Ibiza Rocks & Mallorca Rocks
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Majorca Daily Bulletin (Mallorca) 11 de agosto 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Scoop it (Italia) 24 de julio 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Calvià Cultura (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
Septiembre 2011 Martes 6 The Streets DJ Fresh + Rizzle Kicks + Doorly + Nicola Bear Lugar de actuación: Mallorca Rocks Hotel Dirección: C. Blanca, 8, 07182 Magaluf, Mallorca, Spain Apertura de puertas: 19,00 h Precio: 33.00 Información y venta de entradas:
Martes 13 Madness The Whip + Doorly + Nicola Bear Lugar de actuación: Mallorca Rocks Hotel Dirección: C. Blanca, 8, 07182 Magaluf, Mallorca, Spain Apertura de puertas: 19,00 h Precio: 37.50 Información y venta de entradas:
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
DĂgame (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
El Aviso (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Love Ibiza (Ibiza) septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
See Mallorca (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Vamos 365 (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
Las 8 Estaciones: 02-03.09
Carme Canela & Jordi Matas: 03.09
01.09 @ 20.30 Son Bossa (latin music) Associació Cultural Sa Taronja 971 136 368
02.09 @ 20.30 Christa Elmer + Sebastián Raimundo Associació Cultural Sa Taronja 971 136 368 - 5 € & 8 €
01.09 @ 21.30 Odessa Plaza de la Pinada de Santa Ponça - Free (Gratis)
02.09 @ 21.00 & 22.30 Desireé Durán - We R Comin! Rock’N Roll Jazz Voyeur - C. Apuntadores, 5
01.09 @ 22.00 My Father My Lord VOSE Casal Solleric - Paseo del Borne, 27 Free (Gratis) 01.09 @ 22.30 Pirates Pirats (Humor musical) Vamp Café Concierto - C. Industria Molino 3 01.09 @ 23.00 Cougar Slaves Kaelum music Klub - Avda. Argentina, 1 01.09 @ 23.30 Enrique Macias (Paramount Comedy) Noches de Monólogos Templo - Paseo Marítimo, 44 01-11.09 Festes de la Mare de Déu Lloseta - 02.09 @ 20.00 Las 8 Estaciones Iglesia del sagrado corazón de Sóller Advance Tickets (Entradas anticipadas) Can Toni Reia - C. de la Lluna, 27 971 630 424
02.03 @ 23.30 The Bon Scott Band Plaza de la Pinada de Santa Ponça - Free (Gratis) 03.09 @ 22.30 Plato Vacío + Unprepared (Rock Alemán) Vamp Café Concierto - C. Industria Molino 3 03.09 @ 22.00 Las 8 Estaciones Claustre de Sant Domingo de Pollença Advance Tickets (Entradas anticipadas) Oficinas de información y turismo de Pollença y Puerto de Pollença 971 535 077 03.09 @ 22.00 Alcúdia Jazz - Carme Canela & Jordi Matas Auditori d’Alcúdia - 971 897 185 Plaza Porta de Mallorca, 3 15€ - 9 € Vamos! 04.09 @ 21.00 & 23.00 Live Music & Beyond Stones it’s only Rock and Roll Jazz Voyeur - C. Apuntadores, 5
Festival Neotoyko: 06.09
04.09 @ 22.30 Meeting Point (Rock) Vamp Café Concierto - C. Industria Molino 3 05.09 @ 22.00 Cinema a la Platja - Ironman 2 Playa de Santa Ponça - Free (Gratis) 05.09 @ 22.30 Hot Swingers (jazz-swing) Vamp Café Concierto - C. Industria Molino 3 06-09.09 Festival Neotokyo Es Baluard - Plaza Porta de Santa Catalina - Free (Gratis) 06.09 @ 20.00 The Streets Mallorca Rocks Hotel C. Blanca, 8 – Magaluf Tickets – Vamos! 06.09 @ 21.00 Las Pelotas Sala Assaig C. Gremi de Porgadors, 16 20€ 06.09 @ 22.30 We R Comin! Only Rock’N Roll Jazz Voyeur - C. Apuntadores, 5 07.09 @ 20.30 Musica de Tango Associació Cultural Sa Taronja 971 136 368 - 5 € & 8 €
