Fishponds Voice June 2015

Page 1


FREE EVERY MONTH in the Greater Fishponds Area

JUNE 2015 — Issue 5

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Custom Tailoring and Alterations

Dry Cleaning available

TEL: 0117 329 0640 07877 737143 101 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 5HF


Sowing the seeds for great success Gardening efforts of neighbours in Brook Road have helped get Greater Fishponds into the Britain in Bloom finals.

Page 5

Children call for road safety action Children at May Park Primary have started their own campaign to urge road safety measures near their school.

Page 9 Engrossed in a bug hunt at Oldbury Court’s BioBlitz

Car park plan is dropped

A PROPOSED permanent overflow car park at Oldbury Court has been scrapped by Bristol City Council. Officials are now said to be looking at an alternative plan to help accommodate the crowds who flock to Vassalls Park by car. Events such as the BioBlitz (pictured) and the attractions of the play area and parkland draw visitors from across the area. But neighbours say parking problems near their homes have worsened since the number of spaces in the permanent car park was cut from 120 places to 80. They are calling for urgent action to tackle the problem – but there is no easy solution. Full story: Page 3

Save £1000s per year Great ecigarette bundles available plus over 40 UK MADE e-liquids to choose from. Use discount code VOICE1 when ordering in-store. 753 Fishponds Road, Bristol, BS16 3UP - Tel: 0117 958 6175

17 958 6175

Oasis of calm in heart of city We visit The Haven – an amazing sanctuary near Royate Hill where people are helped to overcome many different problems.

Pages 24 & 25

Footballers rally to back worthy cause Players of Stapleton AFC have put their best foot forward, running the Bristol 10K in aid of a cause dear to the heart of their coach.

Page 31



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FREE EVERY MONT H iN THE GREaTER FisHpONds aREa Staple Hill Tailoring


JUNE 2015 — issUE

- paGEs 26-27 | BUsiN


Custom Tailoring and Alterations

Dry Cleaning available

TEL: 0117 329 0640 07877 737143 101 High Street, Staple Bristol, BS16 5HF Hill,


H paGE 34

Sowing the seeds for great success

Gardening efforts of neighbours in Brook Road have helped get Greater Fishponds into the Britain in Bloom finals.

Page 5 Children call for road safety action

June, 2015

High five! Growing better and better

Children at May Park Primary have started their own campaign to urge road safety measures near their school.

Engrossed in a bug

hunt at Oldbury Court’s

Car park plan is dro



A PROPOSED permanent scrapped by Bristol City overflow car park at Oldbury Court has been Council. Officials are now said accommodate the crowdsto be looking at an alternative plan to help who Events such as the BioBlitz flock to Vassalls Park by car. (pictured) and the attractions and parkland draw visitors of the play area from But neighbours say parking across the area. problems near their homes since the number of spaces have worsened in the permanent car park places to 80. was cut from 120 They are calling for urgent action to tackle the problem easy solution. Full story: – but there is no page 3

Page 9 Oasis of calm in heart of city

We visit The Haven – an amazing sanctuary near Royate Hill where people are helped to overcome many different problems.

Pages 24 & 25 Footballers rally to back worthy cause

Players of Stapleton AFC their best foot forward, have put the Bristol 10K in aid of running dear to the heart of theira cause coach.

Page 31

Save £1000s per year Great ecigarette bundles available plus over 40 UK MADE e-liquids to choose from. Use discount code VOICE1 when ordering in-store. 753 Fishponds Road, Bristol, BS16 3UP - Tel: 0117 958 6175

tol, BS16 3UP - Tel: 0117 958 6175

So, here we are at Issue 5 already, and our free monthly newspaper is continuing to prove popular. Thanks to everyone who has got in touch to tell us how much you enjoy reading and seeing photos of people and places you know and what great value our local ads can be. Once again this month we have scores of local faces on our pages – and we certainly seem to be springing into a summer of fun in spite of somewhat

fishpondsvoice Publisher Gary Brindle 0117 907 8585 07799 461169

AD V E R T ISI N G Tel 07453 954261 Tel 07799 461169 E DI T O R IA L Letters to the publication can be sent to the above e-mail address or by post to Letters, Fishponds Voice, 6 Elkstone Walk, Bitton, Bristol BS30 6JT. The editor reserves the right to edit your letter. D E AD L I N E S Our July edition will go to print on Monday June 29. To ensure your news or letter is

variable weather. As last month, there’s a lot of focus on gardening and open air activities. Congratulations to the Back Lane Gardeners and all involved with HEFs in Bloom – and also to Lisa Malyon, whose garden design won a silver medal at Malvern. More and more of you are getting in touch via email, Facebook or Twitter to share your news and photos but if your organisation has not been covered yet, please contact us. Our email address is If you are planning an event, we will be happy to list it free of charge in our What’s On pages. We hand-deliver thousands of free copies to homes every month.You can also pick up the Voice at libraries and cafes in the area.

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Journalist Linda Tanner 0777 0700579

Journalist Jayne Taylor 0788 0731148

included, please contact us at the latest by June 24. Advertisers are also asked to contact us by the same date. LOCAL INFORMATION Bristol City Council 0117 922 2000 Police general enquiries: 101 Emergency: 999 Fire General enquiries: 0117 926 2061 Emergency: 999 NHS 111 Safer Stronger team 01454 868009

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Anti social behaviour team 01454 868582 Streetcare/litter/vandalism etc Environment/trading standards 01454 868001 Well Aware Health and social care information www. Tel: (freephone) 0808 808 5252 PUBLISHER’S NOTE Fishponds Voice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Fishponds Voice is distributed each month to local residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please get in touch or collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is welcomed, call Gary Brindle on 0117 907 8585 or news@fishpondsvoice.

1 Averay Road, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BL t. 0117 9518989 e. • Bathroom Furniture • Bathroom Flooring • Taps & Showers • Ceramic, Porcelain & Natural Stone Tiles • Design and Installation To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


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June, 2015



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Where is everyone going to park? AS we move into summer, crowds are again flocking to Oldbury Court – but where are they all going to park? The matter looks set to remain unresolved in 2015 after Bristol City Council told the Voice that its proposals for an overflow car park had been withdrawn. Officials said plans for a new site were being drawn up but could not confirm where or when they would be implemented. Meanwhile, residents in Perrymans Close, alongside the park, are demanding additional traffic restrictions in their road. They frequently have difficulty getting out at weekends because of thoughtless parking by visitors to Vassalls Park and they are worried that ambulances would not be able to get through in an emergency. The problems began early in 2013 when the council reduced the size of the existing car park from 120 spaces to about 80. Temporary overflow parking was provided on a grassed area next to the car park, but this has proved unsuitable in wet weather. The council put forward a plan to create 80 spaces in a permanent overflow car park, with stone hardstanding of a type that allows grass to grow through.

Residents overlooking that site, on the opposite side of the Oldbury Court estate entrance, objected, citing the impact on wildlife and the loss of green space in the historic landscape. Some called for an alternative 80-space car park next to the allotments near Goffenton Drive, which would have the advantage of access via Gill Avenue, reducing the volume of traffic on Oldbury Court Road. But it is understood that site was ruled out because of complications that would be costly to resolve. After no decision was reached on the permanent car park plan for several months, the Voice contacted the council. A spokesman said: “The current planning application has been withdrawn. Our Parks team have agreed a new location, and a new design for the revised location is currently being drawn up. A new planning application will then be submitted, but the timescale for this is currently unknown.” The statement came as news to residents. Stuart Main, of Perrymans Close, said: “There has been such a lack of communication, consultation and transparency in all of this.” He said residents of the close

had held a meeting and agreed to press for more parking restrictions. “Since the number of spaces in the car park was reduced, more people have been parking in Perrymans Close when visiting Oldbury Court,” he said. “They


often ignore the existing yellow lines and park very close together. It blocks the carriageway and pavements, making it difficult for care workers and pharmacy deliveries and others to get through.”


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T: 0779 9461169

CROWDS will be flocking to Staple Hill this summer in search of one of the 70 Shaun the Sheep sculptures on the Bristol fund-raising trail. Organisers have revealed that Fountain Square will again be a location for one of the colourful statues, as it was two years ago when it hosted the hugely popular rainbow striped Gromit Roger. In both instances, the attractions have been sponsored by home furnishings shop Top to Bottom. East Bristol will also see Shauns at Snuff Mills and at Warmley Waiting, on the Bristol to Bath Railway Path, as well as at Bristol Parkway Station and St Werburgh's City Farm. They are among 70 sculptures on the Bristol trail, which will open on July 6, raising money for Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity and The Grand Appeal (the charity that supports Bristol Children's Hospital). Most of the Shauns are in the city centre, with six in the south, seven in the west and nine in the north. Businesses and organisations pay £7,000 plus VAT to sponsor one. Organisers have been criticised for not placing more of the sheep in disadvantaged areas – there are none in BS5, for example. Bristol East MP Kerry McCarthy was among those who expressed concern that the focus was on tourists and the well-off rather than local children.

June, 2015

Staple Hill to host a Shaun the Sheep But Shaun in the City said the main aim was to raise money to support sick children in hospitals in Bristol and across the country. Sponsors were helping to maximise income for the charity, a spokesman said. “Locations on the trail are not dictated by postcode. The spread of locations throughout the city balances the interests of Bristol residents and communities, tourists and visitors to the city, and the sponsors of our trail. “We have worked closely with our individual sponsors and the locations themselves to make the trail happen. “In some instances sponsors have chosen their location, and in others we have brought together locations and sponsors to create the trail.” Fans of the Aardman Animations character will have to wait until next month to see all the designs for the Bristol trail, but a few have been released. Among them are Alright me Babber? at Temple Meads Station; Bristol Beauty at Canford Lane; Isambaaard at Clifton Suspension Bridge visitor information centre; Primrose at St Werburgh’s City Farm; and Jarsberry Ram at The


Pump House on Merchants Road. The Shaun in the City! initiative is getting double exposure this year. A London trail featuring 50 different sculptures created by artists, designers and celebrities began in March and was so popular it was extended by a week, ending on May 31. The second “flock” will be on show in Bristol until August 31. Details of all the locations can be found on the Shaun in the City website.

At the end of both trails, all 120 sculptures will be united for two exhibitions. The first ‘Great Sheep Round Up’ will take place in in Bristol from September12 to 20 and the second in Covent Garden from September 24-27. All sculptures will then go to auction on October 8. Proceeds from the London sculptures will benefit children’s hospitals and hospices throughout the UK. All proceeds from the Bristol sculptures will benefit The Grand Appeal.








EDA, 744 FISHPONDS ROAD, FISHPONDS, BRISTOL To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


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June, 2015

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Back Lane Gardeners earn place in final IN little more than a year, a group of greenfingered neighbours in Fishponds have earned themselves a place in the final of a Royal Horticultural Society gardening contest. The residents of Brook Road began by planting up window boxes and hanging baskets outside their homes before branching out into sowing wild flowers on a piece of land once known as Back Lane. Their efforts to recreate the ancient country lane in the heart of their urban area led to the group dubbing themselves the Back Lane Gardeners. Now they are awaiting the arrival of the RHS Britain in Bloom judges in the summer and hope they will be able to help put Fishponds on the horticultural map. The initiative began when Denise James, one of the organisers of HEFs (Hillfields, Eastville and Frome Vale) in Bloom, spoke at a Neighbourhood Watch meeting about how to “turn grey streets green” by planting flowers at the front of terraced houses. Yvonne Sadler, co-ordinator of the NW group, said the idea was to enhance the area and build community links. ‘When streets look nicer, people feel better in themselves,” she said. As well as planting days, the Back Lane Gardeners also get together for community days, and last year they held a summer party, complete with gazebos and bunting. The group has members of all ages and many nationalities and faith groups. “We have people from all parts of the world

in our diverse community,” said Yvonne. The project to plant wild flowers in the historic lane has captured the imagination of many. It is also enabling the group to take part in Get Bristol Buzzing, a movement to plant up areas of pollinating plants across the city to encourage bees. “Some people were shocked at first, because they thought we were planting weeds. But they

understand now why we need the wild flowers,” said Yvonne. Denise said: “This a great urban project, where residents have joined together to enhance their street, not just for themselves but for people who walk down the street.” HEFs is a finalist in the urban community section of the RHS Britain in Bloom competition.

