The Florida York Rite Mason Magazine Vol. 3 Issue 4

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Vol. 3 Issue 4

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 A. D. 6010 A. L. 2540 A. I. 3010 A. Dep.

892 A. O. 3924 A. B. 5770 A. M.

The Florida York Rite Mason Magazine Volume 3 Issue 4

January 2010

Official Quarterly Publication of the Florida Grand York Rite Bodies

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Article(s), Event(s), News, Announcements , etc, to be published in our next issue, need to be forwarded to the following Companions, on or before the next deadline: David A. Aponte - ; Charles “Chic” Cicero - or Ron Blaisdell -

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Words From The GYR Communications Committee

Not Merely Words Companions and Sir Knights, Great news!!! A Companion and Sir Knight has volunteered to continue editing future editions of this magazine. This hopefully will occur after the next edition. Due to the vision of our 20062007 Grand Officers, this magazine was establish. Now 12 issues later, we continue with that vision and project. At that time, they brought together words and actions. They had a vision to make our York Rite Bodies better and advance them into the 21st Century. We can celebrate that their actions were not merely words. Words are very powerful. Words can be beneficial or destructive. They have a positive and constructive side. These bring unity, harmony and the ability of working together towards a common goal. They also have a dark and destructive side. These only brings disunity, disharmony and the inability of working together. In our fraternity, words can also function in both directions, depending on each individual. But according to the Sages, we are a different type of fraternal organization. Our words can only be to make good men better. I think what distinguishes us can be found in the Gospel of John, Chapter 1 Verse 1: “...In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...� Perhaps, if we keep this in mind, our words will not only be constructive and positive but also be a reflection of Him who created them. The best words at this time is to wish on behalf of the Grand York Rite Bodies, its leaders, and the Committee a very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. May the Great Architect of the Universe bestow upon you and your loved ones, health, prosperity, peace, and love during 2010. As we begin a New Year, we must remember our pay as Masons: corn, wine and oil. Our first article examines our Masonic Wages from a different perspective. For many, like me, who are confuse with all those Ma-

sonic dates, we have an article addressing how we arrive at the different years and why. For the second consecutive year, the Committee is requesting the nomination from each local York Rite Body in Florida of their York Rite Mason of the Year. See page 20 for information and nomination form. We had five nominations last year, we hope we get more this year. We will announce those selected by their local York Rite Bodies in our next issue. We have information on our 2010 Grand York Rite Convention. There are other articles of interest for your enrichment as a Mason. Enjoy your reading!!! Fraternally

S. K. David A. Aponte, Chairman

Dont let someone be a priority in your life when u are still an option in their life. Unknown God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. Anonymous The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration. Pearl S. Buck

The deadline for our next issue is March 15th. Please submit your articles, pictures, and events timely to be used in the April 2010 issue.

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Definition Source - 100 Masonic Words

Wage, of which wages is the collective plural, remotely descended from the Latin vas, having the meaning of pledge, security, pawn, or a promise to pay backed up by security. After it entered into modem languages it had a peculiar history; it became “gage,” a pledge or pawn, appearing in our engage, disengage, etc., but having no relation with gage, one of our Working Tools; “wager" in the sense of a bet; in another context it became “wed,” the act of marrying, so called because of the pledges given; and “wage” in the sense of compensation for service given. An “allowance” is a one-sided form of payment, depending on the will of the giver; a “stipend” is a fixed sum, usually nominal, and is supposed to be paid as per a permanent arrangement; a “salary” (from sal, or salt, the old pay given soldiers) is an amount fixed by contract, and estimated over a relatively long period of time, year or month; “wages” are paid to laborers over short periods of time, or at the completion of the required task. In Speculative Masonry

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the Master Mason symbolically receives “wages,” rather than salary, because they represent the rewards that come to him as rapidly as he does his work; and, as the etymology of the word suggests, they are certain, something one may bank on.

The Wages of an Entered Apprentice by William Harvey, J.P.

The Catechisms of the Craft and the conventional Lecture on the Tracing Board of the Second Degree, all of which speak with that authority which belongs to age, tell us that the Wages of an Entered Apprentice are Corn, Wine, and Oil. Sometimes it is added that he received Corn for food, Wine for nourishment, and Oil for comfort. The broad difference that was sought to be set up between the Apprentice and the Fellowcraft apparently was that the Fellowcraft was paid in coin while the Apprentice was paid in kind. I fear it would be very difficult to produce any authority for this, and probably the distinction between the Masons of the two degrees is the invention of some imaginative brother who may have got the hint from a

practice that was not uncommon among early operatives. Two or three centuries ago the conditions of labour were laid down as firmly as they are to-day by our powerful Trades Unions. A master could not employ more than a certain very limited number of apprentices-often the number was restricted to one-and these apprentices were taken bound to serve their masters for a period of seven years. Not unfrequently, alike in mason and other trades, the apprentice went into residence with his master, and during the early years of his apprenticeship received no remuneration except board and lodging. Only when he became a journeyman, or Fellow-craft, and was free from the master who had taught him his business, was he entitled to wages in the form of cash. If, as is possible, some elaborator of Freemasonry, got the hint here as to the remuneration of an apprentice, one can easily understand that commonplace language such as “ board and lodging “ would not appeal to him and that he would seek to ornament the matter with just such a combination of words as “ Corn, Wine, and Oil. One of the traditions of the Craft, dearly beloved by uncritical Freemasons, says that the whole number of workmen engaged on the Temple at Jerusalem amounted to 217,281 persons, and that of these, 80,000 were Fellowcrafts, and 30,000 were Entered

Apprentices-the latter of whom were arranged into one hundred lodges with three hundred members in each. This immense multitude was paid weekly on the sixth day of the week; and one tradition solemnly asserts that the 80,000 Fellowcrafts toiled up the Winding Stair to the Inner Chamber to receive their wages. Mackey tells us in his “ Lexicon “ that the Fellowcrafts “ were paid in corn, wine, and oil,” and the authors of “ The Reflected Rays of Light upon Freemasonry,” adopting the same view say, “ What could be more absurd than to believe that eighty thousand craftsmen had to ascend such a stair, to the narrow precincts of the Middle Chamber to receive their wages in corn, wine and oil?” It is very evident that Mackey and the authors of “ Reflected Rays “ have misread the Lecture on the Second Tracing Board. It was the Entered Apprentice who received the corn, wine, and oil, and wherever he got it, he did not receive it in the Inner Chamber. To gain access to that apartment a workman required the pass-grip and password of a Fellowcraft, and it is obvious that no Entered Apprentice could have possessed these.

