PORTOFOLIO | Fitria Ahsani Dewi | 2020

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fitriaahsani@gmail.com February 17th 1996 0895401641604 Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah

Junior Architect Arsiloka: various small projects October 2020 - now

Junior Architect Rong Studio: Scratch Zone 2 Gembiraloka Zoo project February 2019 - February 2020

EDUCATION Bachelor of Architecture Architecture and Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2014-2018)

Assistant Architect

Senior High School

Studio Desa: Perumahan Reka Village, Pamekasan Madura August 2020 - September 2020 (freelance)

SMA N 1 Surakarta, Science Class (2011-2014)

Junior Architect

LANGUAGE Bahasa Native

English 560/677

personal skills

technical skills

SKILLS Capable to work either independently or in a team Eager to learn new things Pay attention to small details Hardworking and organized Honest, sincere, and responsible



SketchUp CorelDraw




Studio Desa: Malanggaten Recreational Area July 2020 - August 2020 (freelance)

Architectural DED Drafter Studio Desa: Mall Pelayanan Publik DPMTPSP Kabupaten Boyolali March - September 2020 (freelance)

Junior Architect Studio Desa: Masterplan of Villages (8 in total) March 2018 - September 2020 (freelance)

Junior Quantity Surveyor Harjaguna Kurniamitra: Harris Hotel Solo December 2017 (internship program)


Inclusive + Montessori Kindergarten 04 PROFESSIONAL WORK - 2019

Scratch Zone 2 GLZoo - Otters’ Area 10 PROFESSIONAL WORK - 2020

Malanggaten Park and Local Products Market 18 PROFESSIONAL WORK - 2020

Sedalem Public Bath 22 extra: CAD WORKS

Scratch Zone 2 GLZoo 26 extra: LUMION WORKS - EXTERIOR

Perumahan Reka Village 28


Residential Projects 30




Inclusive + Montessori Kindergarten

ISSUE The discrimination towards special-need kid is caused by them being seen as ‘foreign’ thing to ‘normal’ kids. Inclusive school is one of the answers to let normal and special-need kids to be in the same environment, so they can understand each other and stop the discrimination. Montessori Method is chosen to create a better environment for kids to respect each other and encourage them to be independent. I challenged myself in this delicate issue for my final project and finish my Bachelor degree.

Breaking down the main concept in Montessori School and Inclusive School is a school that teaches independency to its students. Montessori has the method of teaching independency, and as the students learn about


1. Decide the area for private and public open spaces.

2. L-shaped kindergarten level

3. Another L-shaped daycare level

to ‘protect’ the private open space.

with minimal sun heat receiving area.



Student’s yard (private) Community area (public)










FLOORPLAN BREAKDOWN The floorplan are designed in a simple way - no circular nor diagonal corridors and pathway - so that the shape of the spaces can be understood easily, especially for special need children, and encourage them to be more independent. The first floor is used for kindergarten - a Montessori kindergarten, which has a single vast classroom and outdoor activity area, a vast dining area, a hall, and office/teachers room. This floor also has kitchen and main receptionist area. The second floor is used solely for daycare.

ramp & balustrade Ramp for wheelchair user and food train; and balustrade as children’s playtool. Metal slides are used not only for children’s play but also for emergency exit from 2nd floor

ramp & balustrade Semi-outdoor hall is an open area with children table set, for dining, workshop, or other activities that requires all children to sit down together.

Kitchen consists of main kitchen and front kitchen. Children can take a peek to the front kitchen and see how their snack and lunch are made


Multipurpose Hall Multipurpose Hall for 1) parents’ meeting; 2) public activity such as school’s social bazaar; 3) children’s praying time and nap time together

Community Open Space An area opens for public after schoolday is over, to serve as ‘inclusivity’ aspect as a rather prestigious kindergarten may seem intimidating to people in the kampong. Knocked-down shelters for snack seller in the afternoon, and security station to maintain the school’s safety.


Yard and Gardening Area is an open area for students to play, exercise their body, and to learn directly from the nature. There are a yard, big trees, six small vegetable beds, and a corner to raise small livestock or pet.

consultation room

classroom Classroom is an open-space vast room, just like any Montessorian school; with clear distinction of groupings, unlike normal Montessorian school, to help special-need children understand their space and room. The groups are divided by the class and topic of material, although just like any Montessorian school, children are free to choose the material to study to and place they want to study at.


