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Expert Perspective | Three Keys to a Successful Janitorial Services Transition
In this edition of “An Expert’s P.O.V.”, Flagship’s Jennifer Steward ,Senior Director of Business Development for Aviation, provides insight into our 150-point transition plan for the aviation industry.
Ever wonder why an airport might be hesitant to make a change in janitorial service contractors despite low passenger experience scores? One word: Transition.
Transitioning from one vendor to another is a complex and challenging process that requires significant planning and coordination across multiple teams. Not only does it involve the transfer of data and other assets, but it also requires an airport to implement new policies, procedures, and technologies. This can impact day-to-day operations, potentially leading to disruptions in customer service.
In truth, if an airport’s current challenges are not dire, the potential hassle of transitioning can be a barrier to change.
At Flagship, we consider ourselves experts in the art of successful and seamless transitions . Our dedicated teams have transitioned 11 airports since 2020,despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We understand that new clients place their trust in us, our teams, and our aviation-industry best practices. Along with that honor comes a responsibility to be ready for service in 30-90 days. To be successful in such a short time frame requires us to focus on three things: teamwork, planning, and communication.