3 minute read
Students Rights and Responsibilities
Students will derive the maximum benefit from this environment by exercising the rights accorded to them by the College’s Board of Trustees.
Student Rights:
Students have the right:
1. To pursue an education and participate in the college community free from discrimination as defined by federal and state and to be judged on the basis of relevant abilities, qualifications, and performance; 2. To freely examine and exchange diverse ideas in a civil manner inside and outside the classroom; 3. To associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals, and organizations for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others; 4. To function in daily activities without unreasonable concerns for personal safety; 5. To expect discipline to be implemented through established procedures and to have the opportunity for continued institutional involvement (as appropriate) and through the appeal process; 6. To be free of unreasonable intrusions into personal records and/or matters relevant to identity, living space, and well-being; 7. To have support in understanding self and others, getting involved with organizations on campus, planning careers, and making decisions; 8. To have access to established procedures for respectfully presenting and addressing their concerns/complaints to the College; 9. To have access to a variety of activities beyond the classroom, which support intellectual and personal development; 10. To have access to qualified faculty, academic technology, classrooms, libraries, presentations, and other resources necessary for the learning process; 11. To understand the requirements of academic programs and receive timely, useful, and regular information and advising about relevant academic and graduation requirements; 12. To be informed in writing (typically a syllabus) of the specific requirements and expected learning outcomes of the courses at the beginning of the semester and to expect that course requirements will not be changed without notice; 13. To have clear indication of their educational progress in those courses in which they are enrolled and to know how the various assignments are weighted; 14. To receive a fair, transparent and impartial assessment of performance as students; 15. To have a voice in decision-making within the college community, with opportunities including, but not limited to, the Student Government Association and participation in the Residence Life program;
16. To expect academic and administrative policies that support intellectual inquiry, learning, and personal growth; 17. To have access to accurate information regarding tuition, fees, and charges for room and board, course availability, requirements for maintaining acceptable academic standards, and requirements for graduation; 18. To have all student-related college policies, made accessible in whatever format is necessitated by the student’s disability or personal situation.
Student Responsibilities:
The exercise and preservation of students’ privileges require a respect for the rights of all in the community. Students enrolling at Flagler College accept the responsibility:
1. To behave in a manner that is civil and compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution, both on and off campus and as local, community members; 2. To know and comply with the College’s rules, regulations, policies, and procedures, as they exist at the time of admission and as they may be amended from time to time; 3. To facilitate the learning environment by abiding by the College’s attendance policy, participating in class discussions, and completing assignments in compliance with the prescribed schedule; 4. To comply with the College’s policies regarding the dissemination of communications by accessing their College e-mail accounts on a regular basis to ensure they receive official notices in a timely manner; 5. To refrain from willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, and interference with the orderly process of the community, or with the rights of other members of the
College 6. To respect the College’s authority and responsibility to maintain order within the community and to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process.
Banking: The City of St. Augustine has several banks within walking distance of the campus. Students are urged to open a checking or savings account at a local bank for their convenience and the protection of their funds. Money should not be kept in residence hall rooms.