Grouping based on Material/Age

yard and garrdening area

Consultation rooms with total 4 sets, each set has one room on the children’s classroom’s side and one room on the teacher room’s side, these 2 rooms are connected through one-side mirror. It has the same concept as in investigation room where the child can only see their reflection but the teacher can see what’s happened on the other side and observe child’s behavior without disturbing them. This is not part of Montessori method but what I see fit for inclusiveness of the school.

The classroom itself is shoe-free, so children are to put off their shoes in the locker in the front of the class. They can either wear sandals or barefoot to play in the yard and gardening area.




Grouping based on Class




FORM AND MATERIAL The form of the building takes on a normal housing to create less institutional-like feeling. The roof has slight slope towards the east and west for solar panels. Overall color theme is walnut brown to creamish yellow to create a warm, close-to-nanture nuance as dictated in the Montessori method. The exterior wall mainly use glass as its material. Its seen-thourgh characteristic would help children in the building to calm themselves as they can see what’s on the outside. The glass and several skylights also reduce the usage of artificial lights in the day.


classroom|gallery|garden & yard

|aerial view|



Gembira Loka Zoo Scratch Zone 2 BACKGROUND Rong Studio had the chance to work to Gembira Loka Zoo (GLZoo) on the Scratch Zone 2 project. This zone will house six kind of big cats: lion, tiger, hyena, serval, caracal, jaguar, leopard; and one too-common animal that also scratch, otter. Rong’s GLZoo Team consists of principals who stationed in the HQ and juniors who have moving station - in the HQ during designing time and in the GLZoo during DED completion. As junior, we have our share in the design process. The principal gave us the rough masterplan and encouraged us to develop the design, present it in the discussion, and be responsible of it. After the design is developed, we moved to GLZoo to discussed the technical with GL staffs and complete the DED files. My part in this project is mainly in its design development, Architectural DED and final documents such as Workplan and Term.

1. SCRATCH ZONE 2 - rough masterplan as given from Principals. From here on the juniors took part in the designing process. The area is divided into 3 phase and each junior were to develop their areas and discussed it with the Principals to make preliminary design.

My part is Phase 2, for lion and hyena. The biggest challenge of this area is that the main feature of savanna, their habitat, is its openness and it is difficult to feature that on the zoo’s tight area.






2. SCRATCH ZONE 2 - preliminary masterplan as developed by Rong’s GL team and presented to the Zoo’s owners. After this, we focused on phase 1, both design’s revision and DED completion.

Otter’s area was a bit underdeveloped during the preliminary design process, so one person was to be focused on that. I was assigned to develop this area.

3. SCRATCH ZONE 2 - detailed masterplan for DED. We juniors were stationed at GL office during phase 1's DED completion, and at HQ during the merged phase 2 and 3.


Scratch Zone 2 Phase 1


In this phase, we were still trying to grasp what’s the best method to work on this. A lot of revision happened especially at the tiger’s exhibit, since it had special structural need and specific user need. Another challenge was that we were stationed in GLZoo’s office during the DED completion so our communication to the principal were not as smooth as if we were stationed in the HQ. I was assigned to handle the otters’ area but I also took part in the architectural DED of tiger’s area, viewing point 2 and 3. All 3D images here were provided by Rong’s GL Zoo Team.


render e

d by R ong’s



Otters’ area is small yet delicate. Otters love to play around, so I designed some places to be permanent enrichment, and other place where the keepers can add more replaceable enrichment.

Otters’ Area

The main feature of otters’ exhibits are its water body; a pond in otter’s outdoor exhibit, and an aquarium in otter’s indoor exhibit. A lot of things needed to be considered in designing exhibited water bodies because they have special water treatment system to keep the water clean for a longer time.

Otter’s Indoor Exhibit

Otter’s Outdoor Exhibit

This exhibit has its visitors area under the roof, but the otters’ area are opened. The notable feature of this exhibit is its big, 140-cm height water tank and a water tunnel for otters to play around.

This exhibit has vast but shallow mand-made pond, and a river-like water body that goes across the pathway, that designed as if these two water body are connected but actually not. It also has a waterfall and a slope for the otters’ enrichment. Otter’s Den Other animals’ dens were done before the we took part in the design of the preliminary masterplan, but this otter’s den were designed along its exhibits.


