EMILY HILL INSTITUTE FOR CREATIVE ENTERPRISE (EHICE) develops and conducts WSQ Diploma courses tailored for the arts and the creative industries. The courses equip trainees with strategic skills to manage and plan sustainable growth of their creative enterprises and arts organisations. Entrepreneurs, managers and creative EHICE programmes by acquiring additional knowledge project management. EHICE is a subsidiary of Emily Hill, which has conducted the WSQ Professional Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship for four successful intakes from 2008 to 2010. It is registered with the Council for Private Education, and is a training partner of the Singapore Workforce Development Agency. FLEXIBLE, MODULAR FORMAT This allows them the choice to participate in a select few modules or complete all the required modules and attain the full diploma.
DELIVERY MODE The WSQ Diploma courses and WSQ Modular Courses offered by EHICE, are conducted through seminar-style classes. The classes focus on real life situations that help to facilitate accelerated learning. The courses are structured for adult learners and are delivered through seven modules. VENUE Emily Hill, 11 Upper Wilkie Road, Singapore 228120 ACCREDITATION EHICE courses are accredited under the Creative (CI WSQ) framework system and EHICE is an approved WSQ
Programme Partner. Upon successful completion of each module, participants will receive a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA), accredited by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). Completion of all the required modules for the respective diploma programmes will qualify the participant for a WSQ Diploma. EHICE currently offers the following programmes: 1. WSQ Diploma in Arts Management 2. WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship 3. WSQ Modular Courses in Legal Basics,
Financial Basics, Marketing and Managing and Implementing Projects
The course offers a holistic programme for creative entrepreneurs, with a good lineup of notable speakers and ample hands-on activities.
WSQ DIPLOMA IN ARTS MANAGEMENT NEW The WSQ Diploma in Arts Management (WSQ Dip AM) course supports the arts sector by nurturing administrative and managerial aptitude as well as accelerating professional development amongst aspiring arts administrators and managers. The WSQ Dip AM has been developed in with the support of National Arts Council. The WSQ Dip AM course is delivered over seven modules through part-time classes and assignments. This includes discussions, case studies, role-plays, exercises and masterclass seminars by experienced arts managers who will share their international perspectives. Trainees are guided through application of the classroom learning in real-life situations as part of accelerated learning. Trainees are required to complete one year of on-the-job training with a host company. To qualify for WSQ Dip AM, the participant must complete the following seven modules covering 11 Competency Units (CU), and one year on-the-job training.
M1. LEADING AN ARTS ORGANISATION Objectives: To enable participants to start to develop organisational leadership, mainly by facilitating effective work practices and workplace relationships. Content and Outcomes: Participants will be given an understanding of organisational structures, governance and leadership. They will develop their personal effectiveness and teamwork skills, and learn approaches for effective workplace relationships and practices. M2. LEGAL BASICS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Objectives: To enable participants to understand the legal system in Singapore, relevant portions of basic contract law and Intellectual Property (IP) protection and exploitation. Content and Outcomes: This module introduces the legal framework of Singapore and regulations relating to charities and fundraising. Participants will learn what makes a contract valid and enforceable. Legal concepts like copyright, trademarks and Intellectual Property are explained and the participants learn how to protect the IP that their organisation owns and how they may exploit it. M3. DEVELOPING AND MANAGING BUDGETS Objectives: To enable participants to develop and manage budgets effectively. Content and Outcomes: performance against budget, and review the budget at the appropriate project milestone or time period. M4. ARTS MARKETING Objectives: To enable participants to understand the principles of marketing and their application in the arts. Content and Outcomes: This module introduces the basic principles of marketing and, most importantly, addresses their application to the arts, based on a fundamental understanding of the arts experience and the artistic identity of the organisation or artist. Participants will learn the basics and be guided through development and review of a marketing plan.
