Rugby Fives Association Record Book 1926-2004

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RECORDBOOK 1926-2004


N atio nal Champio nship s 2 2 4 4 5 5

National Singles National Doubles Ladi esS i n gl es& D oubl es V el eransS i ngl es& D oubl es Vintage Singles& Doubles Masl ersDoubl es ...... Under 25s Singles & Doubles British UniversitiesSingles& Doubles


Regio nul Champi.on ship s 7 7 8 9 10

West of England Singles& Doubles South-West Singles & Doubles North of England Singles& Doubles North-WestSingles& Doubles Scottish Singles & Doubles London Sinsles & Doubles Yorkshire Doubles Whitgift Doubles

1l ll

t2 12


Schools Championships N ati onalSi ngl es& D oubl es National Colts Sineles& Doubles National Under 14 Singles & Doubles National Under 13 Sinsles & Doubles Westof E ngl andS i ngl es& D oubl es West of England Colts Singles & Doubles GMC Youth (1978-86) North ofEngland (1960-78) London Grammar Schools (1929-66


t4 15 15 15 l6 17 11 l7

Other Championships and Competitions National Club Championship (Wood Cup) . . Old Boys Championship (Owers Trophy) R FA C l ub P res i dent' s C up... RFA v British Universities Oxford v Cambridge World Singles& Doubles (1983-85) London League (1994/5)

18 18 18 18 l9 19 19

Winchester Fiv es Championships WinchesterDoubles(BarnesBridge) Ladi esS i n gl es& D oubl es Northern Doubles Mixed Doubles S chool sW i nc hes terD oubl es

t9 l9 20 20 20

Rossall F ives Championships OpenS i ngl es & D oubl es Schools International Sinsles & Doubles

Recordsand Statistics..... .


20 20 n1

This edition of the RFA Records includes results up to the season 2003-2004. Any readers who can help with any errors or omissions in the records should contact: Ian Fuller General Secretary The Rugby Fives Associqtion, 32 Ashboume Grove, East Dulwich, London SE22 8RL. (Tel: 020 8693 0488) emil: Rugby Fives Records

Page I

NATIONAL SINGLESCHAMI'IONSHll' -.llts'l'llRs CLUB CUP Thef irs t A m a t e u r S i n g l e s C h a m p io n sh ip wa sh cld in 1 9 3 2 .lir r acuptl ourtedbytheJestersC l ub,founded four yearspreviously by J.F. Burnet. The JestersClub Cup bears nrany ol the most famous namesin Rugby Fives, and was won 23 times by Wayne Enstone of the Manchester YMCA, one of the most remarkable records in sport. Since 1989,the RFA has held regional qualifying rounds, followed by a finals weekendfor the top 16 players. The event is now known as the National Singles Championship. t 93Z r933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 I 939 1.940-47 1948 1949 I 950 1951 1952. 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 l96l 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 r970 197I

Winner 1L.L.Uandar-uower P.A. Malt PA. Malt PA. Malt J.G.W. Davies J.G.W. Davies J. Amitage J.G.W. Davies no competition R.J. Knight B.M.W. Trapnell A.D.R. Dawes A.D.R. Dawes A.D.R. Dawes J.F. Pretlove R. Birmingham J.F. Pretlove J.n Pretlove H.R. Smith J.F. Pretlove J.N.H. Smith E. Marsh E. Marsh E. Mrsh E. Marsh D.E. Gardner J.T. Watkinson J.W Howe J.T. Watkinson J.W. Howe J.H.M. East J.T. Watkinson T.A. Cowie

Runner-up D.G. Mackenzie J. Armitage VE. Oundjian J.G.W. Davies R.J. Kdght F.K.Truman R.E. Fisher J. Gill C.T. Reichwald E.Ll. Bailey C.T. Reichwald E.R. Conradi J.G. Rogers A.G. May G.PM. Cuthbeilson R. Birmingham P.M. Smith M.P. Skliros J.N.H. Smith E. Marsh J.F. Pretlove J.F Pretlove J.N.H. Smith J.F. Pretlove S. Holt H.R. Smith P Mellor E. Mmsh E. Marsh J.A. Slater J.H.M. East J.H.M. East

1972 t973 1974 19't5 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198I 1982 1983 1984 1985 1985-6 1986-7 1987 I 988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Winner T.A. Cowie G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone D.J. Hebden G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts I.P Fuller I.P Fuller H. Buchanan N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan N.H. Roberts J.P Toop

Runner-up J.H.M. East T.A. Cowie J.H.M. East J.H.M. East J.H.M. East J.H.M. East J.H.M. East G.W. Enstone I.P Fuller J.H.M. East J.H.M. East J.H.M. East I.P. Fuller A.R. Wynn A.R. Wynn A.R. Wynn I.P Fuller R.M. Layton I.P Fuller N.H. Roberts N.H. Robefis R.M. Layton N.H. Roberts R.A. Can N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone N.H. Robefts N.H. Roberts I.P. Fuller H. Buchanan S.C. Fraser H. Buchanan H. Buchman

NATIONAL DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIP - CYRIAX CUP The Ciub Doubles Championship, contested five times between 1926 and 1933, became the Amateur Doubles Championship in 1934. The trophy was donated by Dr. Edgar Cyriax, the W.G. Grace of fives, whose best playing days were over before championships started. He had been a remarkable player, reputedly remaining unbeatenin singles play for 34 years between 1890 and 1924, when he was beaten at the age of 50 by G Avgherinos of St. Paul's School. Wayne Enstone won the Cyriax Cup 15 times in all (with 3 diff'erent partners), butjust as remarkable perhaps is the fact that Ian Fuller and David Hebden were in every final from 1980 to 2000, winning the trophy in ten of those years. Neil Roberls is closing in on Enstone's doubles record, having won the trophy 13 times so far. The event is now known as the National Doubles Championship. t926 1921-29 1930 l93l 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 Poge 2

Winners Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge (W.H. Powell & J.E. Scott) no competition Alleyn Old Boys (PA. Malt & H.K. Prour) Alleyn Old Boys (E.Ll. Bailey & PA. Malt) Alleyn Old Boys (E.Ll. Bailey & PA. Malt) Alleyn Old Boys (E.Ll. Bailey & PA. Malt) H.A. Oundjian & K.R.R. Readhead H.A. Oundjim & VE. Oundjian J. Battersby & F.K. Trumm

Runners-up unlcnown

Cambridge University (E.Ll. Bailey & J.E. Scott) unknown Oxford University (W.F.G. Hoskins & J.A. Admson) Alleyn Old Boys (V.G.W. Lewis & H.K. Prout) C.R. Black & K.W. Millage J. Armitage & D.G. Mackenzie B.C. Gough & R.J. Knight The Rugby Fives Association

1937 I 938 1939 1940-16 1947 1948 1949 1950 195I 1952 1953 1954 r955 1956 t951 1958 1959 1960 I 961 1962 1963 t964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 t973 1,974 1915 1976 1977 1978 1979 I 980 198I I 982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 r 989 I 990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 r996 1997 1998 r999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

E.Ll. Bailey & C.L.E. Mitchell H.A. Oundjian & V.E. Oundjian E.Ll.Bailey & C.L.E. Mitchetl no competition E.R. Conradi & L.A.B. Pilkington W.A. Gluck & C.T. Reichwald E.S. Isaacs & B.M.W. Trapnell A.D.R. Dawes & J.R. Nico] E.R. Conradi & A.D.R. Dawes E.Ll. Bailey & J.F. Pretlove J.C. Rogers & B.M.W. Trapnell R. Birmingham & J.F. Pretlove R. Birminghm & H.R. Smith J.F. Pretlove & D.R.W. Silk J.F. Pretlove & D.R.W. Silk J.F. Pretlove & D.R.W. Silk J.e Pretlove& D.R.W. Silk D.E. Gardner & S. Holt J.F. Pretlove & H.R. Smith M.J. Ellioil & J.T. Watkinson M.J. Ellion & J.T. Wathinson M.J. Euiott & J.T. Watkinson D.E. Gardner & E. Mmsh D.E. Gardner & J.T. Watkinson S. Holt & J.W. Howe S. Holt & J.W. Howe PW. Moger & J.H. Mytton D.E. Grdner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid T.A. Cowie & J.H.M. East D.E. Grdner & S.H. Reid J.H.M- East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W Enstone I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden LP. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden l.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden B.S. Ashton & G.W Enstone I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts C.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Robefts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Robefis J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Robefis J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan& R.A. Peny

Rugby Fives Records

R.J. Knight & F.K. Truman E.Ll. Baitey & C.L.E. Mitchell J.G.W. Davies & H.A. Oundjian W.A. Gluck & C.T. Reichwald J. Amitage & B.R. GritTiths A.C.W. Abrahams & PA. Deane E.T. Fletcher & R.B.A. Smith J.G. Bufion & J.G. Rogers J.V Budsley & M.R. Ricketts E.R. Conradi & M.R. Ricketts M.F. Hrrison & W.G. Tobias J.A.E. Evans & A.I.F. Mackenzie M.D. Scott & M.P Skliros D.E. Gmdner & PJ.W. Grender D.E.C. Bristowe & D.M. Hebblethwaite D.E. Grdner & S. Holt PA. Badmin & R.F. Dorey D.E. Gudner & S. Holt J.F. Pretlove & H.R. Smith J.R Pretlove& H.R. Smith R. Birmingham & H.R. Smith S. Holt & J.W. Howe S. Holt & J.W. Howe J.F. Pretlove & H.R. Smith l.D.H. Clarke & J.T. Watkinson M.C. Durand & J.A. Slater M.J. Cleaver & T.A. Cowie S. Holt & E. Marsh R. Bulgin & D.H. Cameron S. Holt & J.W. Howe S. Holt & J.W. Howe D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid M.H. Robinson & A.R. Wynn D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone C.M.G. Heron & J.W. Howe B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone & A.R. Wynn LP Fuller & D.J. Hebden D.S. Prlby & J.S. Schroeter D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter D.S. Prlby & J.S. Schroeter R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden LP Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden H. Buchman & R.A. Perry H. Buchanan & R.A. Perry H. Buchman & R.A. Perry I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden

Page 3

NATIONAL LADIES CHAMPIONSHIPS The National Ladies Championships were initiated by Alastair Mackenzie as a singles event in December 1985 at St. Paul's School. Paula Smith has won the singles titie eleven times, while Claire Knowies has won four times so far. In 1992, Denise Hall-Wilton introduced a doubles competition. Both trophies were donated by David Barnes in 1994 from the proceeds of an RFA '100 Club'jackpot.