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Kerry increases her share of the vote

Labour’s Kerry McCarthy, MP for Bristol East for the last ten years, held on to the seat at the general election. Ms McCarthy polled 18,148 votes and increased her share of the vote on May 7. Her closest rival was Conservative Theo Clarke, who gained 14,168 votes. UKIP’s James McMurray was in third place with 7,152 votes and the Greens’ Lorraine Francis received 3.827. As elsewhere, the Lib Dem vote share plummeted, leaving Abdul Malik in fifth place with 2,689 and Matt Gordon of TUSC polled 229. The turnout in Bristol East was 64.2 per cent. After the result, Ms McCarthy said she would continued to work for everyone in the constituency. She said: “While I did increase my majority slightly, I was, of course, very disappointed with the national result. I believe that the Conservatives have little to offer ordinary people and am deeply concerned by the effect which their policies will have on the less privileged in our society. “As a result, it is more important than ever that I continue to fight for east Bristol, an area which is yet to properly feel any economic recovery and a part of the city which has often been overlooked by the council. I therefore look forward to working with local residents on a range of issues in the coming months.” Results: Kerry McCarthy (Labour) – 18,148 Theodora Clarke (Conservative) – 14,168 James McMurray (UKIP) – 7,152 Lorraine Francis (Green Party) – 3,827 Abdul Malik (Lib Dem) – 2,689 Matt Gordon (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 229

Est 1984

La Porta Barbering Company

June, 2015

Local election results LONG serving Conservative councillor Lesley Alexander retained her Frome Vale seat on Bristol City Council at the local elections. Mrs Alexander is vice chairman of the Tory group on the council, which saw an influx of Green members, mainly at the expense of the Liberal Democrats. Labour’s Mahmadur Khan also successfully defended his Eastville ward seat while in Hillfields, where Phil Hanby stood down, his successor Craig Cheney held on to the seat for the party by a huge margin. The winners will serve just a year, because in 2016 Bristol will switch to an all-out system where councillors for all 70

Est 1984

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AN opera performance in the grounds of Colston’s School will raise money for a Bristol charity. Bristol touring company Tessitoura will stage Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte on June 14 in aid of St Vincent’s Bristol. Their version is sung in English and the performers are accompanied by an ensemble of chamber musicians. Charity spokeswoman Joanne Bamford said: “I am delighted to be bringing this unique event to Bristol. Picnicking is a wonderfully English tradition, combined with an evening

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of Opera in the grounds of Colston’s exclusive setting.” Gates open at 4.30pm and the opera starts at 6, with a 30minute interval for picnicking. For tickets at £20 (£10 concessions) ring 0844 871 7615 or go to cosifantutte St Vincent’s Bristol is a Julian House Project. The charity, formed in 1999, has helped over 780 people recover from their addictions and move on to live fulfilling and independent lives.

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HILLFIELDS Craig Cheney, Labour 2491 Roy Towler, Conservative 1336 Mervyn Laxon, UKIP 1088 Elsie Danann, Green 672 Andy Morgan, Lib Dem 382 Matt Gordon, TUSC 86



from a

FROME VALE Lesley Alexander, Conservative 1991 Erica Wildgoose, Labour 1803 Cath Thomas, Green 759 Pamela Hyde, UKIP 722 Graham Donald, Lib Dem 276 Roger Thomas, TUSC 62

Opera event at Colston’s

Traditional Gents Barbers

Weekday Letting

council seats are chosen at one election, rather than one-third at a time as at present. RESULTS: EASTVILLE Mahmadur Khan , Labour 2499 Simon Stafford-Townsend, Green, 1260 Mike Williams, Conservative, 1156 Chris Harris, Lib Dem 875 Mark Baker, TUSC 186

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015



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Craig gets straight down to business CRAIG Cheney, the new Labour councillor for Hillfields, has wasted no time in getting active in his community. After being told of rubbish in the nature reserve at Coombe Brook nature reserve, he checked it out and organised a working group to clear it up. Craig said: “A couple of school children reported finding a dumped motorbike and other rubbish in the stream, so I popped down to take a look. I walked up through from the playing fields at Moorlands Road and although it started off beautifully tidy, the closer you came toward Whitefield Road the more rubbish you could see. “There was litter everywhere, some of it having clearly been there for a long time, a computer monitor in the stream, buckets, paint tins, fence panels, dumped plasterboard. All in all a terrible mess. “So I put a call out on Facebook to see if anyone was interested in joining up and helping me tidy the place up, both as a one-off but also as a regular task going forward I asked people to come along one Saturday and bring some gloves and rubbish sacks. “A few families popped down


to help throughout the day and we took to the place and gave it a really good tidy with most of the rubbish now being clear which was an excellent effort - much better than anticipated! It was great to see kids really pitching in and having fun with it!” Craig was delighted at the response to his call to action at the wildlife haven – known locally as The Gossey - and expressed his gratitude to all who helped or promised to get involved in the future. “It would be great to have an active group of volunteers willing to keep the place tidy for local people to continue to enjoy. “We’re very lucky to have a spot like that in an area like ours, where most land is taken with houses or business premises, so it seems a real waste to leave it in a mess. “I will also be looking into ways to stop people treating the area like a dump in the first place” he said. The group can be found on Facebook: Coombe Brook Action Group. People can also email Craig. or call him on 07469 413304 if they want to help out.


The Boutique Art House is a delightful hidden treasure IT has been named by The Guardian as one of the top ten B&Bs in Bristol - yet many locals don’t know it’s there. The Boutique is a hidden gem on Downend Road in Fishponds, perfectly situated for visitors to the city. Once you step inside, you totally forget there’s a bustling world beyond the front door. Owner Sadie Spikes has created a haven, taking several years to perfect the colourful, welcoming breakfast kitchen and the three unique and beautiful double bedrooms, each with its own ensuite. The rooms are a treasure trove of curios and thoughtful touches. Feather duvets and snow-white linen adorn the antique beds, providing just the right mix of nostalgia and luxury. Modern necessities such as mini-fridges and wi fi are discreetly provided amid the retro junk-shop finds and the fairylights. Sadie, who lives at the Victorian semi with her husband Pete and teenage daughter, is an artist, designer and collector. Her flair is evident in every detail, not only the immaculate and imaginative decor but the range of bespoke experiences she offers her guests.

Guesthouse Extraordinaire Featured in The Guardian’s Top 10 Hotels and B&B’s in Bristol.

An extraordinary Guesthouse with a twist of Magic: The Boutique Art House combines a wonderfully unique guesthouse alongside a changing programme of fabulous retreats, gallery, studio, talks, and exciting events within the most beautifully curated space.

There is a range of tariffs depending on the amount of “frills and frou frou” required – such as bubble baths, champagne, and use of the hot tub in the garden. “We wanted to build a retreat – somewhere we would love to go ourselves,” Sadie explained. “Our aim is for our guests to leave rejuvenated and better connected with the world.”

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261

The founder, Sadie Spikes, as an artist and maker, is passionately driven to create, design, and make places and objects that inspire the soul, soothe the spirit, and lift the heart, compelled by a yearning to return to the old school and the real! Love, laughter, sensation, and space, in the attempt to momentarily stop time; The Boutique is a wonderful place for relaxation, connection, great conversation face to face, and a celebration of the here and now.

Please call to Book or make an enquiry: we are always happy to help on 0117935 4964 or visit our website


Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579



T: 0779 9461169

June, 2015

Dance for Dementia set for third year A YOUNG Downend woman has been inspired to raise more than £7,000 for a dementia charity after witnessing her late grandmothers’ Alzheimer’s disease. And Katie Smith is set to add to that total this month when her third Dance for Dementia event is staged at the Redgrave Theatre. Katie, a keen dancer, started the show to bring together performers from many different dance styles in a unique concert. This year will feature more than 100 dancers and will include

performances from some of Bristol’s finest African, Ballet, Belly, Commercial, Contemporary, Irish, Latin, Modern, Scottish, Street and Tap dancers in a unique and sensational show. Katie said: “Dance for Dementia is a very special show bringing together incredibly talented dancers, many of whom have experienced the effects of dementia first hand. Last year was a huge success raising £4719.88 for Alzheimer’s Society and I am excited to support the charity again this year.”

Adrian Williams, regional community fundraising manager for Alzheimer’s Society, said: “We are delighted that Katie and the Bristol dance community are once again giving their time to support Alzheimer’s Society following hugely successful fundraising last year. As a charity, we rely on the generosity of individuals like Katie to help us continue our vital work.” Alzheimer’s Society research shows that 800,000 people in the UK have a form of dementia, more

than half have Alzheimer’s disease. In less than ten years a million people will be living with dementia. This will soar to 1.7 million people by 2051. Dance for Dementia takes place on June 7, with performances at 4pm and 7.30pm. To find out more about the event visit www.dancefordementia. com. Tickets are on sale at Bristol Ticket Shop, www.bristolticketshop. or by calling the box office on 0117 929 9008.

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The majority of carpets are always in stock To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015


PUPILS at May Park primary are adding their voice to a campaign to put an end to careless drivers who are putting children’s lives at risk. Staff at the school have launched a petition calling on Bristol City Council to introduce a series of traffic calming measures around the Eastville school. Now pupils say they want to be heard and have started their own campaign to persuade the council to take action. The children are all members of the 40-strong school council which meets once a week to discuss issues at the school. Class teacher Neil Sutton, who co-ordinates the school council, said: “After we had finished a project, the children voted on what they would like to do next. It was between improving a patch of our garden or helping with the issue of road safety outside the school because the children mentioned it was an issue for them coming to and from school. “We had a secret vote and road safety came out as the top issue. “We did some brainstorming and looked at things we could actually do. We couldn’t go out and physically stop cars from driving too quickly so decided the best thing to do was to try to persuade people not to do it.”

As well as carrying out a traffic survey, the children designed colourful posters, which have been laminated and put on fences surrounding the school. They have also spoken about the issue to other pupils at an assembly and designed a road safety newsletter which has gone to all parents at the school. The project follows a risk assessment by the school which identified a serious risk of accident. Problems are caused by speeding drivers and the narrow roads surrounding the school which mean two cars are unable to pass safely. This has been exasperated by the year on year increase in pupil numbers and predictions show this will continue until the school reaches its maximum capacity of 870 in two years. Luca, 10, who is chair of the council, said: “At the beginning of the school day there’s congestion and bottlenecks and lots of parking problems so people are parking


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Pupils add their voice to campaign against careless drivers

where they are not allowed to park. “It’s not safe for people to cross the road as cars are coming in all different directions. People go over the speed limit and drive very dangerously.” Fin, 8, said: “Once a car drove really fast and kept beeping the horn at the lollipop lady. My mum said that was way too fast and said ‘Poor lollipop lady’.” Nine-year-old Jessie said: “I have seen people parking on yellow lines and running to school to get their children. They also park in front of drive-ways so people living in the houses can’t get out.” The school says current safety measures including a speed table which is too flat do not work and are calling for more radical action including introducing a one-way system, extending zig-zags further along East Park Road, a pelican crossing and increasing the height of

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261

the speed table. The children’s posters and newsletter has been sent along with the school’s petition and parents’ views to Bristol City Council for consideration. Mr Sutton said although some parents are responsible for causing congestion, a lot a problems are caused by other drivers using the area as a short cut to the motorway. “It’s really dangerous out there. At some point someone is going to get hit by a car. It’s a matter of when not if. “The council really needs to raise the hump outside as it’s so flat no-one pays any attention to it. They definitely need to extend the zig-zags going down East Park as most of the kids go home that way. If there was a one way system to stop the roads being used as a cut through, it would be ideal.” Mr Sutton said he hoped the


council would take onboard the comments of the children. “The children are fantastic. They came up with the ideas and have really taken it on and made it their project. “They have thought of some really good slogans to put in their newsletter like ‘Keep calm and drive safe and slow’. They’ve been incredibly creative and are a credit to the school.” A Bristol City Council spokesperson said a one-way system had been considered as part of safety measures which were implemented as a condition of the school’s expansion but it was “deemed unsuitable”. The spokesperson said requests for further measures would need to be considered by the Greater Fishponds Neighbourhood Partnership in the first instance.

Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579



T: 0779 9461169

Action in aid of Nepal

June, 2015

Scarecrow and sale trails open to all FISHPONDS residents still have time to sign up to an exciting new venture in the area. The Gentle Touch, Fishponds Play Cafe and Fishfest have teamed up to organise a sale trail around the Thingwall Park area on Saturday July 18. Anna Mapson, from the Gentle Touch, said: "It's a chance for people to sell things from their front garden like jumble, kids toys, as well as crafts and art, so we're hoping it's a cross between an arts trail and a yard sale." The event, which is free, will culminate with Grove Fest, which takes place from 3-10pm at Grove Road Youth Club and will feature bands and stalls. To take part in the sale trail, email

YOUNG people in Downend were so moved by the plight of the victims of Nepal’s earthquake they decided to take action to help. Around 30 youngsters plus leaders from Christ Church Downend’s youth club organised an all-night sleep-out called ‘Cardboard City’. The event, on Friday May 8, took place in the car park of the Christ Church Centre, with all proceeds going to the Earthquake Appeal. George, 12, said: “It was a good experience. It makes you think, what if it had happened to you?” Youth Pastor Diane Paddon said: “The Nepal earthquake survivors are sleeping out in the open because their homes were devastated by the 7.8 magnitude quake. The fear of further damage from aftershocks prevents people from returning to their houses. “It was moving to see the respect and compassion with which the young people listened to the talk about the devastation caused by this earthquake and then prayed for the victims and the aid-workers.” The young people collected nearly £80. This money, combined with other Christ Church activities, has raised £445.40 for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

Plans are continuing for a scarecrow trail throughout Fishponds from September 19-20 following on from the success of its trial run last year. The themes of this year's trail will be Heroes and Villains. Last year around 30 scarecrows, dressed as children's film characters, including Sponge Bob and Freddy Krueger, were dotted around the area in residents' front gardens. Kate Brooks, one of the organisers, said: "We did a map so people could go round and visit all the different characters. It was so popular, we thought we would do it again." To take part and show your own scarecrow, email Angie Seward before the end of July with your name, address, contact email, your scarecrow character and a clue to your character which will be printed on a map. People who want to follow the trail will be able to pick up maps from local pick-up points. Further details will be published in future editions of Fishponds Voice.

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Fleas and Worms


revention for fleas and worms is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Fleas cause irritation to pets and owners alike with some pets being allergic to flea saliva causing flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Fleas can also cause lifethreatening anaemia in young and debilitated animals and can carry diseases such a myxomatosis, bartonella and tapeworm. Worms can cause problems such as intestinal blockage, clotting problems and health concerns to humans. This time of year we tend to see our first wave of flea activity (the second usually being in winter when the heating gets switched back on). In this situation you will need patience and good quality flea products to treat BOTH your pets and your house. All cats, dogs and rabbits in the house should be treated for a few months minimum. The house should be sprayed with a good quality product. Sprays which are available from veterinary practices last much longer in the environment (some up to a year) and work against most, if not all, the life stages of the flea. This is important as you will only get a temporary relief in the number of fleas before the eggs and pupae hatch out.

June, 2015

Bristol Met principal wins praise for achievements





Please remember to follow all instructions on the packaging, particularly as some dog flea treatments are poisonous to cats, even if it is not put directly onto the cat. So what makes for a good parasite prevention plan? It all depends on what lifestyle your pet has which is why it is so important to talk to your vet in order to create a tailored treatment plan. For example; tick prevention if your pet frequents areas which has lots of wildlife. Or lungworm prevention for dogs that come into contact with slugs and snails. Extra considerations are given to animals on a raw meat diet or young puppies and kittens. With care plans, such as ‘Complete Care’ you can be reassured that all your pet’s parasite needs are covered with a Veterinary quality product along with all the advice and support you may need. Wishing you a flea-free summer! ….

SALLY Apps, principal of Bristol Metropolitan Academy in Fishponds, was among a number of head teachers and chairs of governors honoured at a celebration event in Bristol. During the ceremony at the Mansion House, 25 individuals were presented with engraved blue glass keepsakes by the Lord Mayor to formally mark their success. The heads came from a range of different educational settings and received awards for work which has helped to improve Ofsted reports, or activity undertaken to support other schools. Long-serving and retiring head teachers were also recognised for their lifetime contribution. Mrs Apps received recognition for overseeing record results at Bristol Met in 2014. Also on the list was Val Neel, retired head of St Matthias Park pupil referral unit, and Rob Worsfold, head of Air Balloon Hill Primary in St George. Councillor Brenda Massey, Assistant Mayor for People including Education, attended the event. She said: “It’s important to recognise the positive contributions made by individuals to education in Bristol. These headteachers have often gone above and beyond to ensure young people get the best possible start in life so this is a little way of saying ‘thank you’. “Bristol schools are on an upward trajectory and much of this is thanks to the strong heads and education leaders working in the city. We’re seeing improvements in many areas and it’s really encouraging to see so many positive stories coming in. “This is just a small snapshot of the good work taking place in schools across the city. I expect to see many more individuals

celebrated at events like this over the next few years.” Full list: 1. Marie Thomas, Headteacher, Hartcliffe EY 2. Elizabeth Carruthers, Headteacher, Redcliffe Nursery School 3. Janet Bremner, CoG, Hartcliffe EY 4. Tracy French, Headteacher, St Ursula’s 5. Steve Luke, Exec Principal, St Ursula’s 6. Robert Worsfold, Headteacher, Air Balloon Primary 7. Lisa West, CoG, Air Balloon Primary 8. Tom Burton, Headteacher, Cabot Primary 9. Glyn Berwick, CoG, Cabot Primary 10. Jan O’Hara, Headteacher, May Park Primary 11. Kevin Hussey, CoG, May Park Primary 12. Caroline Reynolds, Headteacher, Compass Point, South St 13. Kate Rowlands, Headteacher, Blaise Primary School 14. Therese Gillespie, CoG, Millpond Primary 15. Jackie Norman, CoG, St Anne’s Infant and J 16. Tessa Thomas, Headteacher, Ashton Park 17. Roger White, CoG, Ashton Park 18. Sally Apps, Headteacher, Bristol Met 19. Mark Davies, Chief Executive, Bridge Learning Campus 20. Keziah Featherstone, Director, Phase 3&4 Bridge Learning Campus 21. Neil Wiley, Director Phase 1&2, Bridge Learning Campus 22. Caroline Jenkins, CoG, Bridge Learning Campus 23. Peter Evans, Headteacher, Notton House 24. Iain Marr, CoG, Notton House 25.Val Neel, Headteacher, St Matthias Park

If it’s news email Linda or Jayne at

Willowdean Court, 247a Charlton Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1LT Telephone: 0117 961 6417 To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015



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Wendover transformation complete as nursery opens THE transformation of the former Wendover maternity hospital in Downend to a day nursery has been completed. Red Bus Nursery opened its doors at the start of this month in the modernised building in Downend Road. The nursery takes children aged from three months to five and has a total of 109 places in its nursery, kindergarten and pre-school. Its spacious facilities are filled with light from the huge original sash windows. Other features of the Grade II listed building, such as decorative arches, have also been retained in the restoration, while the rooms also offer the most up-to-date and high quality toys and equipment for pre-schoolers. The learning zone provision includes a massive art studio and a fantastic water room, as well as cosy snugs. Great use is also made of the outdoor space to benefit children’s learning and wellbeing. The beautiful natural environment includes a herb and vegetable garden and large play areas, while

there is a roof garden for the youngest children. The basement has been turned into a dining room, where children can sit down to healthy meals prepared by an onsite chef. Wendover is a second nursery for Red Bus, whose owner Liz Hogarth, used to live in Downend. She opened the first in a former pub in Coombe Dingle three years ago, aiming to create the sort of provision she would have liked for her own child. Red Bus parents have their own key fobs to gain entrance to the nursery and there is a room set aside for parents. A series of open days is taking place to enable locals and prospective families to see the restored building and a grand

opening event will take place on June 20. “Wendover babies” will be

particularly welcome at the event, a Mad Hatters Tea Party, and some of them will be cutting the ribbon.

Play leader needed We are looking for someone to support our children at Chester Park Junior School to play well. We need someone with energy, enthusiasm and ideas to join our lunchtime team and help children to make the break at the middle of the day a time of effective socialising and fun learning.

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June, 2015

Festival of Nature draws big crowds HUNDREDS of people flocked to Oldbury Court to take part in the launch event for Bristol’s Festival of Nature. The 24-hour BioBlitz was a chance for visitors to work alongside a team of naturalists and wildlife watchers to find and identify different species of birds, bugs, plants and beasties. The nature hunters found a total of 417 species, including 19 never recorded in Bristol. Some of the highlights were a tawny owl, a kingfisher, a pair of dippers, a heron,

a Brimstone butterfly, an Orange Tip butterfly and three-cornered garlic. There were also various plants which were signifiers of an ancient woodland including yellow archangel, lesser celandine and native bluebells. Lucy Gaze, project officer at Bristol Natural History Consortium, which organised the event, said: “Oldbury Court is a diverse and beautiful estate and we had a brilliant few days exploring it! We had an excellent turnout from schools on Friday and the public on Saturday and were thrilled to find such a variety of wildlife including kingfishers, herons, butterflies, moths as well as a host of plants and flowers. “We’ve got lots more community events planned throughout the summer and the festival in June so there are loads of activities for people to get involved with in this European Green Capital year.”

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June, 2015


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Gracefield pupils are walking tall thanks to a giant visitor PUPILS from Gracefield School scaled new heights when they won a competition to walk to school with a very special guest. The youngsters were safely guided to the school in Overndale Road, Downend by a stilt walker as part of a national healthy and active lifestyle promotion, Walk to School Week. The school won the opportunity

The stilt walker leads the walk to school


as part of a Bristol City Council initiative working in partnership with Travel West and Sustrans and chose to walk to school with a stilt walker, dressed as a Beefeater. Walk to School Week is a national campaign, bringing together nearly one million school children,

teachers and parents, highlighting the health benefits of walking to school. Gracefield School is an independent primary school for pupils aged four to 11 years old. Headteacher Elizabeth Morgan said: "We are proud of our status



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as a healthy school and encourage all our children to keep as active as possible. Walking to school with a stilt walker was a fantastic experience for the children, showing them how walking can be a fun experience and a great way to exercise."

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Tree planting at Frome Vale Academy

June, 2015

CHILDREN at Frome Vale Academy have been planting apple and pear trees. They were taking part in Bristol City Council’s One Tree Per Child initiative, which was co-founded by Olivia Newton-John. The aim is for all the 36,000 children in Bristol’s primary schools to plant at least one tree each. The planting at Frome Vale Academy’s grounds in Frenchay Road was overseen by the Wales and West Forest School, which runs an after school club where students have regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment. It will be around three years before the trees bear fruit but during that time students will be involved in maintaining and looking after the trees. Sophie Smith, the academy’s administration manager, said: “The students really enjoyed the process of planting their own individual trees and great fun was had by all. This has also been an invaluable teaching and learning exercise for our students; giving us the vehicle to discuss Bristol as the Green Capital of Europe and the impact that planting new tress has on our environment.”

