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Holiday the Healthy Way

Tips for staying healthy during the holiday season

by Erika Branchcomb, Florida League of Cities

The holiday season is almost here again. While the season is welcomed by many for its traditions and festivities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge.

Food is usually center stage at parties and other celebrations, and it tends not to be the most diet-friendly fare. Gatherings happen on the couch in front of the TV and around the dinner table piled with snacks. It can be hard to resist the holiday temptations. Luckily, there are strategies that can help you enjoy all the holidays have to offer without throwing your hard-earned habits out the window.


Moderation in all things, and all things in moderation. The adage is correct – you can still enjoy the rich, calorie-dense foods you love without the guilt of overindulging. Try some of these tactics:

▸ Create a sampler plate with small portions of your favorite treats.

▸ Eat a light lunch so you can enjoy a hearty dinner of your family’s traditional recipes.

▸ Skip the appetizers to save room for dessert.

▸ Use a small plate instead of a large dinner plate, and don’t overfill it.


Substituting ingredients or modifying recipes is another way to ensure there are healthy options at the table. By making homemade dishes instead of buying prepackaged food, you are already cutting back on the amount of sodium and sugar in your recipes. Go a step further, and try these healthy modifications:

▸ Cook with egg whites. Two egg whites are the equivalent of one whole egg.

▸ Use brown or wild rice, which is higher in nutrients than white rice.

▸ Try high-fiber grains like whole-grain bread, multigrain pasta and whole wheat flour.

▸ Use skim milk instead of cream and fat-free yogurt instead of sour cream. Choose low-fat cheeses, which are also lower in calories.

▸ Add vegetables to recipes for a splash of flavor, nutrients and color.


Staying active can be challenging, especially if this time is also your vacation. But there are ways to sneak in some physical activity and keep yourself moving.

▸ Take a walk. Grab your friends, family or co-workers, and enjoy some conversation over a stroll after lunch or dinner.

▸ Step it up. Add extra steps to your day with simple choices like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away from a building.

▸ Challenge yourself. Encourage family and friends to join you for an online fitness challenge, or register for a holiday fun run.

Erika Branchcomb is the Senior Communications Specialist at the Florida League of Cities.

Sources: mayoclinic.org, webmd.com, health.harvard.edu


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