One may pause here for a moment to remark that, according to another tradition all the workers of every degree were paid in current coin. The total wages bill is alleged to have amounted to about 140,000,000

Pounds Sterling, and it was distributed among the craftsmen on a progressive scale which was quite obviously adjusted on the principle of the more honour the more pay. At the one end of the industrial line stood the humble Entered Apprentice who received one shekel, or about 2 shillings of English money per day, while, at the other end, was the SuperExcellent Mason who re-

ceived 81 shekels per day, equal to about 9 £ sterling. One Masonic author very generously describes this as “ only a fanciful speculation of some of our ancient brethren,” and we may return, therefore, to our Corn, Wine, and Oil. If I am right in my theory that the Wages of an Entered Apprentice in Speculative Freemasonry were suggested by the board and lodging which were the reward of the Operative youth while learning his trade, I think it is clear that the person who fixed the Wages of the Speculative Apprentice found his material in the Volume of the Sacred Law. We read in the Second Chapter of the Second Book of the Chronicles that, when Solomon appealed to the King of Tyre for assistance in building the Temple, he said, “ Behold, I will give to thy servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil.” The offer of Solomon was accepted by the King of Tyre, who replied, “ Now, therefore, the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants: and

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we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need.” The account preserved in the fifth chapter of the First Book of the Kings, indicates that the gifts were made annually to Hiram’s work people, but there is a discrepancy as to the amount. In lst Kings the Wine is omitted, and the Oil is set down at “ twenty measures “ equal to about 1640 gallons, whereas the 20,000 baths of 2nd Chronicles were more than ten times as much, being the equivalent of about 165,000 gallons. It is clear that these gifts of Corn Wine, and Oil were made to the hewers of wood in the forests of Lebanon, none of whom were Entered Apprentice Masons, but it would be unprofitable and useless to linger upon a discussion of the matter, as the Wages of the First, Degree in Speculative Freemasonry are merely symbols upon which to meditate, and from which to draw inspiration for everyday duties.

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Corn, Wine, and Oil were the three staple crops of the Holy Land, and each of them entered into the fibre of the national life, furnishing figures of speech for the Hebrew poets, and points for the proverbs of the people. CORN was always regarded as an element of national wealth. It formed part of the tribute brought to Hezekiah on the restoration of the priesthood. Bread was one of the signs of welcome

and goodwill to Abraham. WINE, in a metaphorical sense, represents the essence of goodness. Jerusalem, Israel, the Messiah, the righteous - all are compared to wine. The wicked are likened unto vinegar,

and the good man who turns to wickedness is compared to sour wine. An abundance of wine was regarded as an indication of prosperity. Jacob blessed Judah that “ he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes.” We read in the ninth chapter of judges that, when the trees went forth to anoint a King, they said unto the vine, “ Come thou, and reign over us;” whereupon “ the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over thee trees ? A writer in the “Jewish Encyclopedia” says that as wine “cheereth God” no religious ceremony should be performed with other beverages. OIL was one of the most important and perhaps the most characteristic of the products of Palestine. It is mentioned no fewer than two hundred times in the Bible and, with one exception, the references are to “olive oil,” as it is expressly termed in Exodus and Leviticus, according

to the more correct rendering of the Revised Version of the Scriptures. Oil was largely used in the preparation of different kinds of food, and it was spread upon bread very much in the same way as we use butter; it was employed in the lighting of houses and places of worshipthat used in the Temple being no doubt of the finest quality like the “beaten oil” for the Tabernacle - and it occupied a very prominent place in the ceremonial of anointing kings and priests- The metaphorical uses of the word “ oil “ are many. Part of the blessing of Asher was that he should “dip his foot in oil,” that is, that he should have a large measure of worldly prosperity by finding abundance of oil within his territory. In the book of the Proverbs we find the foolish use of oil quoted as a token of extravagance and a source of poverty, while the husbanding of it is a certain proof of wisdom. Words of deceit are said to be smoother and softer than oil; and cursing is said to permeate the life of the wicked even as oil soaks into bone. The power and use of oil are illustrated in many ways in sacred writings. The scholars of Palestine were often referred to as “sons of oil.” One injunction has a singularly poetic fancy about it: “Ye shall take olive oil to light the Temple as an atonement for your souls which are like to lamps” The yoke of Sennacherib was said to have broken “ because of the oil which Hezekiah lighted in the schools;” and we have a singular parallel

to this in the saying of one of the early English reformers who, when Ridley was burned at the stake, exclaimed: “ Thou hast lighted such a fire in England to-day, Master Ridley, as shall not be put out.” One common and significant use of Oil in Palestine was that of anointing the heads of guests entertained at a festive meal, and from this daily custom oil came to be regarded as a symbol of joy and gladness. The Wages of an Entered Apprentice constitute the Masonic elements of consecration. Corn, Wine, and Oil figure very prominently in the elaborate ceremonial by which buildings are solemnly set apart and dedicated

to the purpose of Freemasonry. After appropriate exercises of prayer and praise, the junior Warden, handing the Cornucopia to the consecrating Master,

says: “In the dedication of Masonic Halls, it has been of immemorial custom to pour corn upon the Lodge in token of the divine goodness exhibited in the liberal provision made for all our wants, spiritual and temporal. I, therefore. Present to you this vessel of corn, to be employed by you according to use and want.,” The Master thereupon accepts the vase and, sprinkling some corn upon the floor,- says: “ In the name of the great Jehovah, to Whom be all glory, I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to Freemasonry.” Thereafter the Senior Warden presents the Vase with Wine, saying: “ Right Worshipful Master, Wine, the symbol of strength and gladness, having according to ancient custom been used by our brethren in the dedication and consecration of their Lodges, I present to you this vessel of Wine, to be used on the present occasion according to established Masonic form.” And the Master, sprinkling some of the wine upon the floor, says: “ In the name of the Holy Saint John, I do solemnly dedicate this Lodge to Virtue. Finally, the Substitute Master approaches with the vase containing Oil and says: “ Right Worshipful Master, I present to you, to be used according to ancient custom, this vessel of oil, an emblem of that joy and peace which should animate every bosom on the completion of

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Continuation of WAGES page 7 every important undertaking.” And the master, sprinkling some oil upon the floor, says: “ In the name of the whole Fraternity, I do solemnly dedicate this Lodge to Universal Benevolence.” In ancient days Corn, Wine, and Oil constituted the wealth of the people, and were esteemed as the main supports of life. The Psalmist counts them among the greatest blessings mankind enjoys, and you may recall that he brings them together in the 104th Psalm where he speaks of them as “Wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart.” It is sometimes said that modern Freemasonry is but ancient sun-worship disguised. We believe in a beneficent Creator; the sun worshipper paid his adorations to the glorious luminary of the day to whose genial agency the fruits of the earth - corn, wine, and oil - were due. To that extent we have a community of thought, and Freemason and sun-worshipper alike look from Nature up to Nature’s God. Moralising upon the Wages of the Entered Apprentice as symbols instinct with meaning to the Mason who would be true to the altruistic spirit of the Craft, the Rev. Thaddeus Harris says: “Wherefore my brethren do you carry Corn Wine, and Oil, in your processions, but to remind you, that in the pilgrimage of human life you are to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry, to send a cup of your wine to cheer the sorrowful, and to pour the healing oil of your consolation into the wounds which sickness hath made in the bodies, or affliction rent in the hearts of your fellow-travellers.” And surely brethren, that is the sum and substance of the matter. As Entered Apprentices we receive these Wages in spirit, not to expend upon ourselves but as a constant source of aid to our less fortunate Craftsmen. As Corn is an emblem of Plenty, let us be abundant in the measure of our brotherly love, ever ready to use what means God hath given us to assist a brother who may claim our help. As Wine is an emblem of Cheerfulness, let us foster the spirit of joy and gladness so that, when sorrows throw their shadows upon life, we may be enabled to look forward to the brighter day when the trials of our earthly pilgrimage shall be forgotten, and sadness shall be unknown. And as Oil is an emblem of Peace may it be ours to extend the boundaries of her Empire, so that strife and discord may be banished for ever from the mind of man. “ Nothing,” says Emerson in one of his Essays, “ nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” And this personal note is emphasized in a striking passage in one of Ruskin’s “Lectures.” “People,” he says, “are always expecting to get peace in heaven: , but you know whatever peace they get there will be ready made. Whatever making of peace they can be blest for, must be on the earth here.” The whole teaching of the Craft is the promotion of peace on earth, goodwill to men, and it is the personal duty of everyone of us to advance the cause. of the universal brotherhood of man. Brethren, I do not know that any one could leave a sweeter memory behind him than just this that he had faithfully used the Wages of an Entered Apprentice. The day will come when the walls of our Lodge shall know us no more, and we shall live in the recollection of our fellows for but a little while - a month, a year, at the most a generation. But that recollection will be a sacred one if those with whom we have laboured recall our names from time to time, and tell those who did not know us that, faithful to our trust, we were ever ready to relieve distress, aid the weak, and comfort the mourner. Thus shall we have proved our right to the Wages of an Entered Apprentice, and thus may we hope for the recognition that awaits all faithful Craftsmen at the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe.

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Masonic Dates In affixing dates to official Masonic documents, Freemasons should always use the calendar peculiar to themselves: the common calendar, or vulgar era, may also be used in the same instrument. ANNO DOMINI (A.D.) Latin for “Year of our Lord.” The dates vary in the different branches of the order.

Select Masters hold Assemblies. Knights Templar use the era of the organization of their order, in 1118. Their style for the present year is .·. O.·., ANNO ORDINIS, or, in the year of the Order, 734. Preceptories of Knights Templar hold Conclaves.

RULES FOR DISCOVERING THE DIFFERMasons of the York and French rites, date from ENT DATES. the creation of the world, calling it ANNO LUCIS: TO FIND THE ANCIENT CRAFT. - Add 4000 which they abbreviate A.·. L.·. signifying “in the to the vulgar era. Thus 1852 and 4000 are year of Light.” Thus with them the present year 5852. is A.·. L.·. 5852. Masons of the York rite begin the year on the first January, but in the French TO FIND THE DATE OF ROYAL ARCH MArite it commences on the first of March, and inSONRY. - Add 530 to the vulgar era .Thus 530 stead of the month receiving their usual names, and 1852 are 2382. they are designated numerically, as first, secNOTES TO FIND THE ROYAL AND SELECT MASond, third, etc. Thus, the “1st day of the 11th TER’S DATE, - Add 1000 to the vulgar era. Masonic month, Anno Lucis, 5852.” The French Thus 1000 and 1852 are 2852. sometimes, instead of the initials A.·.Enero L.·., use• Janvier • JΙανουάριος • Gennaio • Январь TO FIND THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ DATE, “L’an de la V.·. L.·., or “Vraie Lumiere,” that is, - Subtract 1118 from the vulgar era. Thus 1118 “Year of True Light.” Lodges of Ancient, Free S MasonsM from 1852 is 734. T F S and Accepted or Free and Accepted hold Communications.

January 2010


Royal Arch Masons commence their era with the year in which Zerubbabel began to build the second temple, which was 530 years before Christ. Their style for the year 18523 is, there- 4 fore, A.·. Inv.·., that is, ANNO INVENTIONIS, or, in the year of the Discovery, 2382. Chapters of Royal Arch Masons hold Convocations. 10 11 Royal and Select Masters very often make use 17Lucis, but18 of the common Masonic date, Anno properly they should date from the year in which Solomon’s Temple was completed and their style would then be, ANNO DEPOSITIONIS, or, 24 25 in the Year of the Deposit, and they would date the present year as 2852. Councils of Royal And



THE ORDER OF THE HIGH PRIESTHOOD dates from the year of the blessing1of Abraham by the High Priest Melchizedek, King of Salem, calling it ANNO BENEFACIO (A.B.), in the 6 To obtain7 these dates 8 add year 5of Blessing. 1913 to the common year: A.D. 2000 becomes A.B. 3913.

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12SCOTTISH 13RITE uses 14 the same 15 dates16 THE as Ancient Craft Masonry, except that they employ the Jewish chronology, ANNO MUNDI (A.M.), World. Add 19 in the year 20 of the21 223760 to23 the common date making the change in September by adding the year in that month: from September 1, 1999 to August 31, A.D. 2000, 275759. Consistories 28 29 the26 date is A.M. of Ancient30 and Accepted Scottish Rite hold Rendezvous or Reunions. Page 9


Have you visited the Florida Grand York Rite website? Find information on York Rite in Florida. News, events in our jursidiction, Festival dates, etc.

New Proceedings Available for Download

The Grand York Rite proceedings for 2004 and 2005, plus the Grand Council proceedings for 2009, are now available for download from our web site. You may find all these in our Forms and Files page, in the Proceedings section.

December “Rite Notes” Newsletter

The December, 2009 issue of “Rite Notes,” the Membership Development newsletter for the Grand Commandery of Florida is available for download from our web site as a PDF, or, you can view it online.

Grand High Priest’s Homecoming When: Saturday, February 6, 2010 Where: Jacksonville Marriott Hotel 4670 Salisbury Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (E. of I-95, S. of J. T. Butler, FL 202)

(904) 296-2222, or (800) 962-9786

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 PM Registration – 7:00 PM Dinner Dress: Men – Business Suits (Red Coat optional) – Ladies – Dressy Cost: $30.00 per person Dinner – Your choice of: Savory Pork Loin, or Chicken Marsala.

2010 Grand York Rite Souvenir Program

The members of your Grand York Rite Souvenir Program Committee are pleased to announce that we have begun our efforts early this year to sell ads for our 2010 Souvenir Program.

