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Frequently Asked Questions
Florida International University is one of the largest universities in the United States, with nearly 56,000 students attending classes. As a parent or family member, you may have plenty of questions, and we want to provide you with the most accurate information to get your questions answered effectively. Here are some commonly asked questions:
Can I speak to my student’s academic advisor? Advisors are happy to meet with you and your student together via appointment. Your student can make appointments with their Academic Advisor through the Panther Success Network located in their my.fiu.edu account.
Where do I find out if my student has been awarded financial aid? On the student’s my.fiu.edu account, there is a section called Financial Aid. Your student can click on “View Financial Aid” and select the academic term/year to see what financial aid has been awarded.
Where does my student pay their tuition fee? Tuition can be paid via credit card or electronic check through the my.fiu. edu account under the Financial Account section where it states to “Make a Payment.” Students may also go to the Student Financials office, located in Student Academic Support Center (SASC) at MMC and Academic Center 1 (AC1) at BBC to pay in cash, check, or money order.
How does my student register their vehicle? 24–48 hours after they have registered for classes, your student may visit parking.fiu.edu and log in using the My Accounts info (same username and password at the my.fiu.edu system). Students can register their vehicle once they have logged in. Students do not have to pay a separate fee for parking; it is included in their tuition and fees. All students are permitted one vehicle at no cost, additional vehicles will incur additional charges.
How can I see my student’s records? An FIU student can give information they choose to provide to a family member, friend, or a third party through their my.fiu.edu account. Delegated access allows parents or loved ones the ability to make a tuition payment, keep track of financial aid, grades, and more! Additionally, through delegated access a student can give a third party access to: update emergency contacts, view message board, account activity, view their class schedule, advising appointments, and holds. Only pre-approved information by a student can be shared. FIU students can participate by logging into their my.fiu.edu account. First click on “Student Tools” and then “Delegated Access.” For more information please visit onestop.fiu.edu.
How can I get my student a meal plan? Students can get a meal plan by going to pantherdining.fiu.edu. Students living both on- and offcampus can get information there about different dining options.
Is there public transportation? How can my student get around if they don’t have a car? Parking.fiu.edu has extensive resources to connect students to carpools (RideFlag) and other transportation options under the Campus Transportation tab.
How safe is the campus? FIU is located within a major metropolitan area. As such, we have the potential to experience many of the same crime issues of any major city. The FIUPD employs a Community Oriented Policing approach to problem solving and works diligently to prevent and investigate criminal activity, providing for a safe flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and finding solutions to the issues that affect our students, our faculty, and our staff.
FIUPD provides crime prevention and safety information via their Campus Security and Fire Safety Report, presentations by their officers, Campus Safety Walks, and interactions with the FIU community. A copy of FIU’s Campus Security and Fire Safety Report can be obtained on their website or at their station.
The campus is in partnership with the Police of Sweetwater. They are always on high alert for on-campus crimes or offenses both within the residence halls and around the campus. The FIU police offer a wide range of services and have a fully functional detention area for any situation. They help to ensure the safety of our students as well as faculty and staff. They provide updates on crucial situations that may arise on campus via text alerts and notifications that are sent to all students and staff. You may also visit police.fiu.edu to view the Campus Security Report.
Is my student’s schedule final after orientation? What if they have problems registering during orientation? All students will have the opportunity to meet with an academic advisor and register for classes during orientation. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that may keep a student from being able to register at orientation (i.e. documentation, immunizations, residency paperwork, etc.). Students are able to edit and make changes to their class schedule once orientation is over. Students’ schedules are not final until after the university’s Add/Drop deadline. Students can log in to their student account and change their class schedule as needed. However, keep in mind that students should make sure they are consulting with their academic advisor before making any drastic changes to their schedules.