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

I.P Fuller I.P Fuller I.P Fuller D.J. Hebden l.P Fuller l.P Fuller

Sinples 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 l99l 1992 1993 1991

Winner PB. Smith no competition PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith C. Wood PB. Smith

Runner-up D.P Hall-Wilton D.P Hall-Wilton D.P Hall-Wilton S. Gumbrell D.P. Hall-Wilton D.P. Hall-Wilton L. Deaner M.T. Love L. Deaner

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Winner PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith no competition C. Knowles C. Knowles no competition C. Knowles C. Krowles

Runner-up M.T. Love M.T. Love M.S. Whitehead PB. Smith PB. Smith P.B. Smith PB. Smith

Doubles t 99? | 993 1994 1995 1996 1997 l 998 t999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Winners D.P HalfWilton & PB. Smith R. Nagle-Wood & C. Wood D.P Hall-Wilton & P.B. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P Hall-Wilton & P.B. Smith no competition J. Chenhall & C. Knowles C. Krowles & M.S. Whitehead no competition C. Krowles & M.S. Whitehead C. Knowles & M.S. Whitehead

Runners-up H. Chapman & L. Deaner H. Chapman & M.T. Love H. Chapman & L. Deaner N. Hardie & E. Howie M.T. Love & M.S. Haslam M.T. Love & M.S. Whitehead M. Rees & A. Wells D.P Hall-Wilton & P.B. Smith D.P Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P Hall-Wilton & PB. Smilh

NATIONAL VETERANS CHAMPIONSHIPS The National Veterans Championships were started in 1977 with a singles competition for players aged 40 and over, and a doubles event was added the next year. A year later, the qualifying age was raised to 45. The trophies were donated by David Hebblethwaite (singles) and Bill Pett (doubles). 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 t99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1.997 1998 Page4

Veterans Singles D.E. Gardner A. Munay A.I.F Mackenzie A. Munay A. Munay A. Munay A. Munay A. Munay A. Munay A. Hughes A. Hughes J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.W. Howe D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden G.W. Enstone J.S. Schroeter

I.P. Fuller & l.P Fuller & l.P Fuller & I.P Fuller & I.P Fuller & I.P Fuller &

J.S. Schroeter J.S. Schroeter J.S. Schroeter J.S. Schroeter J.S. Schroeter J.S. Schroeter

NATIONAL VINTAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS The National Vintage Championships were stafied in 1988 with a singles competition for players aged 55 years and over, and a doubles event was added the next year. The trophies were donated by Alastair Mackenzie (singles) and Geoff Prigmore (doubles). l 988 1989 1990 l 99l 1992 1993 ].994 1995 r996 1997 I 998 t999 2000 2001 2002 2003 20Q4

Vintage Singles A.I.F. Mackenzie A.LF. Mackenzie R. Bimingham A.LF. Mackenzie R.G. Freebaim J.R. Hughes J. Robertson A. Hughes A. Hughes J.E. Denison J.E. Denison J.E. Denison J.E. Denison J.E. Denison J.H.M. East J.H.M. East J.H.M. East

Vintage DoubLes no doubles competition D.M. Hebblethwaite md G.E. Prigmore D.M. Hebblethwaite md G.E. Prigmore D.M. Hebblethwaite and G.E. Prigmore D.M. Hebblethwaite and G.E. Prigmore R. Birminghm & J.F. Pretlove J.L Cooper & G.E. Prigmore J.I. Cooper & G.E. Prigmore B.J. Atkinson & J. Robertson C.C.M. Amold & J.E. Denison B.J. Atkinson & J. Robefison J.E. Denison & K.B. Puckle J.E. Denison & K.B. Puckle B.J. Atkinson & R.L. Dolby J.E. Denison & J.H.M. East J.E. Denison & J.H.M. East J.E. Denison & J.H.M. East

NATIONAL MASTERSDOUBLES The National Masters Doubles was started by David Bawtree in 2003 for players aged 65 years and over 2003 2004

T. Alexmder & D.K. Bawtree D.K. Bawtree & A. Murray

NATIONAL UNDER 25s CHAMPIONSHIPS The National Under 25s Championships started as the Under 23s in 1985, played at the same time as the 'World Championships'. They returned in 1989 as the Under 25s. Trophies were donatedby David Bames. The event is sDonsoredbv Cliffs.

VeterartsDoubles no doubles competition D.E. Gardner& S. Holt D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore A.I.F. Mackenzie & R.G. Freebairn D.E. Hebblethwaite & G.E. Prigmore D. Brnes & J.E. Denison D. Bames & J.E. Denison J.W Howe & G.P. Shenatt J.W Howe & G.P. Sheratt J.W. Howe & G.P. Shetratt D. Banes & J.E. Denison D. Barnes & J.E. Denison C.M. Clapp & E.L. Lawson D. Bames & J.W Howe C.M. Clapp & E.L. Lawson D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle D.J. Hebden& K.B. Puckle D.J. Hebden& K.B. Puckle

1985 (U 23) 1986-8 1989 1990 1991 '1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 i998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

The Rugby Fives Association

U 25s Singles LW. Jack no competition R.M. Layton R.M. Layton R.M. Layton R.M. Layton J. Courier J. Courier H. Akerman H. Akerman I. Puruis I. Purvis I. Purvis B. Lovett E.W. Brooke E.W. Brooke J.P Toop J.P Toop

Rugby Fives Reconls

U 25s Doubles N.G. Layton & J.M. Tremellen G.I.D.J. Bierer & M.D. Boulton PD. d'Ancona & I.P. Ford D. Fox & R.M. Layton P.J. Newman & S. Filmer P.D. d'Ancona & B.R. Tabemer P.D. d'Ancona & B.R. Taberner PD.d'Ancona & B.R. Tabemer S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis P.D. d'Ancona & B.R. Taberner S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis B. Lovett & J. Sinton M.S. Bate & J.P Toop J. Fabes & J.A.T. Richudson M.S. Bate & J.P. Toop J.A.O. Bristow & J. Fabes

Page 5

NATIONAL STUDENT & BRITISH UNIVERSITII'S CHAMPIONSHIPS The British Universities Championships, the brainchild of David Cardncr, wer-efirst held at Bedfbrd Modern School in 1960as a singles,doublesand team event held over 4 days.The UniversitiesAthletic Union ran the event (without the team element)from 1961-64,then the British UniversitiesSportsFederationtook over with David Gardner as RFA representative.The RFA donated the BUSF Trophy in 1967. The UAU took control again in 1992,but in 1994the organisingauthority lbr university sport becamethe British UniversitiesSports Association. In 2001. the event became known as the National Student and British Universities Championships | 960 l96t 1962 l 963 1964 | 965 r966 1967 I 968 1969 1970 1971 t 972 t973 t914 t975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 L982 r 983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 199L 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Universities Singles E. Marsh (Bristol) R. Bulgin (London) J.T. Watkinson (Oxtbrd) J.D. Ewart (Cambridge) I.D.H. Clarke (Oxtbrd) A.J. Spicer (Bristol) A.J. Spicer (Bristol) G. Baker (Cambridge) PR. Leary (Edinburgh) PW. Moger (Leeds) T.A. Cowie (Cambridge) P.R. Leary (Edinburgh) J.M. Hrland (Cambridge) M.H. Robinson(Cambridge) M.H. Robinson (London) A.R. Wynn (Manchester) A.R. Wynn (Manchester) A.R. Wynn (Manchester) A.R. Wynn (Manchester) P Redstone (Southampton) S.PT. Kenp (Cambridge) S.PT. Kemp (Cambridge) S.PT. Kemp (Cambridgc) S.P.T.Kemp (London) C.M. Denny (Oxfbrd) C.M. Denny (Oxfbrd) J.M. Tremellen (Cambridge) R.M. Layton (Durham) M.D. Boulton (Cambridge) R.A. Cm (Sheffield) R.A. Cur (Sheffield) J.W. Fussell (Leeds) PD. d'Ancona (Cambridge) H. Akerman (London) H. Akerman (London) Purvis (Liverpooi) Purvis (Liveryool) Purvis (Liverpool) Purvis (Liverpool) B. Lovett (London) J.P Toop (Oxford) E.W. Brooke (Oxford) J.P Toop (Oxford) B. Lovett (Southampton)

Universities DoubLes E. Mush & S.N. Tovey (Bristol) PA. Badmin & M.H. Bielby (Loughborough) P Carlile & J.A. Slater (Leeds) L. Chappell & M.C. Durand (Leeds) J. Bretten & l.D.H. Clarke (Oxfbrd) P Carlile & M.J. Roberts (Leeds) R.L. Dolby & D.F. Ellwood (Cambridgc) G. Baker & D.J. Hebden (Cambridge) J. Hues & S.H. Reid (Durham) A. Colver & D.J. Hebden (Cambridge) T.A. Cowie & A.S. Dixon (Cambridge) M. Andrew & C.J. Nicholls (Exeter) A.C. Palmer & G.PT.L. Whiting (Cambridge) A.C. Palmer & G.PT.L. Whiting (Cambridge) D.B. Arnold & R.H. Cleave (Cambridge) D.B. Arnold & R.H. Cleave (Cambridge) D.B. Arnold & C.J. Cates(Cambridge) S.T. Davies & A.M. Lloyd-Williams (Cambridge) B.S. Ashton & A.R. Wynn (Manchester) R.N. Bur & S. Constantine (Oxford) C.B. Hurt & G.D. Quarry (Cambridge) J.E. Boulton & C.B. Hurt (Cambridge) A. Higgins & S.P.T.Kemp (Cambridge) D.A.B. Dance & S.PT. Kemp (London) C.M. Denny & R.P Hollins (Oxford) S. Geere & I.W. Jack (Exeter) D.G. M oar & J.M . Tr er nel l entC am br i dger A.J. Cates & I.R-H. Jackson (Cambridge) G.I.D.J. Bierer & J.L. Hampel (Oxford) J.W. Fussell& K.S. Riat (Leeds) J.W. Fussell& K.S. Riat (Leeds) P.D. d'Ancona & J.W. Gribble (Cambridge) M.T. Cavanagh & J. Mrtin-Jenkins (Oxford) T.D. Caroe & B.R. Taberner (Cambridge) M.T. Cavanagh & S. Lord (Oxford) H. Akerman & R.P. Nagy (London) B.R. Elfick & PM.J. Lord (Oxford) B.R. Elfick & PM.J. Lord (Oxforc, E.W. Brooke & T. Stock (Oxford) S. Beal & C. Jones (Durham) M.S. Bate & J.P Toop (Oxford) J. Fabes& J.A.T. RichrrdsonrCambridger M.S. Bate & J.P Toop (Oxfbrd) B.R. Elfick & C.G. Brooks (Cambridge)

WEST OF ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS The West of England Championships were first played in the season ol 1,962-63 as separate singles (November) and doubles (March) competitions. There was no singles competition in November 1969 and no doublesin March 1970, and the November 1970 singleswas postponedto January 1971, when that season's doubles competition was also he1d.From the 1971-72 seasononwards, the championships (both singles and doubles) reverted to the autumn, so there are two setsof results fbr the calendar year 1971. The principal venue has been Clifton College, Bristol, with matches also held on the courts of Colston's School and Bristol Grammar School. Sherborne School in Dorset became the venue in 2002 and2003. 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 t910 l 97l (Jan) l97l (Oct/Nov) t972 t913 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 t98l 1982 1983 I 984 1985 1986 1987 l98tt r 989 | 990 l 99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1,991 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Singles D.E. Gudner D.E. Gudner E. Marsh J.T. Watkinson E. Marsh E. Marsh J.W. Howe no competition (heldin Jan 1971) I.D.H. Clarke G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstonc G.W Enstone J.H.M. East G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East J.H.M. East / G.W. Enstone(shared) G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East no competrtron I.P. Fuller l.P Fuller I.P Fuller N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts I.P Fuller I.P Fuller I.P Fuller N.H. Roberts P.D. d'Ancona PD. d'Ancona N.H. Roberts J.P. Toop

Doubles no competition D.E. Gardner& S. Holt D.E. Cardner & S. Holt D.E. Gardner& S. Holt D.E. Gardner& S. Holt J.W. Howe & E. Mmsh J.W. Howe & E. Marsh M.C. Durand & J.A. Slater no competition D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D. Bmnes & D.M. Hebblethwaite J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstore J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone D. Bames & J.S. Schroeter C.M.G. Heron & J.W. Howe C.M.G. Heron & J.W. Howe B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter l.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden l.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden R.A. Car & N.H. Robefts I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden J. Beswick & N.H. Robefts J. Beswick & N.H. Robefts H. Buchanan& D.J. Hebden PD. d'Ancona & B.R. Tabemer D.J. Hebden & N.H. Robefls

SOUTH-WEST CHAMPIONSHIPS The South-West Championships originated from the Exeter Fives Week - a coaching course run by Wayne Enstone in July - and were first contested in 1984 at Blundell's School and Exeter University. Thanks to Danny McGregor, the championships were sponsoredby the Exclusive Cleaning Group from 1984 to 1991, and Stuart Watson arranged for sponsorshipto be taken up by Howard & Watson (L & P) from 1992 onwards. Now the sole venue is Blundell's School. The event is now sponsoredby G6.

Page 6

The Rugby Fives Association

Rugby Fives Records

Page 7

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1991 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Singles G.W. Enstone A.R. Wynn G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone u. w. tnstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan N.H. Roberts PD. d'Ancona H. Buchanan PD. d'Ancona

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Doubles T.M. Cobb & G.W. Enstone B.S. Ashton & A.R. Wynn D.J. Hebden & G.P Sheratt D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & G.W. Enstone J. Beswick & G.W. Enstone J. Beswick & G.W. Enstone R.A. Cmr & N.H. Roberts R.A. Cm & N.H. Roberts PD. d'Ancona & G.W. Enstone PD. d'Ancona & D.J. Hebden N.H. Roberts& A.G. Wilson N.H. Roberts & A.G. Wilson H. Buchanan & R.A. Perry H. Buchanan & R.A. Perry H. Buchanm & D.J. Hebden J. Beswick & PD. d'Ancona H. Buchanm & R.A. Peny


1936-1950 1951-1952 1953 195,1 I 955 I 956 1951 1958 1959-I 962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 l 968 t969 1970 t97 r L972 1973 r974 r975 1976 1977 1978 1919 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Page8

N.H. Roberts & R.J. Sutcliffe P. Last & R.M. Layton N.H. Roberts & R.J. Sutcliffe J. Beswick & I.P. Fuller J. Beswick & I.P Fuller I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & R.A. Perry Beswick & N.H. Roberts Beswick & N.H. Roberts Beswick & N.H. Roberts Beswick & N.H. Roberts Beswick & N.H. Roberts D.N.Austin&HBuchanm


The first North of England Doubles Championship was coupled with the Heath Old Boys Open Doubles and was played as suchin the period 1936to 1950.In 1953,a separatechampionshipwas introducedwith new trophies for both singles (Ferens Trophy) and doubles (Fuller Cup). The North ofEngland Championships have taken place on the courtsofDurham Schooi and Durham University,but are now held on the University courts on1y. Singles ( Ferens Trophy) no singles competition no competrtron G.PM. Cnthbertson A.l.F. Mackenzie A-I.F. Mackenzie J.N.H. Smith D.E. Gardner J.N.H. Smith no competition D.E. Gardner D.E. Gardner D.E. Gudner J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.W. Howe J.H. Mytton PR. Leary T.A. Cowie G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East A.R. Wynn A.R. Wynn J.H.M. East C.A. Hyde D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden A.R. Wynn

G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts D.J. Hebden & D.S. Palby D.J. Hebden & D.S. Pulby G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts & R.J. Sutcliffe

C.M.G. Heron D.J. Hebden R.M. Layton J.H.M. East N.H. Roberts no competition R.M. Layton G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts I.P Fuller I.P. Fuller I.P. Fuller I.P. Fuller H. Buchanm H. Buchanm J. Beswick H. Buchanm H. Buchanan

The North-West Championships were originally known as the Lancashire Open, and then they became fbr a while the Greater Manchester County Open. The idea of running a tournament at the Manchester YMCA was put to Fred Beswick, the first organiser, by David Gardner at the North of England Championships in 1968. The original trophies were donated by the YMCA C1ub, and the present doubles trophy was the gift of Fred Beswick and Danny McGregor in 1991, after the old cup had been given to Ian Fuller and David Hebden on winning it for the tenth time. Wayne Enstone won the singles an astonishing 2'I times in succession. 1968 1969 t97o t97 | t972 r973 t974 19'75 r976 1977 1978 t979 1980 198I 1982 1983 I 984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 r994 1995 r996 1997 1998 r999 2000

Doubles (Fuller Cup) see Yorkshire Open Doubles results D.A. Sheard& F.J. Llnsworth E.H. Miller & A.W. Seddon FJ. Unsworth & G. Van Lottum A.C. Drlcup & D.T. Spanow D.E. Gardner & PJ.W. Grender F.R. Fisher & D.E. Gmdner J.W. Howe & K. Knight D.E. Gardncr & S. Holt E. Mrsh & G.A. Tiffin D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid S.H. Reid & J.D. Tumer J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid B.S. Ashton & A.R. Wynn B.S. Ashton & A.R. Wynn D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid J.H.M. East & C.M.G. Heron S.T. Davies & C.A. Hyde D.J. Hebden & D.S. Prlby C.M.G. Heron & J.W. Howe C.M.G. Heron & A.R. Wynn The Rugby Fiyes Association

North-West Singles J.W. Howe D.E. Gardner G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstonc G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts LP Fullcr N.H. Robens H. Buchanan

Rugblt Fives Recoruls

North-West Doubles J.W. Howe & J.D. Tumer S. Holt & J.D. Tumer T.A. Cowie & D.J. Hebden D.E. Grdner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid / S.Holt & J.W. Howe (shared) S. Holt & J.W. Howe D.E. Grdner & S.H. Reid J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone & C.M.G. Heron G.W. Enstone & A.R. Wynn C.M.G. Heron & J.W Howe G.W. Enstone & J.D. Turner I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden LP Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden J. Beswick & G.W. Enstone I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden l.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden l.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden J. Beswick & N.H. Robefis J. Beswick & N.H. Robets J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts PD. d'Ancona & B.R. Tabemer Page 9

2001 2002 2003 2004

J. Beswick J. Beswick N.H. Robefis J. Beswick

J. Beswick & J. Beswick & H. Buchmm J. Beswick &

N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts & R.A. Peny N.H. Roberts

2(X X ) 2(X)r 2002 200.1 2004

W. Hanison & N.H. Roberts D.J. Hebden & PC. Reynolds H. Buchaan & J. Thomas H. Buchanan & P de Winton H. Buchanan & G. Mclntvre

N.H. Roberts J. Beswick H. Buchanm N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan

SCOTTISH CHAMPIONSHIPS The Scottish Championships were first played in 1950. Over the years the event has been hosted by Merchiston Castle School, Fettes Coilege, and in recent years Loretto School. The singles contestantscompete for the Cuthbertson Quaich, which was traditionally presentedto the champion complete with full measureof finest Malt! Since 1991, the doubles has been run on a draw-for-partners basis. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 t962 1963 1964 1965 1966 t961 I 968 I 969 t910 1971 1972 1973 t914 t915 1916 197'7 1978 t979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 t99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Pagel0

Singles J.G. Johnston D.V. Thomas J.A. Forsyth G.PM. Cuthbeftson J.A. Forsyth J.N.H. Smith M.C. Leslie D.E. Gardner D.E. Gardner D.E. Gardner D.E. Gardner A.I.F. Mackenzie S. Holt E. Marsh E. Marsh D.E. Gardner E. Marsh K.B. Puckle K.B. Puckle K.B. Puckle K.B. Puckle T.A. Cowie T.A. Cowie G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W Enstone G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone no competition N.H. Roberts R.M. Layton N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts N.H. Robefis G.W. Enstone G.W. Enstone N.H. Robefis N.H. Robefis N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts

Doubles B. Jackman & M. Rothera B. Jackman & M. Rothera B. Jackman & D.A. Shemd V Lathm & F.J. Unsworth J.A. Dand & J.A. Forsyth V Latham & F.J. Unsworth A.C. Dracup & D.T. Spmow D.E. Gmdner & PJ.W. Grender D.E. Grdner & PJ.W Grender D.E. Gudner & S. Holt D.E. Gardner & S. Holt A.I.F. Mackenzie & D.R.C. Morton S.H. Reid & A.G. Wilkinson P. Crlile & J.A. Slater S.H. Reid & A.G. Wilkinson S.H. Reid & A.G. Wilkinson R.L. Dolby & D.M. Hebblethwaite R.L. Dolby & D.M. Hebblethwaite S. Holt & J.D. Turner D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid S.H. Reid & J.D. Turner D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid S.H. Reid & J.D. Turner G.W. Enstone& C.M.C. Heron J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone D.E. Gmdner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle D.J. Hebden & A.R. Wynn D.J. Hebden & A.R. Wynn I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden D.J. Hebden & D.S. Parlby D.J. Hebden & P. Woods S.T. Davies & C.A. Hyde C.M.G. Heron & A.R. Wynn

LONDON CHAMPIONSHIPS The London Championships were startedby Rick Carr in September 1995 and have establishedthemselves as a popular early-seasonevent, attracting a wide range of players. David Gardner donated the Singles Trophy, and Ian Fuller and Dave Hebden the Doubles Cup. 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 200l 2002 2003

Doubles I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden G.W. Enstone & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan & D.J. Hebden H. Buchanan & R.A. Perry H. Buchanan & R.A. Peny

Singles G.W. Enstone N.H. Roberts I.P Fuller I.P Fuller N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts H. Buchanan M. Cavanagh PD. d'Ancona

YORKSHIRE OPBN DOUBLES The Yorkshire Open Doubles was first played in 1936, when it was coupled with the North of England Doubles Championship and known until 1950 as the North of England and Heath Old Boys Open Doubles. The trophy was donated by the Hon J.H. Whitley, an old boy of Heath School, Halifax and Speaker of the House of Commons. The new North of England Championships did not commence until 1953. The change ol name f rom the Heath Old Boys Open Doubles to the Yorkshire Open Doubles came with a move from Halilax to Giggleswick School, Settlein2002. 1936 1931 1938 1939 1940-I 9,15 1946 1947-t949 1950 l 95l -r958 r959 r960 196| 1962 1963 1961 l 965 t966 1961 1968 1969 1970 197| 1972 1973 1974 1975 r976

N. Butterfield & N.H. Robefis R.M. Layton & A.G. Wilson R.M. Layton & A.G. Wilson N. Butterfield & N.H. Robefis M. Hinton & N.H. Robefts J. Guthrie & N.H. Robeils C. Breese & N.H. Robefis R. Guthrie & R.P Nagy D.N. Austin & R. Guthrie J. Davis & R.P Nagy J. Guthrie & N.H. Roberts J. Guthrie & N.H. Roberts R. James-Duff & R.P Nagy

The Rugby Fives Association

J.W Dowlen & C.L.E. Mitchell D.J. Hill & J.J.A. Newman J.S. Brealey & C.G. Morley J.S. Brearley & C.G. Morley no competition E.R. Conradi & F.M. Wilson no competition J. Crlington & J.G. Johnston no competition G. Foulds & W.D. Nelson M.H. Bielby & D.E. Gardner M.H. Bielby & D.E. Gardner P. Crlile & J.A. Slater S.J. Fisher & R.J.C. Jones P. Carlile & J.A. Slater P. Calile & J.A. Slater D.E. Grdner & S. Holt D.E. Gudner & S. Holt P. Crlile & J.A. Slater K.B. Puckle & J.D. Tumer D.E. Gudner & S.H. Reid K.B. Puckle & J.D. Turner S. Holt & J.W Howe D.E. Gmdner & S.H. Reid J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone D.E. Gudner & S.H. Reid G.W Enstone & A.R. Wynn

Rugby Fives Records

1917 1978 t979 l 980 198I 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 l 988 l 989 1990 1991 1992 L993 r994 1995 r996 ).997 1998 r999 2000 2001 2002 2003

D.E. Gardner & S.H. Reid D.E. Gudner & S.H. Reid N.W. Berry & J.D. Tumer C.M.G. Heron & J.W Howe C.M.G. Heron & J.W. Howe no competition B.S. Ashton & G.W. Enstone S.T. Davies & C.A. Hyde G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts D.J. Hebden & E.L. Lawson D.J. Hebden & E.L. Lawson G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts G.C. Reed & N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts & R.J. Sutcliffe N.H. Roberts & A.G. Wilson I.P. Fuller & J.S. Schroeter N.H. Roberts & R.G. Sandie R.A. Cm & A.G. Wilson J. Beswick & I.P Fuller R.A. Cm & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Robets J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts J. Beswick & N.H. Roberts N.H. Roberts & R.G. Sandie

Page I I



The Whitgift Doubles was stafied by Chris Jones in August 2003. The tournament is designed to encourage younger players (aged 16-25) to become more involved in the senior fives 'circuit', by pairing them with the country's best players. The 2003 winners were J. Fabes and S. Korris.

The National Schools Championships were inaugurated in 1930 and have been contested every year since, with the exception ofthe war years.The Jesters'Cup for singles has been won by representativesof21 schools, with Bedford (12 wins), St. Dunstan's(10 wins), St. Paul's (9 wins) and Oundle (8 wins) outstanding;while the Mappin Cup for doublesbearsthe namesof 22 schoolsin all, with Oundle (13 wins), St. Paul's (11 wins) and St. Dunstan's (10 wins) predominant. ln 1975, Under 16 competitions were started. For the singles, the then Hon. Treasurer of the RFA, Robert Digby-Clarke, donated the Harpur Cup in commemoration of Sir William HaIpur, benefactor of both Bedford and Bedford Modern Schools; and the doubles was endowed with the impressive Marchant Cup, previously competed for by the London Grammar Schools. Under 14 competitions were started in 1995, and trophies were donated by Peter King (singles) and David Bames (doubles). For many years, the National Schools championships were orgzinisedby Charles Whyte at Whitgift School, Croydon, but now they take place at St. Paul's School, Barnes, where they are run by David Goodwin, Peter King and Michael Beaman. They are held at the end of the Spring Term.

THE PUCKLE CUPDOUBLES The Puckle Cup was donated by Mrs Melanie Puckle in 1971 in memory of her late husband L.G.W Puckle, a fine player who was captain ofthe Clove Club from 1928 until his death in 1966. The tournament was played on the new courts at Hackney Downs School, but was discontinued after fourteen years becauseof the pressure of other events in the fives calendar. 1970 197| 1912 1913 1974 t915 t916

D.E. Gardner& S.H. Reid D. Bames & K.B. Puckle K.B. Puckle & J.D. Turner J.H.M. East & C.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & C.W. Enstone J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone (J.H.M. East & G.W. Enstone (D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle (shared)

1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-3 1984

N.J. Elson & I.G. Puckle D.E. Gardner & C.M.G. Heron D.E. Gardner & C.M.G. Heron D.J. Hebden & K.B. Puckle I.P Fuller & J.S. Schroeter I.P. Fuller & J.S. Schroeter D.J. Hebden & D.J. Parlby

THE RUGBY FIVESASSOCIATION CHARITABLETRUST Irustees: Peter Dunscombe, lan Fuller,Bruce Hanton, David Hebden. Neil Roberts. Geoff Sherratt CharityNo: 1087264 The Trust was established in 2002,with the aim of raisingmoney to be used / lope l h e r

w i t h t h e ta x

r e lie fl fn r th c

d a vcln n m e n l

and <,rrnnort L of the o:mc vr r r ,L 6 u "r r

amongstunder-| Bsand othersin full-timeeducation. By September2004,theTnusthasbeenableto provideor promisedecisive fundrng more than {2 1,000in all - to three projects(Derby lYoor CommunitySchool, DenstoneCollegeand Clifl-onCollege)toenablea total of eightcourts in these threc

srh n n l c

In h e r enr ;gpgl.

The generosityof contributorsmeansthat the Trust has more than {15,500 availablefor new projectsfrom 2005 onwards,but we need to continueto raise money All our support comesfrom fivesplayerspast and present,so if you have not yet made a donation,pleaseconsiderdoingso now.Alternatively, if you malce a bequestin your will,it does not sufferinheritance tax. Pleasesend your donationto Peter Dunscombe,l5 ArchfleldRoad,Cotham, Bristol 856 5BD,made payableto 'The RugbyFivesAssociationCharitableTrust'. He can provideyou with the necessaryforms for Gift Aid Donation and/or StandinsOrder lYandate.

Page 12

The Rugby FfuesAssociation

1930 l 93l 1932 I 933 1931 1935 1936 1937 I 938 1939 1940-1.945 t946 1941 1948 L949 1950 1951 1952 I 953 1954 1955 1956 1951 1958 | 959 | 960 | 961 1962 I 963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 r97 | 1972 1973 t914 t975 1976 1977 1978 1979 I 980 198I

Singles (Jesters'Cup) R. de W.K. Winlaw (Winchester College) R. de W.K. Winlaw (Winchester College) H.A. Oundjian (St. Paul's School) R.J. Knight (Dulwich College) R.J. Kdght (Dulwich College) J.M. Reichwald (Oundle School) J.D.G. Craib (Eastboume College) G.H.M. Riddell (Alleyn's School) E.R. Conradi (Oundle School) J.H. Gray (Sutton Valence School) no competition J.A. Holroyd (Oundle School) J.A. Holroyd (Oundle School) A.D.R. Dawes (Bedford School) A.D.R. Dawes (Bedford School) J.F. Pretlove (Alleyn's School) J.R Pretlove (Alleyn's School) M.P. Skliros (Oundle School) D.T. Spanow (Denstone College) R.G. Freebaim (Oundle School) D. Smith (Sedbergh School) D. Smith (Sedbergh School) R.F. Dorey (Alleyn's School) E. Marsh (St. Dunstm's College) J.T. Watkinson (Bristol Grammar School) P. Mellor (Bedford School) P. Mellor (Bedlbrd School) P Mellor (Bedford School) M.S. Chesworth (Bedford School) J. Bretten (Clifton College) J.H.M. East (St. Paul's School) L.E. Weston (Bedford Modem School) J.C. Dalzell (Bedfbrd School) J.H. Mytton (Bedford School) G.W. Enstone (Poundswick High School) G.W. Enstone (Poundswick High School) M.I. Mcl-aren (Bedford School) E.J.R. Fanow (Oundle School) E.J.R. Fanow (Oundle School) C.W Pattison (Bedford School) I.G. Peck (Bedford School) A.M. Lloyd-Williams (Bedford School) K.C. Smith (Bradfield College) G. Morgan (Denstone College) S.P.T.Kemp (St. Paul's School) J.R. King (Clifton College) A. Brown (Bradfield College)

Rugby Fives Records

Doubles (Mappin Cup) St. Paul's School (J.G. Richards & G.C. Shneerson) Winchester College (H.J.H. Lamb & R. de W.K. Winlaw) St. Paul's School (H.A. Oundjian & K.R.R. Readhead) Dulwich College (B.C. Gough & R.J. Knight) Tonbridge School (D.A.S. Day & W.G. Popple) Oundle School (J.C. Person & J.M. Reichwald) Oundle School (J.H.L. Brittain & P.S. Cowen) Oundle School (E.R. Comadi & PB. Nicholls) Oundle School (E.R. Conradi & H.J. Hague) Oundle School (D.J. Forbes & C.T. Reichwald) Oundle School (J.A. Holroyd & G. Muller) Oundle School (J.A. Holroyd & J.F. Wuburg) Oundle School (C.J. Swan & M.T. Swan) Oundle School (J.R. Nicol & J.M. Pickard) Denstone College (S.D. Hignell & WG. Tobias) Alleyn's School (J.S.T. Fletcher & J.F Pretlove) Oundle School (P Granger & M.P Skliros) Denstone College (A.C. Dracup & D.T. Spanow) Oundle School (R.G. Freebairn & J.F. Granger) Whitgift School (I.R.M. Anderson & J.D. Edwud) DenstoneCollege (R.S.D. Jones& N.H. Wood) St. Dunstan'sCollege (D.S. Clift & E. Milsh) St. Dunstan'sCollege (D.S. Clift & E. Marsh) Blundell's School (C.L. Mclachlan & R.W. White) Merchiston Castle School (G.L. Maguire & D.R.C. Morton) Oundle School (PG. Le M. Peck & A.T. Vincent) Bedford School (M.S. Cheswo*h & P Mellor) Denstone College (D.D. Braithwaite & T. Nevey) Clifton College (J. Bretten & D.S. Spence) Bedford Modern School (L.E. Weston & R.K. Williams) Clifton College (A.J. Brown & A.S. Dixon) Alleyn's School (G. Baker & D.J. Hebden) Rugby School (M.J. Cleaver & T.A. Cowie) Merchiston Castle School (M.R.F. Clark & D.A. Lawson) Alleyn's School (J.L. Gibbons & D.J. Saward) Denstone College (S.A. de Belder & M. Morgm) Alleyn's School (G.D. Blair & R.L.T. Davis) Oundle School (E.J.R. Faffow & T.M. King-Smith) Bedford School (C.W. Pattison & l.G. Peck) St. Paul's School (T.PJ. Macaskie & R.L. Vainer) St. Dunstan's College (G.A. Handy & D.R. Trew) Denstone College (A. Daryani & G. Morgan) Bedford School (C.B. Hurt & N.W. Kirkby) St. Dunstm's College (C.T. Caryenter & M. Lawrence) Merchant Taylors' School (S.R. Burows & N.D. Eckert) Bradfield College (A. Brown & R.P Holiins) Page l3

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 t99l r99Z 1993 L994 1995 \996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

C.M. Denny (St. Dunstm's College) M.G. Hajialexandrou (St. Dunstm's College) M.G. Hajialexandrou (St. Dunstm's College) A.G. Hajialexandrou (St. Dunstan's College) K.S. Riat (St. Dunstan's College) M. Mellor (Sedbergh School) P.J. Newman (St Dunstm's College) I.P. Ford (St. Dunstm's College) I.P Ford (St. Dunstan's College) J.R. Nelmes (Clifton College) S.C. Fraser (Lorefto School) E.J. Hickey (St. Paul's School) J.M. Edington (Sedbergh School) T. Stock (St. Dunstan's College) J. Strang (Merchiston Castle School) C.S. Saltmrsh (Radley College) B. Lovett (Christ's Hospital) E.G.R. Comer (St. Paul's School) P.D. Mmn (St. Paul's School) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) D. Grmt (Merchant Taylors' School) A. Beverly (St. Paul's School)

r975 t976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 t99l 1992 \993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Singles (Harpur Cup) S.M. Prigmore (Bedford Modem School) K.C. Smith (Bradfield College) M. Lawrence (St. Dunstan's College) S.PT. Kemp (St. Paul's School) A. Brown (Bradfield College) J.G. Stamp (St. Paul's School) I.W. Jack (St. Dunstan's College) J.F Bradbury (Denstone College) R.M. Layton (Bradfield College) G.I.D.J. Bierer (St. Paul's School) M.A. Slade (St. Dunstan's College) J.L. Hmpel (Merchant Taylors' School) D. Hay (Blundell's School) I.P Ford (St. Dunstan's College) M.G.N. Windows (Clifton College) J.R. Nelmes (Clifton College) G.H.J. Rees (Clifton College) T. Stock (St. Dunstan's College) T. Stock (St. Dunstan's College) N.J. Saltmarsh (Radley Colege) R.J. Holland (Bradfield College) E.G.R. Comer (St. Paul's School) E.G.R. Comer (St. Paul's School) PD. Mann (St. Paul's School) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) T. Dean (St. Paul's School) A.J. Mashall (Bradfield College) J. Pendergrass(Loretto School) C. Jones (Tonbridge School)

St. Dunstan's College (C.M. Denny & M.G. Hajialexmdrou) St. Dunstm's College (I.W. Jack & D.G. Motr) Merchmt Taylors' School (A.J.G. Monis & H. Thompson) St. Paul's School (G.I.D.J. Bierer & S.I. Mackenzie) St. Dunstan's College (K.S. Riat & M.A. Slade) St. Dunstan's College (M.A. Slade & S. Tunbridge) St. Dunstm's College (J.E. Bentley & P.J. Newman) St. Paul's School (J.M. Droop & P.W.T. Neate) St. Dunstan's College (P.D. d'Ancona & I.P Ford) Loretto School (S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis) Loretto School (S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis) Sedbergh School (J. Brown & J. Lancaster) Sherbome School (N.PC. Hyde & N.G. Maclver) St. Paul's School (M.R. Simons & B.J.F Thomas) Sedbergh School (J. Lofthouse & I. McKenow) Radley College (C.S. Saltmash & T.A.C. Maconie) St. Paul's School (E.G.R. Comer & M.P.L. Tsang) St. Paul's School (E.G.R. Comer & M. Kent) St. Paul's School (PD. Mmn & A. Talim) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & I. Mogford) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & I. Mogford) Chdst's Hospital (T. Curtin & P Rider) Loretto School (J. Pendergrass& O. Santrakul)


Page 14

Doubles (Marchant Cup) St. Paul's School (M.L. Owen & A.G. Redstone) St. Dunstan's College (N.Q. Orchardson & N.P Straker) St. Dunstm's College (P.A. Handy & M. Lawrence) Alleyn's School (C.G. Jennings & C.A. Stendall) Radley College (N.A. Browne & I.A.N. Williams) Alleyn's School (P Davey & S. Geere) St. Dunstm's College (I.W. Jack & D.G. Moar) Denstone College (M.R. Bollad & J.F. Bradbury) Merchant Taylors' School (S.R.C. Mee & A.J.G. Moris) St. Paul's School (G.I.D.J. Bierer & N.C. Johnson) Merchant Taylors' School (J.L. Hampel & D.WR. Wiles) St. Paul's School (R. Bums & S. Filmer) St. Paul's School (D.H.L. Edwads & P.W.T. Neate) St. Dunstan's College (PD. d'Ancona & I.P. Ford) Clifton College (J.A. Crane & M.G.N. Windows) Clifton College (J.R. Nelnes & G.H.J. Rees) St. Dunstan's College (M.P d'Alcona & C. Lawson) St. Dunstan's College (S. Jenkins & S. Jerome) St. Dunstm's College (A. Abayomi & T. Stock) Bradfield College (PM.J. Lord & J. Sinton) St. Paul's School (T.A.J. Collier & T.E.B. Etherton) St. Paul's School (T.J. Bromfield & E.G.R. Comer) St. Paul's School (T.J. Bromfield & E.G.R. Comer) St. Paul's School (P.D. Mann & N.M. Clapp6) St. Dunstan's College (R. Bennett & N. Omaboe) St. Paul's School (A. Le & I. Mogford) St. Paul's School (T. Dem & A. Percy) St. Paul's School (T. Barlow & A. Beverly) Sherbome School (D. Kirk & D. Park) st. Paul's School (E. Emett & M. Gibbor)

The Rugby Fives Association

NATIONAL UNDER 14 SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIPS 1995 1996 1997 1998 t999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Singles E.G.R. Comer (St. Paul's School) P.D. Mann (Sr. Paul's School) R. Archdall (St. Paul's School) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) T. Dean (St. Paul's School) D. Mason-Malik (Stoke Newington School) H. Costa (St. Paul's School) J. McKenzie (St. Paul's School) T. Pringle (St. Paul's School) N. Simpson (Chrisr's Hospital)

Doubles St. Paul's School (A.Y Coffey & E.G.R. Comer) St. Paul's School (N.M. Clapp6 & PD. Mann) St. Dunstan's College (R. Bennett & N. Omaboe) Merchant Taylors' School (S. James & A. Kaul) St. Paul's School (T. Dem & J. Fumiss) St. Paul's School (T. Brlow & A. Beverly) St. Paul's School (T. CIrk & J. Fowler) St. Paul's School (J. McKenzie & C. Mclain) St. Paul's School (M. Gershfield & N. Gold) Christ's Hospital (G. Hobden & N. Simpson)

NATIONAL UNDER 13 SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIPS The National Under 13 Schools Championships (formerly Prep Schools) arose from an initiative in 1985 by the President of the RFA, Alastair Mackenzie. Seven schools entered the first championships, and the number had dsen to double figures by two years later. The event takes placa at St. Paul's School, Barnes, and is normally played on a Sunday in March. 1985 1986 t987 1988 1989 1990

r99r 1992 1993 t994 I 995 1996 1997 I 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 20Q4

Singles (St. Paul's Cup) Mitchell (Bedford Modem School) Sawey Cookson (Pilgrims' School) E. Cuming (Lambrook School) G.H.J. Rees (Clifton College) G.A. Hammon (Loretto School) E. Russell (Lambrook School) T. Dean (Lmbrook School) B. Gurung (Lmbrook School) R. Wadsworth (Lambrook School) K. Hurstmann (Lambrook School) K. Hurstmann (Lambrook School) R. Lane (Pilgrims' School) S. James (Merchmt Taylors' School) N. Chapman (Sutton Valence School) M. Kovacevich (Chdst's Hospital) A. Love (Pilgrims' School) C. Lane (Clifton College) R. Desai (St. Olave's School) N. Simpson (Christ's Hospital) J. Ooodman (St. Olave's School)

Doubles (MackenTie Cup) Bedford Modem School (Mitchell & Singh) Clifton College (J.A. Crme & Gibbs) Lambrook School (E. Cuming & J. Knight) Clifton College (W Batemm & D. Smith-Cox) Lmbrook School (T. Dean & N.P.C. Hyde) Clifton College (V. Chen & M. Dubois) Lambrook School (8. Gurung & J. Sinton) Lambrook School (J. Druitt & B. Gurung) Lmbrook School (0. Omenai & R. Wadsworth) Lmbrook School (M. Bruce & W. Mann) Lambrook School (R. Dem & K. Hurstmmn) Pilgrims' School (T. Afsha & R. Lane) Merchant Taylors' School (S. James & A. Kaul) Pilgrims' School (C. Kennedy & M. Edmonstone) Clifton College (S. Evans & A. Langston) Pilgrims' School (G. Frost & A. Love) Pilgrims'School (M. Levett & W. Sumerfield) St. Olave's School (R. Desai & B. Kailey) Christ's Hospital (G. Hobden & N. Simpson) St. Olave's School (J. Goodman & J- Moore)

WEST OF ENGLAND SCHOOLSCHAMPIONSHIPS The West of England Schools Championships were first played in Bristol in 1959. The organiser was Adrian Codrington, an Old Bristolian who had startedthe West of England Rugby Fives Club in 1956. The trophies (the Kemp Cup for singles, and the Punchard Cup for doubles) were donated by eponymous Old Bristolians. For the first eight years, the winners came from West of England schools only, but thereafter players from further afield began to make their mark. The event has been held variously at Bristol Grammar School, Colston's School, Sherborne School, Clifton College and Marlborough College, and it takes place in early January. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 t964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Singles (Kemp Cup) J.T. Watkinson (Bristol Gramr School) J.A. Slater (Clifton College) P.R. Williamson (Bristol Grammr School) M.C. Durand (Bristol Grammr School) I.D.H. Clarke (Bristol Grammar School) J. Bretten (Clifton College) C.M. Bascombe (Clifton College) A.G. Puker (Blundell's School) J.C. Dalzell (Bedford School) A.S. Dixon (Clifton College) T.A. Cowie (Rugby School)

Rugby Fites Records

Doubles (Punchard Cup) Bristol Grammr School (J.T. Watkinson & PR. Willimson) Clifton College (J.A. Slater & A.R. Windows) Blundell's School (S.J. Fisher & PJ. Gill-Martin) Clifton College (J. Bretten & N.G.P. Hmison) Bristol Gramr School (I.D.H. Clarke & M.C. Durand) Bristol Grammar School (I.D.H. Clarke & M.J. Haynes) Blundell's School (C.M. Clapp & A.G. Prker) Blundell's School (A.G. Parker & R.J. Sumerfield) Bedford School (J.C. Dalzell & J.H. Mytton) Clifton College (A.J. Brown & A.S. Dixon) Rugby School (T.A. Cowie & R.C.O. Skinner)

Page I 5

1970 197t r972 r913 1974-7s 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1 981 1982 1 983 1984 1 985 1 986 1987 1 988 1989 1990 1 991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

G.W. Enstone (Poundswick High School) M.I. Mcl-ren (Bedford School) G.D. Blair (Alleyn's School) E.J.R. Fanow (Oundle School) no competition A.M. Lloyd-Williams (Bedford School) B.S. Ashton (South Trafford College) K.C. Smith (Bradleld College) no competition J.R. King (Clifton College) B.J. Hanton (Alleyn's School) R.P. Hollins (Bradfield College) D.G. Mom (St. Dunstm's College) M.G. Hajialexmdrou (St. Dunstm's College) M.G. Hajialexmdrou (St. Dunstm's College) K.S. Rial (St. Dunstan's College) M.A. Slade (St. Dunstan's College) no competition I.P. Ford (St. Dunstan's College) I.P. Ford (St. Dunstan's College) J.R. Nelmes (Clifton College) S.C. Fraser (Loretto School) G.H.J. Rees (Clifton College) S. Jerome (St. Dunstan's College) T. Stock (St. Dunstm's College) PM.J. Lord (Bradfield College) R.J. Holland (Bradfield College) B. Lovett (Ctuist's Hospital) E.G.R. Corner (St. Paul's School) J.A.O. Bristow (Winchester College) N. Omaboe (St. Dunstan's College) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) S. Koris (Tiffin School) A Beverly (St. Paul's School)

Bedford School (C.A. Fowler & M.I. Mclaren) Alleyn's School (J.L. Gibbons & D.J. Sawad) Alleyn's School (G.D. Blair & R.L.T. Davis) Merchant Taylors' School (S.H. Brown & G.R. Bunting) St. Paul's School (D. Lee & A.G. Redstone) St. Paul's School (T.P.J.Macaskie & A.G. Redstone) Bedford School (C.B. Hurt & G.D. Quary) St. Paul's School (J.N. Hmison & S.PT. Kenp) Bradfield College (A. Brown & R.P Hollins) Alleyn's School (P Davey & S. Geere) Alleyn's School (P Davey & S. Geere) St. Dunstm's College (LW. Jack & D.G. Moar) St. Paul's School (G.I.D.J. Bierer & S.I. Mackenzie) St. Dunstm's College (PW. Bishop & A.G. Hajialexandrou) St. Dunstm's College (M.A. Slade & S. Tunbridge) St. Dunstm's College (PD. d'Ancona & I.P Ford) St. Dunstm's College (PD. d'Ancona & I.P Ford) Clifton College (J.R. Nelmes & G.H.J. Rees) Loretto School (S.C. Fraser & I. Purvis) St. Dunstan's College (S. Jenkins & S. Jerome) Bradfield College (M.J. Domm & B.R. Elfick) St. Dunstan's College (P Campbell & T. Stock) Bradfield College (R.J. Holland & PM.J. Lord) St. Paul's School (T.A.J. Collier & T.E.B. Etherton) Oundle School (T. Bordman & W.I. Jefferson) St. Paul's School (E.G.R. Comer & M. Kent) St. Paul's School (S. McDemott & A. Tahim) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & I. Mogford) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & I. Mogford) Christ's Hospital (T. Cuftin & P Rider) St. Paul's School (T. Barlow & A. Beverly)

WEST OF ENGLAND COLTS CHAMPIONSHIPS 196'.7 1 968 1969 1970 r97| 1972 1973 1974-1915 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Page16

Singles (Gardner Cup) S.J. Endersby (Bedford School) R.C.W. Rench (St. Paul's School) D.J. Sawud (Alleyn's School) T.T. Lawson (Bristol Grammar School) E.J.R. Fatrow (Oundle School) S.H. Brown (Merchmt Taylors' School) T.M. King-Smith (Oundle School) no competition K.C. Smith (Bradfield College) School) G.C. Reed (Bristol Gramr S.PT. Kemp (St. Paul's School) no competition J.G. Stamp (St. Paul's School) I.W. Jack (St. Dunstan's College) H. Thompson (Merchant Taylors' School) R.M. Layton (Bradfield College) A.G. Hajialexmdrou (St. Dunstan's College) M.A. Slade (St. Dunstan's College) P.J. Newman (St. Dunstm's College) P.W.T. Neate (St. Paul's School) no competition M.G.N. Windows (Clifton College) J.R. Nelmes (Clifton College) G.H.J. Rees (Clifton College) S. Jerome (St. Dunstm's College)

Doubles (RFA Bowl) Bedford School (S.J. Endersby & D.R.M. Lindsell) St. Paul's School (PD. Quick & R.C.W. Rench) Alleyn's School (D.J. Saward & P. Westwood) Alleyn's School (G.D. Blair & R.L.T. Davis) Oundle School (E.J.R. Fanow & T.J.S. King-Smith) Bedford School (D.A.B. Dmce & C.W. Pattison) Bedford School (A.M. Lloyd-Willims & I.G. Peck) Oundle School (I. Crowe & M. Monickendam) St. Dunstan's College (PA. Handy & M. Lawrence) Alleyn's School (C. G. Jennings & C.A. Stendall) St. Dunstm's College (C.M. Denny & S.R. Whittingham) St. Dunstm's College (I.M. Jack & D.G. Mom) Bradfield College (R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen) Merchmt Taylors' School (S.R.C. Mee & A.J.G. Monis) St. Paul's School (G.I.D.J. Bierer & N.C. Johnson) Bradfield College (R.J. Maitland & D.R.H. Spencer) St. Paul's School (R. Bums & S. Filmer) St. Paul's School (D.H.L. Edwards & Pw.T. Neate) Clifton College (J.A. Crane & M.G.N. Windows) Clifton College (J.R. Nelmes & G.H.J. Rees) Clifton College (W. Bateman & S. Cavanagh) St. Dunstan's College (S. Jenkins & S. Jerome) The Rugby Fives Association

