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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Recognizing National Electrical Safety Month
The Electrical Safety Foundation International has dedicated May as National Electrical Safety Month to spread awareness of potential hazards and promote safe practices in the home and workplace. At Flagship, we understand electrical safety's critical role in daily operations and are committed to fostering safe practices both internally and with our clients.
The Importance of Electrical Safety
Every workplace, regardless of industry, faces electrical hazards. Faulty electrical equipment, inadequate grounding, or poorly designed electrical systems can cause sparks, fires, or electrocution, posing a significant risk to all personnel working in the facility.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost 3 in 5 work place injuries were caused by direct exposure to electricity in 2020. The most common electrical hazards include:
Electrical shock – Occurs when electrical equipment is not grounded correctly and results in an electrical current passing through the body, causing burns, muscle contractions, or possibly death.
Arc flash – Arises when an electrical current jumps between two points, causing severe burns, vision loss, and hearing damage.
Chemicalspills–Certainchemicalscancreateaconductivepathfor electricity,increasingtheriskofelectricalshockorfires.
Fires and explosions – Happens when equipment is overloaded or not correctly maintained and can cause significant property damage and injuries or fatalities.
Chemical spills – Certain chemicals can create a conductive path for electricity, increasing the risk of electrical shock or fires.
Power outages and equipment malfunctions can be caused by faulty electricalequipment or wiring, leading to costly downtime and disruptions in businessoperations. To prevent electrical accidents, it is essential to have a safe electricalsystem in place that includes proper installation, grounding, and maintenance ofelectrical equipment.