Flat World Design Idea File

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Idea File

Do you want your message to stand out from the crowd?  Interesting, relevant, useful and on-message promotional products can help you open with a splash! Something that GRABS your audience’s attention.  Which audience? Accurate, consistent and relevant targeting is half the battle. And promotional products provide one of the most effective means of targeting your message to the right audience. You are, after all, handing your product to someone, are you not?  No other means of advertising can be guaranteed to last as long as durable advertising, er, we mean, useful, high quality, promotional products. Look around you. Aren’t you carrying around a product with someone’s logo on it? You get the idea...

Do you want to attract and acquire more targeted customers?  We know competition to obtain customers is brutal. Traditional Marketing efforts are not always effective in acquiring new customers. Your first contact to create a positive lasting impression is crucial.  Our Customer Acquisition Programs are designed to "attract" rather than "attack" your customer. We can show you how to use of imprinted promotional items and the proper delivery systems to achieve higher customer acquisition rates and increase the number of customers you have!  An “automated” program is the only way you can put in place a reliable, measurable, and repeatable method to ensure that you attract the most targeted prospects.

How do you recognize, reward and motivate employees?  It is a well known fact that monetary compensation is only one component of employee motivation. Many times it is not even the most important component.  We can work with your human resources department to develop an employee recognition and rewards program to suit your budget.  From sales incentive programs, and rewarding specific project performance, to anniversary award programs and seasonal incentives, we can do it all!  Employees will proudly display their awards and achievements and increase their affiliation with the company’s brand when they are rewarded with awards and gifts with the company logo.

How important are repeat customers for your business?  Finding and serving a new customer can cost up to 5 times as much as keeping an existing customer. Repeat business is usually a very reliable and highly profitable form of revenue.  Our Customer Loyalty Programs (or “Thank You” programs) can be customized so that your sales force will never forget to thank your customers. Through the use of imprinted promotional items and with appropriate controls in place, you will establish and promote customer loyalty with each and every transaction!  An “automated” program is usually the best way you can put in place a reliable, measurable, and repeatable method to ensure that you will always let your customers know that you care about their business.

Surf. Talk. Click. www.FlatWorldDesign.com 972.499.0400 sales@FlatWorldDesign.com

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