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FIU’s Values
FIU’s Values:
• Truth — in the pursuit, generation, dissemination, and application of knowledge • Freedom — of thought and expression • Respect — for diversity and the dignity of the individual • Responsibility — as stewards of the environment and citizens of the world • Excellence — in intellectual, personal, and operational endeavors
Related Policies and Statements:
Expressive Activities and Free Speech: • We cherish the right of free speech and understand the great benefit provided to our campus community and society at large when everyone can express themselves, regardless of whether others agree. • FIU’s Regulation FIU-110: Expressive Activities in Outdoor Areas on Campus Regulation is in place to provide the means by which students and others can lawfully have expressive activities such as assemblies, exercises of free speech, protests, parades, marches, and picketing on campus. • Any student or organization with questions or concerns regarding the ability to conduct expressive activities at
FIU is encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office at 305-348-2797.
Diversity Statement: • FIU embraces and strives to ensure that a diversity of cultures, races and ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities is thriving on our campus and within our community. • We recognize our responsibility to foster an open, welcoming, and inclusion environment of belonging.
Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and our community of all backgrounds should be able to collaboratively learn and work. Diversity enriches our university community and is a driving force instrumental to our institutional success.
Anti-Racist Statement: • We commit to affirm explicitly and in united solidarity our identity as an anti-racist academic institution. • We commit to personal and institutional exploration and examination of implicit bias and systemic advantage/ oppression such that our anti-racism commitment be reflected in the life and culture of university through our policies, programs, and practices as we continue to learn about racism and ethnic oppression. • We commit to the development and implementation of strategies and best-practices that dismantle systemic racism and ethnic oppression within all aspects of our university, community and society.
Anti-Harassment Statement: • FIU affirms its commitment to ensure that each member of the University community shall be permitted to work or study in an environment free from any form of illegal discrimination, including race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, disability, national origin, marital status, and veteran status. • The University recognizes its obligation to work towards a community in which diversity is valued and opportunity is equalized. • FIU has two policies – FIU-105 Sexual Harassment (Title IX) and Sexual Misconduct and FIU-106
Nondiscrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Title VI) – that communicate standards of workplace and educational equity, expectations of collegiality and respect, and the grievance process for behaviors that may be in violation of either of these regulations.