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June, 2015



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Garden designer wins silver medal


A GARDEN designer from Fishponds has come up smelling of roses after winning a silver medal for her first show garden. Lisa Burchill teamed up with Northamptonshire-based Robin Ideson to create the ‘Out of Darkness Garden’, which was showcased at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival last month. The RHS judges were wowed by the shady planting and awarded the scheme top marks. Lisa, who designs gardens all around Bristol, Bath and the South West, said: “The garden was loved by the 80,000 members of the public who visited the show over the course of the weekend. “They especially loved and were intrigued by the moss graffiti tree and how the concept could be applied in their own gardens. “We hoped to inspire the public to have a go at creating a beautiful garden in their own shady spots and the garden seemed to do just that, with many compliments from people on how colourful and restful the planting was. So overall the garden was a great success.” To find out more about Lisa’s work visit

Lisa’s Out of the Darkness garden, above and left


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feel a visit to view our slabs is essential! Our extensive stone yard is open to the trade and public. Here you will have the opportunity to be shown around our complete range of truly amazing, full sized slabs by our helpful and knowledgeable staff. From here you can not only choose the kind of stone that you prefer; you can hand pick the individual slabs that you would like our craftsmen to cut and finish to your requirements. Seeing the large slabs,

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Bristol Marble & Granite Co Ltd Is one of the largest and best trusted suppliers of finished stone products to the trade and retail. Visit our Filwood Road Fishponds showroom and warehouse to see the true beauty of our granite, marble, slate, quartz and other stones. Bristol Marble & Granite Co. Ltd – a family run business with 80 years experience

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June, 2015

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NURSE manager Susan Peyton is hoping to track down the kind stranger who reunited her with a certificate lost in Fishponds on the night of her graduation ceremony. Susan lost the precious document, which marked the completion of a year of Masterslevel study with the Open University, when she left it in a taxi on March 12. She said: “I realised I had left the certificate in the taxi as soon as I walked into the house but unfortunately it had left and it was a council hire, so I was unable to contact the company. My friends checked with the taxi stand whenever they were near to see if the certificate had been found. “I felt upset and disappointed as I was looking forward to reading and appreciating the award fully.” Two months passed and Susan was planning to contact the Open University to get a replacement certificate at a cost of £40 when an envelope arrived in the post - and inside was the original document. The envelope included a note that simply said: “Found this in Small Lane,Fishponds, on roadside thought you might need it.” Susan, who works in Keynsham for Sirona Care and Health, said: “I would like to thank the person who

found the certificate - although it may have seemed small, it meant a

lot to me” Were you the person who found Susan’s certificate? If so

please contact

EDDY’S DOMESTIC 31/33 Staple Hill Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 5AA


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Night market at the Kingfisher

June, 2015

t was an honour to be reelected as the MP for east Bristol last month, despite a disappointing result for Labour nationally. There are A NIGHT market selling wares clearly lessons to be learnt for from local artists is set to take Labour, and many conversations place in Fishponds later this month. to be had. Being in opposition is The market will be hosted by frustrating when there is so much the Kingfisher Cafe and is being we wanted to do in government. organised to complement the For me now the task is to think planned farmers’ market which it is about how I can use the next hoped will open in Straits Parade five years to fight for the best later this year. interests of my constituents and Various arts and crafts will be available at the night market Bristol, even though my party is including paintings and jewellery. not in power. Cafe assistant manager Tessa I am deeply concerned Trevitt said: “The night market is about the direction the new separate to the farmers market and Government will take. We have will take place in the cafe where we already seen cuts to our public will serve drinks. services – affecting the police, “The plan is that we are going courts, fire service, GPs, childcare to do this quarterly which will centres, libraries and more – and MP for Bristol East include autumn and Christmas it seems that George Osborne markets. will bring forward another £50 “We’ve got a good mix of billion of cuts. arts and crafts including paintings, Over the past five years I saw someone who does organic lotions and potions, an illustrator and some more and more people turn to beautiful jewellery. me as their MP for help, because “It’s going to be a lovely mix of they were struggling to fulfil the local creative stuff and should be a very basic needs of putting a roof fantastic night.” The event will take over their heads and food on the place at the Kingfisher Cafe on June table. 13 from 6-10pm. I will do all I can on an Negotiations to hold a farmers’ individual basis for those who market are currently ongoing and a 0121 WMAT IKB Open Advert 120hx180wmm FV.pdf 1 19/05/2015 come 16:50 to me for help. But this is date has yet to be set for the first not enough. My role will also be one.

Kerry McCarthy writes for Fishponds Voice

to challenge the Government when I feel it is letting my constituents down, and to push for more investment to meet some of our biggest challenges in Bristol, such as the shortage of affordable housing, and our inadequate public transport. I will put every effort into resisting any further moves towards privatisation of the NHS and the selling-off of our public services. I will also be thinking about what issues I can take forward in Parliament on a cross-party basis, for example the concerns that have been raised with me recently about charities and fundraising, following the very sad death of Olive Cooke. We cannot always put politics to one side – there will be some issues on which we will always fundamentally disagree – but there is no point in being party political just for the sake of it. This also applies to working to change things at a more local level. I have certainly had my differences of opinion with the Mayor, George Ferguson, and I find it frustrating that east Bristol is often overlooked. But that will not stop me from lobbying so that all parts of Bristol, and all its people, get to share in the city’s prosperity.”









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Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015


THE cost to Bristol taxpayers of a six-week sit-in by protesters at Stapleton allotments is more than £1 million, the city council has revealed. Protesters occupied the site from January 31 to March 16 in an attempt to stop the proposed Metrobus route. The group, which called themselves Rising Up, set up camp in trees to protest against a decision to fell them to make way for the bus route. The bill includes legal costs relating to two High Court orders to evict protesters from the site; a specialist rescue team to bring protesters down safely from trees and other areas of the site including tunnels dug as part of the occupation, plus fencing contractors, security staff and bailiffs. Following the occupation and resulting clean-up operation, work has started on remodelling the allotments and providing new facilities for allotment holders including new car parking; a new building for the allotment association; new storage facilities; new pathways; new water points and new perimeter fencing around the allotments. However, repeated attempts to get back on to the land by protesters has meant an ongoing security presence on the site at a continuing cost to taxpayers.


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£1 million cost of allotments battle The £200m Metrobus project includes £113m Department for Transport funding plus contributions from North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bristol City councils. The three rapid transit bus routes in the Metrobus network have received full planning permission following eight years of preparatory work and public consultation. Mayor George Ferguson said: “I have some real sympathy with the genuine objectors but these costs were largely caused by the involvement of a number of protesters using extreme measures. “It is most frustrating that this action should have continued at a very real cost to local tax payers despite all that I have done to engage directly and to explain the history and inevitability of the

situation as well as the measures I have taken to protect the majority of the land for food growing for all time. The eviction involved over 100 staff, including highly trained and fully accredited operatives and a team of specialists to remove people chained to trees and concrete blocks in the ground, in the safest way possible. “The Metrobus works at Stapleton have full legal and planning approval and these very significant costs are deeply regrettable. They could so easily have been avoided if protesters had complied with the court ruling or chosen to make their points in a lawful way.” Cllr Brian Allinson, Chair of the West of England Joint Transport Executive Committee added: “Metrobus will play a significant role in providing greener, more sustainable public transport in the area that will encourage people

Where your money has gone: • £100k security prior to eviction • £70k legal costs including securing two High Court orders • £150k in planning for the eviction process including risk assessments, resource planning and information gathering • £50k for fencing and plant contractors • £650k for security staff, high court enforcement officer, bailiffs and a specialist rescue team

out of their cars, reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. “We are standing fast to this bigpicture commitment and working together to make it happen. With attempts to access the land still happening on a regular basis, we need to keep an ongoing security presence on site so we can keep the site safe for benefit of the local community. It also means we can continue works to reconfigure the allotment site and provide improved facilities for allotment holders. Once these works are complete work will start on the new Metrobus junction on the M32.” Once work on the allotments is complete, construction work for a new bus-only junction will get underway. The link, which is part of the North Fringe/Hengrove Park Metrobus route, is expected to reduce journey times between Hengrove and the University of West of England by 27 minutes, linking people in South Bristol with growing job opportunities in the north of the city. Some trees will need to be removed for the Metrobus scheme to ensure the new allotments are clear for cultivation and not overshadowed. In contrast over 1,700 trees will be planted by the Metrobus project in the M32 area.

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T: 0779 9461169

to drive to the speed limit, why should I? A senior traffic police officer responded to my first letter commenting that there were occasions when police needed to respond quickly to incidents that were not emergencies, but gave no indications as to the nature of such incidents. He added that there was no location on Newfoundland Road/ M32 where speed enforcement could be safely undertaken. These seemed to me to be pretty thin excuses. None of my subsequent letters on the subject received any response. Presumably they were placed in the ‘nuisances not worth responding to’ tray. In a separate letter to the Bristol manager of National Express, I asked what dispensation bus drivers enjoyed that allowed them to ignore the posted speed limit. The letter went unanswered. We should be grateful also that Helen Wigginton of the council’s sustainable transport team is not in the education team. In the April 2015 item she is reported as asserting that every urban mile travelled at 20 mph rather than at 30 mph took just 10 seconds longer to complete. Basic arithmetic says otherwise: it will take you 60 seconds longer to travel one mile at 20 mph than it




20mph? Only in an ox cart I am sceptical that Bristol City Council and Avon & Somerset Police are working together on motorist compliance with the 20 mph speed restrictions within Bristol (Fishpondsvoice April 2015 and letters May 2015). Where the Police are concerned I believe this is simply a public relations puff piece. I have written to the Police Commissioner, former bakery shop lady Sue Mountstevens, asking why police cars not travelling under blue flashing lights overtake me when I keep to the speed limit along Newfoundland Road and the M32 as far as the Eastville junction. If police drivers don’t feel obliged


June, 2015

will to travel the same distance at 30 mph. And would the estimable Mr Peter Mann (May 2015, ‘Think again’ call…) like to tell us how many reported accidents there have been prior to and since the 20 mph restriction, and the outcomes, in terms of pedestrian injury, of those accidents? Perhaps the message should be: ‘Bristol welcomes ox cart drivers.’ Dr Stephen Buston Kingfisher Drive Frenchay

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From a believing Muslim

Halal meat is important to all

I say No to a local market

I READ with great disappointment the letter by Stewart Hemmings about Fight Slaughter not McDonalds. How dare you write such a thing about the Islamic way of slaughtering animals? So you think the way RSPCA kill is OK but the way anyone else does you have a problem? Don’t you think the purpose is the same? All these years we Muslims never had a problem with the nation selling meat; we just stuck to what we were given - example veg. When

I would like to say NO to the impending market. I feel it will cause more rubbish, seagulls, vermin and waste. Currently I have takeaway boxes, cans etc in my front garden and expect a lot more once the market arrives. Why does fishponds need a market when Eastville market is less than 5 miles away? There are enough food shops. Enough is enough.

Safety equipment & workwear solutions


they started to introduce halal meat in UK we Muslims happily bought and ate. As generations moved on there are so many places where almost all restaurants have halal chicken. They make it separately and serve to us. Why? It’s because even they know it will profit them. For Muslims it’s important and vital to eat only halal meat but to others it don’t matter so long as it tastes good. You cannot expect Muslims to eat only veg - times have moved on!

Disgruntled Resident

Hop along to Fishponds Play Cafe - we have a new summer programme for you to play with!


9.30 - 12.30 Tuesday, 9.30- 2.00 on Wednesday and Thursday. DISCOUNTED ENTRY Just say ‘Ribbit’ you can play and you play for just £1 (per child) in 1st two weeks of May. (babies under 6 months are free).


cooking, messy play, music and parachute play and more.


with our treasure hunts, sand and slide.

Check our Facebook page for regular updates and Website for more info






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June, 2015


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Asparagus and Pea Risotto


with Lee of Kingfisher Cafe

Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 2 onions finely diced 4 cloves garlic minced thyme, chopped 500g risotto rice 500ml white wine 580ml Vegatable stock 2 bunches asparagus, finely chopped 300g peas 200g grated cheddar 50g parmesan Heat oil in a large saucepan, and the onion, thyme and garlic cook till softened. Stir in the rice and cook till the rice becomes slightly opaque. Pour in wine and stock. Cook till rice is cooked through (12-15 mins). Blanch asparagus and peas in boiling water. To finish for service stir vegetables into rice with cheddar cheese.

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June Events

Your first visit

Katie Joseph, 4b Frome Valley Road, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1HD Tel: 0747 722 1416 E-mail:

June 6th - Soul Nite:

Kingfisher/FishFest collaboration

June 13th - Night Market:


local artists show off their creations

June 16th - Crafting Bee: create with others

June 11th - Quiz night! June 23rd - Mastermind: show off your knowledge

in Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap, Irish, Street & Hip Hop, Musical Theatre & Contemporary

If you would like to know more or book the space for a public or private event please get in contact with the info above.

New Opening times

Monday - Sunday 9am - 4pm


0117 9655660

Alexandra Park, Fishponds, BS16 2BG

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


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T: 0779 9461169

June, 2015

The Haven - a very special community project

THE busy Fishponds Road might be just yards away, but as you enter The Haven for the first time you sense you are walking into something very special indeed. The one-and-a-half acre plot beside the viaduct in Royate Hill is home to a community project which is helping people kick their addiction to drugs and alcohol and heal depression. By now, you’re probably imagining a large room with people sat in a circle talking about their history of substance abuse to someone official looking with a clipboard and sympathetic nod. The Haven couldn’t be further from this as I’m greeted by a sight which looks closer to a scene from the Waltons. It’s an open space with trees, flowers, hidden dens, ponds, allotment plots, fruit orchard and even a chicken coop. Scattered around the site are bird tables, arbours, greenhouses and sculptures and benches. Everything provides evidence to how the space is used, both as a garden and an arts project. The tranquillity and space, along with being with people who don’t make judgements, is what is helping people on their road to recovery.

People are free to come and go as they like and use the space as they want. This could mean simply sitting in a secluded corner reading a book or digging the vegetable patch. There aren’t many rules here but one of them - zero tolerance to alcohol and drugs - is vigorously enforced. On my visit, a shed is getting a makeover courtesy of members of the Haven community who are armed with spray cans and stencils and there is a fire which hosts a hearty vegan curry and meaty chilli. People are milling around, some quietly contemplating on their own, others tending to the land whilst some are sat around talking in a group. If you listen very carefully above the bird song, you can hear the drone of the traffic. It really is hard to believe this oasis of beauty and calm is in the middle of a busy city. The Haven sprang to life in 2006, set up by a man called Paul who stumbled upon the then overgrown and derelict site whilst walking his dog. He had a vision of what the space could be used for and luckily managed to convince site owners Julia Thomas, one of the founding members, at the Haven

Bristol City Council of the value of the project. He negotiated a peppercorn rent on condition the land is kept up together. The Haven is service-user led so anyone who is here is either in recovery from mental health issues, from substance misuse or has homeless or isolation issues. Julia Thomas, 43, was in a deep depression when she discovered the Haven. “It’s the sort of place where you can create what you want. I wanted to run a women’s project. I overcame my depression within three months of being there. There’s something about being surrounded

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by nature. I think it’s very forgiving.” Incredibly, the Haven has existed on no funding for the past seven years. It has recently been awarded a small grant from the St George and the Greater Fishponds Neighbourhood Partnerships which will be spent on tools and equipment to maintain the land. Members of the Haven hope to secure further funding to help pay for transport for some service users who are without their own vehicles and cannot use public transport. When asked what makes the Haven so special, Julia says: “The Haven is cushioned by surroundings which aren’t built up like the

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June, 2015


viaduct footpath walkway trails and allotments so when you’re there you feel like you’re in a little nook in the middle of the city centre.You can’t imagine the city is the other side of the houses you can see in the distance.You have to walk through a red brick tunnel to get here and it feels like you’re going down a burrow in Alice and Wonderland and when you come out the other side you think ‘Wow, what’s this?!’ Ruth, 46, agrees. “I was living in a block of flats in Easton with no garden and when I found about about the Haven I came here every day, tending to plots, growing vegetables and making things. It was somewhere where there was no alcohol or drugs and you could be with other people who wanted to find positive things to do with their time. “The Haven gave me hope, community and belonging and it’s helped me move on with my life.” Ruth now juggles a family and work as an artist but still stays in touch, popping along once a month to help out and catch up. She said: “We don’t have any expectations of people who come here. I know everyone has something to bring, although they might not know what it is. But the Haven isn’t really about that; it’s about peer support and knowing you are not own your own.” Although Julia has beat depression, she is still very much

An old shed gets an artistic make-over


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The entrance to the 1.5 acre site

part of the Haven community and in 2011 set up a women-only Red Tent project. The project is an arts workshop, which, as its name suggests takes place in a red tent on the site, but women aren’t forced to join in and can just come along and hang out. “It’s for women with the same issues as people who use the Haven but is extended to women who are at risk from extreme isolation like refugees and women who experience domestic violence. I tend to do arts activities which get people to talk and support one another. “Some women haven’t been out of the house for six months. When they arrive, they fall in love with the place and it gets them mixing with other women. It’s led to them going to other support agencies and given them the confidence to do things like get a job or have a family. “The Haven is such a beautiful place. Everybody that has used it would tell you it has been instrumental in their recovery.” The Haven is open to service users on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am-5pm.The Red Tent project for women only takes place on Thursdays from 10am-4pm.

The environment is helping people recover from drug and alcohol addiction

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June 9 n Fathers day gift making at Fishponds Play Cafe, All Saints Church Hall, Fishponds, with Inspiration Ceramics 10am -2pm June 27 n Breakfast, 10am to noon, Speedwell Methodist Church, 378 Speedwell Road. Come and enjoy just cake and a cuppa, an egg roll or a full breakfast. Plenty of time to chat, and an opportunity to ask for prayer if there’s something concerning you. June 12 n ACTIVATE Fishponds will hold a drop-in lunchtime concert at Fishponds Methodist Church, Guinea Lane, Fishponds 1-2 pm featuring The Muskrats. Free admission. Refreshments from 12noon-1pm. Retiring collection. For details call 965 4521. June 27 n 10am-12noon, Argyle Morley URC, Whitefield Road, coffee morning in aid of Christian Aid. June 7 n 12noon-5pm, Fishponds Community Orchard open afternoon, part of the ‘Get Growing Garden Trail’. Refreshments and produce available. For details call Irene Blessitt on 0776 2775559 or email

Regular events in the Fishponds area Mondays n 9am Holistic Massage - St Ambrose Beehive Centre 10:30am Tiny Tots - All Saints Community Hall n 11am Bereavement and Wellbeing support - St Ambrose Beehive Centre

June, 2015

Have you got an event you would like to publicise? Or do you run a club or society in the Fishponds area?





Send details of your events and activities to or call us on 07770 700579 / 07880 731148 and we will make sure thousands of people in the area know about them.

n 2pm Computer Group - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Ping Pong (Table Tennis) for over 55’s - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Welcome Club for Retireds+ - St Aidan’s Church Hall n 3pm Messy Church - St John’s Church n 6:30pm Prayers - St John’s Church Tuesdays n 9:15am Morning Prayer - St John’s Church n 9:30am Fishponds Play Cafe - All Saints Community Hall n 9:30am Foot Care Sessions - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 10am Coffee and Craft Morning St John’s Church n 10am Sing and Sign for babies / toddlers - All Saints Community Hall n 10am Level 1 Walking Group - starting at St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 10:30am Music for Toddlers - St Mary’s Parish Rooms n 12:30pm Lunch Club - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Film Club for over 55’s - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2.15-2.45 pm Pre-school Storytime/Rhymetime, Fishponds Library n 3pm Eucharist with signing for the Deaf - Hillside Court, Batten Road, St George, Bristol, BS5 8NL n 3:15pm Messy Church Fishponds CofE Academy n 6pm Woodcraft - All Saints Church Hall / Link

Fishponds and Hillfields Library What’s On What’s On in Local Libraries on a regular basis Tuesday Pre-school Storytime/Rhymetime, Fishponds Library 2.15 – 2.45 pm (term time only) Thursday Knit & Natter, Fishponds Library all welcome 2-4 pm fortnightly – please contact the library for dates and details Friday Rhymetime for babies and toddlers, Hillfields Library 11.3012.00(term time only)

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261

n 7pm Evening Prayer - St Aidan’s Church n 7pm Evening Prayer - St Ambrose Church n Townswomen’s Guild, 2pm, first Tuesday of the month, Beechwood Club, Beechwood Road, Fishponds. n Frenchay Parent and Toddler group, upstairs in the Frenchay Village Hall, 9.45-11.45am n Fishponds Townswomen’s Guild meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 2pm at the Beechwood Club, Beechwood Road. The programme changes monthly but includes coffee afternoons and outings. All welcome. For details call Barbara Davies on 965 3557. n Fishponds Townswomen’s Guild, second Tuesday of the month, 7.15pm at Briarwood School, Briar Way, Fishponds. For further information please call 07799 108890 n 7.30-9pm (Term Time only) Scouts (10-14 years) at Fishponds Baptist Church Youth Hall. Contact: Wednesdays n 9:30am Fishponds Play Cafe - All Saints Community Hall n 9.45pm Songs for Little People – The Kingfisher Cafe. £4 per little person, siblings £2. n 10am Eucharist - St Ambrose Church n 10:30am Arts and Crafts - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 10:30am Coffee Morning - St Ambrose Church n 11am Tai Chi - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 1pm Level 3 Walking Group starting from St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 1:30pm Arts and Crafts - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Punjabi Dance and Song - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Support and Activity Group - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Chair based exercise class St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2:30pm Ladies Circle - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2:30pm Wives Group - St John’s Church n 3:30pm Messy Church - Air Balloon Primary School, Hillside Rd, St George n 6:30pm Home Group - Location varies n Phoenix Art Club. Every Wednesday morning, 10am --12noon, Fishponds Methodist


Church Hall, Guinea Lane, Fishponds. All mediums, all abilities. New members welcome.

n 9:15am Morning Prayer - St Aidans Church n 9:30am Fishponds Play Cafe - All Saints Community Hall n 10am Coffee and Craft Morning St Aidan’s Church n 10am Free Beginners Computer Classes - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 10am Eucharist - St John’s Church n 10am Eucharist - St Mary’s Church n 10am Parent and Toddler Group St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 12pm Ballroom Dance Class - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Exercises and Sing-a-long Activity Session - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm Fit Steps - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2-4 pm (fortnightly) Knit & Natter, Fishponds Library n Frenchay Parent and Toddler group, upstairs in the Frenchay Village Hall, 9.45-11.45am Fridays n 9:30am The Friday Playgroup - All Saints Community Hall n 10:30am Line Dancing - St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 11.30am-noon Rhymetime for babies and toddlers, Hillfields Library n 12pm Senior Citizens Bingo Club with optional fish and chip lunch St Ambrose Beehive Centre n 2pm The First Friday Film Club All Saints Church Hall n 5:30pm Taekwondo - St John’s Church Hall n 6pm Silent Meditation - St Mary’s Parish Rooms n 7pm Grove Road Youth Club - All Saints Community Hall n Sensible keep fit to music for older ladies. Good company and a chat over coffee. From 9am at Hillfields Park Baptist Church, Thicket Avenue, Fishponds. For further details call 956 1231. n 11am-12noon, St Mary’s Parish Rooms (back entrance of church), Living after Loss, an informal bereavement group. Please note this group is fortnightly with the next sessions taking place on June 12 and 26. For further details call Lizzy on 965 0856. Sundays n 8am Eucharist - All Saints Church n 9:30am Eucharist - St Mary’s Church with Giggle Sunday Club in Parish Rooms n 10am Eucharist - St Ambrose Church n 10am Eucharist or Lay-Led Service - St Michael’s Church n 10:30am Eucharist or Lay-Led Service - St Aidan’s Church n 10:30am Eucharist or Lay-Led Service - St John’s n 11am Eucharist or Lay-Led Service - All Saints Church n 6pm All Sorts Youth Group (fortnightly) St Aidan’s Church hall

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

follow us on Twitter @fishpondsvoice 27 fishpondsvoice All welcome at All Saints lunch club


June, 2015

n 6:30pm Evensong - St Mary’s Church n Staple Hill Methodist Church invite you to join them in worship at 10.30am and 6pm every Sunday. A creche is available for little ones and Sunday Club. Taize Worship is held on second Sunday evening of the month and communion is taken on first morning and evening of the month. All are welcome, come and join us on the High Street. If you would like any further information please ring 0117 9575221 and leave a message and someone will get back to you. n 10.30am Morning Worship and children’s group at Speedwell Methodist Church. Friendly, informal and lively. n 10.30am Morning Worship and children’s group at Speedwell Methodist Church, 378 Speedwell Road. Friendly, informal and lively. n Fishponds Baptist Church (opposite the Cross Hands pub) - we are a friendly, welcoming church with people from a range of backgrounds, nationalities and ages. We warmly welcome you to join us at 10.30am every Sunday, with children and youth provision for all ages. We meet at 6.30pm every Sunday, apart from the 3rd Sunday in the month when we have our ‘Messy church’ at 4pm with crafts, food and fun for all the family! There is a songs of praise service on the 4th Sunday at 3pm.

ALL Saints lunch club runs on the last Tuesday of each month in the church hall. It is a non religious groupopen to anyone over 60. A meal of soup and sandwiches, cake and tea, all homemade by volunteers, is served. Various themes are offered including subsidised fish and chips, ploughmans, hot puddings and a three-course Christmas lunch with entertainment. One of the volunteers, Bethan Mills, said: “We welcome donations each lunch club rather than a set



price for the lunch! We also have a raffle each month too. “Our attendees differ in age, some walk or travel by car. It is a great social event for meeting up with people and being waited on by the great volunteers. “We have enjoyed the local police and local school children for lunch and also an all age lunch from 0 to 100! Anyone is welcome. No need to book. Just turn up on the day and enjoy.”



Father’s Day, Sunday 21st of June,

please book your tables early for breakfasts and lunches , limited spaces available

Open from 9am Daily Serving traditional breakfasts, omelettes with a FREE tea or coffee. Home cooked lunches & light snacks until 4pm. Afternoon cream teas homemade cakes & coffee served until 4.30 pm.

