Selecting The Correct Fitness Equipment For You
It is very important that your fitness equipment is perfectly suited to your individual needs. When fitness equipment does not suit his or her requirements, the user can become unmotivated and discouraged from their genuine attempt to change their physical condition for the better.
A few things to consider when selecting your equipment: 1. Do you have a back condition or injury? If yes, it is necessary to purchase a machine that is nonweight bearing and low impact. This means that while you are exercising you are not bearing your own body weight as a natural resistance which through repetition can cause a repetitive strain injury (RSI) long term. Equipment options to look at could include a recumbent or upright bike. You can sit down (non weight bearing) while not aggravating a new or chronic injury, and still get a workout to help achieve your fitness goals.
2. Have you got enough variety in your training? If No, adding some diversity to your training can help you achieve your goals faster. The body is a marvellous thing and has the ability over time to adapt to a common movement or same intensity. When you have reached this point in your training it is important to try other workout routines to engage different muscle groups.
3. Have I got my equipment in a great location? It is important that your workout space is an enjoyable space and for the purpose of training. Things to consider are making sure there is sufficient air flow to allow comfort in breathing and reducing excessive sweat. Making sure you have adequate light will not only make it easier to see what your doing, but also promote a positive mood for your workout space. Make sure your equipment is easily accessible and functional in its space. Add a TV to the room and watch your favourite show while you workout, and your workout time will pass by faster. Train to your favourite music so you stay motivated so you can push through your routine.
Is choosing the right fitness equipment proving to be a tough choice? We can help! Let's Talk! We would love to hear from you so please contact us by phone 1300 414 297, email, or LiveChat on the website.