Is Whey Isolate Better Than Whey Concentrate? Whey protein essentially comes in two forms - whey isolate and whey concentrate. It is derived from milk. Whey protein is easily digested and absorbed by our body. During the production of cheese and yogurt , a liquid whey is obtained as by product. This liquid whey is then dried up and concentrated. In its powder form, whey protein consists of about 80% protein by weight and remaining 20% of fats and carbohydrates.A whey isolate typically contains 90% or more protein. Whey isolate takes more time in processing while whey concentrate takes less time. The main difference is in its composition, whey isolate contains more protein and less carbs with no fat whatsoever, while whey concentrate on the other hand contains less protein with more carbs and some fat too. Whey isolate is usually more expensive than whey concentrate. Looking to buy online Whey Isolate in Delhi NCR ? Fitnescart provides the best quality whey isolate powders which taste so good that you will keep trying our products again and again. They will certainly make you healthier and provide you with all the essential nutrients your body requires.
What does whey isolate do?
Whey isolate contains all the essential amino acids required by our body which are easily absorbed by our body. The benefits of whey isolate are numerous. As an excellent source of protein, it helps in increasing strength, gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time. It helps in type 2 diabetes. Research shows that it may help in lowering blood pressure also. Some researches have indicated that it may help in treating type 2 Diabetes. Thus, whey isolate is very essential for our bodies.
Why is Whey bad? Whey protein is not bad as it is essentially protein after all. But some people’s bodies may react differently to whey protein. Whey protein can result in digestive problems if not consumed in suitable proportions. Too much whey protein can lead to increase in sugar levels and at times increment in fat percentage too. Some people are allergic to whey protein as it is derived from dairy products. Thus, lactose intolerant people may find it difficult to consume whey protein daily. A common myth surrounding whey protein is that it leads to kidney damage. A high protein diet usually increases the pressure in kidneys as they have to filter more blood than usual. However, this is a normal bodily response and is not of any concern at all.
Does whey protein isolate make you gain weight? Not at all, Whey protein isolate in fact helps one in reducing weight. Research shows that it significantly helps in weight loss.
Which whey isolate protein is best ? There are many brands that offer whey isolate protein but Fitnescart’s Whey isolate is the best in the market. Our whey isolate proteins are top quality. They are super tasty and great supplements for your body. Buy online Whey Isolate in India using Fitnescart’s website and see the difference it brings to your body. Blog Source: