1 minute read
Why Health Screening is paramount
Dr Paul Ettlinger BM, DRCOG, FRCGP,
Q. What is Health Screening?
Health screening involves the use of tests, physical examinations and advanced investigations to help detect conditions early in people who look or feel well. This is in contrast from diagnostic tests which are done when someone is ill and showing signs or symptoms of a condition.
It is important as it can detect disease early in people who do not show any signs and/or symptoms of illness or disease It is the first step to safeguarding your health.
Q. Why is it important?
Early detection and timely intervention for earlier intervention and treatment of previously unknown conditions. It will help to reduce the risk of complications and the occurrence of more serious diseases such as:
• Stroke
• Diabetes
• Cardiovascular complications
• Lung disease and renal failure
• Cancers
Q. Why should one go for Health Screening if one feels well?
Health screening will help to discover if you have particular diseases or conditions, which as yet you do not know. Often there are no signs or symptoms of these diseases. As such, early detection followed by appropriate treatment and control of the condition will result in a better outcome and lower the risk of serious complications. Cancer in particular, is better treated if found early. If symptoms develop at a
The London General Practice
later stage, the cancer may be at an advanced stage and require more intensive and higher risk therapy. Chronic diseases such as diabetes take time to develop and if detected early can be better managed with less complications and improved long-term outcomes.
Q. Who should be Health Screened?
Everyone should be screened at some stage, it just depends at what age one should start. Here at The London General Practice, we tailor the screening package to the individual. All our recommendations are based on the current best practice and clinical guidelines available. Depending on your family history and personal history will lead us to suggest a screening module geared to you. Good health