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Changes to Vassall Centre plans as hub is announced

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pavement along Vassall Road, adding an arch and signs to the site's main pedestrian entrance, adjusting the boundary wall to increase space around the bus stop by the project's 'gateway building' on Gill Avenue, moving the main entrance door for community space in the building closer to accessible parking bays, adding an extra accessible toilet and providing a 'raised table’ junction at the Gill Avenue entrance, to slow vehicles and give pedestrians priority.

A total of 54 objections to the plans have been added to the planning section of the council's website since the changes were announced at the end of February.


Most are on the same grounds raised against the initial plans, including overdevelopment, the height of proposed buildings, overshadowing and overlooking neighbouring homes, increased traffic, pressures on parking, increased noise and pollution.

Many of those commenting said the changes had not addressed their original objections, with one saying Bristol Charities had "not listened meaningfully to the concerns of the local residents and the current users of the Vassall Centre".

The updated plans can be seen by searching for application 22/03476/F.

Bristol Charities has also announced plans to launch a new community hub at the existing centre.

Head of community Charity Wallis said: "From our initial consultations with local residents, we took on board feedback about how the area was lacking a community space.

"We have been hard at work behind the scenes doing community development work and building an exciting future for the current building and the future narrative of the site.

“We will soon be launching a dedicated Community Hub space and are currently building a menu of activities which will be open to local residents, with classes like Tai Chi and yoga already up and running.

"We would love residents in the area to get in touch with us directly about any community classes, events and activities they would like to see, run or be involved with."

Suggestions for events and classes to be held at the Vassall Centre can be made by emailing office@vassallcentre.org.uk.

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