1993 r994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

T. Stock (St. Dunstm's College) J. Sinton (Bradfield College) R.J. Hollmd (Bradfield College) W.I. Jefferson (Oundle School) E.G.R. Corner (St. Paul's School) PD. Mann (St. Paul's School) N. Omaboe (St. Dunstan's College) A. Lee (St. Paul's School) T. Dean (St. Paul's School) A.J. Mrshall (Bradfield College) (Winchester College) H.K. Mohmed A. Seigel (St. Paul's School)

St. Dunstan's College (A. Abayomi & T. Stock) Bradfield College (R.J. Hollmd & J. Sinton) St. Paul's School (T.A.J. Collier & T.E.B. Etherton) Oundle School (T. Boardmm & W.I. Jefferson) St. Paul's School (T.J. Bromfield & E.G.R. Comer) Merchant Taylors' School (R. Wise & N. Faith) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & I. Mogford) St. Paul's School (A. Lee & S. Faber) St. Paul's School (T. Dem & G. Singer) Bradfield College (A.J. Mrshall & E. Ronan) Winchester College (H.K. Mohammed & O.J. Pumphrey) St. Paul's School (C. Hay & A. Seigel)

GMC YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIPS The Greater Manchester County Youth Championships were played between 1978 and 1986 on the courts of the old Manchester YMCA and Manchester University. 1978 r979 1980 1981 1982 r 983 I 984 1985 1986

U|8 Singles (Hyde-Anril Cup) S.P.T.Kemp S.P.T.Kemp J.E. Boulton I.W. Jack M.G. Hajialexandrou J.M. Tremellen K.S. Riat M.A. Slade PJ. Newman

Ul6 Singles (F. Beswick Cup) J. Bocksler G. Culshaw I.W. Jack J. Beswick J.D. Thomas N.F Mehmet D.R.H. Spencer P.J. Newman I.P Ford

U14 Singles (J. Connor Cup) J. Beswick J. Beswick S.I. Mackenzie G.l.D.J. Bierer F. Boggiano J.L. Hampel D.H.L. Edwtrds T.S. Morgan M. Wone

1978 1979 1980 l98l 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

Ul8 Doubles (K. Webb Cup) S.PT. Kemp & D.P Redstone E.W. Vinelott & P.A.F Wilson J.E. Boulton & J.G. Stamp R.P Hollins & B.P Wright PW. Bishop & M,G- Hajialexandrou R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen PW. Bishop & A.G. Hajialexmdrou K.S. Riat & M.A. Slade M.A. Slade & S. Tunbridse

Ul6 Doubles (J. Frais Cup) J. Angeli & J. Bocksler R.P. Hollins & B.P. Wright I.W. Jack & D.G. Mou R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen P Ellis & J.D. Thomas G.I.D.J. Bierer & N.C. Johnson R.J. Maitland & D.R.H. Spencer J.E. Bentley & PJ. Newman PD. d'Ancona & I.P. Ford

Ul4 Doubles no competition

C. Chaudry & N. Child no competition

NORTH OF ENGLAND SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP The North of England Schools Championship for the Northumbria Shield was held 8 times during the 1960s and '70s. The winning schoolswere: 1977 St. Dunstan'sCollege 1960 Whitgift School 1971 DenstoneCollege 1973 Sedbergh School 1970 RugbySchool 1972 DenstoneCollege 1976 GiggleswickSchool 1978 RugbySchool

LONDON GRAMMAR SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP The London Grammar Schools Championship for the Marchant Cup was first played in 1929. When, with the arrival of the comprehensive, the number of London schools playing fives decreasedin the 1960s, the competition was abandoned,but the magnificent trophy, one of the grandest in the game, was transferred to the National Schools Colts Doubles in 1975. 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936

Strand Sir Walter St. John's HenryThomton Henry Thornton Sir Walter St. John's Sir Walter St. John's Henry Thomton Henry Thomton

Rugby Fives Reconls

1937 HenryThomton 1938 St. Marylebone 1939-1948 no competition 1949 St. Marylebone 1950 St. Marylebone l95l Sloane 1952 Wandsworth 1953 Wandsworth

1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961

Slome Hackney Downs Hackney Downs SirWalterSt.John's Sir Walter St. John's St. Mrylebone Hackney Downs Wandswofth

1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

Wandsworth St. Marylebone Hackney Downs HackneyDowns Hackney Downs

Page 17



The National Club Championship (or Club Knockout Championship, as it was then known) was introduced in 1974 at the instigation of its organiser, Ian Fuller. A splendid trophy was donated by Tom and Joan Wood. Held in its early years at a variety of venues, since 1983 the final rounds have been played over one weekend at the Bank of England Sports Club and St. Paul's School. Teams are of four players, but substitutions are allowed between rounds.

The University Match between Oxford and Cambridge was first played in 1925. Of the matches to date, Cambridge have won 48 and Oxford 26, with Oxford victorious in 11 out of the last 12 matches. This may have some connection with the facilities available at the two universities: whereas Oxford opened new courts in 1990, Cambridge lost their base at Portugai Place in 1995. The University Match has been played at a variety of venues, but in recent years it has been held at St. Paul's School, Bames.

Winners Clove Club Old Merchant Taylors' RFA Club RFA Club Manchester YMCA Manchester YMCA RFA Club RFA Club RFA Club Manchester YMCA Manchester YMCA Manchester YMCA Manchester YMCA Manchester YMCA RFA Club Alleyn Old Boys

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1919 1980 I 981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Runruers-up Alleyn Old Boys RFA Club Old Cliftonians Heath Old Boys RFA Club Old Merchmt Taylors' Mmchester YMCA Old Paulines Cambridge University Old Tonbridgians Jesters Old Tonbridgians Paul's Club RFA Club Manchester YMCA RFA Club (North)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1,997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Winners RFA Club White Rose Club Manchester YMCA RFA Club White Rose Club Old Bradfieldians Mmchester YMCA Mmchester YMCA Alleyn Old Boys Alleyn Old Boys Mmchester YMCA Alleyn Old Boys Alleyn Old Boys Alleyn OId Boys 0xford Past

Runners-up White Rose Club Manchester YMCA Executioners Manchester YMCA Executioners Manchester YMCA RFA Club Alleyn Old Boys Manchester YMCA RFA Club Alleyn Old Boys Manchester YMCA Caledonian Club Manchester YMCA Alleyn Old Boys


RFA CLUB PRESIDENT'S CUP The President's Cup is a doubles tournament run on a Sunday shortly before Christmas. Members are invited to enter as individuals, and there is a draw for pa(ners. The fine trophy was presentedat the inaugural event in 1958 by Geoffrey Rimmer, the first Presidentofthe Club. Three further trophies for plate competitions were added by Tom and Joan Wood in 1978 and 1983. The tournament is played at Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood. C. Hindson & P Snowsill C. Hindson & M. Scott D. Beevers & J. Gray D. Morton & P. Snowsill D. Gmdner & P Snowsill C. Cluk & M. Scott S. Holt & A. Maltby J. Burton & S. Holt R. Colville & D. Gudner I. Puckle & J. Slater A. Clrk & D. Hebblethwaite D. Bames & I. Puckle no competition L. Lawson & P. Wingfield-Digby D. Hebden & T. Williams J.Darby & D. Hebblethwaite

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1919 1980 l98l 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

J. Bufion & R. Peters P de Winton & P Dunscombe D. Hebblethwaite & T. Passmore W. Gunyon & D. Hebblethwaite C. Heron & N. Smith D. Prlby & J. Reeve M. Alexmder & R. Bm G. Sagr & J. Schroeter D. Parlby & R. Whait T. Cobb & J. Sctuoeter N. Eckefi & M. Tremellen T. Cobb & D. Keating N. Butterfield & F. Strang J. Schroeter & R. Wood A. Mackenzie & J. Schroeter D. Hebden & K. Love

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ).997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

I. Davenport & J. Schroeter D. Btrnes & J. Biltle I. Roberts & J. Schroeter A. Hughes & P Reeder H. Buchanm & A. Calf J. Hmison & J. Schroeter B. Hanton & G. Patterson C. Jones & J. Schroeter H. Buchman & N. Marshall W. Avenell & J. Beswick H. Buchman & R. Shergold I. deWeymam & D. Hebden P Atkinson & I. de Weymm J. Bartle & O. Stone Lee

RFA V BUSA REPRESENTATIVEMATCH The annual 'Representative Match' between the RFA and the British Universities started in December 1967. The first match was 4 per side, but for the second and subsequentmatches teams of 6 were selected. Since 1969, the match has been played in January or February, and the RFA has only lost once, by 195-205 points in 7978. There was a tie in 1986 at 203 points all. Page I 8

This event was held for 3 years in I 983, '84 and '85 on the courts of Bedford Modern School. Its great success was due to the efforts of its organisers,David Hebblethwaite and Jerry Cooper, who also donated the trophies. Eight singles players and eight doubles pairs were invited to compete in a knockout format over one weekend. The singles was won each year by Wayne Enstone, and the doubles by Steve Ashton and Wayne Enstone.

LONDON LEAGUE The idea of a London League was first proposed by Rick Wilson, RFA President in 1991-2, but it was not implemented until the seasonof 1994-5, when Dave Fox set up a two-division league comprising 10 teams in the London area. The inaugural winners were the 'Forty Club', led by Ian Fuller.


The Old Boys Championship was started in 2004 in order to encourage Old Boys Clubs to enlist members, especially those who have just left school. The ftophy was donated by the RFA and named in honour of Tony Owers, an Old Whitgiftian and one of the Association's principal benefactors.The 2004 winners were Alleyn Old Boys, who beat Old Dunstonians in the final. Teams are of four players, but substitutions are allowed between rounds.

