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The Official Publication of the New Zealand Cat Fancy Inc.

Hi-de-hi Hasn’t this year just flown past? Thank you to all the Judges, Handlers, Stewards and Scribes for giving up your time to judge, handle steward or scribe at the shows this year. It is greatly appreciated. How fantastic was it to see some of the newly qualified Stewards and Handlers on the floor this year. Well done and keep it up. Congratulations to the new Steward and Handlers from the Christchurch course held in October. Thank you to Jo Millar, Margaret Harris, Jo Woodrow and the Canterbury All Breeds Club for giving up your time and helping put this on. If I missed anyone sorry but thank you to you too. The following students gained their Handlers qualifications Lyonne Dalley

Jennifer Ferrier

Andrea Glover

Leah Moore

The following students gained their Steward and Handlers qualifications Sharan Byrne Mary Lou Capill Nikki Growcott Miriam Martin Vicki Patterson

I look forward to seeing you in action next year. NZCF welcomes Margaret Harris and David Scadden back to the Judges panel after a short break away. I’m sure we are all looking forward to seeing them on the floor next year at shows. Thank you to the Judges who have held or about to hold Judges Seminars. It is fantastic to see the seminars being planned ahead and not at the last minute as it gives others time to work out a way of attending. I was lucky enough to attend the Judges Seminar held in Te Awamutu for a couple of hours and found it very interesting. Thank you to those Judges there for making me feel so welcome. Judges please remember your Annual Returns are due to me by 31st January 2020. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you in 2020.

SHOW NEWS Hello Everyone Wow 2019 has been an exciting but busy show year. To all the 2019 National Annual Awards winners and place getters congratulations. I hope to see you all in Christchurch at the Awards dinner in June 2020 to celebrate. Thank you to Soozn Grindell the Honours Registrar for all her hard work this year. I know it has not been easy and we had to work a few things out on the run but we got there in the end. So thank you. Also big thanks to Sue Mackay the Health and Safety Officer for all the work you do have done over the years in this role it has been greatly appreciated. To the show committees hugh thanks to you for all your hard work and dedication to putting on our wonderful shows. I know the work load that goes into holding shows. Members if you attend shows but aren’t on a show committee or help out please have a think about helping a club. I know we are all

Flash Cats

busy people but if new people don’t start stepping up to at least help or learn the roles in a few years there may be no one to put shows on. So please consider helping you never know what small task you could do that might help ease the work load for someone else. Planning is well under way for the 2020 National Show in Christchurch on the 7th June. Hope you all have it marked in your diaries. Clubs don’t forget the 2021 Show date applications are due by 31st January 2020. This has been brought forward so the 2021 Show calendar can be approved at the February EC meeting and give clubs who have shows early in the year more time to plan. Fellow breeders, exhibitors and your beautiful fur babies I hope you all have an enjoyable, relaxing break and for those of you in the middle of kitten season I wish you all the very best for a successful season. Stay safe and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sheree Russell Shows Portfolio Manager


Issue 19/04

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