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atmosphere that honours the traditions in which she was trained. She ardently believes that traditional painting techniques, embraced by young artists and made afresh, will always be celebrated because it is capable of capturing life and a sitter’s personality like no other method.


Hannah began her training at the internationally renowned Charles H. Cecil Studios in Florence at the age of eighteen. The private atelier teaches the sight-size technique, a classical method practised by masters from Titian and Velazquez to Singer-Sargent, in which the sitter is placed alongside the canvas at a distance to create a life size painting that carries from a far. After three years in Florence, she now exhibits and is based in Dorset, while travelling all over the UK to complete commissioned work. Hannah always works from life under natural light and mainly in figurative portraiture. However, still life and landscape painting also make up a significant part of her portfolio.

Working in oil with a limited palette of six colours, a medium made up of a recipe of balsam and oils that dates back to the Old Masters, and a mixture of rough hog brushes and the softest sable to build and create texture, her tool of choice for blending and recreating the softness of chiaroscuro is actually her fingers.

Working with sitters to compose a natural and vibrant portrait, she always enjoys the process of getting to know her subjects, allowing organic conversation to let the character of the sitter emerge as the painting unfolds.

The handling and brushwork of her portraits carry intimacy and

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