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
om _ 59€
Vamos 365 (Mallorca) septiembre 2011
The Streets
Festival Neotoyko
06 September (Septiembre) @ 20.00
6-9 September (Septiembre)
> The British garage/rap project led by Mike Skinner, AKA The Streets, joins the line-up of Mallorca Rocks. The Birmingham rapper signed a 5 album contract in 2002, which he fulfilled with the release of his 5th and final album “Computers and Blues” earlier this year. His performance trademarks include his crowd controlling “Go Low” command where the whole audience drops to the ground and “Go Moses” where the audience parts down the middle and Skinner runs to the back and crowd surfs back to the stage. As the project now comes to a close, the unofficial poet of geezer rap has been saying his goodbyes on stage as he plans to skank off into the sunset to make films and books. > El proyecto de “garage” y rap británicos liderado por Mike Skinner y conocido como “The Streets”, se une a la programación de Mallorca Rocks. El rapero de Birmingham firmó un contrato por 5 discos en 2002 que culmina con su quinto y último álbum “Computers and blues” lanzado recientemente este año. En sus actuaciones es típico el uso de comando “Go Low” que hace tocar el suelo a la multitud y el “Go Moses” en el que el público se parte en dos y Skinner recorre el pasillo primero a pie y luego “surfea” sobre la multitud. A medida que se acerca el final del proyecto, el rapero se ha estado despidiendo sobre los escenarios y planea retirarse para rodar películas y escribir libros.
> For the 3rd consecutive year, the museum Es Baluard will host the mu sic & videoart festival “Neotoyko”, organized by the rock band of the same name. This years edition includes grande figures of international elecontronic music like Britian’s Neil Harbisson together with Mallorcan rock groups such as Desoda, Fura, Vergüenza Ajena, Alt F4, Oliver Bross, Cibersheep, Acid Pimps, Velvetine, Kingdinsky, Toxic Army and the vis uals of Minimal TV and Cmd+Z. The image of the festival was provided by the artist Max (National Comic Award 2007) who designed the poster for this edition and has limited edition shirts available at Es Baluard > Por tercera vez consecutiva, el museo Es Baluard albergará el Festival de música y Videoarte “Neotoyko” organizado por la banda de rock que lleva el mismo nombre. La edición de este año apostará por el Rock con grupos como Fura, Desoda y Toxic Army, grandes figuras de la música electrónica a nivel internacional como el británico Neil Harbisson junto con los mallorquines Vergüenza Ajena, Alt F4, Oliver Bross, Cibersheep, Acid Pimps, Velvetine, Kingdinsky, Toxic Army y los visuales de Minimal TV y Cmd+Z. La imagen del festival corre a cargo del artista Max (Premio Nacional de Cómic 2007) que ha diseñado el cartel de la presente edición así como una camiseta de edición limitada que podrá adquirirse en Es Baluard.
Mallorca Rocks Hotel
Museo Es Baluard
C. Blanca, 8, Magaluf Stop by Vamos in Santa Catalina for special priced resident tickets! (¡Pásate por Vamos en Santa Catalina para adquirir tu entrada especial de residente!)