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All our Brethren, Companions and Sir Knights that journeyed to the Celestial Lodge during 2009. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your loved ones.


Companions, place in your prayers for the quick recovery of the following Companions: M. Ill. George Malone - Past Most Illustrious Grand Master 2007-2008 M. Exc. James P. Rudman - Past Most Excellent Grand High Priest 2008-2009

Knight Templar Items

Knight Templar Uniforms Suit City, Sumpter, SC:

Ask for Joe. 1-803-773-2262 (not toll free)

Price of uniform is $110.00 plus shipping Shipping is about $14.00. Coat is Double Breasted and includes sleeve crosses and FLA # on breast pocket. Tell him the number of your Commandery and give him a credit card number and pants size. Those who have ordered from him say that these are light summer weight uniforms and great.

Universal Chapeau Boley - Ruyle

P.O. Box 130524

Tyler TX 75713-0524

1-800-553-0015 or 1-903-597-9545

These have an adjustable headband and comes complete with black underplume and 4 ply 8 inch by 22 inch white ostrich plume together with Sir Knight rosette. Sir Knight Chapeau

$185.00 Mylar

Grand Officer Rosette add $95.00

Past Commanders

$230.00 Bullion

Past Grand Rosette add $95.00

They also have Chapeau cases, Malta and Red Cross Jewels, swords and belts.

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NEWS ACROSS THE STATE Right Eminent Grand Commander Ideal F. Baldoni, and Most Excellent Grand High Priest Darryl A. D’Angina, with the assistance of Corbin P. Elliott, D.D.G.C. of Chivalric District No. 7, installed the officers of Crusader Commandery No. 44 on Monday evening, December 28, 2009, in Fernandina Beach, FL.

Grand Commander & Grand High Priest Install Crusader Commandery by S.K. Corbin Elliott, Correspondent

The newly installed 2010 elected officers are:

1) Commander is S.K. William P. Goldwire, P.M. of Amelia Lodge No. 47 2) Generalissimo is S.K. Zeb Turner, PHP of Nassau Chapter No. 49 . 3) Captain General is S.K. Carl S. Amos, D.D.G.H.P. of the 7th Capitular District. Also installed were Sir Knights: Joseph L, Blanchard, Treasurer; Richard Cobb, S.W.; Charles E. Constant, J.W.; Quinnie R. Williams, Sr., KYCH, Sword Bearer; Charles E. Middleton , PC, PDDGC, Warder; and Ralph J. Juarez, Sentinel.

On Saturday October 31, 2009, Damascus Commandery No. 2, dubbed and created fourteen new Sir Knights. Pictured here, in the first two rows, were the new Sir Knights with the officers and Order of the Temple cast members. The new Sir Knights are shown with S.K. Corbin P. Elliott, DDGC, District 7; and S.K. Samuel D. Hope, Commander of Damascus Commandery No. 2. The cast members (seen from left to right in the last row) were: S.K. Ernest W. Beeman; S.K. Wilmer T. Atwell; S.K. Quinnie R. Williams;S.K. Burt F. Maguire; S.K. Leland E. Stanford, III; S.K. Frank T. Camacho; S.K. Charles R. Cooper; S.K. Robert Gagnon; S.K. Corey D. Kosciuszko; S.K. Emmett W. Mills, Jr.; and S.K. William H. McClean. Not pictured, was S.K. W. Ronald Taylor, he had to leave right after the Order.

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Pictured above are the Installing Officers with the newly installed Commander and his Lady. Shown from left to right: S.K. Corbin P. Elliott, D.D.G.C., District 7, as Installing Grand Prelate; S.K. Ideal F. Baldoni, II, R.E.G.C. of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of FL, as the Grand Installing Officer; Mrs. William Goldwire; S.K. William P. Goldwire, Commander; and S.K. Darryl A. D’Angina, M. E. Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, R..A.M. of FL, as Installing Grand Marshal.



On Saturday, October 31, 2009, Hallmark Council No. 3, greeted fifteen new Select Masters. Companions from Hallmark Council No. 3 conferred the Cryptic degrees for nine Companions from Hallmark Council and the rest from several other Councils. Two of the Grand Council of Florida officers were on hand for the degrees. The new Royal & Select Masters are shown in the first two rows, with the Grand Council Officers in the first row. The Grand Council Officers, in the center of the first row, were: Right Illustrious Companion Howard H. Gardner, R. I. Deputy Grand Master and Right Illustrious Companion M. Daniel Fullwood, R. I. Grand Principal Conductor of Work. Also in the picture, local Council Officers and cast. From left to right in the back rows, were: Alex E. Constant, Jr.; Emmett W. Mills, Jr.; A. Eugene Yarborough; William P. Goldwire; Charles E. Middleton, IM, Hallmark Council No. 3; Zeb Turner, III; Rt. Ill. Wayne Y. Thigpen, DDGM, District 8; Edward Constant; and Quinnie R. Williams. Present, but not pictured, was Charles R. Cooper, DDGM, District 7.

JACKSONVILLE CHAPTER NO. 12 EXALTS 15 NEW COMPANIONS by S.K. Corbin Elliott, Correspondent

On October 30, 2009, Jacksonville Chapter No.12, R.A.M. exalted 15 new Royal Arch Masons. The new Royal Arch Companions are shown in the first two rows, with Most Excellent Companion Darryl A. D’Angina, Grand High Priest of the M. E. Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Florida. Jacksonville Chapter Officers, in the back rows (from left to right) were: Exc. Wilmer T. Atwell; Comp. Corey Kosciuszko; Comp. Robert L. Owens; Exc. Rudin J. Boatright, EHP; Comp. John A. Block; Comp. Hardin Goff; Rt. Exc. Charles R. Cooper; Exc. Quinnie Williams; and Exc. Charles F. Erle.

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ST. AUGUSTINE PRESENTS MEMBERSHIP AWARDS By S.K. Corbin Elliot, Florida York Rite Magazine Correspondent St. Augustine Commandery No. 10 K. T. presented three faithful Sir Knights with Membership Award Certificates from the Grand Commandery K. T. of Florida at its Stated Conclave on November 23, 2009. The first certificate , for 40 years, was presented to S.K. Marshall Wayne VanKirk, left, top left photo, by S.K. Edward Dunn, Eminent Commander of St. Augustine Commandery . Sir Knight VanKirk, seen in the first picture on the left, also received a Grand Council certificate for 40 years from S.K. Burt F. Maguire, Recorder for St. Augustine Council No. 15. The second Grand Commandery certificate for 50 years was presented to S.K. Howell Webster Milton, top right photo center, by S.K. Burt Maguire, on the left, and S.K. Edward Dunn, Commander of St. Augustine Commandery No. 10, on the right. The third Grand Commandery certificate for 25 years was presented, bottom photo, by S.K. Edward Dunn, Eminent Commander, left, to S.K. John A. Bouvier III, Past Commander of St. Augustine Commandery No. 10.

