Broadcasting place Publication research
Domus I found this publication in the college library it cost me all of 20p. What i found attractive about this was the type on the front cover, the shapes create a nice visual identity and the black type cuts through the orange and white.
Blueprint This is another little gem I found in the library again very cost effective. What I like about this is the spot vanish on the front cover, when I first glanced at this I saw the 200 had been spot vanished but I hadn’t noticed the subtle black spot vanish making the cover look like a digital clock face.
Building on a construct
Found this book in the library, I really liked the type on the front cover, the type face is made from simple shapes, and fits with the theme of the book.
This caught my eye when I was wondering about the library. I like how the web of connections spreads across the book cover and then integrates with the type.