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Academic Follow-up
There is a lot of important information regarding your student’s academic experience. Here are a couple of takeaways we want to remind you (and your student) about.
TAKE 30, GRADUATE IN 4 Want to know how your student can save money on their education? The answer is simple: Finish in 4 years. It all boils down to simple math and opportunity cost: Most degrees require students to finish 120 credits, so if they earn 30 credits every year, they will finish on time in 4 years. They’ll avoid excess credit fees and start their career faster.
Here are some tips on how to do so: • Check in with Advisors at least once a semester • Earn 30 credits per academic year • Manage Your Finances: Apply for FAFSA, scholarships, fellowships, and grants EARLY! • Avoid Excess Credits by only taking courses needed for the major • Ask for Help if you are struggling with academic or personal issues • Plan for future semesters well in advance! For more information visit finish4.fiu.edu.
Tips from an Advisor When should your student see an advisor? • Students should see their academic advisor at least once per semester to ensure that they are on track for graduation. Students should see their advisors BEFORE registration begins. Spring registration begins in
November. Summer/Fall registration begins in March. Where can my student find their advisor? • Students can find their advisor through the Panther Success Network (PSN) located at my.fiu.edu. Students can message with their advisor, schedule advising appointments, and see their advisor’s contact information all through the same system. What are some commonly unknown academic policies? • Summer Hours Requirement – Every FIU student is required to enroll in 9 credits during summer. These may be taken all in one summer or spread out over the course of the student’s college career. Only courses taken at
Florida State Universities satisfy this requirement. Courses taken at State/Community Colleges (e.g. MDC, BC) do not count. • Excess Credit Surcharge – Students who exceed their excess credit thresholds will be assessed a surcharge of $105.07 on each attempted credit that exceeds the threshold. All credits attempted at FIU are factored in, including dropped and failed courses. For more information on Excess Credit Surcharge: https://onestop.fiu. edu/classes/excess-credits/ • Accelerated Credits – It is imperative that if a student earned college credits, either through test credits or
Dual Enrollment courses taken outside of FIU, all scores/transcripts are sent to FIU. Without official scores/ transcripts, students will not earn credit for the courses they worked so hard for!