Enjoy the summer sunshine on the patio with your breakfasts, or home cooked lunches and a chilled glass of wine or beer, or simply an afternoon cream tea or one of our homemade cakes. The Acorn Café at Westerleigh Hill Road, Westerleigh, Bristol BS37 8QZ - Telephone 0117 9109464 To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


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T: 0779 9461169







Richard Pollard Fishponds Baptist Church

June, 2015

Lessons in life . . . from our rather large puppy!


f you have ever had experience of a puppy then you will know what it is like! As my 10 year old son recently said ‘you really have to devote your life to it’! There is the endless taking them outside to try and persuade them to do their ‘business’, there is the whining at night (and at 5.30 am!), the attempts to destroy furniture, and repeated refusals to go through the door of the vets. And if this isn’t enough, he has even jumped over a stairgate! Yes you have presumed right, to jump a stairgate as a puppy means that Otto must be on the big side! He is. He is an Old English Sheepdog or a ‘Dulux’ dog as they are more commonly and affectionately known. Now the good thing is that this period of wintertime testing only lasted around four months. While his running around the house with the remote, shoes and tea towels means that it would be stretching it to refer to Otto as now civilised or cultured, he is however generally well behaved (when he wants to be!) One of the teachings of the New Testament is that we reap what we sow and I guess this even applies to puppy training! Is he worth all the effort? Of course he is! Our breeder said we needed to be prepared that when we took our puppy for a walk everybody would want to stop and talk to us. She has proved absolutely correct! Talking to lots of new people has been one of the nicest things about having a puppy. In particular, it has been great how he makes people smile. Life can at times be hard, so moments when we unexpectedly find

ourselves smiling at something we see or hear can be quite uplifting. It is worth considering whether in our daily interactions with people we leave people smiling, or if we sometimes just add to the occasional doom and gloom of life! One of the ways we can help people to smile is by closely listening to them. Another thing we can do is to help people see the positives in their situations, no matter how difficult or challenging they might be. In the gospels, Jesus repeatedly encourages his followers to adopt a thankful mindset – recognising that God’s power, peace and provision are always close at hand. One of the international members of our congregation at Fishponds Baptist (opposite the ‘Cross Hands’ pub) recently told me how they had made a very perilous overland journey as an asylum seeker all the way to the UK. One of the things that struck me most about the individual’s story was their sense of thanksgiving at how God had been close to them throughout their journey. So let me encourage you to be like my Old English Sheepdog! Try and make it your goal to make others smile as you lighten up their day. If on some days you find this hard to do, then take space to be thankful for that which is positive in your life and most of all – for how God loves you so much that he gave his Son Jesus to die for you on the cross.

Bridge Community Church meets every Sunday at 10:30am at Downend school for vibrant modern worship and relevant talks on life and faith. We also provide a crèche for tots, and fun activities for older kids. Find us at : Downend School, Westerleigh Road , Downend, Bristol BS16 6XA

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015


Cyclists needed for charity ride

A CHARITY in Bristol is looking for cyclists to join its 500-mile bike ride from Bristol to France to help raise vital funds. The annual Bristol to Bordeaux challenge sees a team of 60 riders from across the UK, cycle over a period of four days. Together they aim to raise more than £50,000 for PROPS, which provides opportunities and support for those with special needs. The organisation, based at the Vassall Centre in Fishponds, survives by generating its own funds through sporting events such as the bike ride and via social enterprises such as sign making, printing and farm based activity. Young people from PROPS, as well as supporters, will undertake the ride. Organisers are looking to fill the remaining places in the ride, which leaves Bristol Temple Quay on July 1 and finishes at the Girondins Fountain in Quinconces square, Bordeaux, on July 4. Riders can choose between a 300 mile ‘Classic’ ride (roughly 80-miles per day) and a 500 mile ‘Extreme’ (125-miles per day) version. Chair of PROPS trustees, Kevin Smith, said: “With the efforts of our bike riders and the generosity of our supporters we continue to bring real benefit to the lives of disabled youngsters and their families. “We are looking for keen cyclists to get on


board this year, take on the challenge and help us to smash our £50,000 fundraising target.” Youngsters supported by PROPS (Providing Opportunities and Support) have a variety of learning difficulties and their participation

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represents the charity’s commitment to inclusive projects. For further information and to sign up to the ride, visit or contact PROPS on 0117 965 3514.

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T: 0779 9461169

June, 2015

Behind the scenes at the ‘lunatic asylum’

Glenside Hospital Museum has been called one of Fishponds’ hidden gems, aiming to inform and educate visitors about mental illness and learning difficulties. A fascinating array of artefacts including padded cells and mortuary equipment show how the treatment of mental health patients has improved over the last 150 years MENTAL illness is a subject which fascinates people. Indeed, hundreds of films have been made exploring the issue in a bid to satiate the public’s innate curiosity. Decades ago phrases like lunatic, psycho and loony bin would have been bandied around feeding stereotypes and fear. But, as mental health treatment has advanced so, thankfully, has society’s understanding of the subject. Glenside Hospital Museum is testament to the journey of the treatment of mental illness. Housed in the original hospital chapel, a Grade II listed building located within the grounds of the old Glenside Hospital on Blackberry Hill, the hospital opened in 1861 as a purpose built ‘lunatic asylum’. The extensive collection gives an insight into the life of patients and the staff who cared for people with mental illness. Although the museum tackles medical matters, there is something to interest everyone, from straitjackets and a padded cell, to photographs and drawings of staff and patients. The museum was founded by Dr Donal Early, a consultant psychiatrist at Glenside Hospital from the 1950s. His collection of memorabilia was originally housed in the dining room of the hospital but was moved to the chapel on the same site when the hospital closed in 1994 after serving the community for 133 years.

Glenside Hospital Museum

The museum has no paid members of staff and relies on volunteers from the Friends of Glenside Hospital Museum to stay open. Brian Kington, 79, tour guide and chairman of the Friends’ group, said: “We try to show how the treatment of mental health has improved over the last century and a half,” he said. “People don’t realise the treatment at the beginning was so horrific. There were straight jackets and padded cells but these days

Beaufort Hospital postcard

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261

they don’t use straight jackets and instead of padded cells are time out rooms. “There were communal baths for four or five men at a time but now a days people have almost ensuite facilities, so things have really improved.” One aspect of the museum which seems to fascinate people is its collection of ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) machinery. Brian said: “I believe we have the finest collection of ECT machines in the world. Other museums borrow them to put on display. The first dates back to the 1930s and we have some from about 20 years ago. “The machines were put across people’s heads and a current was passed across the brain which made their body convulse. We don’t know what it did to the brain but it helped some people and not others. They still do it today but people are put under anaesthetic now.Years ago they strapped people down and carried out the treatment when people were fully conscious, which meant things had to be put in patients’ mouths to stop them biting their tongues.” During the First World War, the hospital became Beaufort War Hospital, one of the many hospitals receiving war wounded patients from the front. Some 30,000 wounded soldiers were treated


there between 1915 and 1919. The museum contains an exhibition about the Beaufort War Hospital including a glimpse into the life of Stanley Spencer, one of Britain’s greatest twentieth century artists. Spencer arrived at Beaufort War Hospital at the age of 24 as an orderly in the medical corps. For ten months he scrubbed floors, bandaged convalescent soldiers and carted supplies around the huge hospital. He went on to create an extraordinary series of murals on the walls of Sandham Memorial Chapel in Hampshire, now world famous and owned by the National Trust. The large-scale murals - which have been dubbed Britain’s answer to the Sistine Chapel - honour the ‘forgotten dead’ of the First World War and were inspired by Spencer’s own experiences at Beaufort War Hospital and as a soldier on the Salonika front. In addition to the Beaufort War Hospital exhibition, the museum houses an impressive local fossil collection, including a rare horse tooth from 150 million years ago. As one visitor wrote, “This museum is a find, lovingly put together with a wide range of interesting and often emotional artefacts, memories and images. Well worth a visit.” • Glenside Hospital Museum, now on the site of UWE’s Glenside Campus, is free to visit and open every Wednesday and Saturday morning from 10am to 12.30pm. The museum will be taking part in Bristol’s Doors Open Day on Saturday September 12 from 10am-4pm. If you would like to visit with a group on a different day, it is possible to arrange for the museum to be open by appointment. For details telephone 0117 965 2829. To find out more visit www.

Visitors looking around the museum

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June, 2015



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Generous Stapleton AFC back charity run WHEN football manager Rob Selman wanted to raise money for a children's charity close to his heart, he hadn't banked on the response he would get from his team. Rob, manager of Stapleton AFC, decided to collect money for the Jessie May Trust after fostering a little girl with a life-limiting illness. The 51-year-old signed up for the Bristol 10k and messaged his team members asking if they would like to join him in supporting the charity. Within 10 minutes Rob was inundated with offers to run with him and help him smash his target of £4,000. Rob, who was due to embark on the mini-marathon on Sunday May 31 as the Voice went to press, said: "About 22 of the lads have registered to take part. It just caught their imagination and I had loads of replies saying, 'Yes, of course we'll do it'. "They've really bought into fundraising for Jessie May. They didn't have to take part in the marathon and get lots of sponsorship money in as it's quite hard work asking for money, but they have and they've been brilliant." Rob said further support has come from two Fishponds' businesses, Peter's Food Service and SM Gauge, which have both made "sizeable donations". Rob and wife Gaynor, also 51, have been fostering children for the past 10 years but over the last two years have been caring for a child who needs round-the-clock care. The two-and-a-half-year-old, who cannot be named as she is in care, needs to be wired up to an oxygen supply 24 hours a day as a result of chronic lung disease. She is also deaf and has to be fed through a tube in her stomach because it is unsafe for her to swallow. The family, who live in Begbrook Green, are being supported by the Kingswood-based Jessie May Trust, which offers support and respite care to enable Gaynor to have a break for a few hours.

"The charity gives so much that I wanted to give something back," Rob said. Rob said the support from the Jessie May Trust has been invaluable in helping them cope with the difficulties in caring for a child with a life-limiting illness. "Her illness is quite complex and it's really hard work 24 hours a day because she's reliant on oxygen. She has nasal tubes to deliver oxygen and if they come out of her nose and we don't realise, she will die." As a baby, the child was admitted to Bristol Children's Hospital when she had problems breathing. At the time she wasn't expected to survive but amazingly she pulled through. Rob said: "A couple of months later Gaynor and I were approached to go into the hospital and nurture and interact with her because she hadn't formed any attachment to anyone. She was just staring at the ceiling the whole time. "My wife was going to the hospital up to eight hours a day, six days a week for about nine months. I was going in on weekends because I work. After 18 months they asked if we could care for her at home and we agreed. "It's like a mini hospital ward upstairs with all the equipment we need to support her but the difference in her now is amazing. "We have had a few issues with her health over the winter where it was touch and go as to whether she would survive, but she did and she's just full of beans again now." Rob said the illness is incurable but due to treatment her condition has improved and she is now on less medication. Plans are being made for the child to go to a nursery for four afternoons a week, with one-on-one support. "That's absolutely fantastic. It's something we didn't think would happen," Rob said. "She's a right little character now. She's unable to walk yet as she's about a year behind in her development but she's crawling



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Rob (back row, second from right) with his team who are joining him in the Bristol 10k to support the Jessie May Trust around. The communication side of things is difficult as she is deaf but Gaynor and I are learning sign language to help. "She's just gorgeous and has a lovely smile. We dress her up really smart and spoil her to a certain extent. She knows when she is doing something she shouldn't be doing and just giggles about it. That's what kids do! We want to make her life as normal as possible and we're doing that."

Rob said: "Everyone involved has been fantastic, especially the lads in the football club. Some of them have children of their own so they know what it's like to have a healthy baby. "They look at her and think how lucky they are." If you would like to support the team in their fundraising efforts, please visit http:// stapletonafc

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June, 2015







Book review from staff of Fishponds and Hillfields libraries

The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett

I was recommended this book by one of the Knit and Natter group who meet fortnightly in Fishponds Library – thank you Sue. Never having read any of Alan Bennett’s books I was unsure of what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised on more than one occasion I laughed out loud and surprised my partner. The book starts with her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II looking for her beloved corgis in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. She discovers the Travelling Library van


parked outside the kitchen door at the back of the palace, and feeling that one should borrow a book as one is there borrows a novel by Ivy Compton-Burnett. During the visit Her Majesty meets Norman who works in the kitchen and is a prolific reader. This is the start of an unlikely ‘friendship’ which results in Norman being promoted to ‘Page’ . The book follows the Queen’s discovery of literature and the trials and tribulations that follow, along with quips from the Duke of Edinburgh about her reading during public engagements. The ending is unexpected but I like to think it is a possibility. This book is a must read for anyone with a love of libraries, and who is alarmed at what could be seen as a decline of the public library service throughout the country.