M5. FUNDRAISING AND SPONSORSHIP Objectives: To enable participants to understand the fundamentals of arts sponsorship and fundraising for the arts. Content and Outcomes: This module introduces the distinct concepts of sponsorship, grants and donations. Participants will learn the basics and be guided through development of a fundraising and/or sponsorship programme. This will include developing a proposal, and implementing and managing the programme if the proposal is successful. M6. PROJECT AND EVENTS MANAGEMENT Objectives: To enable participants to manage projects and events that may involve others in a team, critical timelines, and budgets. Content and Outcomes: This module introduces some basic ideas and tools in project and events management. Participants are guided through a simulated implementation of a project, in groups, which they proposed or developed in previous modules. M7. SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES FOR ARTS ORGANISATIONS Objectives: To enable participants to understand organisational workings and develop simple administrative procedures and systems. Content and Outcomes: This module brings participants back to an overview of an arts organisation, and how the various functional departments need to work together. Participants will be guided through the development of relevant procedures or systems.
WHO IS IT FOR? • Arts managers / administrators in any arts discipline This course is particularly well-suited for those with some working experience and preparing to move to positions of greater leadership and responsibility. • Arts practitioners or arts entrepreneurs • Individuals from other sectors, with some administration or management experience, looking to move into the arts All participants should have basic numeracy and literacy (up to a level roughly equivalent to O’Levels), and possess the maturity to handle projects, as well as a passion for the arts. Potential trainees from non-arts sectors should have at least two years of working experience in a managerial capacity. LEARNING OUTCOMES WSQ Dip AM is designed to enable managers to administer and deliver their programmes effectively by acquiring relevant management skills within the framework
organisation successfully and maximising the available resources. It equips managers with competencies to move to a more senior decision-making level and helps open up career paths. Trainees will also be able to develop insight into the challenges of arts management. ACCREDITATION Upon successful completion of all required modules for this course, the participant will receive a WSQ Diploma in Arts Management. It is subject to 75% attendance, passing all assessments and completion of on-the-job training for twelve months. The diploma is accredited by Creative Industries Workforce (CI WSQ).
FEES Course fees before subsidy is S$4 200 (excluding GST). 70% of the course fees are subsidised by WDA. Non-refundable nett fees after subsidy is S$1 260 (excluding GST). Please refer to the fees payment plan below. WSQ Diploma in Arts Management
Non-refundable Nett Fees + GST
Refundable Fees + GST1
Due Date
First Instalment
S$1 200 + GST
30th Apr 2012
Second Instalment
S$60 + GST
S$1 140 + GST
30th June 2012
Third Instalment
S$1 200 + GST
30th Aug 2012
Fourth Instalment
$600 + GST
30th Oct 2012
In addition, Singaporean citizens who complete the WSQ be eligible for the CET (CQA) of S$1 0002 Companies can claim Absentee Payroll. For eligibility criteria and application, please refer to the following link on Skills Connect website: web/guest/AP
1 - The Refundable Fees (totaling to S$2 940.00 + GST) will be reimbursed upon successful completion of the programme. It is subject to minimum 75% attendance; passing of all assessments; completion of on-the-job training for twelve months and successful completion of the course. 2 - Terms and conditions apply for CET conditions:
I found the topics covered very useful and the WSQ Diploma delivered at Emily Hill Enterprise was a good preparation ground for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those without prior background in business management. The speakers and the trainers were from diverse backgrounds and they provided me with a broader perspective of the creative industries. The course on practical for my business start-up.
WSQ Diploma in CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP The WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship (WSQ Dip CE) equips creative entrepreneurs with the knowledge to manage, sustain and grow their creative enterprises. EHICE offers WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship (WSQ Dip CE) to
start-ups and professionals in the creative industries. It is a part-time course that develops capabilities, which entrepreneurs need in order to excel in the dynamic and challenging creative industries. Creative industries are defined as “industries, which are inspired by cultural and artistic creativity and have the potential to create economic value through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property.”* They can broadly be categorised into arts & culture, design, media and communications. The WSQ Dip CE course is delivered over seven modules. Interaction is encouraged in the seminar-style classes, and fundamental theories are followed by practical suggestions and opportunities to apply them to participants’ own businesses or the organisations they are working with. WSQ Dip CE includes tutorial sessions with the Course Director. Instructors are themselves successful entrepreneurs and/or practitioners in the creative industries., in addition to knowing their subjects well. The course material has been refined and updated to achieve an effective balance between theory, assessment, and practical application. Alumni feedback from the previously conducted Professional Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship course has been taken into account to refine the course for enriched learning. To qualify for a WSQ Dip CE, the participant must complete the following seven modules covering 13 Competency Units (CU).