Plaza Porta Santa Catalina, 10 Free (Gratis)
971 908 200
Qué pasa ... Septiembre
WHAT’S WHAT’S ON ...ON September ... May September 2011.indd 7
13/09/2011 11:22:09
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Youthing (Mallorca) 1 de septiembre 2011
experimentación. Esta noche estarán acompañados por los alemanes Unprepared que están listos para destilar el indie-punk-rock que corre por sus venas. son Russinyol. Gremi de Velluters, 14. Polígono de Arantxa Andreu El Molico. Esglesia 21. Sencelles 21h free. Canción de autor con sonidos -me Rossinyol. Palma 19h 5e. Rumba, reggae, rock,-ví deo, pintura en la Creative Culture Fest. Una noche diterráneos. en que algunos de los representantes de las distintas The Monster Ones Motown. Paseo Marítimo, disciplinas artísticas se han unido para montar una 44. Palma 23.50h free. Rock, psichobilly, glam y fiesta en la que podremos disfrutar de sus trabajos mucho rock’n’roll con actitud. mientras nos lo pasamos pipa. Como representan Wonderbrass Bluesville. Mà des Moro. Palma tes de la fotografía tenemos a Núria Rincón y Neus 00h free. Dixie, swing y mucho humor con estos Pastor. Philip “Wolf” y Amadeo Orellana harán lo personajes que navegan entre la música y el espectá propio con la pintura. Llaüt Digital y H1000VM culo humorístico total. nos mostrarán sus creaciones digitales y amalga Tom Banyalbufar 00h free. Rumba con espíritu mando el ambiente tendremos a los músicos con rockero con el trovador Tom que estará ambientan sus variadas propuestas que pasaremos ha resumir do la noche en este bonito pueblo de la cara norte de aquí en adelante. Tom Trovador y su rumba de la Serra. rockera, con humor y al toro. El reggae del músico Stación Sur + Germen + Impresenta caribeño Glasford. Simian Raticus y su explosión bles Factoria de So. Pol. Son Llaüt. Sta Maria 23h 3e. Noche de rock’n’roll en sa Factoria con tres rock, el reggae de Big Dread y Akrojam y la electró nica experimental llena de atmósferas circuitadas del bandas. Impresentables estarán con sus versiones de temas internacionales del rock nacional e interna Hombre1000VecesMuerto. cional. Germen es una banda local de rock. Com Alcudia Jazz 2011: Carmen Canela & Jordi Mates pleta el cartel Stación Sur. Auditori d’Alcudia 22h 15e (abo no festival 50e, información y venta en el Audito Balladors de Lluc + Música Nostra + La Ximbomba Atòmica ri de Alcúdia y al 971 89 71 85). Jazz, canción... Plaça de la Pinada. Santa Esta noche, enmarcado en el festival Alcudia Jazz Ponça 22h free. Ballada popular con música a cargo tenemos el placer de disfrutar de la música que de las formaciones tradicionales Balladors de Lluc y Música Nostra. A partir de las 00h tendremos la irradian la cantante Carmen Canela y el guita rrista Jordi Mates. Un dúo que llevan el jazz y fusión de La Ximbomba Atòmica que proponen la sensibilidad musical más allá. Canción propia desintegrar los instrumentos más tradicionales de con la suave voz y los acordes de guitarra clásica Mallorca con una fiesta radioactiva. como única bandera. Degenerated + Djs rock Tunnel. Plaza GoGloria Flamenca Restaurant S’Escorxador. mila. Palma 23h free. Punk rock en vivo con esta Emperatriz Eugenia, 6. Palma 22h 15e. Flamenco formación que con este concierto se despedirá de los con la excelente bailaora Karen Lugo poniendo de escenarios locales. Después y hasta las 6h, el rock manifiesto el gran dominio del compás que posee. alternativo de la mano de los djs de la sala. Gran investigadora de las raíces del flamenco y de Jam Session Morrison Bar (z: Metropolitan). la fusión con otros bailes, estará acompañada por el Palma 12h free. Jam mañanera para que compartas guitarrista Gaizca Baena, creador del concepto que tu música o para que la compartan contigo. esta noche tenemos sobre el cescenario, y por Jaco Jam Session Can Pinxo.De la Rectoria, 1. SóAbel. Abel es de origen Romaní y autodidacta en el ller 18h free. Jam session con los músicos de la zona, instrumento. Su revelador trabajo Flamenco Eléctri para tocar y ver tocar. co (2006) es un disco en donde la guitarra eléctrica Desiré Durán & Josep Munar + Mestizo suena plenamente flamenca. Alabado por la crítica Jazz Voyeur Club. Apuntadors. La Lonja. Palma especializada hoy se le sitúa como la primera-refe 21h free. Canción con aires souleros con Desiré rencia existente de la Guitarra Eléctrica Flamenca. Durán, acompañada por Josep Munar. A las 23h la fusión latina de Mestizo. Completa el cuadro la cantaora Rocío Soto y la per cusión de Beji habichuela. Trío Marítim + Ossifar Rivaival + Gintò nic Plaça Esglèsia. S’Arracó 23h free. Baile de salón Plato Vacío + Unprepared Vamp Café con Trío Marítim, luego