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Downend marks Grace centenary THIS year marks the centenary of the death of cricketing legend WG Grace. Downend Cricket Club has a summer of commemorations, including a series of programmes with BBC Radio Bristol, fundraising and, of course, cricket. The radio season, Our Amazing Grace, began last month and programmes will look at Grace’s life as a doctor, family man and cricketer, finishing on Friday October 23, the anniversary of his death, when BBC Radio Bristol will broadcast live from Downend throughout the day. A two-day memorial game will take place against Thornbury Cricket Club. The first match will take place at Thornbury on August 31, with the game coming to Downend’s ground on September 5. A limited number of prints of the WG Grace Memorial Ground at Downend by renowned Gloucestershire and England cricketer and artist, Jack Russell, are available to purchase, with all proceeds going to the club’s fundraising target for the year. Contact Andrew Bromley for details on or 0779 2664509. More information about the club’s commemorations will be available across the season from

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Vets4pets Kingswood

Tell us about your business Vets4Pets is a veterinary practice which opened its doors on March 3, 2014. There are three team members led by practice partner and veterinary surgeon Catherine Spence. Lucy Ashton is a veterinary nurse and there are two receptionists, Amy Brooks and Megan Halton. The team are huge pet lovers so you can rest assured your beloved pet will be in safe hands!

How did it start? After qualifying from Bristol University, Catherine worked for several practices in Berkshire. When the opportunity arose to be part of Kingswood Vets4Pets, she was delighted and grabbed the chance as she has always been fond of Bristol.

What services do you provide for local people? Boasting a bright and modern

June, 2015

Vets4Pets your friendly and welcoming team ready to help surgery with separate cat, dog and isolation wards,Vets4Pets is dedicated to giving your pet the very best possible care, whether they are ill, injured, needing dental work or just having a routine check up. Preventative healthcare such as vaccinations, worm and flea advice and X-rays are also available as well as an inhouse lab for quick diagnostics. Classes available include puppy socialising. The team also offers rabbit health checks and weight loss clinics, which are run by Lucy. The best part of running the business in the Fishponds area is being situated in a friendly local community with lovely clients and Catherine remains impressed with just how friendly and welcoming the community is.

What makes your business stand out? The team prides itself on their welcoming and friendly approach. They take time to talk through problems with pet owners and explain the options available. Their motto - “Pets are our priority and always come first� - is testament to the high level of care they provide to animals. They are committed to keeping your pets happy and healthy by providing the very best personalised veterinary care and expert advice, all at great value for money.

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261

Any plans for the future? It is hoped the practice will continue to thrive and grow which will enable them to employ more staff. The main agenda is to continue to offer the same high standards for pets in the local area.

Vets4Pets Kingswood Willowdean Court 247A Charlton Road Kingswood BS15 1LT 0117 961 6417 Facebook: Vets4Pets Kingswood


Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148


June, 2015


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Monte Carlo or Bust for Round Tablers WATCH out for the Wacky Racers – two unusual vehicles are setting off from Downend on June 4 on a 1,600-mile journey. The cars will be driven by six members of Downend Round Table who are taking part in the Monte Carlo or Bust banger rally challenge. Those taking part must spend no more than £300 a car and it is suggested they have “a strong sense of excitement and adventure … and a penchant for fancy dress.” The six Round Tablers – Mark Dotchin, James Monteith, Jon Payne, Danny Street, Jordan Eveleigh and Steve Lansdale - qualify in all respects. “It is a complete first for all of us,” said Steve. “It seemed like a good idea at the time. It is something we will look back on with fond memories. I’m sure we will come back with lots of stories to tell – and we will be raising a fair bit for charity too.” The teams have covered one of their cars, a Citroen Picasso, in blackboard paint so they can post messages on it during their four-day trip, while the other, a Rover 618, is kitted out as a Batmobile “in the loosest possible sense”. The Round Tablers have had some sponsorship and mechanic

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Alps,” said Steve. The challenge is creating plenty of interest and the teams plan to post live updates of their progress via Facebook and Twitter. The group have already raised more than £1,000 and are encouraging supporters to donate via Downend-Round-Table/

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support from Pearce Bros. They travel first to Belgium, to register for the route, which takes them through Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland and Italy to Monaco and France, completing various challenges along the way. “There’s some doubt that we will even make it to Dover, but we are hopeful of at least getting to the

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Set in a stunning Grade II listed building our setting retains wonderful features, from decorative arches to large sash windows. The internal spaces boast some amazing facilitates, from creative art studios, water discovery room to cosy snugs. The external spaces provide a fantastic play environment set within beautiful gardens. Even our youngest explorers have a roof top garden to explore. Our dedicated team are here waiting to welcome you. • Beautiful grade II building • Lovely mix of open plan and small areas • Water discovery room • Art studios • Very large natural garden environment • Easy parking & access to main ring road. There will be regular open days so please call now for dates.

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e Red Bu ur Mad Hatt e n i n g. o p o O t d u n o a Invite y rating our Gr b e 2015 n Cele u J h t ay 2 0 Saturd m 2pm-5p d. provide s t n e , efreshm setting g n i z Light R a am ee our s d n a e staff. Come e come s meet th a e l p ies ver bab e babies of o d n e h all W r day. T he ribbon. u o Calling e r a o sh ing t along t r will be cutt ve Wendo

There will be open days every Saturday in June from 10-2pm other dates will be available throughout the year. With light spacious play areas, stimulating learning zones and substantial outdoor spaces, Red Bus Nursery & Pre-school is truly a breath of fresh air! So why not call 0117 379 0937 to arrange a friendly tour and see for yourself what all the buzz is about? Wendover House, 170 Downend Road, Bristol BS16 5EB Call us on 0117 379 0937 or email Red Bus Nursery & Pre-School



T: 0779 9461169


June, 2015


Open day showing our newly refurbished hospital Zetland Veterinary Hospital is a 24 hour small animal clinic based in the heart of Redland. The Hospital’s team of vets, nurses and receptionists are passionate about providing the very best of care for your pet throughout all stages of their life. Since opening in 1967 they have fulfilled a vital role in the local community, building close relationships with all their clients and their pets. They are the only vets in The Clifton & Redland area to provide their own 24 hours emergency service. They have an experienced vet and nurse on site 24 hours a day, 365 days a year who has full access to your pet’s clinical history. They also provide 24 hour care for their branches in Westbury-on-Trym, Stoke Bishop, Hotwells, Filton, Patchway, Fishponds and Backwell. The Zetland Road Hospital has recently undergone a complete refurbishment, providing the clinic with brand new state of the art operating theatres, luxury separate kennel & cattery areas, modern dental suite, high tech in house laboratory, and fabulous new-look consulting rooms and reception area. These new facilities will assist the team in providing your pets with the top quality care they need and deserve 24 hours a day. The Zetland Team are very proud of their newly refurbished hospital and would love you all to join them on their Open Day on Saturday 4th of July. Fun for all the family, the day will include a dog show judged by our very own vet Jenny Wright, a Pet First Aid courses with free first aid kit to take home, goody bags for your pets,

educational games for children, face painting & balloon modelling, free hog roast, a charity raffle with fantastic prizes, personal guided tours around their brand new 24 hour hospital and much more!

So make a date in your diary to take a peek behind the scenes and see how your veterinary practice is run. See their website at for much more information.

Zetland Vet Hospital, Redland


Sat 4th July 2015 - 1-5pm Come Comeand andtake takeaapeak peekbehind behindthe thescenes scenesatatour our newly newly refurbished refurbished 24 24 hour hour hospital. hospital • • • • • • •

Guided tours around our newly refurbished hospital 2.30pm & 3.30pm Pet first aid courses plus a free first aid kit (limited spaces) 4pm Dog show 4.30pm Charity raffle - 1st Prize HOT AIR BALLOON RIDE FREE Hog roast buffet Face painting & balloon modelling Goody bags for your pets (while stocks last) and much, much more!

See our site for more details To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


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June, 2015



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Hard work pays off for Tynings THE Tynings School is officially good once again! Ofsted inspectors who visited the school this spring praised standards in all areas. “This is now a good and improving school,” they reported. The Tynings, in Eastleigh Close, Staple Hill, was rated good in 2009 but dipped to “requires improvement” in 2013 after a difficult couple of years involving staff maternity, illness and bereavement. Head teacher Ashley Yates said every single member of the 320-pupil school’s team had played a part in securing the latest overall judgement of good. “There is so much to be proud of in this report,” he said. “We are very pleased with the recognition that we are providing a good learning experience and that children feel safe and happy and have a desire to succeed. “Mums, dads and carers have been very positive and supportive of all we do here, and we are very

grateful. We are never complacent about the school and are always looking on how to improve further. “The report lays out two clear areas for us to improve: continuing to provide the right difficulty of work and to make sure our very good practice in English and Maths is spread across all other curriculum subjects.” The inspectors rated the school as good for quality of teaching, achievement of pupils, early years provision, leadership and management and behaviour and safety. They said early years provision was a strength of the school. The Ofsted team praised the vibrant curriculum, which engaged pupils and gave them a wide range of experiences. Inspectors also noted the children’s love of reading. “The school leaders and governors’ ethos of high aspirations for all has been embraced by the staff and pupils,” the report said. The inspectors were also impressed with the positive attitude and good behaviour of the children,

“Pupils have good social skills… and are keen to help each other. They are considerate and treat each other with respect,” the report said. “Discrimination is not tolerated and all pupils are given equal


opportunity to succeed.” Disabled pupils, those with special educational needs and those from disadvantaged backgrounds were all said to make good progress at the school.

Vote of confidence for Staple Hill Primary STAPLE Hill Primary School has received a vote of confidence from Ofsted. Inspectors said that the school, rated good since 2009, remained good in all areas and was moving “in an upward direction”. Three inspectors visited the 315-pupil school in Page Road in March and praised the quality of teaching, achievement of pupils, early years provision, leadership and management and behaviour and safety. They reported: “The positive ethos throughout the school has created a happy and cohesive learning community. Strong relationships exist between adults and pupils, leading to very positive attitudes, good conduct and mutual respect.” The Ofsted team said that good teaching across the school was leading to good achievement.

Head teacher Peter Foss-Clark said: “We are delighted with this report. It recognises the excellent work of our very hard-working and inspirational staff. The inspectors were impressed by how much progress our children make, how well they achieve and how happy they are in school. “We were really proud that the report praised our ‘engaging curriculum, which celebrates diversity and provides a very good range of learning experiences’. They said that ‘children enjoy their learning and feel very safe. One child told the inspectors: “I wish I could live here, it is so much fun.’” Mr Foss-Clark continued: “Our parents, carers and governors are very supportive of the school. Everyone who visits us comments on the children’s excellent behaviour. We have had strong roots in the

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local area for many years and now have a really interesting and diverse school community. “ The inspectors were impressed with the children’s ‘good knowledge of values, tolerance and respect, helping them to be well-prepared for life in modern Britain’. “It is an exciting time for Staple

Hill Primary School,” said Mr FossClark. “ We are a happy, forwardlooking and hard-working team. The children are great; they have positive attitudes to each other and towards their learning. We pride ourselves on helping these children to become strong independent learners, so that they can achieve well in life.”

Join us at the Hillfields Community Trust We are a community group for the good of Hillfields Ward, we have hosted a number of events ranging from a Diamond Jubilee in Hillfields Park to Harvest events in Hillfields Library, Winter Wondland in Hillfields Youth Hub through to Coach Outings locally and nationally for disadvantaged families from Minerva Primary Academy and Hillfields Ward. We are always looking for new members to join us and make a great difference for Hillfields in Fishponds. All ideas are good ideas, people from all backgrounds, faiths and cultures are very welcome.

Please email Tel our mobile: 07954416465

We would love to hear from you Email:

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T: 0779 9461169

June, 2015

Morris dancers help to celebrate May Day BRISTOL Morris Men performed at Begbrook Primary Academy in Stapleton to help staff and children celebrate May Day. The pupils later took part in a question and answer session with the dancers and discovered how the dance and costumes evolved and originated. The children wore green for the day to mark Bristol’s role as European Green Capital 2015. They learned more about this in their lessons throughout the day. Principal Duncan Cruickshank said: “It has been a really fun and exciting day for our students, no doubt one that they will remember for a long time. But this has also been an invaluable teaching and learning day. It has allowed us to talk to our students about history, British traditions and Bristol as the European Green Capital.”

