Flawless.Fab Nov - 18

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I always say- It doesn't take much... Just a few sleepless nights, and a little bit of willpower! Ph ot o by Bab's Eyes Pik s

Jer em y Davis w w w.jdavis.n yc @jdavis.n yc 2

...Som e Word s by Jer em y Davis "FLAW LESS.FAB IS A QUARTERLY FOR EMERGING FASHION, ARTS, MUSIC, AND BEAUTY CREATIVES!" NUMBER TWO! Flawless.Fab is the bible of emer ging fashion, ar ts and music, and beauty creatives.

If you're an aspir ing creative entrepreneur, you'll soon come to realize that our quar terly is just that- all of our s. This is for the creative soul who, not only, works day- in and day- out on a task that comes from the deepest crevices of the spir it, but who's entire being is so wr apped up in this thing that 'ar t and per son' are one. I feel you yo! As a reminder, our platfor m is where our tr ibe can be showcased to the world. We love featur ing new talent, but we also want to make sure that Talent is Flawless! It's a beautiful wor ld! And these ar e amazing times. Technology has made it a little easier, but still, nothing beats the gr ind. Day in. Day out. And when nighttime comes and you're still hammer ing at the cr aft. Even as this is being typed, I can only hear the easy hum of occasional car s passing by while the city sleeps. I say- It doesn't t ak e m u ch ... Ju st a f ew sleepless n igh t s, an d a lit t le bit of w illpow er ! And isn't it tr ue that this is the time we wor k? Many of us do this work when we can because other responsibilities keep us other wise occupied! I'm a believer though. With the r ight spir it and people around us, anything is possible and I'm cer tain that you can make it work. With this platfor m, wr iter s, per for mer s, designer s, models, make- up ar tists, ar tists and all those in- between can feel safe and secure in the fact that our team will rest at nothing to ensure the world knows who you are! Let's Collabor ate! We're Online! Welcome home!

Be sure to check us out3at www.flawlessfab.com

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Castell B














Features ON COVER



-Meet Creative Entrepreneur Rhaj Paul in Barbados! He discusses the illegality of Camo.

The ICU Spotlight will live here! In our partnership with ICU NETWORK, meet CEO 16 Extraordinare Ch avis Aar on who informs fashion in NYC - FASHION HIGHLIGHTS and beyond! Wh at t o w ear t h is Ph ot o by: h oliday season w it h Zoey

FLAWLESS.FAB COLUM NS - Articles and columns in Fashion. Arts and Music. Beauty - Beau t y Rou t in es Getting dolled up with an editorial featuring Wayne Agassi's Salon


How to be set one up and ensure they're mutually THE AFRICAN M ILLENNIALS beneficial and a list of photographers accredited M ELAHENGUA by The JDavis Tribe. There's something about Checking their portfolio, Arts and Culture! and other tips 5

Fin din g t h at Cr eat ive Space by Lyn ell 10 ways to renew!

Published in Brooklyn, New York City by T he J Davis Agency L L C

Flaw less.Fab by @jdavis.nyc is the creative realization of fashion, arts and music, and beauty reviews from emerging creatives. Inspired by Director of Inspiration and Chief Muse Cer en it y, who is currently in charge of sparking all developments and works exclusively and closely with Creative Director on ensuring that these themes and topics are unique and current. Pertinent content and editorial submissions are chosen carefully by Sidn ey M ilf or d. Flawless.Fab also features content curated by teen editor Kyn n iah and fashion editor- Zoey. Some of the photography was done by Creative Director Jeremy, while other pictures were taken by Sh ain e Clau de, Director of Photography for the issue along with submissions from top accredited photographers and Tribe members like Th ier r y. Director of Beauty Car y coordinates all editorials for events and flawless.fab online and print. The cover image features M r . Ch avis Aar on, founder of ICU and curator of The ICU Spotlight, a fashion network and collaborator of The JDavis Tribe. Creative Director: Jeremy Davis The JDavis Agency LLC email:?hello@flawlessfab.com IG: @Flawless.Fab - FB: @Flawless.Fab.Jdavis


YOU CAN ALSO Dr i nk I t ! 7

w w w.car if r esh er s.com


62 5th Ave, Brooklyn. NY



Are you in Fashion, The Arts or Music, or Beauty?

Joi n Th e Tri be Joining our Tribe means 100% ACCESS to a variety of resources, publication opportunities, events and workshops - both ONLINE & OFFLINE, membership in a supportive which believes your Ult and im your cant h be! Join a Comcommunity m u n it y Dedicat ed t othat you at brand e Gr ow introduced to a new market of aspiring and emerging creatives, and lovers of the creative work, buyers, influencers, and executives who can help push your vision forward. We believe in giving our FULL COLLABORATION towards achieving more meaningful and relevant engagement that will lead to higher consideration for you and your brand.

www.jdavistribe.com/join 10

i t's your ti me! www.jdavistribe.com/join - Monthly Portfolio Updates - Unlimited Photoshoot Opportunities - Partner Rates on Advertising/Features - FREE Inclusion/ Participation at Events/ Workshops - FREE FLAWLESS.FAB SWAG - DISCOUNTS on @jdavis.nyc Sponsored Events - DISCOUNTS on PR & Publicity Services - FREE FEATURE ONLINE / MAGAZINE MONTHLY - 1 COVER ISSUE (date tbd) - Running classified in who?s who section - CATALOG - Email + Phone Access to Tribe Concierge Team 11



Model - Renata - @JDAVISTRIBE Photographer - Shaine Claude


Model and J Davis Tr ib e Mem b er Kim NYC. Circa 20 18

M ODEL HIGHLIGHT Kim K. NOW YOU SEE ME RIGHT? You're a lover of beauty, art, music, or maybe you just enjoy reading. Who knows? My name is kim...and I love to model. Although I started 5 months ago, being in front of the camera or even on the runway, has always felt like home to me. After making my 2018 goal to push myself to try new things, I finally began my journey as a model. Immediately, diving right in, I was selected to take part in a fashion show, hosted by the prestigious Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. Despite being my first, I had alot of supporters, networked with great designers, and slayed the runway. If you are a pursuing, or an already seasoned designer /model/ photographer, one advice I must give you, is network, network network.