las versiones y puesta en Concierto. Indústria. Molino 3. Palma 22.30h free. Indie, pop, rock.. Con los mallorquines Platovacío, escena de los míticos Ossifar de la mano de Ossifar una banda que ha ido mutando, separándose y- aña Rivaival. Completando el cartel de música en vivo estará la banda de pop-rock Gintònic. diendo miembros al ritmo que cambiaba de nom bre. Así han sido El Empleado del Mes, Proyeto Tat Herbes Dolces + Plastiks + Eixut + Ma lin y ahora Palto Vacío. Facturan un sonido que se tesound Plaça de l’Església. Son Sardina 21.30h free. Ballada popular con música a cargo de esta- for mece entre el indie, el rock y el pop y basan su efec tividad en los riffs de guitarra, las elucubraciones y la mación en el marco de les Festes Patronals de Son Sardina. Después el pop y rock en formato versiones festivas de Plastiks, el rock’n’grall de Eixut y comple tando el cartel Matesound y Sputniks. Swing 3 Plaça Principal Cala S’Almoina 22h free. Baile de salón con Swing 3. TomTrovador + Glasford + Simian Rati cus + Big Dread Reggae Band + Akro jam Band + H1000VM + .... Sa Possessió de
Mel & Sucre
+ Rodamons
+ La Loca Mo
tora + Djs Puça & Butxe Santa Margalida 22.30h free. Verbena total con motivo de las fiestas de la Beata. Las orquestas de baile de salón Mel & Sucre y Rodamons abren fuego. Después los éxitos del verano con La Loca Motora y al finalizar la mú sica en vivo los djs locales Butxe y Puça.
yth_445.indd 3
FIX Ibiza
31/08/11 16:47
PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Youthing (Mallorca) 1 de septiembre 2011
Django Reinhardt, en vivo, en este peculiar y traba jador club de música en vivo de Palma. de Sto DominJam Session Blue Jazz Club. Hotel Saratoga. Passeig Mallorca, 6. Palma 20.30h free. Jazz en vivo ong, L’ull Viu). Flamúsicos que ayudó y jam session apadrinada por la Palma Jazz Quartet flamenca y la aplicación que vuelve a casa por setiembre. Esta noche se-inau del saxofonista y gura una nueva temporada de Jams con el concierto habitual de Paco de-Lu de Alec Dankworth. Seguido la jam en la que todos de las realidades los músicos son bienvenidos. la fusión flamenca Vintage Jazz Voyeur Club. Apuntadors. La Lonja. del jazz español con Palma 22.30h free. Fusión de estilos con el rock y ternacional. Ha conseguido el pop. el jazz de raíz y el Big Yuyu Bluesville. Mà des Moro. Palma 00h travesera y el saxo free. Rithm’n’blues, rock, soul y demás estilos -clá rencial. Esta noche sicos, con estos maestros isleños que acaban de - pu bel, un guitarrista blicar disco nuevo. eléctrica por bulerías. La del certamen de MARTES 6 aena, un guitarrista guitarra flamenca; Las Pelotas Sala Assaig. Gremi Porgadors, 16. y el percusionista Pol. Son Castelló. Palma 21h 20e (entradas antici mítica saga flamenca padas en, El Corte Inglés, Hal cón, Ticketmaster y Carrefour) 24e taquilla. Argen salla Bar tina rock con una de las bandas más respetadas de la 20h free. Rock y escena rock del país albiceleste. La banda se formó zona. Por un lado en 1988 por miembros de Sumo tras la muerte de and y a los metaleros su cantante. Su primer trabajo discográfico fue -Cor deros en la noche pero no fue hasta su Todo por un Shamrock polvo que alcanzaron el reconocimiento masivo. En alma 00h free. Rock, 2009 perdieron al que fue su cantante e integrante sessions de los domin de Sumo, Alejandro Sokol. Ahora vuelven a la-ca and con Glauco rretera y esta noche van a deleitar a los presentes con Estrada que harán un temas de los 11 discos que llevan editados y en los temas de todos los tiempos. que puedes encontrar la más auténtica fusión rockMà des Moro. funk-reggae, de la Cruz del Sur. latin, con el-jo The Streets + Rizzle Kicks + Dj Fresh cantante portugués, con + Nicola Bear Mallorca Rocks Hotel. Banca, 8. Magalluf. Calvià 19h 35e (*Precios especiales resi het Baker, Amy dentes. Adquiere tu entrada en puerta con DNI o Concierto. Incertificado de residencia el día del evento o en los siguientes establecimientos de Palma de Mallorca: op rock, indie... bebe de las fuentes Pasatiempos, Discos Oh, Vamos (guía), Musicasa). eatles, Arcade Fire,- Ra Hip hop nacido en Birmingham y criado en Nor th London, de la mano del Mallorca Rocks, en el Suset Sant que es el penúltimo concierto una temporada de música verbenera conciertos que nos ha traído lo más actual ,musical mente hablando, de UK y que aún nos traerá una Jazz Voyeur auténtica bomba, el martes que viene, Madness. alma 23h free. Esta noche el hip hopero inglés Mike Skinner des ones de los Stones. plegará su repertorio cargado de crítica social hacia lamencos, 5. Plauna sociedad escapista que nos es muy familiar. Una fusiones con distintos visita en la que repasará los temas que conforman su nuevo trabajo discográfico, Computers and Blues. Un nuevo trabajo cargado de pop, rock, hip hop, dance y electrónica que el músico ha perpetrado y que suena refrescante y muy disfrutable. La joven promesa del hip hop británico Rizzle kicks también ierto. Indústria. wing manouche a lo se sumará y fomentará la fiesta. El Dj Fresh hará temblar la pista de baile con su d’n’b demostrando porque es uno de los actos del género del momen to en Londres. Nicola Bear y Doorly completan el cartel. Festival Neotokyo: De Soda
