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Altnaveigh House offer community-based groups grant finder information sessions on an appointment basis We are also in a position to offer advice and assistance on applications
www.altnaveigh-house.org.uk The site will continue to be updated with all the latest community news and funding information Please note : Work on the website is progressing, and we hope to have it revamped by the end of the year
Follow us on Facebook Search for Altnaveigh House on Facebook
information will :
Provide a brief overview of current funding opportunities and increase awareness regarding grant opportunities that exist or are coming soon
® ® ® ® ®
Statutory = District Councils, Government Department Trusts = Charitable Trusts Own Fund-raising, Sponsorship Income Generation, Membership Fees ‘In Kind’ resources 14
Awards for All in Northern Ireland has changed Your group is now entitled to apply for up to £20,000 from Awards for All in the calendar year
Awards for All Small Grants of between £500 - £10,000 awarded over a one year period Ongoing programme, with no closing dates Can fund health, education, environment and community projects Open to voluntary and community organisations and statutory organisations Further information and application packs are available at :
http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/prog_a4a_ni or by calling the information team on :
(028) 9055 1455 Heritage Heritage Lottery Fund will continue to fund heritage projects via their main small grants programmes which are open for applications all year round.
Your Heritage (£3,000 - £50,000) Young Roots (£3,000 - £25,000)
For further information about these grant programmes or to make an application, access the website :
www.hlf.org.uk or telephone (028) 9031 0120 THERE MAY BE CHANGES TO THIS PROGRAMME IN 2013 15
Culture for All Northern Ireland Through Culture for All communities across Northern Ireland can engage with, and share in, the UK City of Culture 2013 celebrations
Application Open/Close Dates 1st August 2012 - 30th August 2013
Minimum/maximum Grants £500 - £10,000
Total Available £1.35 million Culture for All is a small grants programme delivered and funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland in partnership with Culture Company 2013. The main aim of the programme is to bring people together to enjoy a range of community-based arts and culture activities that link to UK City of Culture 2013 and improve individual and community well-being and quality of life. You can apply to Culture for All if you are : ● ●
a voluntary and community organisation, or a statutory organisation
The programme will help organisations to run arts and culture projects that : ● link to the UK City of Culture celebrations in a way that benefits their own communities communities can be people in a local area or people who share a common interest or need ● encourage talent, increase skills and strengthen community activity by supporting activities that help to develop people and organisations ● improve quality of life by increasing opportunities for people to engage with UK City of Culture 2013, especially those most disadvantaged to engage with the UK City of Culture celebrations ● best meet local need and have the most impact on communities ● are well organised and planned Priority will be given to arts and culture projects that : ● are new or develop what you do now ● increase opportunities for volunteering ● build community capacity
Contact For more information, contact the Outreach team in Big Lottery Fund’s Belfast office :
Tel : (028) 9055 1455 email : enquiries.ni@biglotteryfund.org.uk www.biglotteryfund.org.uk 16
Arts The Arts Council will accept applications for grants between ÂŁ500 and ÂŁ10,000 to its new Lottery Small Grants Programme from 2nd January 2009.
Sport Sport Northern Ireland is committed to and recognises the importance of small grants being accessible for the sports sector.
www.sportni.net 17
Community Foundation for Northern Ireland The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland is one of Northern Ireland’s largest independent grant-making organisations. They manage a broad portfolio of funds and programmes that aim to tackle social exclusion, poverty and social injustice.
Scheme Details This is an overview of the Grant Programmes administered by Community Foundation Northern Ireland. Ÿ Community Arts : The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland is offering Small Grants ranging from £500 to £1,000 for community arts projects David Ervine Foundation : proposed fund in memorial to the politician David Ervine. Grant range £500 - £1,000 Ÿ EAGA Community Fund : Grants under £1,000 for environmental projects at a grass roots level One Small Step Fund : Scheme to fund projects which address a shared future. Grant range £500 - £2,000 Turkington Fund : The Turkington Fund is being established in recognition and celebration of the contribution of older people to our society. It aims to offer funding for locally-based community projects that are run by, and for, older people. Grant range £200 - £3,000 Ÿ Youth Bank : Youth Bank is a group of young people aged 16-25 who operate collectively as a committee to distribute grants for youth-led projects that aim to make a positive contribution to their communities.
Contact details Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, Community House, Citylink Business Park, Albert Street, Belfast BT12 4HQ Tel : (028) 9024 5927 email : info@communityfoundationni.org website :
CRC Cultural Relations and Cultural Diversity The Community Relations Council, with the support of Government, has established a fund of approximately £400,000 to spend each year on community relations projects.
Scheme Details Community Relations Council funding is intended to help community/voluntary groups throughout Northern Ireland. The maximum award payable is £10,000 but in the main most grants are much smaller than this. The scheme is aimed primarily at projects involving adults. Grants may be awarded towards the cost of the following : • Bursaries for community relations practitioners to attend conferences. (These are limited to one bursary per year for an individual from an applicant group) • Organisation of events
Seminars or discussion groups
• Fees for trainers, speakers, artists or facilitators
Basic travelling costs within Ireland and Britain
• Cost of accommodation for speakers
Renting appropriate facilities
• Crèche provision
Resource materials
• Action research and small publication costs
Contact details Judith Hamilton (Project Officer), Community Relations Council, 6 Murray Street, Belfast BT1 6DN Tel : (028) 9022 7500 Fax : (028) 9023 5408 email : jhamilton@nicrc.org.uk website :
www.community-relations.org.uk 18
Lloyds TSB Foundation NI Please note : Applicant groups must have charitable status The Lloyds TSB Foundation is a generous multi-purpose funder of voluntary and community organisations and projects in Northern Ireland. The Foundation is one of the principle sources of funding for small grants for many organisations.
Scheme Details The Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland is a grant-giving Foundation whose income is derived from a shareholding in Lloyds TSB Group. Donations for one-off projects are for a maximum of £5,000. Applications for more than this will be ruled ineligible. The Foundation has two main target areas to which it seeks to allocate funds : Social and Community needs Education and Training Ÿ Community Services : Family Centres, Youth and Older People’s Clubs, After Schools Clubs, Play Schemes, Help Groups, Child Care Provision Advice Services Ÿ Promotion of Health : Information and Advice, Independent Living for Older People Ÿ Civic Responsibility : Crime Prevention, Promotion of Volunteering Ÿ Cultural Enrichment : Improving participation in and access to the arts and national heritage for disadvantaged and disabled people
Education and Training Ÿ Projects which help socially excluded people develop their potential and secure employment Ÿ Employment training (for disabled and disadvantaged people) Ÿ Promotion of life skills, independent living skills for disabled people Ÿ Enhancing education for disabled young people, pre-school education, literacy skills (where no other support is available)
Contact details Sinead Tierney (Grants Officer), Lloyds TSB Foundation for NI, 2nd Floor, 14 Cromac Place, Belfast BT7 2JB Tel : (028) 9032 3000 email : info@lloydstsbfoundationni.org website :
Newry and Mourne Community Grants Newry and Mourne District Council provides small grants to local voluntary and community organisations in the Newry and Mourne area.
Scheme Details Newry and Mourne District Council, under its Community Services Programme, has major responsibility for : Ÿ general Community Development work, particularly in the field of recreation Ÿ community education, planning and neighbourhood community amenities Ÿ the development of both grant-aided and Council-provided Community Centres, in the latter case involving planning the centres in conjunction with local groups and other relevant statutory bodies Ÿ managing all Council-provided community facilities Ÿ advice and grant support to the voluntary and community sectors Ÿ development and grant support for Advices Services Ÿ development and funding for Community Festivals and the Council’s Major Events Programme
Types of Grants Ÿ Seeding Grants - average payable £50 Ÿ Revenue Grants - for groups with premises, average payable is 45% of running costs Ÿ Festival Grants - minimum £200, maximum £5,000 Ÿ Training Grants - for approved courses, average payable £150 Ÿ Special One-off Grants - minimum £50, maximum £5,000
Capital Grants Grants for capital schemes may be considered by the Council on the basis of an annual priorities list for each of the electoral area
Contact Details Dermot Russell (Acting Community Services Officer), Newry & Mourne District Council, Haughey House, Rampart Road, Greenbank Industrial Estate, Newry, Co. Down BT34 2QU Tel : (028) 3031 3233 Fax : (028) 3031 3299 email : dermot.russell@newryandmourne.gov.uk website :
www.newryandmourne.gov.uk Please note :
If your group is NOT based in Newry and Mourne District Council area, please contact your relevant Council authority Each Council has funding opportunities for community and voluntary groups 20
SOAR Funding (Southern Organisation for Action in Rural Areas) SOAR is responsible for the administration of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 (NIRDP) within the rural areas of Craigavon, Armagh and Newry. The NIRDP is part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and is managed by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. ►► Contact your local council to find out the relevant contacts for this funding ◄◄ The Rural Development Programme in the Southern Cluster area covering Newry and Mourne, Banbridge, Armagh and Craigavon has a budget of £16.7 million and a rolling programme of grants will continue until all funds are allocated. There are 6 measures in total :
Diversification into non-agricultural activities
Business creation & development
Encouragement of tourism activities
Basic services for the economy and the rural population
Village renewal and development
Conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage
Social economy enterprises, community and voluntary organisations and private individuals are eligible to apply and projects should be located in rural areas. More information on the programme can be found at :
If you wish to make a full application, please contact the SOAR Office and speak to a member of the Rural Development Team who will be happy to discuss your project idea in more detail. Small grants available and large grants up to £250k.
Watch Press for further calls for
SOAR/NI Rural Development Please contact Eric for assistance - Tel : (028) 3026 5151
Ulster Garden Villages Limited The Common Fund The Society primarily allocates funds to projects within Northern Ireland that will have a positive impact in Northern Ireland. National Charities making an approach to the Society should relate their appeal to specific needs or projects within Northern Ireland. Funds are not given retrospectively, and it is not usual to give grants for office expenses or administrative staff salaries. In addition to outright grants, assistance may be given by way of loans which may carry certain conditions at the discretion of the Committee.
Applications Guidelines and Application Forms may be downloaded from the website or from the office. Forms may also be completed on screen and printed. Please read the Guidelines before completing the Application Form. All applications must be on the official form and either posted or delivered to the office. The office is normally attended on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. If you wish to make contact outside these office hours, please leave a message on the answering machine and staff will attend thereto as soon as possible. Executive Director : Mrs. Martie Boyd, M.B.E.
Contact Details Ulster Garden Villages Limited, “Forestview�, Purdys Lane, Newtownbreda, Belfast BT8 7AR Tel : (028) 9049 1111 website :
Fax : (028) 9049 1007
email : admin@ulstergardenvillages.co.uk
Ulster-Scots Agency Partnership Funding Description of Aid Type
: Grant/Loan
: Financial assistance is available for the promotion and use of Ullans and UlsterScots cultural issues in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The UlsterScots Agency aims to promote the study and use of the language; encourage and develop its culture; and promote an understanding of the Ulster-Scots history.
Eligible Expenditure
Examples of eligible activities include : workshops; conferences; courses; events; : tuition; classes; and research
: No minimum or maximum funding amounts are stipulated
Match Fund : 75% of the budget will be allocated to projects where organisers can obtain a minimum of 50% of funding from other sources. The remaining 25% of the budget will be allocated to groups that cannot attract match funding. 22
are holding a
Schomberg Burns Night on Friday 18th January 2013 IN THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Kilkeel Branch) For details of the programme for the evening, please contact Sandra at the address and telephone number below Please contact Reivers House on (028) 4176 9678 for further details
Altnaveigh House Staff Should you like further information, please do not hesitate to contact either :
Will Glendinning
email : W.O.M.Glen@btinternet.com or Eric Hewitt email : eric@altnaveigh-house.org.uk Tel: (028) 3026 5151 Fax: (028) 3026 5152 email: info@altnaveigh-house.org.uk
Grant Tracker Altnaveigh House offers members of its mentoring programme use of the Grant Tracker IT system to identify funds and sources of funds that are available It also tries to keep members advised of new funding opportunities
This Newsletter is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in partnership with County Down Rural Community Network 23