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NEWS ACROSS THE STATE EIGHT NEW KNIGHTS OF THE YORK CROSS OF HONOUR By S.K. Corbin Elliot, Florida York Rite Magazine Correspondent

Florida Priory No. 60 initiated eight new Knights of the York Cross of Honour in Leesburg on October 24, 2009. There are two requirements for membership in this Honor Group: 1) that each proposed candidate have presided over a Masonic Lodge, over a Chapter, over a Council, and over a Commandery; and 2) be invited to join. There are three K.Y.C.H. Priories in Florida. Pictured below the officers of Florida Priory No. 60, along with the new Knights of the York Cross of Honour. In the front row, the new Knights were: Eddie Lee Ashburn Sr., Charles Robert Cooper, David Evans-Brown, Gerald Eugene Goacher, Robert Guy Kirkpatrick, Gabriel J. Moitozo (courtesy initiation for Miami Priory No. 10), Thomas Seville Rice, and Damon Sansom. All of the new Knights were heartily congratulated by a fine turnout of K.Y.C.H. members following the ceremony. In the back row, from left, were: Albert B. Russ, Jr.; Darryl A. D’Angina, MEGHP; Wayne E. Parks, MEPGHP; Harry V. Eisenburg, DDGC; Paul W. Friend, MIPGM; and Richard S. Agster, MIPGM.

Dear Editor, I was browsing though Google and entered the title of my recently published book on the York Rite Knights Templar and came across the title of the book mentioned in Volume 3 Issue 2 of your magazine. Thank you for mentioning it in the magazine. I noticed that the link to the website where one might see more info about the book was an older eBay link that was closed. I have recently got it listed on, so If you would be interested in providing this info to your readers I would be very appreciative. I have attached an image of the cover should you wish to use that as well. Thank you, Michael C. MacDonald Author: "Fraternal Regalia I: Knights Templar"

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St. Luicie Commandery Competes Again for the Ramsdell Trophy

Message from the Grand Commander Regarding the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund Sir Knights,

I have received an alert from S.K. Richard Foreman, E. Grand Treasurer, who says the Holy Land Pilgrimage checks should be made payable to the “Grand Commandery of Florida” with Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund entered on the “remittance advice (memo)” line. I want to take this opportunity to add my personal thanks to all of you that have donated to the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund. S.K. Ideal Baldoni Right Eminent Grand Commander



2010 Ocala York Rite Bodies Officers Installed

On Saturday, January 2, 2010, the 2010 Ocala York Rite Bodies Officers were installed by the Grand Scribe, Rt. Exc. Robert Kirkpatrick, by the Most Illustrious Grand Master, M.Ill. Carl Gilmore, and by the Right Eminent Grand Commander, S.K. Ideal Baldoni, II. Assisting them in this endeavor were: Rt. Exc. David A. Aponte as the Grand Installing Marshall for the Chapter and Council and RT. Exc. C. Alan Walls as the Grand Installing Chaplain for the Chapter and Council. Assisting with the Commandery installation were: S.K. Frederick Piasecki as the Grand Installing Marshall, S.K. Daniel “Lyn� Williams, DDGC 8th Chivalric DIstrict as Grand Installing Prelate, and S.K. Lynn Coleman as Grand Installing Warder.

Rt. Exc. Robert Kirkpatrick (far right) with Dais Officers of Ocala Chapter (left to right), William Wagner, King; Larry D. Duff, High Priest; and Watne A. Baker, Scribe.

2010 Ocala Chapter No. 13 Appointed & Elected Officers. From left to right, 1st row: David A. Aponte, Dean Sever, Guz Migdad, David A. Smith, James Hughey, Alan Walls. Second row. left to right, Dana Oldenburg, William Wagner, Larry Duff, Wayne A. Baker, and Dallas Doumas, Jr.

2010 Ocala Council with the Most Illustrious Grand Master of Royal & Select Masters of Floirda, M.I. Carl Gilmore.

2010 Illustrious Master, Ill. William Wagner, presents 2009 Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Larry D. Duff, his apron.

2010 Ocala Commandery No. 19 Officers with our Right Eminent Grand Commander, S.K. Ideal Baldoni II. Front row, left to right, David Aponte, Wayne Baker, James Hughey, Dana Oldenburg, William Wagner. Back row, left to right, Durward Eastman, Alan Walls, Ideal Baldoni II, Larry Duff and Dallas Doumas Jr.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, S.K. Ideal Baldoni II , second from right, greeting S.K. Ray Devaul from the Grand Priory of Canada. With them S.K. Fred Piasecki, Past Grand Commander, on the far left, and S.K. David Aponte, Grand Generalissimo, on the far right.

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Masonic Interest Contributed by M.I. George E. Malone

On September 15th 1861 a man named Samuel Adams and his wife were the proprietors of General Store in the small town of Monticello Minnesota. When Mrs. Adams went into labor with their first son, Mr. Adams took her to the second floor of their building for her privacy and to wait for the town doctor. The second floor was the meeting place of Monticello Masonic Lodge #16 and the Doctor was the Junior Warden of the Lodge, Dr. James Mulvey. The boy was delivered in the Lodge Room and was named Henry Rice Adams. Twenty three years Henry was made a Mason in the room in which he was born. He later transferred his membership to Minnesota Lodge #224 in Bloomington, Minnesota and eventually he became the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota in 1903. In 1927 MWB Adams died of an apparent heart attack while attending a stated communication of his Lodge. Past Grand Master Adams was born in a Masonic Lodge and died in a Masonic Lodge.

The Tablecloth

Contributed by S.K. Gordon Anderson, Right Eminent Past Grand Commander The brand new pastor and his wife, newly assigned to their first ministry, to reopen a church in suburban Brooklyn , arrived in early October excited about their opportunities. When they saw their church, it was very run down and needed much work, they set a goal to have everything done in time to have their first service on Christmas Eve. They worked hard, repairing pews, plastering walls, painting, etc. On December 18, they were ahead of schedule and just about finished. On December 19 a terrible tempest - a driving rainstorm hit the area and lasted for two days. On the 21st, the pastor went over to the church. His heart sank when he saw that the roof had leaked, causing a large area of plaster about 20 feet by 8 feet to fall off the front wall of the sanctuary just behind the pulpit beginning about head high. The pastor cleaned up the mess on the floor. And not knowing what else to do but postpone the Christmas Eve service, headed home. On the way he noticed that a local business was having a flea market type sale for charity, so he stopped in. One of the items was a beautiful, handmade, ivory colored, crocheted tablecloth with exquisite work, fine colors and a Cross embroidered right in the center. It was just the right size to cover the hole in the front wall. He bought it and headed back to the church. By this time it had started to snow. An older woman running from the opposite direction was trying to catch the bus. She missed it. The pastor invited her to wait in the warm church for the next bus 45 minutes later. She sat in a pew and paid no attention to the pastor while he got a ladder, hangers, etc., to put up the tablecloth as a wall tapestry. The pastor could hardly believe how beautiful it looked and it covered up the entire problem area. Then he noticed the woman walking down the center aisle. Her face was like a sheet. "Pastor," she asked, "where did you get that tablecloth?" The pastor explained. The woman asked him to check the lower right corner to see if the initials, EBG were crocheted into It there. They were. These were the initials of

