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recommend and implement improvements necessary to the welfare of the students and the College; and encourages effective student participation.

In keeping with these goals, the SGA welcomes students, faculty and members of the administration to all general session meetings. All matters to be discussed must be included on the agenda.

The Executive Board of the Student Government Association consists of four elected officers who carry out the policies and functions of the Student Government and conduct the business and activities of the SGA.

2022-2023 SGA Executive Board: President: Brock Shepherd Vice President: Kendra Trezona Secretary: Olivia Davis Treasurer: Skylee Rodgers

In addition to the Executive Board, the Senate Chamber consists of SGA Senators primarily serving as the voting party at weekly General Assembly Meetings. The Senate will vote on the following:

Club Grants – Proposals for clubs to request funding to support their campus activities and club involvement.

Constitutional Amendments – Revisions to the document that provide the basic principles for the SGA.

Resolutions – Official recommendations and/or statements that the student body creates to bring forth to the College Administration.

Senators will also create initiatives that will serve the Flagler and St. Augustine Community by servings on one of the following committees: Public Service, Student Interest, Spirit and Public Relations.

Representatives: All Students enrolled as full-time are members of SGA, eligible to participate in its activities, attend meetings, and serve on committees. Voting members are appointed yearly by the Executive Committee. Committee positions are recommended by the SGA President in consultation with the SGA Executive Board and approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs. The SGA is governed by the SGA Charter, Constitution and Bylaws, drafted in 1968, and revised in 1972, 1979, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2022. A copy of the current Student Government Association Constitution and Bylaws may be obtained in the Office of Student Affairs.

CAMPUS FACILITIES All hours associated with facilities are subject to change

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