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MA in Global Affairs
After considerable effort and much determination, 52 students in the Green School’s Master of Arts in Global Affairs program graduated in Spring 2020.
The MA program, which is ranked one of the Top 40 Master’s Programs in the world for policy careers in international relations, graduated students from several different tracks, including Globalization and Security, Global Risk and Corporate Responsibility and International Crime and Justice. Throughout the academic year, students participated in professional development seminars and in capstone projects. They completed internships in organizations like The Washington Center in Washington, D.C., U.S. Southern Command, Focal Point Data Risk LLC, the Department of Homeland Security, the Global Sustainability Network and National GeospatialIntelligence Agency, among others. “In my 24 years in Washington, I have met a lot of smart people – but I can safely say that the students at FIU, and in this program in particular, stack up very well with those in D.C.,” said David Kramer, a senior fellow at the Green School and director of the European and Eurasian Studies Program, welcoming new students at an orientation in 2019. This year, the MA program collaborated with organizations from the public and private sectors to provide graduate students the best academic mentorship experience, including JP Morgan Chase, Raymond James (RFJ), Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Sustainable Solutions Network, Air Europa, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Government Accountability Office, the McCain Institute, the Organization of American States, the Miami Dade Police Department, and more. Malena Torres, value added programs manager for the Green School, expressed how fond she was of the graduates. “We are extremely proud of our school community and alumni network,” she said. “Many of our students have secured jobs in the public and private sectors.” Angel Enriquez, a new student who began the program in Fall 2019, was awestruck when listening to the program’s faculty members at a dinner in September. “It was amazing,” said Enriquez. “Getting some insight from people that have so much experience, hearing their advice…it’s amazing.” Alumni from the program also visited this year’s cohorts to provide students with company information, employment and internship opportunities.
“Our mission at the Green School is to encourage and develop leaders who will make the world a more just, peaceful and prosperous place,’’ said Dean John F. Stack at the new student orientation. “I am certain you will be those kinds of leaders.”
From left: Maria Ilcheva, Perez Metropolitan Center; Senior Fellow David Kramer, European & Eurasian Studies; Carleen Vincent, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Ed Glab, Global Energy & Sustainability Forum; and Shlomi Dinar, director of the program and associate dean for graduate studies & innovation.