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the woman, and she had made this tablecloth 35 years before, in Austria . The woman could hardly believe it as the pastor told how he had just gotten "The Tablecloth". The woman explained that before the war she and her husband were well-to-do people in Austria . When the Nazis came, she was forced to leave. Her husband was going to follow her the next week. He was captured, sent to prison and she never saw her husband or her home again. The pastor wanted to give her the tablecloth; But she made the pastor keep it for the church. The pastor insisted on driving her home. That was the least he could do. She lived on the other side of Staten Island and was only in Brooklyn for the day for a housecleaning job. What a wonderful service they had on Christmas Eve. The church was almost full. The music and the Spirit were great. At the end of the service, the Pastor and his wife greeted everyone at the door and many said that they would return. One older man, whom the pastor recognized from the neighborhood continued to sit in one of the pews and stare, and the pastor wondered why he wasn't leaving. The man asked him where he got the tablecloth on the front wall because it was identical to one that his wife had made years ago when they lived in Austria before the war and how could there be two tablecloths so much alike? He told the pastor how the Nazis came, how he forced his wife to flee for her safety and he was supposed to follow her, but he was arrested and put in a prison. He never saw his wife or his home again all the 35 years between. The pastor asked him if he would allow him to take him for a little ride. They drove to Staten Island and to the same house where the pastor had taken the woman three days earlier. He helped the man climb the three flights of stairs to the woman's apartment. Knocked on the door. He saw the greatest Christmas Reunion he could ever imagine. True Story - submitted by Pastor Rob Reid. Who says God does work in mysterious ways.

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York Rite Mason of the Year December 31, 2009 Companions and Sir Knights: The members of your Grand York Rite Communication Committee want to thank all our Companions and Sir Knights for their continuous support since our inception in 2007. Our main product is The Florida York Rite Mason Magazine. We have published twelve issues. We hope the format and content are of your liking. The success of our magazine is due to your support and articles submitted. In appreciation of that support, the Committee, as in the previous year, wants to honor a member of your local York Rite Masonic Bodies as part of the York Rite Masons of the Year recognition issue which will be published prior to our 2010 Grand York Rite Convention. The objective is to recognized one Companion / Sir Knight that have gone above and beyond his regular duties and made a significant impact or contribution for their local York Rite Masonic Bodies. Your local York Rite Masonic Bodies is instrumental for us to accomplish this. The instructions are simple. First, the local York Rite Masonic Bodies need to nominate just one Companion or Sir Knight. Second, fill out the attached nomination form signed by the Head Dais Officer of each Body and the Secretary/Recorder. Third, the form needs to be accompanied by a photo or a disk with a digital photo of the Companion or Sir Knight nominated. Remember, the Companion or Sir Knight nominated must meet one requirement: must have gone above and beyond his regular duties to help his local York Rite Masonic Bodies. Please hand or send in the nomination form (nest page) to any of the members of the Grand York Rite Communication Committee on or before MARCH 15, 2010. The success of this project depends on you Companions and Sir Knights. The Committee is just a conduit for it. Please contact a Committee member if you or your local York Rite Masonic Bodies have any questions or need to hand in the nomination form. Let’s honor those that sometimes we forget. Thank you. S. K. David A. Aponte, EGCG 6620 W. Constitution Lane, Homosassa, FL 34448 Phone: (352) 503-3030


S. K. Charles Chic Cicero, EGG 4124 Raccoon Loop, New Port Richey, FL 34653 Phone: (727) 372-1320


M. Ill. Ron Blaisdell, M.I.P.G.M. 140 Spoonhour Dr

Casselberry, FL 32707

Phone: (321) 593-4704

Page 20


2010 York Rite Masons of the Year Recognition Nomination Form Local York Rite Bodies:

Name of Nominee: First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Reason for nomination:

Year Companion/Sir Knight joined your York Rite Masonic Bodies:

Highest Positions Held:




Once your Bodies have selected a Companion / Sir Knight, remember to submit this nomination with a readable photo that can be scanned. Have your Secretary / Recorder submit this form on or before March 15, 2010.

Signature of Secretary / Recorder

Page 21


100% Leather

Inside Lining

Gator or Lizard Embossed Color: Black Cost : $50.00 Shipping cost is separate. $5.00 from the sale will be donated to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation We also have Sword Belt hooks: 2 for $2.00 Shipping & Handling separate If interested, please contact S.K. David Aponte by e-mail: , by phone 352-503-3030 or send a letter to: 6620 W. Constitution Lane, Homosassa, Florida 34448 with your name, address, phone number and the size of your sword from tip to tip. As soon as your case is done you will be notified prior to mailing.

We also have 100 % Leather Sword Slings - Price $25.00

Page 22

York Rite Leadership

New Year New Goals By S.K. David A. Aponte, Grand Generalissimo

During January, a majority of our local York Rite Bodies will have their installation. This means a new slate of officers for the ensuing year. The head of each body has the energy and resolve to implement new plans for their respective body. But will they be able to carry them out? Companions and Sir Knights, you're not alone. Many leaders get demoralized when, year after year, they make plans they keep for only a few weeks. First, stop thinking about what you should do and focus on what you really want to do. You need to really want it. Make realistic goals that you will be committed to. The external motivation and support, along with your internal motivation – your desire to succeed – is what can make the difference between success and failure. Follow these simple eight rules. Rule 1: Commit to Your Plan - If you want to succeed, you must believe that you can accomplish what you set out to do. Choose goals you really want to achieve – and express them in a positive way. Rule 2: Be Realistic - The main key to be successful is continued motivation. Aim for something that is challenging, but that you have a good chance of accomplishing. If there is any doubt, err on the side of caution and expand your goal later if you want to keep improving. Don’t try to do too much. You’ll lose focus, and lessen your chances of success in any one area. Rule 3: Write It Down - Put your goals into writing. Rule 4: Make a Plan - Articulate what you want to achieve and decide how to do it. Start by envisioning where you want to be and what you need to do to get there. Rule 5: Be Flexible - Not everything will work out precisely the way you planned. If you are too rigid in your approach to making plan, the first minor obstacle can throw you off your course completely. When creating your plan, try to predict

