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Ballard is an awardwinning day school for pupils aged 2-16. With fantastic facilities, strong results, community spirit and an exceptional educational ethos, it is rated ‘Excellent and Outstanding’ by ISI.

Ballard offers the perfect balance with outstanding opportunities, activities, trips and experiences, plus strength across the board (academics, arts, sports, STEM). Classes are large enough to facilitate lively and challenging lessons, yet small enough so every pupil is known. By knowing their pupils, staff help them to develop successfully, both academically and pastorally.

By attracting pupils who reflect the school’s values and embrace all the opportunities on offer, Ballard has created an incredibly special community - the Ballard Family. This positive, holistic environment has been successful for both pupils and the school.

This academic year alone Ballard was; a finalist for both Independent School of the Year for Performing Arts (ISOTY) and Excellence and Innovation in Art and Design (ISI); Highly Commended for Outstanding Sport (ISA); and shortlisted for CoEducational Independent School of the Year (ISOTY). Their Eco-Ambassadors reached Eco Schools’ Green Flag status; Betsy (Year 9) became the highest-placed girl in the Townsend Warner History competition, and many pupils gain Duke of Edinburgh awards. With national champions and alumni that include Olympic medallists, an international opera star and pop band, pupils make the most of their opportunities.

Ballard runs a wide range of GCSEs including three languages, four maths, music, textiles, PE, DT, and drama; all taught by experienced and passionate staff. GCSE results are consistently well above the national average. This year over 40% of pupils gained a top grade (7-9), double the national average, with some subjects adding, on average, two GCSE grades per pupil to GL predictor grades; an incredible achievement. Ballard also offers a full range of sports teams, orchestras and productions, all to a remarkably high standard.

Ballard is thriving, with continued investment, including enhanced digital learning, and exciting plans in place; there has never been a better time to join, but don’t just take the Good School Guide’s or ISI’s word for it - go and see for yourself.

“He couldn’t have had a better start. Honestly, it’s a world away from what he and we are used to and the welcome he’s received has been immense. He came out so happy.” New Parent ballardschool.co.uk

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