7 minute read

Employee Owned Business Cooperative Program

Program description:

Provide seed capital funding to help develop five Employee Owned Business Cooperatives employing 10 workers each.

Program Recommendations

Employee Owned Business Cooperatives could be a tool to build wealth, equity, and business ownership to a wide range of County residents. EOBs would be able to take advantage of the County and State’s economic development incentives, but in order to stimulate a significant number of new worked cooperatives, would require a program specifically targeted to the special needs of worker cooperative start-up, financing and operation. Recommendations for launching such a program are as follows.

! Organize and cultivate technical expertise to provide business, legal, accounting and management advice and training for workers seeking to launch Employee Owned Businesses. This expertise could be drawn from the area’s network of small business development centers, universities, law firms, accountants, management consulting, business mentors, and increasingly, its network of business accelerators. In fact, the study team has recommended to aggressively support the development of social impact accelerators — supporting an accelerator catering to worker cooperative startups would be an interesting program crossover ;

! Target neighborhoods where the needs to build new income, wealth and business expertise is greatest. This report has identified the County’s persistently distressed neighborhoods and recommends targeting these communities for Employee Owned Business development;

! Develop a pool of funding combining a variety of mechanisms that specifically address the financial challenges faced by EOBs. Grant funding would be helpful, but long-term debt financing and operating capital are issues specific to worker cooperatives. More targeted financing tools would include low or no interest debt financing, loan guarantees, interest rate write-downs, and equipment financing support;

! Partnerships with existing financial institutions will go a long way to both leverage resources and speed up the EOB development process. Consider selecting a single or small set of banks as preferred providers of financing support for the program, who are willing to offer preferred terms to EOBs in targeted communities. These institutions can be selected through competitive bidding;

! Focus on supporting acquisition of existing businesses to convert to Employee Owned Business Cooperatives, rather than start-up businesses. This policy would have multiple benefits, including greater enterprise survival odds, faster business growth, more immediate job creation, and the opportunity to rescue failing businesses. Remember that EOBs have demonstrated greater financial flexibility and resilience to economic challenges.

Recommended program seed funding:

! $1.5 Million $1 Million to be used for low interest loans, and $500,000 to be used as partial loan guarantees to purchase existing businesses and convert to EOB cooperatives

Households directly impacted during pilot program:

! 50 households, assuming an average of 10 jobs created for each EOB cooperative.


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