Although I went on to do several other shows for independent designers,

sacrifice to get there. Are you willing to sacrifice the same and more? These are questions you must ask yourself because modeling is more than a pretty face taking pictures. (That's what selfies are for) Which brings me to my next point. Understand the market of modeling, the peak times in the year, who to surround yourself Leahnnawith, your intended audience and demographic. Set goals, have dreams and put in that work. Grow, critique yourself, and grow some more. You will have some setbacks, some hard times, but keep grinding. There is always opportunity, you just might have to dig a little more and that's alright.

rappers and organizations, I would have never been given those opportunities if i didn't 1) see the potential in the little and 2) capitalize on those who also took part. Listen, money is NOT everything. Some gigs are paid, and some are not, but there is always something to take away, whether it's a contact, photos for your portfolio, or best of all, experience. While continuing on my model journey, I began to learn more about myself; discovering things I liked, disliked, was able to do and wasn't able to do. One thing you, as an upcoming artist must understand is or ask yourself, what is it that you stand for. What image/platform are you comfortable building and leaving behind. Is this a legacy you're willing to leave behind? Don't feel threatened if another model appears to be ?making it?, because, you don't know what they had to 15

#f law lessf abf ash ion w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / k im

-Fash ion Feat u r e This holiday season's best attire By Zoe Monique Cross

It can be the most stressful time of the season with so many different holiday events coming, one is always wondering what one should wear. No one wants to be under-dressed at the office holiday party or over dressed at the family gathering. Everybody wants to make the right impression, especially if it?s the first impression. Well your favorite bombshell has got you cover for this holiday season. with the holidays just around corner, why not get have the perfect outfit ready for the office holiday party or meeting the family of significant other. Here are some of favorite fashion looks for the holiday season: FOR M Y LADIES You want to have little fun at the office party! Here are three looks that can help you get the party going 1.The wrap dress Perfect all purpose outfit Fashionable Appropriate, you clock in but flyly for any event for after you clock out, do so with a pair of knee boots and close-net stockings 2.glitter get up why not add a little sparkle to your life and wear glitter fill sweater pair with a with a white button shirt? 3.power red you can go bold at this year 's holiday party and wear the color - it?s a power suit or a structure blazer red is powerful yet playful color that will have you looking amazing at the offices holiday party. For the family gathering First impressions are important so be the toast of the gathering with the right outfit 1. keep it classy a personal go to look for a family function would be a sleeveless turtleneck dress in emerald or nude color such white, black, or brown. This look is simple but elegant. 16

#f law lessf abf ash ion

FASHION FEATURE CONT. 2. Simply fly if the atmosphere is a bit more relaxed then a cool blazer with a pair of skinny jeans is perfect fit. I would pair this look with a crew shirt or a turtleneck. 3. sweater dress finesse you want a no fuss look try a sweater dress in fresh fall color like deep maroon room, or chocolate brown. FOR M Y M EN For the offices parties Here some looks that will have you look clean and dapper A bit of old fashion 1. A plaid sports jacket will have you looking like you step out of gentlemen?s quarter pair with dark slacks 2. On trend fun You can make a splash at this season holiday party by being on trend doing a corduroy pants and match with a knit sweater * huge trend tries a light cream or nude color. 3. try red and navy mix?s want shake it up a bit at this year holiday party why not get in to the spirit and wear some holiday colors. Navy and red Is a good mix?s is for holiday spirit but not in 17

A FASHION COLUM N pt . 2 corny way. You can with this look in many different ways with a red top, blazer, or tie with a navy slacks or denim. The family gathering Slightly suited 1. A structure causal blazer Perfect for dinner with the family, simple but classy make sure pair it with some chinos. Helps the right first impression. Stripes and solids 2. Stripe button up shirt with a cardigan pair with dark denim perfect for almost any occasion. .. 3. Keeping it cool with denim on denim A lay back family gathering can call for some denim on denim Rather you play it safe with a denim jacket with jean pants to match or do denim shirt with match denim pants pair with an oxford boot and a safe go to. And their you have it the the key looks on what to wear this holiday season.

#f law lessf abf ash ion


I WAS WONDERING! M odelin g an d ar t ist ic im plied n u de sh ot s How do you pose f or a lin ger ie sh ot ? How of t en sh ou ld I u pdat e m y por t f olio? Sh ou ld I in vest in a br an din g or m ar ket in g agen cy?

QUESTIONS IN THE M IND OF A CREATIVE ENTREPRENEUR! Wh at st eps do I go t h r ou gh t o f in d an agen t or m an ager ? Wh er e do I f in d ar t ist s t o collabor at e w it h ?

FLAWLESS.FAB ACCREDITED CREATIVES How do I ch oose an d ver if y t h e qu alit y of a pr odu cer Wh er e do I f in d ven u es t o collabor at e w it h ? Ar e people st ill doin g M ixt apes? Does it m ak e sen se t o adver t ise on social m edia? Wh y isn't m y f am ily bu yin g m y ar t ? Wh ich pop u ps sh ou ld I do?


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My name is Etchevery Paul and I?m a hustler! Most people recognize me as a non social guy in high school and college, But in senior year everything changed. because people wasn't expecting that level of confidence in me and as I grew as I realized who exactly I wanted to become and I see myself as a decent black man thats inspiring youths and adults around him because of his story . My long terms goals are somewhat to become a professional actor starring in action comedy films and inspirational films. Make a appearance on game shows and donate as much as I can to charity .


#f law lessf abf ash ion 20

w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / sebast ian




#f law lessf abf ash ion w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / cin co



Photographer: on Pittman MUA: Queenjazmell for Everythingexclusive Lashes: Nuchance_skincare Model: Alvia Douglas

A graduate of Clara Barton High School, Bridget later attended LaGuardia Community College, and Medgar Evers College to pursue a degree in Special Education. After working with individuals with an array of disabilities for over twelve years, Bridget went back to school and attended St. Joseph?s College and pursued a degree in Speech Communication to continue on the path to becoming a Speech Language Pathologist.