some of the challenges that you will face. Make a contingency plan for the ones that have the highest probability, and mentally prepare yourself for others, just in case they come up. Rule 6: Use a System of Reminders - It’s hard to keep focused on your plan when you have many other commitments, responsibilities, and obligations. The best way to stay on top of your resolution is to develop a To-Do List. Set up reminders in your desktop calendar or computer. Rule 7: Track Your Progress - You won’t know how well you are doing unless you keep track of your progress. This is why your detailed plan is so important. By building excitement around the little successes, you can keep yourself motivated, and keep pushing forwards. Rule 8: Celebrate Your Accomplishment - Knowledge of a job well done can be reward enough. But we need to celebrate those goals we achieve. Announce them. Don’t be afraid. Recognize everyone who helped in achieving the goal. Remember, even the most committed person needs a boost. If you want to give an external reward, go ahead. But spread them out – you want to make sure that the rewards remain special, and are not too easy to get! Summary New goals can be a pain or a pleasure – it’s your the choice! Resolve to make the goals a pleasure. Follow th eight rules. Start by focusing on something that you really want and are ready to commit to. Do this and you’ll be in a great position to stay motivated and be successful!

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York Rite Membership

Previous Drives – Lessons Learned By S. K. HENRY A. ADAMS, Eminent Grand Senior Warden Chairman, Membership Committee

Most York Rite Bodies will have festivals, short of time classes or long classes beginning in the FebruaryMarch time frame. It is never two early to begin our planning. So far, we have had a very successful year this year, and it would be great if we could surpass this year and grow even larger next year. But we need to look back last year and previous years and determine what we did right and what we didn’t do so well. There is always grounds for improvement. ¬Start early - strong consensus ¬Need greater engagement by Commanderies and Grand Commandery Officers. ¬Promotion ¬Recruiting ¬Information ¬Keep program going - maintain the momentum ¬Get support from Grand Chapter and Grand Council early ¬Maintain continuity of program to maintain momentum ¬Utilize Grand Encampment and Grand Commandery website more ¬Personal one-on-one, contact is the only effective recruiting technique ¬Provide clear definition of process on a broad scope - not well communicated ¬Key man concept good - a ‘critical success factor’ ¬Communications varied from good to bad ¬Execution of the process varied from good to bad ¬Changing of Grand Line officers could be detrimental to communication ¬Need more effective presentation tools, e.g. eye-catching slide show ¬York Rite, Scottish Rite and Shrine unity are essential. A win-win for everyone! ¬Grass roots management is essential to: ¬Forecasting ¬Recruiting ¬Execution of process ¬Video-tape - “Every Christian Mason Should Be A Knight Templar” ¬Leverage sub-division leadership within the jurisdictions ¬Need broader coverage of information and communications ¬Don’t compete with other Masonic bodies; think win-win ¬If the Most Worshipful Grand Master is not a York Rite Mason, make him one and name the class after him; if he is already a York Rite Mason, use him as a sponsor.

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Friday Morning at the Pentagon Published: 27 November 2009 By JOSEPH L. GALLOWAY McClatchy Newspapers

Over the last 12 months, 1,042 soldiers, Marines, sailors and Air Force personnel have given their lives in the terrible duty that is war. Thousands more have come home on stretchers, horribly wounded and facing months or years in military hospitals. This week, I'm turning my space over to a good friend and former roommate, Army Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, who recently completed a year long tour of duty in Iraq and is now back at the Pentagon. Here's Lt. Col. Bateman's account of a little-known ceremony that fills the halls of the Army corridor of the Pentagon with cheers, applause and many tears every Friday morning. It first appeared on May 17 on the Weblog of media critic and pundit Eric Alterman at the Media Matters for America Website. "It is 110 yards from the "E" ring to the "A" ring of the Pentagon. This section of the Pentagon is newly renovated; the floors shine, the hallway is broad, and the lighting is bright. At this instant the entire length of the corridor is packed with officers, a few sergeants and some civilians, all crammed tightly three and four deep against the walls. There are thousands here. This hallway, more than any other, is the `Army' hallway. The G3 offices line one side, G2 the other, G8 is around the corner. All Army. Moderate conversations flow in a low buzz. Friends who may not have seen each other for a few weeks, or a few years, spot each other, cross the way and renew. Everyone shifts to ensure an open path remains down the center. The air conditioning system was not designed for this press of bodies in this area. The temperature is rising already. Nobody cares. "10:36 hours: The clapping starts at the E-Ring. That is the outermost of the five rings of the Pentagon and it is closest to the entrance to the building. This clapping is low, sustained, hearty. It is applause with a deep emotion behind it as it moves forward in a wave down the length of the hallway. "A steady rolling wave of sound it is, moving at the pace of the soldier in the wheelchair who marks the forward edge with his presence. He is the first. He is missing the greater part of one leg, and some of his wounds are still suppurating. By his age I expect that he is a private, or perhaps a private first class. "Captains, majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels meet his gaze and nod as they applaud, soldier

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Friday Morning at the Pentagon (continued from Page to soldier. Three years ago when I described one of these events, those lining the hallways were somewhat different. The applause a little wilder, perhaps in private guilt for not having shared in the burden ... yet. "Now almost everyone lining the hallway is, like the man in the wheelchair, also a combat veteran. This steadies the applause, but I think deepens the sentiment. We have all been there now. The soldier's chair is pushed by, I believe, a full colonel.

need be by a field grade officer.

"Behind him, and stretching the length from Rings E to A, come more of his peers, each private, corporal, or sergeant assisted as

"11:00 hours: Twenty-four minutes of steady applause. My hands hurt, and I laugh to myself at how stupid that sounds in my own head. My hands hurt... Please! Shut up and clap. For twenty-four minutes, soldier after soldier has come down this hallway - 20, 25, 30.... Fifty-three legs come with them, and perhaps only 52 hands or arms, but down this hall came 30 solid hearts. They pass down this corridor of officers and applause, and then meet for a private lunch, at which they are the guests of honor, hosted by the generals. Some are wheeled along.... Some insist upon getting out of their chairs, to march as best they can with their chin held up, down this hallway, through this most unique audience. Some are catching handshakes and smiling like a politician at a Fourth of July parade. More than a couple of them seem amazed and are smiling shyly. "There are families with them as well: the 18-year-old war-bride pushing her 19-year-old husband's wheelchair and not quite understanding why her husband is so affected by this, the boy she grew up with, now a man, who had never shed a tear is crying; the older immigrant Latino parents who have, perhaps more than their wounded mid-20s son, an appreciation for the emotion given on their son's behalf. No man in that hallway, walking or clapping, is ashamed by the silent tears on more than a few cheeks. An Airborne Ranger wipes his eyes only to better see. A couple of the officers in this crowd have themselves been a part of this parade in the past. These are our men, broken in body they may be, but they are our brothers, and we welcome them home. This parade has gone on, every single Friday, all year long, for more than four years. "Did you know that? The media haven't yet told the story."