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June, 2015



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South Glos Show gets the hump The organisers of the South Glos Show are bringing something different to this year’s event with some camel racing. There will be 12 races over the weekend, with four camels taking part in each race. People have the chance to be a camel owner for the day or buy a race sponsor package. All the money raised will go to the Great Western Air Ambulance charity. Show organiser, Darren Hawkins, said “we’re really excited about the camel racing, it should be a lot of fun, and add to an already great line up for the show. We’re hoping to make a lot of money for the air ambulance too.” Those interested in getting involved in the camel racing can contact the show via their website; www.southglosshow. The South Glos Show takes place next to the Westerleigh Road in Enfield on 1-2 August.



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June, 2015

Learning about the bus boycott of 1963

Joyce Morris-Wisdom, Dr Paul Stephenson, George Ferguson, Bristol Mayor, and Roy Hackett at the launch of the new resource.

CHILDREN and young people will be able to learn more about Bristol’s successful 1963 Bus Boycott thanks to Downend School. History teacher Jane Bolam has researched and created new learning resources about the campaign. She was assisted by A-level history and politics students Priya Kaur and Sean Jones, both 18, who were among those who carried out interviews with the boycott’s leaders. The study packs for primary and secondary school pupils, commissioned by the Mayor George Ferguson, were launched at the MShed at an event featuring two of the original campaigners, Paul Stephenson and Roy Hackett. Priya said that doing the research had brought to life their studies of the civil rights movement in America. “It was interesting to hear what happened in our local area and to meet some of the people involved.” she said. “It was real, not just in a textbook, and happened at a time that our grandparents lived through.” The Bristol Bus Boycott was a non-violent campaign to change Bristol Omnibus Company’s employment laws, which at the time discriminated against black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people by refusing them employment as bus drivers and conductors. The policy was entirely legal in 1963 but a small group, led by Dr Stephenson, decided to take a stand, after Guy Bailey, a Jamaican new to the UK, was openly refused a job by a manager at the bus company because “we don’t employ black people”. Dr Stephenson, inspired by the equality campaigns of Martin Luther King in America’s South and the actions of Rosa Parks, urged a boycott of the service until the policy of discrimination was ended.

To advertise, contact Caroline on 07453 954261


Pickets of bus depots and routes were part of the strategy, with blockades and sit-down protests organised on routes throughout the city centre. Gradually public opinion in support of the campaign grew. On 28 August 1963, the same day that Martin Luther King delivered his momentous “I have a dream” speech in Washington DC, Bristol Omnibus Company declared a change in policy there would now be “complete integration” on the buses “without regard to race, colour or creed”. By September the company had its first bus conductor from the BAME community. Dr Stephenson believes that the Bus Boycott campaign helped shape the Race Relations Acts of 1965 and 1968, which banned discrimination in public places and in employment. The Mayor said: “The Bristol Bus Boycott campaigners showed great courage in standing for equality at a time when the majority view was still, shockingly, against them. “Their victory against injustice not only contributed to a more enlightened city, which welcomes and champions diversity but inspired others in the civil rights movement. “These individuals are not only heroes of our time in their own right, but also excellent role models they still inspire a new generation of activists to campaign for a better and brighter future.” Dr Stephenson said: “It’s important that today’s school pupils have access to what happened in the early 1960s. The issue of racism will not go away by pretending it doesn’t exist. I took the decision to confront racism to make people aware that it is an issue that cannot be ignored. The Bristol Bus Boycott was part of a world-wide movement to promote equality and justice, and its legacy is to inspire the young activists of today.”

Got News? Call Jayne On 0788 0731148

June, 2015



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Former star returns to open tennis club A TENNIS club’s move to its new home at Frenchay is complete. The former Downend & Fishponds LTC has left its ground at Cleeve Hill, which will form part of the site for a care home, and now has four new floodlit courts on a site at Common Mead Lane leased from Frenchay Cricket Club. The club has changed its name – to Downend & Frenchay Tennis Club – and marked its new chapter with an event on May 17 at which Paul Hutchins, a former Davis Cup player, French Open quarter-finalist, and father of current player Ross, officially opened the courts. Paul grew up in Fishponds and attended the club. Head coach Pete Caseley, said: “We are thrilled to have Paul Hutchins officially open our new facilities. This is an incredibly exciting time for our club and it’s fantastic that Paul – a former D&F club member – can help us celebrate!” The £300,000 development was funded with a Lawn Tennis Association grant of £140,000, plus money from Cory Environmental Trust of GB, Sport England Inspired Facilities and South Gloucestershire Council’s new home bonus funds. The LTA is investing in the Bristol area in the hope of

encouraging more people to play tennis more regularly. D&F TC provides tennis for all ages and abilities, allowing online court bookings, membership,

‘Get on court with Greg’ as Rusedski joins the party

GREG Rusedski, former British No 1 and once ranked fourth in the world, is coming to Downend & Frenchay Tennis Club. Rusedski will be at the club’s new ground next to Frenchay Cricket Club on June 14 to help celebrate the move from Downend. Free coaching sessions will be held for club members and the public and there will be a chance to “get on Court with Greg”.

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pay & play, coaching, competitive opportunities and a full social programme. It is developing strong links with students at the University of the West of England Among its

summer offers is a three-month family membership for £30. Please email info@ for more information

Mangos start preparing for next season’s challenge MANGOTSFIELD United’s players are enjoying a close season break before preparing for their 2015-16 Evo Stik League Division One challenge. They finished last season in tenth place, with 67 points, having won 20 of their 42 games. Players and staff attended the presentation dinner at Kendleshire Golf Club on May 1, where manager Richard Thompson presented central defender Marcus Mapstone with the ‘Players Player of The Year’ award Mapstone, 27, joined Mangotsfield from Paulton Rovers mid-way last season having previously played under Richard Thompson while at Almondsbury Town and Yate Town. Lewis Powell, who scored 37 goals, was both the Supporters Club Player of the Year and also the Manager’s Player of the Year. Brian Gollidge was named Clubman of the Year. Finance director Martin Preedy told the Voice: “We are also pleased that squad who finished the season have all committed to the club for the 15/16 season. There is one exception and this is Shaun Lamb who may have possible work commitments that may conflict with football duties. In addition, we


are talking to possible new squad additions and there may be more news soon. Keep an eye on our website for the latest.” Work on the pitch is being carried out during the close season as well as annual maintenance work. Mangotsfield Unites relies on support from its sponsors and will once again be holding a draw for the stadium name and seeking matchday sponsors. The club has two skittle alleys and is looking for new teams for the winter season. It also hopes to start a darts team. Anyone interested should contact the bar manager Dave on 0117 956 0119, The new season starts on Saturday August 8. The fixture list will be published in mid July. Two pre-season friendlies have been arranged so far. A Bristol City X1 will visit Cossham Street on July 21 (7.45pm) and Frome Town on August 1 (3pm). Keep an eye on the club website mufc-online for details of more friendly fixtures.

Got News? Call Linda On 0777 0700579



T: 0779 9461169

June, 2015

Starting young: infant football contest WELSH international Angharad James was on hand to present medals and trophies to children who took part in a nail biting football tournament. Teams from Bromley Heath and St Stephen’s infants and Frenchay, Stanbridge and Barley Close primaries competed in the Progressive Sports Challenge Cup. Despite the gale force winds, parents and family members turned up in force to cheer the teams on. Three teams, St Stephen’s, Stanbridge and Bromley Heath, tied on points at the end of all the games played as they had all won three

games and collected nine points. The winners on goal difference were Bromley Heath infants. Top goalscorer was Freddie Shorland from Bromley Heath infants, with an amazing nine goals. Lisa Warren, teacher at Bromley Heath Infant School, said: “The tournament was a great success, all the children loved it and we have had some great feedback from all the parents.” Tim Ruck, headteacher at St Stephen’s Infant School, said: “It was a fantastic event, all the children had an amazing time and all have brought their medals in for our

assembly.” Mitchell Quirke, Progressive Sports school sports organiser, said: “The past few months’ hard work have all paid off. It’s fantastic to see all the smiling faces and the children enjoying taking part.”

Andrew Elcock, Welsh international Angharad James and Mitchell Quirke with the winning school, Bromley Heath Infants

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June, 2015



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Getting ready to welcome The Lashings

The stars of international cricket to play Downend Cricket Club on Friday June 19 have been announced. Philip Defreitas, Chris Schofield, Wasim Jaffer, Andrew Hall, Gordon Greenidge, Muhammad Wasim, Adam Hollioake, Corey Collymore, Toni Best, John Emburey and Devon Malcom will face a Downend XI – and traditionally the meeting of these two teams has resulted in thrillingly close scores. In 2014 the Lashings team narrowly beat

Downend by 25 runs. This year’s game starts at 3pm and will follow a T20 format. Members of the public are welcome to watch from around the ground, with fundraising opportunities taking place throughout the game to help support the club. DCC chairman Mike Richmond said: “The return of the Lashings squad for a fifth year is hugely exciting! This event is so important to our club, both for fundraising and to generate


local interest in the quality of cricket that we play. We look forward to seeing members of the community join us for a great day!” Each season, the Lashings World Tour visits clubs across the country to promote cricket and support local organisations. Fans will have another chance to see the stars when the Lashings come to Mangotsfield on July 31.


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June, 2015

On the treatment table with Dr Tim Button of Cleve Chiropractic and Next Step Centre



e are going up, we are going up!!! I hope the Bristol City fans among you forgive this blog, I do actually support City too (why can’t I? I like all of Bristol’s sports teams and I think that we deserve a premiership football and rugby side in this great city) and I am so very pleased that both of our teams have been promoted. The difference between Rovers and City for me, however, is that I have worked for Rovers for the last 12 seasons and in that time you get to know all of the different players, managers, physios and support staff and they become your friends. The strange part of working in professional football is that most of these friends naturally come and they go (more frequently than rugby I found). The one constant in all this time (apart from the fans of course) has been the legendary physio Phil Kite and his first rate sports therapist Steve Bissex. Kitey has been the physio for the last 19 years and was the goalie in the years before that. Sadly he has decided that now is the time to retire and move on to pastures new. He is a great physio and has been an icon at the club. I wish you well in the future mate, enjoy your well earned testimonial! Anyway, I digress. What a day Sunday the 17th was. I had treated the majority of the players in the weeks before the big day and my last task was to nip down to the Mem in my lunch break on the Friday to treat everybody one last time and

make sure not just that there were no injuries but also to help their bodies perform at their physical best. After that I was free to enjoy the weekend with the rest of the Fans. I travelled up from the Mem on the friends and family coach and sat with Chris Lines’ family and my friend Matt (aka mad Rovers fan & my receptionist Sarah’s husband). As long as I hand no emergency phone calls before 11am from the Rovers physio camp, I could relax. Thankfully all was well and Matt and I found ourselves a pleasant bar to have a pint, soak up the atmosphere and try to predict the outcome with other nervous fans. When we got into the fabulous Wembley stadium we promptly found our seats (half-way line at the front, thank you Rovers!) and I had been sat next to last years Striker Matty Harold which was a nice surprise to be able catch up with him. Just minutes after the kick off Grimsby Town lucked out completely as the ball bounced erratically off of a couple of players and then off their players face and into the Rovers goal…I looked at my friend Matt - he looked glum but I said who can hold onto a 1-0 lead for a whole game? And sure enough they defended deep into their half and not long before half time, Ellis Harrison scored a scorching goal…1-1. The rest of the game descended into a nervous tit for tat affair that went through normal time into extra time and then penalties. In a shrewd move by manager Darrell Clarke he brought on sub goalie and giant Steve Mildenhall for the penalties. Everybody knows the result, how exciting it was and how well we took the penalties but what

may not be known well was that Captain Mark McCrystal, who told me after the game, that he told the player that missed the penalty for Grimsby that Steve was a penalty saving expert and he clearly got into the players head as he hit it so far over the cross bar that Jonny Wilkinson would have been pleased! Where I do feel sorry a bit for Grimsby, it’s all part of sport I think! Anyway, the rest is history and Rovers have bounced straight back up into the leagues which is good for Bristol. We partied with the team late into the night when we got back to Bristol, what a night, I’m glad I don’t work on Mondays! Lastly I must remember from my last blog from Florida to say that the Dark Angels hip-hop dance group came 5th in the World, well done guys!!

Tim Button 0117 957 5388

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