* Source: MICA website
M1 Strategy and Entrepreneurship Objectives: To enable participants to research and analyse the sector / industry of their business, and develop their business strategy. Content and Outcomes: Participants will learn the basic concepts of market analysis and consider the position of their business in the value chain and how best to capture value. Exercises will demonstrate the use of analytical tools to understand the competitive context in which participants’ business operates. Participants will conduct research and write a strategic report for their businesses. Participants will also be introduced to the fundamentals of marketing strategy and work on identifying their target segment. They will outline a marketing strategy and formulate the positioning statement for their businesses. M2 Leadership Objectives: To enable participants to better understand how people relate to one another, be more self-aware, develop leadership skills, and work out vision and values for the team or organisation. Content and Outcomes: Each participant will receive a personal profile of their thinking and behavioral attributes, and use that as a basis from which to consider how they communicate with others. Personal effectiveness will be enhanced through exercises to improve emotional intelligence and active listening. Participants also plan workplace communications for their organisation. M3 Legal Basics
Objectives: To enable participants to understand the legal system in Singapore, relevant portions of basic contract law and Intellectual Property (IP) protection and exploitation. Content and Outcomes: This module introduces the legal framework of Singapore and the regulatory framework for the creative industries and their businesses. Participants will learn the pros and cons of selecting a company, partnership or sole proprietorship as their business vehicle. M4 Recruitment and Selection Objectives: To enable participants to develop and implement a systematic approach to recruiting and selecting staff. Content and Outcomes: In the one-day class for this module, participants will write out a set of job recruitments, choose appropriate channels for recruitment, work out their selection criteria, create a simple assessment template for evaluation of candidates and outline an offer package. The module ends with evaluation of the recruitment and selection process.
M5 Financial Basics
Objectives: To enable participants to plan and manage cash-flow; plan for and monitor profitability; understand basic financial statements and common terms; and, consider different sources of business funding. Content and Outcomes: Participants learn the importance of cash-flow, how to make a cash-flow projection and get tips on cash-flow management. They also learn to create a profit and loss statement from information in the cash-flow statement, and understand the difference between accrual accounting and cash. The standard accounting statements are explained and analysed, and common accounting terms are defined. At the end of the module, participants will be able to complete a projection of cash-flow and profit and loss for their business. Participants also learn to perform break-even analysis, distinguish between fixed costs and variable costs, and allocate indirect costs to determine profitability. The module concludes with a practical consideration of sources of funding and the pros and cons of loans versus equity. M6 Marketing
Objectives: To enable participants to understand the fundamental principles of marketing; consider different marketing and communications tactics and tools; learn how to track efficacy; and, consider how to acquire and retain customers or clients. Content and Outcomes: Participants will apply the general theories to their own specific businesses. They will consider practical issues like cost, tracking results, and new communication channels. On completion of the module, participants will be able to develop a marketing plan for their businesses. M7 MANAGing and ImplementING ProjecTS
Objectives: To enable participants to plan for projects, consider risks and contingencies, and make proposals. Content and Outcomes: Participants will learn the basics of planning a project. They will consider systems for monitoring implementation and for review on project completion. This module addresses risks and risk management, and allows participants to develop processes and controls for their own projects or organisations. Participants are also taken through the process of preparing and presenting a proposal. The proposal will be based on participants’ new businesses. The preparation process will give them the opportunity to integrate their learning from all modules in the WSQ Dip CE.