#f law lessf abf ash ion w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / cat alog 22

Cout ure Fashion is Ar t ! by Flawless.Fab Staff W riter

W HO IS SHE? Bridget Griffith-Ward, C.E.O of BSGartisticcreations is a native of St.Vincent and the Grenadines who came to New York City at the age of nine years old. A proud mother of three beautiful children, Bridget takes great pride in making sure their needs are met at all costs.

HOW 'D IT START In 2014, Bridget developed an overwhelming passion to... create. Her mom bought her a sewing machine as a birthday gift and that?s when it all started. Bridget exhibits a special interest in creating garments made from unconventional materials such as bubble wrap, paper, CDs, or what ever may come to mind when the urge to create takes over. On July 22, 2017 Bridget participated in her first fashion and hair show hosted by D?Personal Touch Salon & HS4N magazine where she was approached by John Blassingame CEO and founder of New Day Associates to cast for his upcoming designer contest. In September 2017 Bridget met Andrene ?Ladydoves? Williams, C.E.O of Unique Blend Management and by October 2017, Bridget was signed to Unique Blend Management where she continues to be presented with opportunities to further her passion in the fashion Industry. On December 3rd 2017, Bridget became the first place winner of the 31st Annual International Designer of the Year award recipient presented by New Day Associates which included a spread in Hype Hair magazine and a trip to Paris. Bridget is on a quest to ride her newly found passion as far as it takes her, she believes that it?s never to late to tap into your creative side. 23



Photographer: jUAN cARLOS MUA: Dashawn Russell Model: Pasha White

I?m Danielle Lindor, proud CEO of WatchM3Work. WatchM3Work is not only an online boutique,it is a brand that?s there to make all women of all shapes,sizes and forms to feel confident and beautiful.My inspiration came from the love of fashion,with the help of families and friends I was able to launch my own online boutique.My collection is categorize in three genres:simple,classy and beach wears.Watchmework also has a vegan comestic lipgloss line.To purchase or visit the tribe website for the link.

#f law lessf abf ash ion w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / cat alog 24


ONE ON ONE WITH JANICE Zoey in t er view s Jan ice Law r en ce-Clar ke I h ad t h e pleasu r e of in t er view in g t h e f abu lou s Jan ice Law r en ce Clar k e, abou t h er h ist or y in t h e f ash ion in du st r y. As sh e t ell abou t h er h u m blin g begin n in g an d h u ge plan s sh e h as in st or e f or t h e f u t u r e.

1. How did you get into fashion? I got "into" fashion as a child. My mother is a seamstress, and what a joy, I would think, for a seamstress to have a daughter! Perfect match! So from a little girl I wore custom made dresses with matching hats, made by my Mom. She sewed for me until I was well into my late teens and early twenties. Because of this, since childhood I've had a natural affinity for self-presentation, the stage-performance and creativity from the presentation standpoint. Always being the tallest of everyone around me, I naturally stood out, which was not the best self-esteem-building encourager growing up in Trinidad and Tobago - land of de eternal poun' an' fatigue!

It wasn't until I emigrated to the U.S. - Brooklyn, NY to be precise, that I was appreciated for my height and someone told me about Barbizon Modeling School, then I found out about modeling then years later, about the Fashion Institute of Technology, and the rest, as they say, is history. 2. Who are some of your fashion heroes or icons ? Hmmm...Fashion heroes or icons...interesting question...I would have to say, of course my Mom will always be at the top of the list, but to expand, I would add, Ms Eileen Douglas, the first person to export fashion from Trinidad and Tobago - she was selling to Nordstrom's since the 1960's. A BIG SHOUT OUT to Caribbean fashion designers, past and present... Fabrice, Oscar de la Renta, Meiling, Heather Jones, Donna Dove. Also I loved Claude Montana and Jean Paul Gaultier. 3. Describes Caribbean fashion? Caribbean fashion - simply put, clothing designed by designers who are of Caribbean heritage, we can add that Caribbean fashion is the mood and flavor expressed in clothing made by designers who live in the Caribbean or are from the Caribbean. 26

#f law lessf abf ash ion 4. What Influences do you think Caribbean fashion have in the industry ? Influences show through, stereotypically in prints, easy silhouettes, and colors. 5. Who are your favorite designers? Donna Dove, Mel Simon, Heather Jones, Meiling, Carly Cushnie, Donna Pemberton, Simply Greta, and Calvin Klein.

6. What is jlc productions? JLC Productions is a fashion and culture presentation consultancy. We offer fashion event management and production services. JLC PRoductions is also the founding umbrella for CAFE - Caribbean American Fashion Exchange, a marketing strategy to position Caribbean-heritage brands in the global marketplace. 7. What would you like to see more in the fashion industry? A stronger presence of the Caribbean fashion aesthetic in the mainstream, with the recognition of Caribbean brands especially among the Caribbean American community. 8. What projects do you have coming up ? We're looking at fashion presentations during the NYFW in 2019, major fashion show featuring Caribbean and Caribbean-American fashion brands in June 2019, Pop-Up shop in June, CAFE Scholarship Fundraiser Fashion Show in September 2019, as well as the JLC Models Club workshops.

