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Career and Talent Development

The Career and Talent Development (CTD) department offers a wide range of services and activities to develop your professional skills to go beyond the classroom and into the workplace

Handshake is our database of jobs, internship and career-related events and opportunities. Handshake is free to all current FIU students and alumni once they register
Career Coaching
Personalized, one-on-one career coaching with a professional career coach who can help you perfect your resume, develop a job search strategy, and even administer a personality assessment to help you develop a career goal that best suits your interests
Professional Events & Programs
Career & Internship Fairs and EXPO On campus recruiting Graduate School Fairs Federal Government Conference Professional Etiquette Lunch/Dinner Art of Networking Drop In Program Mentor Mondays Panther Shadows Program Career Connections
Our varied workshops are available throughout the year at no cost. Regularly offered topics include:

Professional Development Workshops
Resume & Cover Letter Writing Internship & Job Search Strategies What Can I Do With My Major Networking Skills & Elevator Pitch How to Prepare for a Fair Salary Negotiations Interviewing Skills Career Readiness
For more information on our events and programming, visit us online at career.fiu.edu

Career and Talent Development Locations
Modesto Maidique Campus SASC 305 (305) 348-2423
Biscayne Bay Campus WUC 255 (305) 919-5770
Engineering Center EC 2852 (305) 348-1281