FITNESSOCCASION SNC Catalogo 2017 h2ofit pdf

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Aut omat i c pos i t i oni ng att her i ght wat erl ev el

THE DI SCI PLI NE TheAquaf i t boxei sanaer obi cact i vi t yt hatsi mul at es t het ypi calmovement sofmar t i alar t s i nvol vi ngal lt hemuscl egr oups,i ti sast r ongwor koutcal or i cexpendi t ur e( about600cal or i es/h) , whi chi nvol vesf ul ll egs,but t ocks,ar ms,chest ,abdomen,back,andt hecar di ovascul arsyst em. Theact i vi t yofH2OFi tAquaf i t boxebei ngpr act i ced i naquat i cenvi r onment ,devel opscoor di nat i on,bal ance,execut i onspeed,st r engt h,power ,endur ance, buti naf un,exci t i ngandl i ber at i ng. I ti s,however ,i mpor t antt oensur et hatt hi sdi sci pl i nei st aughtbyani nst r uct orwhoi st hor oughl yf ami l i arwi t ht heaer obi cboxi ngorwhohasf ol l owed ourt r ai ni ngcour sef ori nst r uct or sr ecogni zedby CONIempower i ngt ohert eachi ng. H2OFi tAquaf i t boxeSMART( H2OAFBSMART)i s t hepossi bi l i t yofi nt r oduci nganovel t yi nt hepool butwi t hl ow i nvest mentbei ngcompact ,l i ght wei ght , easyt odi pandst or epr esent st hepossi bi l i t yofadj ust i ngaccor di ngt odi f f er entwat erdept hs.


PRODUCT Thenew pr oductH2OFi tAquaf i t boxeSMART( H2OAFBSMART)i spr esent edasacyl i nder( l ot )ofdi amet er32cm andhei ght60cm,cover edbyacapmadeofPVC f i l l edwi t h speci alf oamst hatal l ow t hegr adualabsor pt i onofener gyandt hei mmedi at eabsor pt i on andempt yi ngoft hewat er . Thebagi sequi ppedwi t hat opbel tt hatal l owseasyt r anspor tand2t akenopposi t e,on t hever t i calsi de,whi chal l ow apossi bl eusei nf unct i onalgymnast i cs. Thebaghast wopot ent i aluses: •asanaccessor y,f orpr act i ci ngt hef i tboxi ng,oneoft hemanypol esf oraquat i c pol e danceont hemar ketashasal ongi t udi nalt hr oughhol esui t abl ef ort hepur pose; •st andal oneanchor edt ot hebot t om oft hepoolt houghabasebal l ast . Thebagi sequi ppedi nt hel owerpar t4ofhooki ngsyst emst hat ,i ncaseofst andal one use,al l ow t heat t achmentof4adj ust abl est r aps( H2ORAFBCR)t obef i xedt oabasebal l ast . Thebasebal l ast( H2ORBZASB) ,equi ppedwi t h5sucker s,5l ugsand1handl ef oran agi l egr i p;i smadewi t hr oundedcor ner st omi ni mi zeacci dent sandbui l twi t hadvanced t echni quessuchasl asercut t i ngandr obot i cwel di ngusi ngspeci alst eel st r eat edi naddi t i onwi t hanel ect r ol yt i cant icor r osi onpr ocesst hatmakest hem r esi st antagai nstcor r osi veagent spr esenti nt hewat eroft heswi mmi ngpool .

PowerLi ne

Af ant ast i cl i neofi nnovat i vepr oduct sf or wat eraer obi cs made ofver yr esi st ant pl ast i ct ohi ghi nt ensi t ywor kout s. Madei nEU

THE DI SCI PLI NE St anduppaddl eboar di ngcanof f eraf unandr el axi ngact i vi t yt hatmost l y anyonecando,i ti sal sooneoft hebestwor kout soutt her e. Peopl ewi t hal lbodyshapes,si zesandagesar eengagi ngi nst anduppaddl e boar di ngasaf unf i t nessact i vi t y. Asmanypeopl ehavehear d,st anduppaddl eboar di ngi st hebestwor koutf or acompl et ebodywor kout . SUPi ngi sal ow i mpactexer ci set hati sacombi nat i onofbal ance,st r engt h, andendur ancewhi char eexer ci sedwhet heryouar epaddl i ngorj ustbal anci ngonyourboar d. I t ’ snotonl yanexcel l entcor ewor koutbutal sot het oes,l egs,back,shoul der s,ar msandneckwhi chal lwor kt oget her . “ Bal ance,st r engt h,andendur ancear eexer ci sedwhet heryouar epaddl i ngor j ustbal anci ngonyourboar d. ” H2Osur Fi tact i vi t ycanbecal mi ngandmedi t at i vebutal soexhi l ar at i ngandan i nt ensewor koutf ort hemi nd,bodyandspi r i t . Wi t hanener get i cyogaf l ow youcanbur nanywher ebet ween416540cal or i esi nanhour . H2Osur Fi tof f er sani nt ensewor koutf ort hemi nd,bodyandspi r i twi t hani ncr easedi nt ensi t ywhi chout per f or msl andyoga”

mat THE DI SCI PLI NE St anduppaddl eboar di ngcanof f eraf unandr el axi ngact i vi t yt hatmost l y anyonecando,i ti sal sooneoft hebestwor kout soutt her e. Peopl ewi t hal lbodyshapes,si zesandagesar eengagi ngi nst anduppaddl e boar di ngasaf unf i t nessact i vi t y. Asmanypeopl ehavehear d,st anduppaddl eboar di ngi st hebestwor koutf or acompl et ebodywor kout . SUPi ngi sal ow i mpactexer ci set hati sacombi nat i onofbal ance,st r engt h, andendur ancewhi char eexer ci sedwhet heryouar epaddl i ngorj ustbal anci ngonyourboar d. I t ’ snotonl yanexcel l entcor ewor koutbutal sot het oes,l egs,back,shoul der s,ar msandneckwhi chal lwor kt oget her . “ Bal ance,st r engt h,andendur ancear eexer ci sedwhet heryouar epaddl i ngor j ustbal anci ngonyourboar d. ” H2Osur Fi tact i vi t ycanbecal mi ngandmedi t at i vebutal soexhi l ar at i ngandan i nt ensewor koutf ort hemi nd,bodyandspi r i t . Wi t hanener get i cyogaf l ow youcanbur nanywher ebet ween416540cal or i esi nanhour . H2Osur Fi tof f er sani nt ensewor koutf ort hemi nd,bodyandspi r i twi t hani ncr easedi nt ensi t ywhi chout per f or msl andyoga”

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