You can look f or w ar d t o seein g Jan ice Law r en ce-Clar k e pr oject s du r in g t h e n ext f ash ion w eek season in Febr u ar y 2019, w h ich w ill be f eat u r ed on w w w.f law lessf ab.com 27

ILLEGAL FASHION EXPERIENCE Jer em y in t er view s Rh aj Pau l, Bar bados Ou r Fash ion Spot ligh t h it s t h e Car ibbean h eavily in t h is issu e. In t h is in ser t , w e m eet Rh aj Pau l, a Bar badian n at ive w h o is m ak in g w aves w it h h is dow n r igh t r ebelliou s st an ce on 1. Wh er e?d t h at n am e com e f r om br o? Rhaj Paul is the conjunction of my taken (not given) name Rhaj (whose meaning is ?pilgrimage to autonomy?) and my given second name Paul (which I suspect is the Biblical character that transformed from the tyrannical Saul to the apostle Paul, if you know that story - my parents were quite religious). 2. Wh er e ar e you f r om an d w h at ?s you r t h in g? I was born in Barbados, (shout out to King Dyal, Ras Akyem and Rihanna!) and my work is in men?s streetwear - particularly denim and design. I do some branding, fashion styling, graphic tee design and the occasional beard modelling. All in all though I am a glorified tailor and artist at heart, happily so. 3. Wh en did you f ir st r ealize you w an t ed t o pu r su e a car eer as a design er ? Perhaps it was when I was twelve or thirteen years old that I attempted to taper my church pants to what we called ?close bottoms? so I could reflect the trend, but I wasn?t even thinking you know ?designer designer ? as much as ?I wonder if I could make some dope shit with this sewing machine thing here?? But the pursuit into tailoring allowed me to directly alter, then design, so I could craft original shit and stunt on my church folks! hahaha. Just joking, but honestly fam ?church swag?was a thing and it did help me to develop my aesthetic sense and push against boundaries. I think it was around 2000 though that I decided yeh this shit is it. 4. Have you ever t ak en f or m al t r ain in g in t h e cr af t ? No formal training. 5. Follow u p ? Do you advocat e bein g t r ain ed f or m ally or do you su bscr ibe t o t h e t h in k in g t h at ?get t in g you r h an ds dir t y ?is t h e on ly t r u e w ay t o su cceed in t h is cr eat ive space? Do whatever. Observe that different ways work for different people. I think you ought to try things, figure out your speed, and kill your lane. 6. Let ?s t alk abou t t h e dr ess code. Wh at do you t ak e t h at t o m ean ? Th e dr ess code? I?m n ot su r e w h at you m ean ? 7. Ever yon e k n ow s t h at Bar bados is on e of t h e f ew cou n t r ies t h at act u ally en f or ce a r est r ict ion on Cam o ? w h at ar e you r t h ou gh t s on t h is m at t er ? Barbados is still in the infancy of it?s independence 28 from the plantocracy.

#f law lessf abf ash ion Therefore it?s hard for our government / Law to be able to appreciate art, design, creativity and fashion as it is practiced in the modern world. It?s not tangible enough for them I think. It?s all too airy-fairy and not full of enough sweat and suffering. So a natural result would be to completely ignore the role of fashion, art, and style where camouflage design, proliferation, popularity, and applications are concerned. That is to be expected. Actually it is a wonder that they haven?t outlawed ?army green everything? for civilians as well. We count our blessings that we can still wear a cargo pants without fear of abuse! Perhaps in another 50 years or so things may be different, although at the current trajectory it is doubtful. 8. Wh y do you t h in k t h e cu r r en t gover n m en t per pet u at es t h is r est r ict ion s? The current government is not unlike past governments in this respect and honestly cannot be expected to be different at all. So in short the current government perpetuates the same attitude and policy because these things don?t figure in the vision of a non-creative economy. 9. Wh at is it lik e bein g a cr eat ive in t h e Car ibbean ? Well the beach is inspiring. The starry night skies too. I don?t know what to tell you bro, the best thing a caribbean creative can do is travel i.e GTFOH. In Barbados you gotta inspire yourself. It?s ruff AF, even if you?re talented as RH, excuse my French. 10. Abou t you , Wh at w ou ld you say is t h e biggest h u r dle you ?ve h ad t o cr oss t o dat e? Oh fam that?s so easy! Yes that would be being brilliant and broke! I had to cross that hurdle several times in my vagarious career. In fact as recently as this year I had to decide whether or 29


not to weather it out, or not. Fortunately (or not) I have some privilege I can leverage so as to not starve my artist self completely and die and unnatural, untimely and unfulfilled death. 11. Wh at is on e t h in g you w an t people t o see w h en t h ey see a piece of you r s? I want them to see art, craftsmanship and evolution. 12. How is w or k in g in f ash ion dif f er en t t oday t h an f r om w h en you st ar t ed ou t ? The internet happened. That gave us greater access to fashion resources / inspiration, and wider opportunities to share our work. 13. Wh at r ole do you t h in k social m edia plays in f ash ion an d by ext en sion cr eat ivit y t oday? All I can say is thank god for instagram! Between Facebook, Insta, Whatsapp and Pinterest I get more out, more seen, more inspired, and more connected. The innovation and creativity from across the globe, the personalities behind the brands, just the dopeness levels are sky high! Social media is the space for that peer and market engagement so you stay in the zeitgeist - in the now, where it?s going down! 14. Wh at w as you r biggest f ear w h en goin g ou t an d st ar t in g you r ow n lin e? No fear. One big experiment. 15. Ar e you h avin g f u n ? Some days for sure and overall yes cause I took time to know myself and carve my own lane, but I sure wish it was easier at home in Barbados for creatives, artists and artisans alike. Nevertheless, I keep the krank on and the swag on tilt, and of course hit the beach and the bush anytime it?s too much for me!! 16. Wh at advice w ou ld you give t o an em er gin g Car ibbean based cr eat ive en t r epr en eu r w h o w an t s t o do it ? Fam, first things first - travel a lot! And be open-minded, resourceful, and positive. Cultivate a healthy, wealthy attitude and share with others, but keep a few things secret. 17. How do you w an t people t o f eel w h en w ear in g you r clot h es? Now we talking? one word fam - ?invincible?. 18. An y f in al Sen t im en t s you w an t t o leave u s on ? Substance Over Form. Make your work your dharma, so that it is not something you only do, but something you truly are. And stay fly AF! #FashionForward


#f law lessf abcu lt u r e

Finding that Cr eative 'Space'! Lyn ell Bak er In the city that never sleeps, there is a world that is consistently going through this metaphoric evolution. We are the city that is always looking for inspiration in everything. We are constantly looking for newest trends and trying to make our newest hit. Or even ways in which

you want your art to display the passion that you have experience while making it. It's hard you find a place that our able to break down your ideas, it may be your family?s barbershop at 3 am or even on a rock in Central Park in the early morning hours.