Otters’ Outdoor Exhibit


It has a tall waterfall, organic-shaped pond, and riverlike shallow pool. The glass fence is one of the most often-revised part of the design.

image is rendered by Rong’s GLZoo team

image is rendered by Rong’s GLZoo team

Otters’ Indoor Exhibit


The most exciting of this exhibit is the tunnel and the water tank’s height, that played a big role in the almost neverending revision on the structure part.

image is rendered by Rong’s GLZoo team

image is rendered by Rong’s GLZoo team



Malanggaten Park & Local Products Market

BACKGROUND Swaka Rancang Indonesia (previous name: Studio Desa), the studio I work freelance with, works mainly in village development. Malanggaten is a small village in Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. It has vast rice paddy that belongs to the village and they want some of its area to be recreational area that could boost the village’s income. They asked us for its design and proposal to be proposed to the Ministry of Village. All images here are rendered using Lumion 9

Malanggaten Park The park is divided into 3 area: vegetable garden, flower garden, and perennial garden covered with thick grass, so they can use this area as pilot project for their interest in modern, urban farming. It also has a green house, some gazebos to leisurely enjoy the garden, artificial river (with a system to turn the grey water into clean water), and area for food court.

Malanggaten Local Product Market The main building, a joglo with glass as the wall, is designed to be the store for village’s handcrafts products. People can also rent the small stands to sell their products. Food stands are lined between the market and the park so they have two faces that can serve both areas. There is also benches and a multifunction hallroom.

Parking Lot The parking lot is designed for cycles and cars, but there is also space for minibus in the cars lot. Karanganyar’s tourism icon, Candi Sukuh, is presented on the entrance gate and the main signage.


The overall design is simple and classic. Brick is the main material as it brings the classic ‘village-ish’ nuance. The main pathway is at the center of the main building to strengthen the Joglo as the main building.

the market

the park

It has three areas: vegetables garden, flowers garden, and perennial trees area. This park isn’t only recreational but also educational - this park can be the pilot project for Malanggaten’s spirit in modern farming.




Sedalem Bathing Place BACKGROUND Mudal is a small village in Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Located at the foot of the Merapi Mt., this village - and Kebonbimo, the neighbor village has abundant springs and they want some of them to be developed as tourism spot, in which we arranged these tourism spots to be in synergy with Kebonbimo’s tourism spots. Sedalem is a unique case - they have a public bath that is still used by the people until now, albeit its bad condition. We designed this area to be Mudal’s small plaza, the starting/ending point of bicycle track spanning from Mudal to Kebonbimo, and the most important is to provide their people a better and more sustainable public bath. In this design, I try to design a sustainable public bath by using wetland as natural filtration to filter the grey water before send it to the river. Public bath existing


8 Swimming Pool Swimming pool for adults and children with varying depth.

11 Wetlands

9 Public Bath Redesigned public bath with existing pool, the rooms are divided by the gender. Each area has its own toilet rooms.

1 Car Parking Area 2 Bicycle Parking Area

10 Bathrooms and Public Wash Area Bathrooms for those from pakecehan and public areas. Behind the bathroom are an area designed for washing clothes, since the people often wash their clothes by the river behind the site and dirtying the river with the chemicals from detergent.

3 Motorcycle Parking Area 4 Meeting Point / Small Plaza 5 Entrance 6 Bicycle Rent

Filtration area for the grey water from the public baths and the washing area. The water is later flow into the fish pond.

12 Fish Pond A small pond with fishes to make sure that the water filtrated from the wetland is safe and toxic-free. The clean water later overflows to the river behind the site.

7 Food Court

12 7


3 1

11 10



5 6 4


the entrance and meeting point view from the food court


view from the pool bathroom, wetland and sh pond


Scratch Zone 2 GLZoo extra: Tiger’s Viewing Point 2 CAD works The floor plan was provided by other team member, and I were to complete the other Architectural DED parts just by the floor plan and 3D modeling.


extra: Perumahan Lumion works Reka Village Madura exterior


The gate were designed by me, while the houses and masterplan were by the senior from Studio Desa.

early afternoon render late afternoon render

extra: Residential interiors Enscape works These are interior renders from several interior


housing projects in Arsiloka.


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