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The Master of the Templary Orders One is your Master, Christ, the Lord,

Where lines of Knightly legends flow,

And we are Brethren, true and strong,

From Bethlehem to Olivet,

Sincere in heart, exact in word,

There do our warrior-longings go,

Abhorring vice and wrong.

There is our Master yet.

Sir Knights, flash out the Cross-hilt Sword!

Sir Knights, flash out the Cross-hilt Sword!

One is your Master, Christ, the Lord,

One is your Master, Christ, the Lord,

One word inspires the valiant Knight, —

And when is won this earthly strife,

It is the cruel Golgotha;

Laid by the Spear, assumed the Crown,

One star leads on with steady light,

We trust to share that peaceful life

The bright, the Orient star.

Which our Great Captain won.

Sir Knights, flash out the Cross-hilt Sword

Sir Knights, flash out the Cross-hilt Sword!

One is your Master, Christ, the Lord,

One is your Master, Christ, the Lord.

The Knights of Jesus We meet upon the naked blade, we cross the glittering steel,

We vow that in eternal scorn we'll hold the traitor's part.

Opposing foot to foot we stand, our Knightly vows to seal;

We are the Knights of Jesus,

Erect as men, with watchword high, of truth and victory,

Our line of labor — TRUTH

The Templar Knight brings forth his blade to conquer or to die. We are the Knights of Jesus,

The widow and the orphan hail the flashing of our steel;

Our word — EMMANUEL.

The maid forlorn and innocent cloth Knightly aid appeal; Pilgrims, who seek Jerusalem, our timely succor greet,

We meet before the Sepulcher, and sheathe the blood-stained sword;

And this is Christian work for which the Templar Masons meet.

In awe-struck silence gaze we on the Rising of the Lord!


No earthly victory this, and yet the greatest battle's won, — The Father triumphs over death through Jesus Christ, the Son! We are the Knights of Jesus, Our watchword — GOLGOTHA.

We are the Knights of Jesus,

And when the bitter cup is quaffed, which flesh and sense abhor, And banner cased and good swords sheathed, and words of parting o'er, Then, by the Throne, beside the LAMP, whose service is so sweet,

We meet around the tri form, Sir Knights, can we forget

We hope, Sir Knights, in endless rest, in endless bliss to meet,

The hour, the place, the scene? Ah, no, they haunt our memory yet;

We are the Knights of Jesus,

And while one spark of honor kindles in the Knightly heart,


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GRAND HIGH PRIEST HOMECOMING When: Saturday, February 6, 2010 Where: Jacksonville Marriott Hotel 4670 Salisbury Road (E. of I-95, S. of J. T. Butler, FL 202) Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 296-2222, or (800) 962-9786

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Registration Dress: Men - Business Suits (Red Coat optional) Cost:

7:00 PM Dinner Ladies - Dress $30.00 per person

Dinner - Your choice of: Savory Pork Loin, or Chicken Marsala. Come celebrate with us in fellowship and fun! (All York Rite Companions, Sir Knights, friends and relatives are invited.) Reservations with Remittance, please. R.S.V.P. on or before Monday, January 25, 2010. Make dinner checks payable to: “Jax York Rite Bodies” Send to: C. R. (Bob) Cooper Jacksonville York Rite Bodies 1237 S. McDuff Ave. Phone: (904) 742-0471 Email:

Jacksonville, FL 32205-8050

Room Accommodations: Jacksonville Marriott Hotel (*Please make your own room reservations directly with the hotel.) 4670 Salisbury Road

Jacksonville, FL 32256

Call the Hotel at (904) 296-2222 & ask for the “Jax York Rite Homecoming” rate of $79.00/night +tax --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please cut and send the bottom with remittance check Name:____________________________________________________________________ Meals Selection: Savory Pork Loin # ______ @ $30.00 Chicken Marsala # ______ @ $30.00 Total

Page 28

______ $ ______

Billy Mumy (Will Robinson) from Lost in Space (TV Show). He’s now 55.


Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell) Leave It to Beaver T.V. Show. He’s now 69.

Do you remember the people on the left from your favorite 50’s & 60’s TV shows and songs? Does it bring you memories? Sorry, sometimes it great to remember what we had and still treasure.

Carole King (Singer/Author). Remeber “It’s Too Late”. She’s now 67.

Barbara Felson (Agent 99) in “Get Smart” TV Show. She’s now 77.

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2010 GRAND YORK RITE CONVENTION The 2010 Florida Grand York Rite session will be held April 15 – 17, 2009 at the Marriott Hotel in Lake Mary. Grand Chapter will be held on Thursday, April 15th, Grand Council & the Grand Banquet will be held on Friday, April 16th, and Grand Commandery will be held on Saturday, April 17th. A tentative schedule is available for download at our website (see the one below). Reservations must be made with the hotel directly. Their phone numbers are (407) 995-1100 or (800) 380-7724. The code for our session is GNDGNDA, which will obtain a rate of $88/night. You may download the Session Registration Form from our web site (revised 2009/11/23). Additional session details will be posted as they are available. A copy of the registration form is provided on the next page.

Page 30

The Grand York Rite Bodies of Freemasonry of Florida The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons

The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters

The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar

2010 CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM The Orlando Marriott Lake Mary, 1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary, FL 32746


April 14-17, 2009



Lady’s Name

Address City/State/Zip Telephone:



e-mail address

I am a member of: Chapter High Priest

No. Past High Priest

Council Ill. Master

Past Ill. Master

Commandery Commander




Located in



No. Past Commander

Located in


Grand Line Office



Located in: Past DDGC


Grand Body $30.00




$ Grand Banquet



Number of tickets

X $40.00 =


Breakfast – Open to all



Number of tickets

X $15.00 =


Lunch – Men’s (Thursday)


Number of tickets

X $18.00 =


Lunch – Ladies



Number of tickets

X $18.00


Ladies’ Breakfast



Number of tickets

X $15.00 =

$ $ $




Mail to: Grand York Rite of Florida, P. O. Box 180428, Tallahassee, FL 323180428 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Received by Convention Coordinator Amount Enclosed:

(Date) $

Check No _______________

Page 31

With God’s favor, strength and energy, I stand between the two pillars of Solomon’s Temple and pledge that I will wield my sword to disipate ignorance, promote Light and tolerance and protect those less fortunate.

The Florida York Rite Mason Grand York Rite Bodies P. O. Box 2740 Lake Placid, FL 33862-2740

Official Quarterly E-Publication of the Grand York Rite Bodies of Florida

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