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When you walk through the vast and impressive door at Clayesmore, there could not be a warmer welcome. This Dorset-based independent boarding and day school is well known for its outstanding pastoral care and community spirit.
Whether in the younger years at the prep school, or the senior school or sixth form, the focus is on cultivating a warm, friendly and kind culture in all its pupils. Senior students take an active role as mentors and guides to the younger students; particularly in the boarding environment.

Being a relatively small school, everyone is known as an individual. The nurturing environment in the prep boarding house, and the supportive environment in the five senior boarding houses creates a real family feel. Houseparents, their assistants, and matrons are dedicated to the pupils’ wellbeing and keeping balance and focus to the pupils’ days. House staff understand that children can go through ups and downs with friends, school work, home life and just the trials and tribulations of growing up. Their extensive experience allows them to support pupils in every challenge they may face.
Whilst the ethos of the school is rooted in kindness, warmth and friendliness, it is no less rigorous in its academic or competitive ambitions. Almost all those applying to university last year were awarded their first choice destination and the breadth of courses and universities students have accepted is impressive - showing real evidence of a school which supports the individual and helps them achieve their goals.
Clayesmore has a forthcoming Open Morning on 13 May 2023, and you are warmly invited to visit, hear from the Head and to be toured by pupils to get a real feel for school life.
Register today - clayesmore.com/admissions/ open-mornings. Learn more about this happy school by visiting clayesmore.com