+ Neotok -
yo Auditori Es Baluard. Palma 21h free. Rock elec trónico, ciberpunk, dub, d’n’b... Hoy echa a andar la quinta edición de este festival dedicado a la músi ca electrónica experimental y al video-art siendo la tercera vez que se celebra en es Baluard. 4 días en los que se incluyen además de música, talleres, confe rencias y charlas. Esta noche toca el concierto inau -
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web yth_445.indd 5
31/08/11 16:47
Mou-t (Mallorca) 1 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Radio Diario (Islas Baleares) 2 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Alta Fidelidad (Espa単a) 4 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Ăšltima Hora (Mallorca) 5 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Ăšltima Hora (Islas Pitiusas) 6 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Ăšltima Hora (Mallorca) 6 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
IHouseU (Reino Unido) 6 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Majorca Daily Bulletin (Mallorca) 6 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Virtual Nights (Alemania) 7 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Diario de Ibiza (Ibiza) 8 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Essential Ibiza (Ibiza) 8 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Lyle & Scott (Escocia) 8 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Spotlight Forums (Ibiza) 8 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Ibiza Spotlight (Ibiza) 9 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Ăšltima Hora (Mallorca) 10 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
The Ibiza Sun (Ibiza) 14 de septiembre 2011 You've remixed tracks by Laurent Garnier and DJ Hell - what's the one track you'd refuse to remix because, in your eyes, it cannot be enhanced? I think it's nearly impossible to remix any of Kraftwerk's tracks. I think it's difficult because the concept, sounds and sequences are so intricately entwined that Kraftwerk left almost zero space for modification. There aren't that many tracks that bare this type of form. Is evil tangible, or are you a moral relativity kind of man? I'm kind up until a certain limit. I'm conscious of the subjective industry that I'm in. I do not expect everyone to be the same. To like the same thing, all the time - it's just wishful thinking. The reality is that people have various capacities that we must all be mindful of. What people "say" and "do" can be completely different. Over time, I've come to learn to watch people very closely and not much surprises me anymore. They say a picture can paint a thousand words, but what about a sound - can sound convey lengthy and important messages? Both the mental imprinting of sight and sound can be substantial, but I think visuals have more of an effect because the eyes can gather much more information (shape, colour, depth, texture, positioning, weight etc.). For sound, the sense is slightly limited which is probably due to a lack of human education of how to use our ears in more spectral ways. What advice can you give to up and coming DJs who are eager to hit the big time? Well, I'm not sure about "The Big Time", but it may be a good idea to learn an instrument or recording equipment first before learning to DJ. This way, it's easier to understand what the DJ equipment is trying to imitate or resemble. For a producer, I would recommend that they make 100 tracks first before releasing the first. By 100 tracks, they would learn and realise what they do best as well as how they can bring something new to Dance Music. From what I can hear, we have enough tracks that have good bass line. What I wish we had more of was different ideas. Have you any new releases looming up on the horizon? Fantastic Voyage (2 X CD) soundtrack album. We're shooting for a mid October release and our 20th Year Anniversary of Axis Records in 2012. If you could speak to everyone on the planet for ten seconds, what would you say? “The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few, or the one - time is not on our side”.
