Getting the Best for Your Organisation

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Altnaveigh House and County Armagh Community Development are jointly hosting a seminar entitled

Getting The Best For Your Organisation LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED The purpose of the evening is to familiarise groups with opportunities for raising finance in an environment where grant funding is becoming more difficult to obtain. To this end there will be short presentations on the concept of social enterprise, where groups have an opportunity to create new funding streams and plough the proceeds back into their organisation. The main focus will be on the range of funds and services available to organisations and the importance of sound applications for grant aid. Presentations are :

Funding Opportunities for Groups

– Where finance can be accessed and the do’s and don’ts of a good application - Clare Cuthbert (Community Change)

The MARA project

- maximising access to and uptake of grants, benefits and services to people in rural areas - Allison Slater (South Down Family Health Initiative)

The Importance of Insurance to a Group (Bartholomew & James) If you require any additional information please contact :


Everyone will be made most welcome

– Gary Proctor

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