2 minute read
Holly D. Smith, FLC Second VP, at a Glance
Holly D. Smith, Councilmember for the City of Sanibel , has been named Second Vice President for the Florida League of Cities (FLC).
▸ Councilmember Smith is the Sanibel representative for the Lee County Tourist Development Council and Lee County Long Term Recovery Task Force and liaison to and past Chair of the Lee County Horizon Council (The Voice of Business in Lee County). She serves as President of the Horizon Foundation of Lee County.
▸ Smith is President of the Southwest Florida League of Cities.
▸ She has been a nonprofit volunteer for more than 30 years and is a Council liaison to the Big Arts Organization.
▸ At the FLC, Smith serves on three committees and chaired the Advocacy Committee in 2021-2022.
▸ She has long been a champion of improving the quality of the water in Florida. Smith is a Florida designee to the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, a bipartisan task force to restore and protect America’s Everglades.
▸ Smith and her husband of 36 years, Jason, are avid fishermen. They have two grown sons, Zane and Peyton.
▸ She and her husband own and operate two hotel properties.
▸ Smith was named 2023 Woman of the Year in Lee County at the Women of Distinction Awards.
▸ She has received the FLC Home Rule Hero award for six consecutive years.
▸ Smith is this year’s winner of the E. Harris Drew Municipal Official Lifetime Achievement Award. (See article on p. 40.)