Amaze her at Bay Bar… San Antonio's opulent Bay Bar is built around four gigantic pine trees which spiral up towards the skyline like a posse of giant snakes on a game board, before swelling out into a thick canopy of lush green foliage. And if you do decide to look up, you'll see gorgeous female dancers gently shaking their hips on the high-rise platforms that are hidden about the tree-line, while down below, in the heart of the alfresco bar, soft mood lighting shifts on an imperceptible gradient from blue to green and then back again. Indeed, it's been this way for over twenty years now - Bay Bar was and still
14 SEP 11 - 20 SEP 11 15 is, without doubt, the chicest VIP bar in San Antonio;; a venue capable of transporting the the opening five minutes of The Streets last techno tinted Playa d'en Bossa barroom vibe to ever Balearic performance. the White Isles second city without any loss of But so what, I thought, it's only The precision or clarity, and without ever feeling Streets… they don't sound that good on the forged or pretentious. radio… but as soon as I walked out onto the high-rise press balcony my spine was quickly enveloped by long and lengthy shivers, caused in the most part by Mike Skinner's crisp and perfectly engineered urban libretto. You might say it's been a wild ten years for Skinner and his ever fluctuating band of backstreet disciples. In 2001, they released their breakthrough track, “Has it Come to This?”, quickly followed by their first studio long player, “Original Pirate Material”, which sold on all good English market stalls from the spring of 2002 onwards. “Original Pirate Material” was a trailblazing album, rife with lyrical humour, mainstream garage sounds, boozy parables, and lashings of grim A giant plasma screen hovers close to the social/lifestyle commentary - a record that entranceway, but it doesn't sound with petty paved the way for acts like Jamie T and Just sporting noise;; instead, the giant telescreen Jack to follow. By late 2004, after the release throbs with moving imagery pulled from a of their second studio album, “A Grand Don't plethora of fantastic burlesque opera Come for Free”, The Streets had become the performances, all of which are positively most commercially successful urban live act in brimming with sleek traipsing nymphs and well the UK. Over the course of the next five years, cloaked evil doers, their faces powdered Skinner penned and published three additional equally thick with wild cosmetic expressions. studio albums, all under the Streets moniker, To augment the mood further, add a handful of with each subsequent offering showcasing a fire-breathing performers and a steady marked development in instrumental and background hum of intelligent barroom house poetic maturity. Nevertheless, his decision to and techno music … and then, after all that, fold the band later this year makes perfect what do you have? Let me tell you: You have a sense, not so much because he and his gang slice of classic, refined Ibiza served up on the have run out of ideas - in fact, many Streets San Antonio shoreline. aficionados would argue that the groups latest Indeed, Bay Bar is a decent place to meet up album, “Computers and Blues and Cyberspace with friends - you can grab a patio booth all to and Reds”, is the bands best work - but rather, yourself and loll around under the roman Mike Sinner has left the stage on a super high, draped wooden trellises, drinking and nibbling and after taking a breath or two, you can bet on exquisite food until the sun goes down - that he'll be back on stage in the near future, And when it does, you can always board one of jumping around on the nearest bass-bin with a the free buses that run four nights a weeks to new songbook and a body brimming with Space and every Wednesday to Ushuaia, renewed energy. because Bay Bar is, after all, the White Isles But when you really break it down, Skinner's official Space pre-party bar. overriding success has been largely due to his But perhaps most importantly, if you really inexorable ability to pen contemporary lyrics want to impress a girl, call her up and request that most young people can truly understand - that she join you at Bay Bar;; it's the kind of chic the torment of a romantic break-up, or the gut drinking venue that decent women can't help wrenching consequences of a noxious night but fall in love with. Tell her to wear something out - without his emotive parables ever fantastic, and if she agrees, allow her to relax sounding overly cheesy or clichéd. on one of the vertically pleasurable alfresco In fact, and as I found out on Wednesday beds, sipping ice cold mojitos and kicking her night, The Streets are an unreasonably legs out every now and then in order to giggle harmonious bunch of trained musicians prettily at whatever it is you have to say. Now cleverly disguised as a posse of inner-city invite her over to the bar counter so she can slack-jaws. take a look at the wild array of fresh fruit that is The sound engineers, too, deserve a pulsed into every cocktail - she'll be wowed by