Available as WSQ Modular Courses
WHO IS IT FOR? • Entrepreneurs of any business in the creative industries • Aspiring entrepreneurs who have plans to develop a new venture in the creative industries • Employees involved in managing and developing any creative business All participants are required to have a business idea in mind or a business already in operation before commencing the course. Learning Outcomes Apart from imparting business management skills, WSQ Dip CE will provide insights and highlight aspects of the business that might have been overlooked by entrepreneurs. Through the course, newer and more relevant perspective can be realised for the advancement of the businesses. Employees of creative businesses will benefit from a clear understanding of the nature and environment of the creative industries. Participants also benefit from the diverse network and collective experiences of course mates and EHICE, leveraging it to create a collaborative and supportive network for their own businesses. Accreditation Upon successful completion of all the required modules for this course, the participant will receive WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship. It is subject to 75% attendance and passing all assessments. The diploma is accredited by Creative Industries Workforce Skills Qualifications (CI WSQ).
FEES Course fees before subsidy S$4 200 (excluding GST). 70% of the course fees are susbsidised by WDA. Non-refundable nett fees after subsidy is S$1 260 (excluding GST). Please refer to the fees payment plan below. WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship
Non-refundable Nett Fees + GST
Refundable Fees + GST1
Due Date
First Instalment
S$1 260 + GST
S$840 + GST
20th June 2012
Second Instalment
S$2 100 + GST
27th August 2012
In addition, Singaporean citizens who complete the WSQ CET (CQA) of S$1 000.2 Companies can claim Absentee Payroll. For eligibility criteria and application, please refer to the following link on Skills Connect website:
1 - The refundable fees (totaling to S$2 940 + GST) will be reimbursed upon successful completion of the programme. Reimbursement is subject to minimum 75% attendance, passing of all assessments and successful completion of the course. 2 - Terms and conditions apply for CET
WSQ MODULAR COURSES EHICE offers key WSQ Modular Courses for those who do not have the time or need for the entire WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship (WSQ Dip CE). The aim is to develop significant areas of capability for entrepreneurs and managers in the arts and creative industries.
The WSQ Modular Courses offer the same curriculum as the modules in the WSQ Dip CE. They allow trainees the flexibility to develop specific skills relevant to the arts and creative industries and their entrepreneurial needs. Completing any of the following WSQ Modular Courses will qualify the participant for a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA). WSQ Modular Courses in Legal Basics • WSQ Modular Courses in Financial Basics • WSQ Modular Courses in Marketing • WSQ Modular Courses in Managing and Implementing Projects
(from 2013)
For details regarding the above WSQ Modular Courses, please refer to the section on WSQ Diploma in Creative Entrepreneurship (WSQ Dip CE).
The PDCE (now called WSQ Dip CE ) course gives a valuable perspective for the creative person on how to manage and effectively run their business in a professional manner. Even after having managed a decently successful business for more than 20 years before I signed up for the pilot PDCE course, I found that there are [sic] so much more to learn and to polish up on already established policies and practices. I fully encourage and support the creative tremendously from my participation. Not only have I improved on my management capability but also the network of friends that I gained has been of tremendous value to me personally. SEBASTIAN TAN GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR, SHOOTING GALLERY ASIA MOST PROMISING ENTREPRENEUR ASIA- PACIFIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD, 2009 PRODUCTION AGENCY OF THE YEAR (GOLD) AWARD, 2009 HONOREE SPIRIT OF THE ENTERPRISE 2007 CHAMPION OF THE CREATIVE CIRCLE AWARD, 2005
WHO IS IT FOR? • • • •
Practitioners Employees Entrepreneurs Managers in the arts and creative industries
LEARNING OUTCOMES The WSQ Modular Courses develop greater skills and deeper understanding (IP) rights, It also offers a strategic introduction to those who are interested in participating in the full WSQ Dip CE programme. ACCREDITATION Upon successful completion of all the required modules for this course, the participant will receive a WSQ Statement of Attainment. Successful completion of the course is subject to 75% attendance and passing all assessments. The diploma is accredited by Creative Industries Workforce Skills (CI WSQ).