1958 1959 1960 1961 1967 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 l97l 1972 1973


The Rugby Fives Association

The Winchester Fives Open Doubles was first played at Bradfield College in 1982. The initiative came from Michael Haslam, the first chairman of the Winchester Fives Group, and the Barnes Bridge Trophy, named in recognition ofDavid Barnes's contribution to the game, was donated by Tom and Joan Wood. The competition is plaved in rotation at four schools: Bradfield. Winchester. Sedbersh and Malvern. 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 l 988 1989 1990 1991 r992

R.N. Ban & S. Constantine D.S. Parlby & J.S. Schroeter R.N. Ban & S. Constmtine S. Constantine & D.J. Hebden S. Constantine & D.J. Hebden S. Constantine & D.J. Hebden D. Bames & R.N. Ban R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen S. Constantine & D.J. Hebden N-H. Roberts & A.G. Wilson

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 z00l 2002. 2003

R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen R.M. Layton & J.M. Tremellen I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P. Fuller & D.J. Hebden I.P Fuller & D.J. Hebden

LADIES'WINCHESTER FIVES OPEN SINGLES& DOUBLES The Ladies'Winchester Fives Championship was initiated by Michael Haslam as a singles event in 1988 at Sedbergh School. He presented the Crayke Cup, named after the Yorkshire village in which he lives, to the winner Paula Smith, who remained unbeaten in this singles event until 2004. In 1990, Denise Hall-Wilton started a doubles competition, fbr which she donated the Bradfield Bowl, a trophy with a specially designed four-sided wooden base, one side for each of the four venues at which the championships are in tum held: Bradfield, Winchester, Sedberghand Malvem. 1988 1989 1990 t991 1992 1993 1994 1995 t996 1997 1998

Singles (Crayke Cup) PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith PB. Smith

Rugby Fives Reconls

Doubles (Bradfield Bowl) no doubles competition no doubles competition D.P. Hall-Wilton & P.B. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith R. Nagle-Wood & C. Wood D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith

Page I9

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

D.P. Hall-Wilton & PB. Smith

P.B. Smith no competition PB. Smith PB. Smith P.B. Smith D. Redmond

D.P Hall-Wilton D.P Hall-Wilton D.P. Hall-Wilton D.P. Hall-Wilton

& & & &


Smith Smith Smith Smith

WINCHESTER FIVES NORTHERN DOUBLES The Winchester Fives Northern Doubles was started by Laurence Catlow in 1993. The event is held at Sedbergh School, Cumbria. 1993 1994 '1995 1996 1997 1998

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

N.H. Robefis & A.G. Wilson P. Last & R.M. Layton P Last & R.M. Layton D.A. Fox & S.J. Robefts no competition D.A. Fox & S.J. Robert.

B. Loveu & A.G. Wilson R. James-Duff & I. Purvrs S.C. Fraser & R. James-Duff no competition no competition

WINCHESTER FIVES MIXED DOUBLES The Winchester Fives Mixed Doubles was started in 1997 by Paula Smith, who donated a cup. The evsnt is played at Bradfield 1997 1998 1.999 2000

College in May 2001 2002 2003 2004

M.T. Love & K.H.C. Love R. Nagle-Wood & R. Wood PB. Smith & S. Smith S. Franklin & C. Thomas

PB. Smith & S. Smith no competition M. Whitehead & J.A.O. Bristow D.P Hall-Wilton & R.L. Dolby


Men's Doubles

Mosr Narional Singles wins:

Most National Doubles wins:

Enstone, W Marsh, E Pretlove, J Davies, J Dawes, A Malt, P Roberts, N Watkinson, J

23 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

The Schools Winchester Doubles Tournament was startedby David Barnes in 2002 and is held in November at Winchester College. 2002

RadleyCollege(S. Grant-Dalton& F. Sjdsffdm)


Winchester College (H. Ishii & O.J. Pumpbrey)

ROSSALL OPEN The Rossall Open was started by Howard Wiseman in 2000 and is played in alternate years on the unique coufts at Rossall School, Fleetwood. 2000 2002

Singles M.C.T. Wiseman J.P Toop

2000 2002

Doubles H. Buchanm & B.R. Tabemer D.J. Hebden & H.M.E. Wiseman

ROSSALLSCHOOLSINTERNATIONAL YOUTH FIVES HANDBALL These Championships were started by Howard Wiseman in 1999 in order to enable young players from all codes of Fives and Handball to compete on neutral ground at Rossall School. \999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Singles J.P Toop (St. Olave's) M.J. Baner 1St.Olave's.; A.S. Vma (Highgate) N. McHugh (Irelmd) N. McHugh (Ireland)

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Doubles S.K.P Cooley & J.P Toop (St. Olave's) M.J. Barter & W.E. Powell (St. Olave's) P. Smah & A.S. Vma (St. Olave's/Highgate) J. McCann & N. McHugh (Irelmd) T. Connaughton & N. McHugh (Irelmd)

l5 l3 l0 l0 8 7 6 6

Most National Singles.finals: 25 12 9 1 7 7

A4ostNational Doubles win.sby a pair:

. Most Singlesfinal appearances by a player who never won the /idei Tony Wynn (3)

Most National Doubles .finals:

Enstone, W East,J Roberts, N Fuller, I Mrsh, E Pretlove, J

YoungestSingles winner: Eic Marsh ( I 9 yrs 7 mths) . Oldest Singles winner: IanFuller (45 yrs 6 mths) . Average age of Singles winners: c. 29 yrs


Enstone, W Roberts, N Fuller, I Hebden. D Pretlove, J Gardner, D Bailey. E East, J

. KC Gandar Dower (1932) and JPToop (2003) have also won the Eton Fives Association Kinnaird Cup Most Open Championship Singles wins: Enstone, W Roberts, N Fuller. I Gardner, D Buchman, H Hebden, D Mush, E

95 32 15

13 12 10 10

Fuller & Hebden Enstone & Roberts East & Enstone Gardner & Reid Pretlove & Silk Beswick & Roberts

Hebden, D Fuller, I Enstone, W Roberts,N Gardner. D Pretlove, J Holt, S

t0 9 5 4 4 4

24 22 Z0 13 lZ lt 10

l\4ost Open Chanpionship Doubles wint Robefis, N Hebden,D Grdner, D Enstone, W Fuller, I Reid, S Beswick. J

65 6l 49 47 41 35 33

Wayne Enstone's 95 titles represent 35Eaof the 272 Singles titles contested since records began



Most National Singles wins:

Most National Doubles wins:

Smith, P Knowles, C Wood, C

II 4 I

Hall-Wilton, D S mi t h ,P Knowles, C Whitehead, M

5 5 4 3

Most times National Singles runner'up: H al l -W i l t o n ,D Smith, P Love, M Deaner. L

5 4 3 2

Most National Doubles wins by a pair Hall Wilton & Smith


Ladies' Winchester Fives: Paula Smith has won the Winchester Singles l5 times, first losing in 2004 to Doninique Redmond The Winchester Doubles has been won 13 times bv Denise Hall-Wilton and Paula Snith.

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The Rugby FtuesAssociation

Rugby Fives Records

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National Club (Wood Cuo)

Veterans & Vintage Munay, A


Howe, J Fuller, I Hebden, D

6 5 4

6 6

Prigmore, G Schroeter,J Bames, D

6 6

Alleyn Old Boys

Denison, J Prigmore, G Hebblethwaite, D Atkinson, B East. J

19 0f the 31 Club KO finals.

6 6 4

18 different clubs have appered in finals.

3 3

Winchester Fives

6 5

Tremellen, M


il 7 6

Cambridge Oxford London

3 3

Enstone, W Roberts, N



Oxford Leeds

11 5

Hebden, D Fuller, I Grdner, D Beswick, J Reid, S East, J

4 Singles wins: S Kemp, A Wynn, I Purvis 3 Doubles wins: D Amold, B Elfick

Buchanm, H Howe, J

Schools National Singles and Doubles

10 9 8



Combined Records



Constantine & Hebden

8 5

Most combined Open Singles and Doubles wins:

Most Doubles wins by a University:

5 4

St. Dunstan's St. Paul's


Constmtine, S Layton, R

Most Doubles wins:


Fuller & Hebden Layton & Tremellen

fulost Singles wins by a University: 4 3

Most Singles wins by a School:

Most wins by a pair:


Hebden, D Fuller, I


Most Sin|les wins:

Fraser, S Purvis, I

Hebden, D Snowsill. P

Most wins

Under 25s

.d'Ancona, P Tabemer, B

Schroeter,J Hebblethwaite, D Buchanm, H

Although only 8 clubs have won the Wood Cup,

Tony Hughes md Alastair Mackenzie re the only players to have won both the Veterans and Vintage Singles. John Denison, David Hebblethwaite, Geoff Prigmore and Keith Puckle have won both the Veterans and Vintage Doubles.

Layton, R Purvis, I

Most wins:

1l 8 6

Manchester YMCA have contested

Most Vintage Doubles wins:

5 4 4

Denison, J Howe, J

RFA Club

3 3 2

Mackenzie, A Hughes, A

Most VeteransDoubles wins: Fuller, I Hebblethwaite, D

Mmchester YMCA


Denison, J East, J

RFA Club President'sCup

Most wins:

Most Vintage Singles wtns:

Most VeteransSingles wins:

Most Doubles wins by a School: Oundle St. Paul's Sl. Dunstan's Denstone

l42 97 7I 62 62 38 35 30 25 22

Schools and National Open events: Most overall titles by a School

13 1l

Oundle St. Dunstan's


St. Paul's



21 20 20 15

. Singles:7 winners ofthe Schools Singles went on to win the National Singles (Dawes, East, Enstone, Knight, Mrsh, Predove, Watkinson). . Doubles:9 winners oflhe Schools Doubles went on to win the National Doubles (Conradi, Cowie, Hebden, Mash, Nicol, Oundjim, Pretlove, Readhead,Reichwald). Only Eric Mush and Johr Pretlove appea in both lists, having won all 4 events.

26 different schools have won National Schools titles Including the University Chmpionships (not played until 1960) in a 'Grand Slam' of events, the following have won:

Individual achiewment s:

. Singles: Milsh, Watkinson.

. 3 Singles wins: P Mellor (Bedford); 11 players have won twice.

. Doubles: Cowie. Hebden. Mash.

. 10 individuals have won the Doubles twice, but only 3 pairs have successfully defended their title: Clift & Mtrsh (St. Dunstm's), Fraser & Punis (Loretto), Lee & Mogford (St. Paul's).

Thus, Eric Mrsh is the only person to have won all 6 events.

. Most combined Singles/Doubles titles is 4: J Holroyd (Oundle), P Mellor (Bedford), A Lee (St. Paul's) 5 players have won both the National Singles md the Veterans Singles. Ian Fuller is the only player to have held both titles at the sme time.

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Rugby Fives Records

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The Rugby Fives Association

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