mention, because they got the gig acoustically the exotic colours and quickly order more right - the top end percussion was fabulously drinks… which is a good thing, because this snappy;; the bass was warm and pleasantly summer dance season, the staff at Bay Bar pitched throughout the event;; whilst, have been serving up some of the tastiest, thankfully, and as you would expect at any freshest highball drinks on the island. decently pitched Streets performance, the vocal midrange dominated the whole of the sonic spectrum without ever being anything Streets Ahead… other than clear and concise. Indeed, The Streets drew the biggest crowd You may choose to spend your time listening of the season to the Ibiza Rocks Hotel. The gig to a superfluity of famous singers and rock was what they often refer to in boxing circles bands chirping away on the radio, or loading a as: an absolute sell-out. The main courtyard million and one CDs into the gash of your home was full to capacity, as were the side stereo player, but you'll never truly grasp the thoroughfares, and the VIP balcony was busy, aptitude of any musical outfit until you've seen too. Moreover, Skinner, wearing a black polo them perform live on stage in front of a packed shirt, black jeans and black rapping sneakers, out crowd at the Ibiza Rocks Hotel. toyed with the swarming crowd all night - Last Wednesday evening, I arrived at the swigging beer, catching flying toilet rolls, and Hotel- a little later than usual - a few blocks at one point, he even asked the crowd to away, an ageing local man was struggling to dismantle the contents of their hotel rooms park his car and I had to tender him immediate and then toss the plunder on stage so he could spiritual advice before he was finally able to build some kind of alfresco bedroom around swing his rusting Daewoo into the nearest his microphone stand. It was a savage request parking bay… all of which meant that I missed that must have made the Hotel maintenance
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
The Ibiza Sun (Ibiza) 14 de septiembre 2011
16 14 SEP 11 - 20 SEP 11
Who's the smartest DJ on the dance Right now, at this moment in time, which circuit and why? label is making the best dance music in Probably David Guetta or The Swedish House the world? Mafia, because they are very clever at nailing I really like what Disko Zoo are putting out and the commercial market and that's where all Spinnin Records are doing a great job. the money is. What tune, above all others, released before 2002, do you wish you'd penned? Robert Miles “Children” because I heard he got £1 million advance for it, and plus it's a classic house track that was just cained to death everywhere you went. What tune, above all others, released after 2002, do you wish you'd penned? Eric Prydz “Pjanoo”. It's a great track.
An Interview with Richard Dinsdale Big room DJ and producer, Richard Dinsdale, hasn't been romping around the dance music circuit for very long… which is something of a surprise when you take a look at all he has achieved. He's DJd everywhere from Kent to Korea, is a card carrying member of Mark Knight's Toolroom Records stable, and even Fatboy Slim has a penchant for his thumping tunes. And now, in joint partnership with his brother, Dinsdale has launched his own record label - Tanzanite Records - which will act as a platform for emerging artists, as well as being a base for his own vibrant, groove laden house music sound. For these reasons and more, it seemed like the right time to send Richard Dinsdale one of our probing questionnaires… and, thankfully, he was good enough to return the document post haste. Can you tell us a little about the very first gig you ever played in Ibiza? My first ever gig was at the super club Amnesia about 3 years ago and it was amazing. It was a very special night as I was playing the last set time and the crowd were really up for it and just didn't want to go home. When and where are you playing this season? Due to studio commitments on projects and getting my label up and I've only played in Ibiza once this Amnesia on the 4th September.
my mind yet on what I want to do.
man terribly nervous … but I guess it didn't concern the Rocks chieftains too much, after all, the mob were many and well watered, and even the most inebriated among us could see that Skinner and his gang were by far the best live act to have graced the Rocks Hotel stage this summer. In summary: June's fantastically well attended Fatboy Slim gig is now just a distant memory, and moreover, it is no longer the yardstick by which to judge this seasons Ibiza Rocks Hotel gigs.
in Ibiza original running, year, at
What's all this I hear about Tanzanite Records? Yes, this is a very exciting project my brother and I have undertaken with the help of Komplete Music Management. It's a business idea we have been thinking about for a while now, but we feel it's the right time to get it up and running. It's a house label with the main aim of releasing quality house music by new and well established artists and producers in the music industry.
