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Swim Team
Parent Info Mtg.- 3/29 at 6pm (lower level of LL Clubhouse)
Registration Window- 3/29- 5/1 or until full
*Registration will be completed online. Links will appear on our website when window opens.
1st Day of Practices- 5/30 (Jr and new swimmer evaluations)
5/31 (all competitive team swimmers).
Practices are M-F mornings and are 1 hour each. Age group breakdown/times TBA.
Swim Meets: 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/12, Champs- 7/15
End of Season Banquet: 7/16
Want to learn more about the Loch Lloyd Lightening Swim Team? Visit lochlloydlightning.swimtopia.com for all things swim team here within the gates. The 'Parent 101 Handout' is a great source of information for your frequently asked questions. As always, feel free to email me at llccswimteam@outlook.com and I will get in touch with you as soon as I can! -Dara Witte