1 minute read

How to Navigate 2020

What a year this has been. It seems like an entire lifetime ago when you went to the office every day, handshakes were exchanged generously, no one wore masks and travel was a common practice. However, once COVID-19 spread its way into even the smallest crevices of the world, everything changed, and unless you have a crystal ball or amazing insight, the changes happened quickly, and the impact was felt.

As we enter the mid-year mark of 2020, the changes and stresses do not seem to be lightening up. Whether it’s devastating brush fires, murder hornets, natural disasters including floods, volcanoes and earthquakes, a pandemic, skyrocketing unemployment with millions suffering from financial uncertainty or protests that have brought new light to privilege and racism, 2020 has been full of constant change. You never know what the next day will bring.


So, now that all the scheduled plans have changed and campaign calendars for the year have been reduced to recycling, how can you navigate the year from here?

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