What equipment - hardware and/or software - do you use in your studio? Logic Audio;; Roland Midi Keyboard;; Nord Lead 3;; Arturia Plugins;; Waves;; UAD 1 & 2 Cards;; Korg Legacy;; Moog Voyager;; 1000's of other plugins. Technically, who's the most gifted DJ you've ever seen play and why? Every time I see Carl Cox I just get the buzz back about wanting to hear a DJ's whole set. He's a gentleman and technically he's amazing. In terms of production quality, who's the best house/techno newcomer of 2010/11? When you're traveling around the world, It's a guy that we have actually been watching from country to country, from gig to gig, for a while and have a forthcoming EP from what's the once piece of equipment him on our label. His name is Jeremy Joshua you're always sure to carry with you? from Sydney. Great, great sound. Definitely my laptop, because I can work on the road contacting people, emailing and What advice can you give to up and producing. coming DJs who are eager to hit the big time? Has a piece of DJ equipment ever gone Just keep doing what you are doing and keep berserk in the middle of one of your sets? trying because eventually you will get there. Not really, but I had a nightmare the other You definitely have to produce and I highly weekend in Tunisia when I was playing at Bora recommend you learn how to produce for Bora. I was playing my remix of Roger yourself and not rely on other engineers. I Sanchez's “Another Chance” and it was think it would be more rewarding that way as building and building to peak and then all of a well. Another good thing is, if there is a certain sudden the CD skipped JUST as the track was label you want to be with then go to their coming out of the min break, I was gutted. nights if they do one, or just try to get yourself involved with their label as much as you can. If you were going to hang up your DJ gloves tomorrow, which venue, sited Have you any new releases looming on anywhere in the world, would you choose the horizon? to play your last ever set and what would Yes quite a few. Tazanite Records first release you call the night? comes out in September, a new one on It would have to be Ministry Of Sound in Stefano Noferini label Deeperfect, my single London because it's home turf and a very with Byron Stingily on Toolroom Records special club to me as I grew up going there. remixes of Roger Sanchez “Another Chance”, Aly-Us “Follow Me” plus lots, lots more.
How does your DJ sound compare to your production sound? It's the same, because at the moment 85% of my set is all my music and I aim to make it 100% in the next couple of months. I enjoy playing my music and love seeing people's reaction in the clubs when I drop a brand new track for the first time. It's a great way to test out new productions as well as some might need a little tweak.
Richard Dinsdale's Five Summer Stompers
Do you play CDs or digital or Vinyl... or a mixture of all three... and is there any sound difference between the formats? I play CD's. I'm thinking of going to Tracktor but my manager and D Ramirez have warned me saying once you go Laptop you'll never go back to CD's just like when I went from Vinyl to CD's. Next year I would like to add more of a live element to my sets, so I will probably have to go Ableton or Tracktor but I haven't made up
3. Richard Dinsdale “Summertime in NYC” Strictly Rhythm Records
1. Richard Dinsdale ft Byron Stingily “Shake It” Toolroom Records test pressing 2. Tegan , Sara & Morgan Page “Body Work”(Richard Dinsdale Remix)
4. Aly-Us “Follow Me”(Richard Dinsdale Remix) Strictly Rhythm Records 5. Richard Dinsdale “DJ, You've Got My Love” Toolroom Records
Words by Johnny Lee For full club listings, job vacancies, review and interview archives, club and bar locations, your frequently asked questions answered, and much much more, visit -
DJ AWARDS Bedroom DJ competition 2011 3rd Edition Calling all budding superstar DJs you better brush up on your mixing skills because the Bedroom DJ competition is now open and this is a unique opportunity for amateur DJs to showcase their talents and be in with a chance to win a master-class with top DJ Mark Knight in Ibiza. Toolroom Records boss and Grammy nominated artist Mark is responsible for some
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
Spotlight Forums (Ibiza) 15 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web
IHouseU (Reino Unido) 21 de septiembre 2011
FIX Ibiza PR + Communication + Events. Viver d'Empreses. C/ Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, 19. Ibiza 07800 Twitter @FIXIBIZA. Facebook FIX IBIZA. Blog Web