#f law lessf abf eat u r es

Sometimes it takes days to be inspired or to even find that creative

w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / lyn ell 32

Finding that Cr eative 'Space' cont. space. But once we get all of this inspiration and our fire is set off inside of us. Where and how do we take it and create it into making it our own? Finding that creative space may be anywhere, such as the local coffee shop, the bathroom or even in your laundry room. Often times its best to find a space where your head is most clear. These are things to keep in mind once you start looking for your creative space: · Or gan ize t h in gs t h at you n eed f or you r cr af t · Have r epr esen t at ion s of you r en d goal · Be open t o f eedback · Have elem en t s of n at u r e in you r su r r ou n din g ar eas · Good ligh t in g · Lay ou t you r t h ou gh t s an d w alk aw ay f r om t h em · Un plu g f r om t h e t ech n ology

Lyn ell Bak er Finding the creative space isn?t just a physical place as well, it is a frame of mind. Often times we as creators have so much on our minds that we aren?t able to focus on the big goal that we are trying to achieve. We can?t get into the creative space if you have all those notifications from everything on your phone or while the watching the newest episode of your favorite TV show. Sometimes we have to take time for ourselves and devote a large percent of time to your passion. Once you have found that creative space, allow yourself to be free. Let whatever emotions that you?re dictate what part of your craft that you would like to indulge in. If you had rough day use your passion to escape from it all. This space you picked is for you to flourish as an artist and it doesn?t matter what type of art whether is Music, Dance, Art, Fashion etc. Don?t limit yourself within this space because it is yours. Own it!

· Be Open · Be Relaxed






Model - Amanda Photographer - Jeremy D MUA - Amanda


Photographer - Shaine C Wearing - Flawless.Fab Swag www.flawlessfab.com/shop



Model - Kim

NURTURING YOUR GIFT by: Dr . Sh an it a William s You did it! You have finally found your passion! You have found the one thing that stirs up the best part of you, fills you up and makes you feel whole. You have found your gift- the thing you were meant to share with the world. But you will have to be brave. You will have to believe in yourself! You will have to have enough courage to operate in your gift even when adversity hits if you are going to make your dream a reality. Are you ready to do the work required to nurture your gift and grow it from the seed it is today to that big, bold tree that it was meant to be?

Her e ar e t w o cr it ical com pon en t s t o n u r t u r in g you r gif t : 1. Nu r t u r e you r Tech n ical Abilit yTechnical ability is all about building your knowledge and skills to develop your gift. This is an important part of the growth and manifestation process. You were probably born with most of your technical ability, but to be good is not enough, you must do more to nurture it to great. Imagine what you could do if you were to spend some dedicated time honing your craft? How much time do you have set aside and dedicated to your nurturing your technical ability? Consistently practicing and sharpening your skills will be vital to your development. 2. Nu r t u r e you r Em ot ion al Abilit y Emotional Ability is all about having the emotional strength to face both the inner and external feedback that is out there in the world. Let?s talk first about that inner feedback? that inner feedback is all about what you say to yourself! You will have to be aware of what you say to yourself. According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% of them are repeated thoughts from the day before! That?s a lot of negative thinking. You might also encounter external feedback-that is feedback from other sources such as friends, family, co-workers, strangers etc. When you decide to nurture your gift it will take a great deal of vulnerability. You may hear people tell you ?no, you?re not ready? or ?sorry, the position has been filled? or even some hurtful feedback like ?you need a lot of work?. Those things are not easy to hear, for anyone. You may begin to second guess yourself38and start saying things like, ?I knew I wasn?t

good enough? or ?maybe I should give up?. But reject those thoughts and know that simply means that you need to work on your emotional ability so that you can stand confidently in the face of feedback. I know that developing both your technical ability and emotional ability may sound like a lot of time and energy, but it can done. In all honesty, you have already done the most difficult part! You have found your gift- the thing you were meant to share with the world. Manifesting your gift will require that you take personal responsibility for developing your technical and emotional ability and once the work is done, there is no doubt that it will become a reality. Abou t Dr . Sh an it a William s Dr. Shanita Williams has been working in the learning and development space for over 10 years. She has extensive experience in designing learning solutions that facilitate employee development at all organizational levels. She is currently an assistant vice president of Learning and Development. In her role, she works as a strategic thought partner to five business units and delivers high-impact learning programs to nearly 1,400 employees and 160 managers. Her area of expertise includes: Emotional Intelligence (EQ), DiSC, Limiting Beliefs, Change Management, Coaching, and Feedback. Dr. Shanita Williams is a TEDx Speaker focused on healthy ways to handle feedback. 39

#f law lessf abf eat u r es

Now you see me...



Castell J.R. Barnes - Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur New York-native, Castell J.R. Barnes made his mark as an intellectual powerhouse by using his personal and professional philosophy, 'Prosper, The Elite Way.' Now, a 2x best-selling author, national inspirational speaker and entrepreneur, Castell continues to deliver literary promise and sonic relief through his products and services that have touched thousands that include CUNY, NYS' Department of Education, The Boys & Girls Club of American, WHEDCo, Thinkific and so many more.

Interestingly, the story doesn't start or end here. Growing up, Barnes was one of five children and experienced at a young age a great deal of turmoil. Foster care, neighborhood violence and the Crack Epidemic were the settings of his childhood before he found a knack for Fashion and its business. At 18, Castell landed his first retail gig that allowed him to build on the skills of sales, client relationship management and a keen eye for detail. This exposure helped him get through

college and eventually led to a career shift to the financial industry, where Barnes later developed the need to create and build business on an entrepreneurial level. Under his Image Consulting business, CJRB Inspirations, which is now a part of his new co-owned management company, GRTR Management, Barnes provides speaking, branding and development services to businesses that stretch throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

"Fashion, reading and entrepreneurship have changed my life. I was once very narrowed-minded due to both internal and external factors. My willingness to try new things and simply just DO everyday continues to bring me to places that were once unimaginable as a kid. I urge anyone who is reading this piece to use me as a starting point. Your greatness is your greatness, live it out and like always Prosper, The Elite Way." ~ Castell J.R. Barnes . Castel recently launced GRTR Management with Jessica a platform which provides branding & marketing, speaking engagement, and wholesale REI services to 41 the world.