FEES Non-refundable nett fees + GST must be paid before the start of the modules. Trainees are required to pay Refundable Fees + GST before the start of the module. The Refundable Fees + GST will be reimbursed upon successful completion of the programme. It is subject to minimum 75% attendance, passing of all assessments and successful completion of the course. Please refer to the Fees Payment Plan below.
Course Fee Before Subsidy + GST
Non - Refundable Nett Fees + GST
Refundable Fees + GST
Due Date
WSQ Modular Courses in Legal Basics (May – 2012 Intake)
S$1 400 + GST
S$420 + GST
S$980 + GST
2nd May 2012
WSQ Modular Courses in Legal Basics (Oct–2012 Intake)
S$1 400 + GST
S$420 + GST
S$980 + GST
2nd Oct 2012
WSQ Modular Courses in Financial Basics ( Jul–2012 Intake)
S$1 400 + GST
S$420 + GST
S$980 + GST
24th July 2012
WSQ Modular Course in Financial Basics (Nov–2012 Intake)
S$1 400 + GST
S$420 + GST
S$980 + GST
31st Oct 2012
WSQ Modular Courses in Marketing (Jun – 2012 Intake)
S$1 100 + GST
S$330 + GST
S$770 + GST
31st May 2012
WSQ Modular Courses in Marketing (Oct –2012 Intake)
S$1 100 + GST
S$330 + GST
S$770 + GST
28th Sept 2012
S$1 560 + GST
S$468 + GST
S$1092 + GST
May 2013
Modular Courses
WSQ Modular Courses in Managing and Implementing Projects* (May –2013 Intake)
* Please check our website for 2013 Calendar.
Companies can claim Absentee Payroll. For eligibility criteria and application, please refer to the following link on Skills Connect website: guest/AP
Emily Hill in an independent enclave for practitioners across different creative disciplines. organisation managed by the founding members — professional actor-training school, Intercultural Theatre Institute; architect turned sculptor, Sun Yu-li and glass artist Tan Sock Fong. Emily Hill develops new initiatives that build capacities, grow competencies, enable sustainability and seed new possibilities. A diverse group of tenants also make Emily Hill their home, including chillout bar, Wild Oats, started by well-known lawyer turned chef, Willin Low. Emily Hill Institute for Creative Enterprise is a strategic initiative very much in line with Emily Hill’s mission. With its collective experience, networks and commitment to excellence, Emily Hill is the preferred training provider for entrepreneurs venturing into or operating in the creative industries.
Six Degrees is a community of people from across the arts and creative industries, A ground-up initiative, members become part of a strong network of artists, independent creatives and creative organisations. You’ll be kept up-to-date with the industry through networking sessions, forums and
As the community is ever growing, Six Degrees is constantly unveiling perks and and organisations.
SPECIAL PRIVILEGE EHICE participants who are Six Degrees members will receive one complimentary venue booking at Emily Hill for an event. Terms and conditions apply. Refer to
The Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) enhances the competiveness of Singapore’s workforce by encouraging workers to learn for life and advance their skills. In today’s economy, most jobs require not just knowledge, but also develop tangible skills. WDA collaborates with employers, industry leaders, the Unions, other Governmental agencies and training organisations to develop and strengthen the continuing education and training (CET) system. As mainstream pathway, it is skills-based, open and accessible for all workers — young, old; professionals and executives — to upgrade and advance in their careers and lives. For more information, please visit
National Arts Council (NAC) was set up to cultivate and promote the arts in Singapore and it recognises the need for long-term sustainability of the arts sector. It has been supporting the professional development of arts managers and administrators.
(WSQ) is a national credentialing system that recognizes the needs of adult workers and allows for them to train, develop and assess in competencies needed to progress in their careers and stay employable.
Working hand in cooperation with economic agencies, employers and many creative practitioners in the industry, WDA have developed the Creative Industries WSQ to encapsulate workplace competencies for propelling the growth of the Creative Industries. Find out more at
Emily Hill 11 Upper Wilkie Road Singapore 228120 Tel +65 6338 3018
Accredited Programme Partner (PP) of Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA)