December 2012 Newsletter

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Altnaveigh House Newsletter DECEMBER 2012 ISSUE

This newsletter will signpost the Community and Voluntary sector groups to possible sources of funding and highlights a sample of grants that are currently open for application.

Altnaveigh House wishes you all a Merry Christmas &

In addition to this Newsletter, the Community Development Section also host community news and events section.

Happy and Peaceful New Year

Our office will re-open on Thursday 3rd January 2013 at 9.15 a.m. 1

Room Hire in Altnaveigh House Are you holding an AGM, Conference or Meeting? Need several rooms? Altnaveigh House will provide you with customer satisfaction, a central location, competitive prices and FREE convenient parking! Full Conference Room (main hall) - max 250 persons Front half Conference Room (main hall) - max 45 Rear half Conference Room (main hall) - max 45 Training Room - max 30 persons Quality catering available on request

Other rooms and space available

Wide range of options available to suit all needs

Contact A L T N A V E I G H H O U S E Tuesday - Friday 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Tel : (028) 3026 5151 51 Downshire Road, Newry BT34 1EE email : Equipment available includes :

►► Data Projector, Screen, Flipchart, Laptop and Hospitality/Catering ◄◄


New appointment in Newry and Mourne County Armagh Community Development (CACD) has been proactively working to establish effective and meaningful ways to assist the Protestant community to fulfil its potential since 2005 in County Armagh. CACD have recently secured funding to deliver a pilot project in partnership with Altnaveigh House Trust funded by the Department of Social Development. This will support community development and good relations, working with the wider community across the Council areas of Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon and Newry and Mourne. Wilbert McKee has been appointed as a part-time development officer for the Newry and Mourne area and will have an office in Altnaveigh House Newry. Wilbert will be providing mentoring support to new and existing community groups in the area and can be contacted on 07435768895.

Age NI has launched the Spread the Warmth Campaign and are distributing Winter Wrapped Up booklets giving advice on how to stay warm. Age NI have an Advice Service for a free benefits check Check out : www.ageni for lots of other ideas on how we can help keep our older people safe and warm this winter.


Funding applications and funding sourced event Altnaveigh House held the 1st of 2 training sessions in Reivers House, Kilkeel, on Tuesday 4th December 2012. 15 groups participated, and a further training event will be held in Kilkeel in late January focusing on Leadership skills. The December training session was delivered by Clare Cuthbert from Community Change. Dr Charles Neville, Ulster-Scots Community Network, and Richard Forsythe, from Grand Lodge’s STRIPE programme, outlined the work their organisations are doing in the community. Training Content : Funding applications and funding sourced 1) Increase understanding and knowledge of filling in funding applications through exploration of : ● ● ● ●

the essential elements of funding applications what is required before filling in application forms identification / evidence of need, funding requirements key terms and definitions found in applications

2) Explore how to source funding opportunities Dr Charles Neville, from the Ulster Scots Community Network, gave a synopsis of his organisation’s new education programme, covering a 400 year history of the “Ulster Scots in Ulster”, from the Plantation, to the present day. The programme will examine, amongst others : ● The differences in the 17th century Plantation between East and West, and the evolution of Protestantism. ● The formation of societies in the 18th century and the industrialisation of Ulster. ● In the 19/20th century, it looks at the Ulster-Scots in East and West of the Globe, the contribution to the Ulster Covenant, the Good Friday Agreement and the resurgence of the Ulster- Scots culture. Dr Neville also touched on cultural funding streams in 2013 and related support. Richard Forsythe, from the Grand Lodge of Ireland’s STRIPE programme, outlined the services and support to the community that his organisation can provide. For further information please contact :

Eric Hewitt Altnaveigh House 51 Downshire Road, Newry BT34 1EE Tel. (028) 3026 5151 E:

These two Kilkeel training events will also be held in the Crossgar area during February 4

Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy MLA opens Scout Exhibition Centre in Newry Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy MLA officially opened 1st Newry (Earl Kilmorey) Scout Group’s Exhibition Centre and launched their book on Friday 23 November 2012. Minister Kennedy, who was a former member of the Scouting Movement himself, was the guest-of-honour at the Newry Scout Hall along with over 140 invited guests. The Scout Hall in Sandys Street was packed to capacity as former Scouts and friends of the Group joined to celebrate the launch of a 352 page book and opening of their unique exhibition museum. Indeed the Scouting Exhibition Centre is believed to be the first of its kind in Northern Ireland, if not Ireland. Group Chairman Alan McGaffin welcomed the many guests to the evening including Minister Danny Kennedy MLA, Martin McDonald on behalf of National Lottery, Clive Scoular (former Scout County Commissioner for Co Down) and Thomas Johnston, editorial and design team for the book. He paid tribute to the whole project team involved in the restoration of the Old Scout hall and those involved in the gathering of material for the book. As a mark of the Group’s gratitude to those involved in the Exhibition Centre building restoration Chris Stinson, Sean McDonald, Vincent Quigley and George Bingham were awarded the coveted Scout Thanks Badge for their voluntary work. Martin McDonald spoke on behalf of the Heritage National Lottery. He paid tribute to the members of 1st Newry Scout Group and commented on how well the whole project fitted into Lottery guidelines. Minister Danny Kennedy then officially launched the book, “The Life and Times of 1st Newry Scout Group”, and opened their new Exhibition Museum. He thanked the Newry Scouts for their hard and dedicated work within the youth sector and their ability to produce such a high quality book that will undoubtedly be enjoyed by many families for years. He noted that it was particularly pleasing for him to have some of his own family members mentioned within the body of the book. Scout Leader Mervyn Ferris explained, “The significant grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund allowed us to research the history and heritage of Scouting in Newry. In addition, a generous contribution from Newry & Mourne District Council, along with our own financial input made it possible for us to complete the museum and book. We are extremely grateful to these funders for their financial support with both of these projects and also with the development of a new website for the Group.” 5

There is no doubt that the Exhibition Centre is a must to see as it is filled with wall story boards and pictures covering the last 100 years along with other scouting memorabilia. Mervyn Ferris paid tribute to the work and design done by Michael McCaul Signs on the story boards leaving 1st Newry’s history in a fashion that will last for years to come. In the interim the Exhibition Centre will be open on Monday evenings between 7 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. and there after by arrangement. Copies of the book can also be obtained at this time or from any of the Leaders. If you require any more information on how to obtain a copy of the book or have a look around the museum, please contact our Hon Secretary Linda Bingham on 07803507315 or e-mail


Serving everyone in the community

Something for Everyone!

Drop in each day to meet friends, get a cup of coffee and free reads of all the daily newspapers *********

Art gallery displaying local art

• Storytimes • Reading Groups

• Selection of stores and books on every subject • Computers for games and study

• Complete your VAT returns and Inland Revenue forms! • Banking and grant applications

• Study guides for curriculum • CVs and application forms

• Computers for study

• • • • • •

• • • • • •

Books Internet and e-Mails Book Holidays Shop on-line Heritage events Knit and Knatter Club

Computers Job Applications Print Boarding passes Talks Storytellers Information Days 7

Community News Dunmore Rural Association held their Children’s Christmas Party in the hall on Friday 14th December. Over 30 children attended, along with their parents, to see the arrival of Santa. Refreshments and light bites were served during the evening.

Magheramurphy Cultural Association held their annual community dinner in Kilkeel Orange Hall on 4th December. Over 90 people attended and were entertained by Sandys Street Choir. The Association made a donation to Action Cancer in the sum of £130.00 as a result of the programme. The Inter-Denominational Gospel Services begin again in the hall in 2013 on the 1st Sunday night in January at 8.30 p.m. and thereafter monthly. January speaker is Mr. David Crutchley from the C.E.F.

Hollymount Rural Community Association. The group held a flower arranging demonstration in their hall on the 25th November, attended by 30 people. The Children’s Christmas Party was held on 8th December and some 30 children attended with their parents. Santa, of course, arrived to add some festive cheer to the evening. The Annual Christmas Dinner will be held in the hall at 7.30 p.m. on the 20th of December. The Annual New Year’s Dance will be held in the Crossgar War Memorial Hall on 4th January 2013. The Annual Concert will be held in the same hall on 2nd March 2013. Further details to follow in the next issue. 8

Ballymageough Rural Community Group held their annual ‘Ulster Fry Night’ on the 30th November in Ballymageough. Over 120 people attended and enjoyed the social evening. The Children’s Christmas Party will be held on 27th December in the hall. It is hoped that Santa will re-appear. Traditional party games and refreshments and light bites will be on the menu. Last year over 60 children and their parents attended, and they hope that this year the number will be exceeded. Kilmegan & Aughlisnafin Rural Community Group - The group held an historical talk on the Ulster Covenant, followed by a musical programme, on Thursday 15th November in their hall. Over 30 people were in attendance. The annual Christmas party was held on 1st December, hosted by Aughlisnafin Accordion Band. Over 40 children attended and their parents. Please note that the Annual Burns night will take place late January 2013. Please contact Brian McBride on 07759688453. Dollingstown Ulster-Scots Culture and Heritage Society will be holding their annual Burns Night on Friday 15th February 2013 at 8 p.m. in Dollingstown Orange Hall. A Scottish Highland dancing display will be performed by The Tartan Rockers to live pipe music.

Katesbridge Ladies’ Rural Group had a talk from Banbridge District Council Home Safety Officer, Alana Diamond, and Banbridge Policing and Community Safety Partnership Manager, Amanda Mulholland. Then they ran a Floral Art class at which participants were able to make a Christmas arrangement. Shanaghan Victoria Goldsprings LOL 140 held their annual Christmas Party on 8th December. It was attended by 30 children and their parents, and a sumptuous supper was served afterwards. LOL 140’s annual concert will be held on Friday 1st February 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in Shanaghan Orange Hall, Katesbridge. It will feature Kenny Archer and the Colorado Band, with special guest Tony Kerr. Tickets, priced at £10.00, are available from Lodge members or you can pay at the door. Everyone welcome. Donaghmore Development Association will be holding their Annual Burns Night celebration in the W. J. Ranton Memorial Orange Hall on 25th January 2013 at 8.00 p.m. Full traditional musical programme and supper. For further details contact : Jim McConville, tel. (028) 4063 0116. 9

Launch of Timebank Small Grants Programme Volunteer Now is launching a small grants programme to support organisations and communities across Northern Ireland to develop Timebanks. The Timebank initiative will give grants of up to ÂŁ3,000 to explore ways of supporting people and groups in the community to share their skills and be rewarded in time. Closing dates for completed applications is 25 January 2013. For more information about Timebanking log on to : To register, contact :

Does your Community Group need a website? RCN can help your group to develop a website which can easily be managed and updated by the group. They will also provide training and support. The only cost to the group is the annual web hosting fee. Visit : and click on Programmes and then Rural Websites.


OCN Level 3 Award in Community Development This five day course, offered by RCN, is an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills for effective community development practice. The training will be held in NICVA from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the following Wednesdays : 20 and 27 February 2013; 6, 13 and 20 March 2013. The cost is ÂŁ220 including accreditation costs. For more information :

visit RCN’s website or

email : or

call Fergal on (028) 8676 6670

DARD Rural Challenge Programme This scheme closed on 14th December 2012 11

MARA Helping rural dwellers to access services, grants and benefits The MARA project is aimed at improving the health and well-being of people living in rural areas in Northern Ireland. It is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and by the Public Health Agency (PHA). The aim of MARA is to increase awareness of, or help households/individuals access local services, grants or benefits, thus supporting those rural dwellers living in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion. If you fall within an eligible group such as :

• • •

• Elderly • Lone/Single Parents • Ethnic Minorities

Farmers Carers Fishermen

You may be eligible for a referral to : ► Benefit Entitlement Check

► Disabled Facilities Grant

► Rural Community Transport

► Home Safety Check

► Smart Pass

► Support Services

If you are interested in this, or know someone who might benefit from the project, you can arrange for a trained MARA enabler to visit your home or a suitable location at a time that suits you. Contact :

Nuala McElroy MARA Project Co-ordinator Co. Down Rural Community Network Ballymote Centre 40 Killough Road Downpatrick BT30 6PY

Tel : (028) 4461 2311 Fax : (028) 4461 1458 email :




EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR ALL THE LATEST ON THE MARCHING, CONCERT AND COMPETITION BAND SCENE The Bandsman column is dedicated to the promotion of the local band scene and contributions would be welcomed from all types of bands within the East, South and West Down area. If your band is recruiting, holding tuition classes, fund-raising, promoting a concert, received grant funding that needs to be publicised, celebrating an important anniversary, recognising the service of an individual(s) within its ranks or just fancy giving the band a bit of promotion, then please feel free to send details or contact BANDSMAN who will make every effort (subject to space availability) to give you the appropriate publicity. CONTACT BANDSMAN as follows : E-MAIL : Telephone : (028) 9044 8028 Mobile : 07818254145 13

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