Jes Perez - Media Personality, Speaker, Entrepreneur As a little girl growing up in the Dominican Republic, Jes always knew she wanted to pursue a career in entertainment. As Founder & Host of Industry High, Jes combines her passion for media and consumer culture to connect with children and millennials. She brings a fun and focused work ethic, creative energy and a love for social media and television production wherever she goes. Jes Perez is an award winning and detailed oriented broadcasting journalist,

with more than five years of experience in the field of journalism. Possessing a vast knowledge and experience in programming, reporting and anchoring weekly and daily 42

news. As a media personality she has accomplished so many great things from working in Radio and TV with major companies such as Viacom (MTV3), Telemundo, ABC Television Group, Radio Disney, and Seventeen Magazine. She has also moderated panel discussions for HBO Latino, New York Film Festival, The World Natural Hair Show and the Black Latina Project. She has reached over 200+ girls through her yearly passion project, Jes' PromPrincess Giveaway! where she donates over hundreds of dresses to young girls in New York City. She is also an advocate for our youth; volunteering for Girls, Inc of New York, Sheltering Arms Programs, Chosen Faces Non-Profit, Union City Music Project and #MakeOverDonations for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

Jessica recently launched GRTR Management with Castell Barnes, a platform which provides branding & marketing, speaking engagement, and wholesale REI services to the world.

Now you see me...


J ESSI CA PEREZ #f law lessf abf eat u r es


#f law lessf abf eat u r es

Now you see me...





ep. 1



Chavis Aaron is an Indiana native who moved to NYC to pursue a career in acting and modeling, and in the process?

AMMO Magazine | Bleu Magazine | Jezebel Magazine | YRB

BECAM E A M OGUL! BET ?RIP the Runway? 2009 | New York Fashion Week 2012

Known in the space as Mogul Chavis, Mr. Aaron is an all-round creative icon and informed industry insider. He is instrumental in coaching and production within the fashion space. As a result, Chavis Aaron founded The ICU Network, which is a full scale fashion consultancy and production company. Flawless.Fab is super excited to

Ecko Runway Fashion Show 2009 | Brooklyn Fashion Week Sean John Runway Fashion Show 2009

introduce this #flawlessfabicon.

Entertainment Tonight | MTV My Sweet 16 | Ugly Betty The Wendy Williams Show Brooklyn Fashion Week | Fox 5 | Nuovo TV Lorenzo Jackson Foundation | We Know TV #f law lessf abf eat u r es 45

w w w.f law lessf ab.com / icu

Negus Adeyemi, born in the borough of Brooklyn and raised in New Jersey by parents from the island of Barbados. With the fortune of having his father being a calypsonian and folk musician, he literally grew up around storytelling and performing. It wasn?t until he graduated from NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) in 2008 with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering that he himself began to seriously write poetry. Passionate about his culture and heritage from the time of his conception, Negus displays these and many more emotions in every one of his poems. Exuberant with these emotions, he is very ardent in writing poems about the cultivation and edification of his people. Utilizing a plethora of ways and topics for people to relate and connect with his messages. As a poet, his goal is to express himself in a way that enlightens, heals, uplifts, guides and augments the hue man spirit. Negus is 46

much more than just a writer, he is also a father, husband, electrical engineer and owner of Adeyemi Artistry Incorporated. Negus currently lives back in his birth city of Brooklyn, New York. Through his poetic journey thus far he has performed his poetry at many different venues including various universities, colleges, prisons, libraries, bookstores, fundraisers and multiple other events throughout North America. He has written four books of poetry which includes: 1. L.O.V.E. (Letting Out Vast Emotions) which was released [ June 2009], 2. Mind Of A Mature Lion [ January 2011], 3. Soularadiance [April 2014] 4. Gemineye [May 2017]. Negus has also released a new line of greeting cards back in February 2018, these cards and his books can be found on his website: w w w.adeyem iar t ist r y.com Book in gs/ Con t act adeyem iar t ist r y@gm ail.com

Wor ds fr om a baje' #f law lessf abf eat u r es




Melaheng ua

Liz and Randee Liz and Randee met through a common interest playing Squash, and shortly after, found yet another similarity as Henna artists. From helping Randee, a 7th grade math teacher, decorate her classroom, and Liz, a creative arts therapist, always dabbling in various art mediums, engaging in small arts-and-crafts activities led to them investing in the art of Henna together. After taking a basics workshop with a renowned Henna artist, Hennadready, in Brooklyn, Randee and Liz took that knowledge and invested time to research and practice the art of Henna. Since April 2017 they have been appearing at both public and private NYC events. The best component about MelaHengua is that the artists work in a duo. Doing events together is a custom practice they plan to continue. Traditionally speaking, Henna (a plant-based powder 48 mixed with water and essential oils to make a paste)

#f law lessf abf eat u r es

is most commonly associated with Middle Eastern countries such as Pakistan or India. However, Henna also has very deep historic roots in African cultures. Along the same lines, Jagua comes from the Genipa Americana fruit, found in the Amazon in the Central and South Americas. Aside from being fond of the art form for its beauty and intricacies, Liz and Randee now feel even more attracted to and appreciative of the two mediums due to cultural connections. While Henna and Jagua seem to be the perfect go-to

for warmer months, this craft and beauty also has its place during the colder times of the year. There are events year round that request the beauty essence of henna: weddings, birthdays, spa events, holidays? which results in a nice spice to these essential gatherings! These natural mediums can yield stains that last between one and three weeks. Welcoming warm and positive vibes at every event, Randee and Liz invite you to follow their work on Instagram (@mela_hengua) and hope to adorn you at future 49 NYC events including Flawless.Fab!

#f law lessf abar t s Liz and Randee

Henna is brown


Jagua is blue Mix them together

melahengua@gmail.com IG: @mela_hengua

And you get hengua too!



#f law lessf abar t s

Butterfly design by : LEVY PAUL Model: NYC SEXY CURVY DIVAS Face model : TONNI YOUNG Photo by : Kelvin rose DRESS by : Junie joon MUA : lisAnn Brooks



#f law lessf abeven t s

#f law lessf abeven t s






FINDING YOUR VOICE COMEDIAN JOSH O Yo! My name is Josh Otusanya. I?m a stand up comedian, accountant, public speaker, former Division 1 athlete, writer, model, and more.

Josh O

I was born in Seattle to Nigerian parents but started doing stand up in Chicago. In Chicago I performed at all the major clubs and co-produced a stand up show at The Laugh Factory called ?The Young Hustle Show?. Last year I also performed in Scotland in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and in Texas?Out of Bounds Festival. Aside from stand up I?m also in to public speaking. I was recently flown back to my old high school to give a speech to over 1,800 students! In addition I have a blog where I post articles on life on a regular basis. Many of them have been posted in magazines such as Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, and PopSugar. In addition to all of that, I model and act as well! Westside Comedy Club, The Comic Strip, or doing improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB).


#f law lessf abar t s Em ail: h ello@f law lessf ab.com


Em ail: h ello@f law lessf ab.com

MAKE MUSIC, NOT WAR RESIDENT DJ O'ELZ DJO'Elz is a professional DJ& entertainer who knows how to build the party vibes. He's performed and hosted venues such as Colleges, Weddings, Corporate Events, Clubs, Bars and Restaurants. Born in Panama, raised in Brooklyn. Grew up in a NYC Group Home; Saint Vincent Services (SVS). Graduated from LIU with a bachelor 's in Finance. Works as a broker for JJ Kenny Drake by day and as a DJ& Web Dev by night. Donates his time/skills to charity and mentorship program for foster kids. Boar d m em ber of Fost er car e Un plu gged.


#f law lessf abm u sic



Califor nia Gir ls Ar e Unfor gettable Ju lia Ryan - Slow it Dow n

Ju lia Ryan Em bodies Self -Love in ?Slow it Dow n? Ballad by Sidney Milford It?s been a busy year for LA-based, singer-songwriter Julia Ryan, and the momentum has seemed to take a slow-motion turn in bringing out elements such as inner peace, and that special type of confidence one gets in knowing your their own worth.

The jazzy-true to heart tune explores what it?s like to fall-in-love fast against the fear of searching for love in other places except where it matters most- with you. Clear in mind about who you are and what you want are key lyrics that seem to blend through analogies of feeling down in calmer skies and finally realizing how difficult loving yourself can truly be. She breaks apart the expectation of throwing stones in ponds and catching love in the wake, expressing that deep understanding that self-love is the best love to know. Originally debuting as ?What you Want (Slow It Down) on Soundcloud in 2016, the vocalist decided it was time to re-record the song in its new highlight as ?Slow It Down?- reminiscent of her stellar performance of the song at the USC Popular Music Senior showcase back in March 2017. The singer noted elements of the track in a statement: "I wrote this song about manifesting self-love before giving a piece of that love to someone important. This song is about somebody who wants so badly to fall in love and who desperately seeks a significant other to give their love to, that they forget about giving themself some love. I strongly believe self-love is so important no matter who you are, what you do, and whom you choose to pass your love along to. You can only give your full heart to someone when you know your own inner love. Self-love isn?t a huge ego, vanity or arrogance. It?s an inner peace that comes from being okay with who you are no matter your mistakes and forgiving yourself. So to everyone out there looking to fall in love, slow it down because you must create your own love from within before you can pass it on to someone special."

Set to drop on August 31st, the new single is reportedly to sit on her forthcoming debut EP that is set to release later this year. The edgy soul singer recently landed a huge publication with BILLBOARD with the release of ?Slow It Down?which warranted national attention at The Troubadour in Los Angeles, CA making both smooth Blues and Funk lovers push for the artist to continue to pursue her passions in making that ?feel-good?vibe that the world can always use more of.


#f law lessf abm u sic

TALENT SPOTLIGHT - LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD Fen ix t h e Gypsy I?m funny, with a l oud personality! They say I'm larger than life, but honestly I'm still an introvert and can be very shy. I?ve been moving around, living this gypsy lifestyle until I finally got the courage to move to my dream city... NYC! M y passion is st or yt ellin g an d h elpin g ot h er s. Growing up in different cities and meeting different people, I began to find inspiration from the smallest things. But most of all story telling! I felt like I wanted to put my life and my experiences into words so I could be better understood as person. Even to better understand myself and my own feelings. I was born in Newark New Jersey and moved around a lot. I quickly moved down south and was raised by my grandmother who got me into church. THAT WAS A BIG DEAL FOR M E THE WAY THOSE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCHES USED TO SING THOSE SONGS opened up an entirely new world for me! I joined a youth choir, but when it came time to singng in front of

everyone I used to freeze up and n o w or ds w ou ld com e ou t . I had a hard time fitting in with the other kids at school. So I got into creating to have my own little world to belong somewhere. The only thing I was confused about was was what was it I actually wanted to create and how to start. I remember taking road trips with my dad as a kid and him exposing me my brothers and sisters to THE BEST MUSIC!!! Fr om Raph ael Sadiq, M u siq Sou lch ild St evie w on der To M ar y J, Jan et Jack son ... w e all used to pick parts to sing throughout the song. Afterwards, I felt a release I felt empowered and actually pretty good at it! Like wait- what if I could make people feel this way about my art.

My Aunt Brenda Brayton was actually a singer from the 80?s so she started with all of these ideas of how to kinda get started.

So here we are! I'm Fenix!

#f law lessf abm u sic 60

w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / f en ix



Agustin Rodriguez (born June 26, 1991) better known as his stage name "Agstract" is an American Hip-Hop recording Artist from Hempstead, NY. Agstract's thoughtful lyrics, paired with his seasoned rap flow and genre-defying melodies has made him a topic in conversation in the New York City underground music scene. His debut mixtape "Virtues And Vices" was released on Soundcloud March 3rd, 2018 and since then, he has released four singles which are available on all music platforms.


Agstract has just joined The Tribe and will be a featured performer and contributo at Flawless.Fab and on www.flawlessfab.com

#f law lessf abm u sic 62

w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / agst r act


#f law lessf abar t s w w w.jdavist r ibe.com / an dr e

NYC / Philly / LA Visual Artist to true connoisseurs of culture. 63


#f law lessf abbeau t y


Model - Patricia - @JDAVISTRIBE Photographer - Shaine Claude Jewelry - Ancient Aura Jewelry


Wayne Agassi's Salon 319 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn, NY

Model: Anna Paulette Nails: Pamper Me Quick Wardrobe: Blink Boutique on Church Stylist: Rhuddia Bogle Director of Beauty: Cary S. (Nuchance Skincare) Photographer: Thierry Jean Creative Director: Jeremy Davis


M EET THE DIRECTOR OF BEAUTY CARIDAD SANCHEZ Caridad is a native NYC Resident who always had love and attraction towards glamorous events. She graduated from Atelier Esthetique Institute of Esthetics and Acquired her License in 2013 and since then developed a great skills for Brow Artistry, Body slimming techniques. Education and knowledge is highly important to her as she evolves in her craft. She has pursued extensive post graduate education that Certify her in Laser hair removal, Permanent makeup and Eyelash extensions. Having a background in medical field and Customer service, Caridad has an in depth understanding of all aspects of client care and hospitality. At Nuchance Skincare Caridad?s mission is to make every guest feel and look their best. She strives to glamify every person with her special touch.

#f law lessf abbeau t y



Ch ar it y San ch ez -Dir ect or of Beau t y -

Nat u r al



A Natural Glow

Without That Baked Look? Mix one part foundation





illuminator, and then use your fingertips to massage it all over your face, you can also add shimmer powder to top it off. Try American Beauty All Over Face Glow in Gold Glow, $15, and Mark Duo tint in Double Rose, $6. -

Happy Face Facial Misting is a must! It?s soothing and calming to the skin helps keep your skin hydrated while providing

car y@jdavis.n yc

great nutrients to keep your skin healthy -

Cam ou f lage Acn e Dont Need To Over Bake Those Blemishes, Conceal any pimples by applying a yellow-based cover-up to counteract the redness. Use a disposable wedge sponge then blend the edges with your ring finger to help blend with your skin naturally. Here are some great concealers to try Amazing cosmetics perfection stick $23 Mac studio conceal and correct duo $26 Aesthetica color correcting cream $10









Fountain of truth Facial water $22, Mario Badescu Facial spray with Aloe,Herbs & Rosewater $19 -

Healt h y

sk in





Representation Of Healthy skin Be Sure To Get 6-8 hours of rest and drink plenty of 68

water. This will hydrate plump up your

Top 10 BEAUTY & HEALTH TIPS Ch ar it y San ch ez -Dir ect or of Beau t y skin and reduce fine lines and help keep skin smooth drink at least 8-10 glasses of water Take your vitamins they are essential for helping the skin and body to produce collagen delivering maximum anti aging benefits Try these products vitamedica-clear skin vitamin formula $48 sugarbearhair womans multi vegan multivitamin $29 -

Br ow lu v Brows are the frame to your facial structure they can make or break how they complement your facial shape. Making sure to maintain healthy brows is easy as long as you follow through with these simple tips don?t over pluck tweeze or wax them allow them to grow out (I know that's not easy) use castor oil to help promote growth. Here are some brow pencils to help fulfill that bold shaped always ready look- Try Makeup revolution brow duo $5 Anastasia brow definer $23


Ju ve lip Everyone Wants Full Voluptuous Lips but Having smooth hydrated lips are important Especially when you are taking a selfie lips are essential to pron your facial features. Who doesn?t love inexpensive ways to give your lips a booster without the pain. Try Two Faced lip injection $14 Buxom power plump lip balm $18 For Silky smooth lips Try Elf lip lacquer $2


Face Lif t ed Your is like a sponge meant to absorb, Its important to Have A Daily skin ritual For Anti-Aging and maintaining a Healthy supple skin and stimulate collagen. Serums help with fine lines and wrinkles Making time to for facials are also great way to treat your skin , As an esthetician i recommend these products That are for any gender, Imageskincare Vital c cleanser $34.99 and up, Mario Badescu cleansing milk &rice oil $18 and up ,Rhonda Allison Pumpkin Spice 69

Cleanser $25 and up -

mascara $25

Lash Car e Having a full set of lashes

Hair lu v Hair care by far is the most

is vital to your everyday look who

essential part of Beauty as we look for

doesnt love to wake up and have

products that promote growth ,thickness, softer texture, controlling that frizz and

that mascara look? Growing your

taming those edges. Taking vitamins and

lashes can be a challenge using

proper care of your hair is super important. The hair is like a plant you must water it to







promotes growth. As for fuller lashes

grow. Try some of these products Shea Moisture Curl and style milk$12, Carols Daughter-Mimosa

going to see a




lash tech is an








require NEWS ABOUT SALONS maintenance and

SSH, We have some of

proper care. For a



secrets this issue. Do

at home fix try lash


you want head to toe


beauty? Well look no

Preferably Mink A

further we have some of the founders and co






founders of these Brooklyn beauty spots.




Nuchance skincare Another cool tip









NAILS 490 JEFFERSON AVE BROOKLYN NY translucent powder before applying mascara try Two Faced better than sex mascara $24 ,pixi by petra lash lift





cosmetics 70 891 QUINCY ST BROOKLYN NY 11221


l et's start now !



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