esteem in a supportive environment. Friendships forged in the boarding house frequently last a lifetime. Senior Schools regularly comment how well-prepared our boys are for 13+ education.

Lockers Park has been educating boys for 150 years. Our experience teaches us that our boys-only approach creates a culturally and academically supportive environment, free of the social pressures seen in a co-educational setting. Allowing boys to convey ideas and solve problems without having to conform to societal expectations of what boys should be enables them to focus academically and express themselves more freely.
Habits of mind are at the heart of our curriculum. We use educational theory to adapt our teaching which develops boys’ skills with a practical, problem-based approach. This focus on how boys learn best helps increase concentration

We offer wraparound care that is second to none. Boys can arrive from 7.30am and stay until 7.30pm, receiving three high quality meals and enjoying the teacher-run afterschool activities. The optional Saturday School programme gives pupils access to lessons that will stretch their interests, or allow them to build greater understanding in areas where they need more support. This flexible offer is included within the school fees at no extra cost. Whilst many schools lose pupils in Year 7, we continue to grow due to the strength of our academic programme and success at sending boys to a wide range of Senior Schools. Scholarships are available to talented boys who wish to experience the benefits of a Lockers Park education. lockerspark.co.uk