Radical Youth Magazine

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DILIGENCE Pastor(Dr) Ezekiel Alawale - page 4





Pastor(Dr) Funmi Alawale -page 34

How to be a Successful lady in the 21st century page 40

Pastor(Dr) Femi Fenojo -page 26

INSPIRATIONAL + RELATIONSHIPs + business + LIFESTYLE + fashion + music + trends + more































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In The Company





2013/2014 Overview - By Pastor ‘Labi Mebude - Editorial

ince its inception Radical Youth, the youth arm of Gods Vineyard Ministries, has been growing in leaps and bounds. Glory be to God. This edition of the Radical Youth magazine is focused on diligence just as the annual youth conference ‘Let Your Life Count Conference’. Diligence is very crucial to success in life, it is a fundamental virtue. Without diligence one will waste opportunities, potentials and diverse gifts God has en-




dowed on him or her. ‘Show me someone who does a good job and I will show you someone who is better than most and worthy of the company of kings’ (Proverbs 22:29 GNT). We all need to be diligent in our private and public lives for our lives to be significant. I strongly believe God will bless you as you read through and apply yourself to the content of this magazine. God Bless You.

Executive Director: Pastor (Dr) Ezekiel Alawale

Publisher: God’s Vineyard Ministries,

Editor: Dr. Joseph Owusu

292 Derby Road, Nottingham. NG7 1QF.

Editorial Team: Esther Opiyo, Annie Owusu, Angela Chystal

t: 0115 9472486, 07734957501

Graphics & Design Artist: Fleetron Consult ltd.

e: info@godsvineyardchurch.org

Contributors: Pastor Simeon Olowoyo, Pastor Bisi Salako, P ‘Labi

web: www.godsvineyardchurch.org | www.radicalyouth.co.uk

Mebude, Ebun Carew


The Radical Youth

november 2014

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no chief, overseer, or ruler, provideth her bread in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as a robber, and thy want as an armed man. (Proverbs 6:6-11 ASV)



IN OUR CHRISTIAN WALK Diligence, in Christianity, is the effort to do one’s part, while keeping faith and reliance in God. Diligence and faith are two sides of a mystery; diligence, when combined with faith assures success. Diligence describes thoroughness, completeness and persistence of an action.

Bernard et al (year) suggests diligence in a student is defined as an effort towards balanced and holistic development in mental, physical, social and spiritual dimensions. Among students, it was found that diligence correlated with academic performance. This is especially found in younger students. The support of parents and educators encourages students to be diligent. Other factors which encourage diligence in students include motivation, discipline, concentration, responsibility and devotedness.

A person can waste his or her intel-

What do we need to plan for? We

effort towards balanced and holis-

ligence through lack of diligence.

need to plan for the use of our time,

cal, social and spiritual dimensions. Among students, it was found that



diligence correlated with academic

Adopted Art for Diligence


that is needed to be a success in life.

gence in a student is defined as an tic development in mental, physi-



Bernard et al (1996) suggests dili-

activities or programmes, our income and expenditure, our studies, etc. To ensure that we do not simply put elaborate plans in place, but to

performance. This is especially found

The wisest man that ever lived on

implement them, some practical ef-

in younger students. The support of

earth says

forts need to be made. For instance,

parents and educators encourages

you will need to keep a diary and set

students to be diligent. Other factors

“Do your planning and prepare your

priorities; but perhaps one most im-

which encourage diligence in stu-

fields before building your house.�

portant discipline to ensure is to get

dents include motivation, discipline,

(Proverbs 24:27 NLT)


concentration, responsibility and devotedness.

Why do we plan? We need to plan


because there is so much to do, Talent is not enough. A lot of talents

and yet there is never enough time.

How do you recognise a person who

get wasted where the one who has

Also there are limited resources to

is not organised?

the talent is not diligent. When tal-

achieve all that we would like to.

ents are complemented with dili-

Planning helps us to set priorities.

They are always under pressure,

gence, a person is well equipped to

Planning requires discipline, in order

manifesting strains and stresses, al-

rule the world. It is good to be intel-

to make the best of the limited re-

ways seeming to be chasing one

ligent; however, intelligence is not all

sources and time available to us.

thing or the other. They appear sub-



The Radical Youth

november 2014

dued or overwhelmed. They look

things in their right places. What do

celebrate yourself. It gives you a

The other factor to be considered in

5: Get better: Acquire more skills, un-

torn apart; always busy doing stuff,

you gain by putting things in places

sense of daily achievement.

setting priorities, beside relative im-

dergo relevant training and get help

but hissing from frustration about lim-

where you will not remember when

portance, is the relative urgency of

from others.

ited time, or unmet targets. An unor-

you need them? You must develop

ganised person makes frequent mis-

a system to file and not pile. A life of

takes, forgets things here and there

discipline enables you to make op-

By this I mean you should subject

cy, we can have four categories of

and always appears ruffled.

timal use of your time and energies.

your decisions, your judgements and


4: Be accountable to yourself

what is to be done. Based on these two factors; importance and urgenFinally, let’s note what the Bible says

your actions to a sincere critical reLack of organisation could lead to

2: You must establish a set of rou-

view. This results in self training and

tiredness and vulnerability, and may

tines to your life

self improvement. Ask yourself ques-

leave one prone to temptations, including procrastination.


Dr. Ezekiel Alawale is the senior Pastor of God’s Vineyard Ministry (GVM). He is also a practicing General Practitioner.

Category 1 We want each of you to show this

tions such as: Could I have acted

Urgent and important: This requires

same diligence to the very end, in

There must be daily routines; from

differently in that situation? Was the

immediate action; it must be attend-

order to make your hope sure. We

when you wake up in the morning to

time or effort I put into that event

ed to now.

do not want you to become lazy,

the time you go to bed later in the

worth it? This enables you to have

but to imitate those who through

day. You must ensure you by and

a teachable spirit and to be open

faith and patience inherit what has

large keep to it. Be realistic. You must

to correction. You will agree with

been promised.

Category 2

ensure it is not tight or completely in-

people if they offer you the right sup-

It is never too late to get organised.

flexible. Make allowance for eventu-

port in the areas in which you have

You can start today; especially as

alities and unforeseen circumstanc-

scored yourself lowly. You will be wis-

Urgent but not important: This must

with a slack hand: but the hand of

you reflect, recount and recollect

es. Ensure your routine does not lead

er each day.

be delegated.

the diligent maketh rich’ (Proverbs

the unnecessary pains of missed

you to live an isolated, detached

opportunities and avoidable losses


5: Be accountable to the right peo-

Category 3

in time and money, among others.


about diligence:

‘He becometh poor that dealeth

10:4 KJV) ‘Work hard and become a leader;


What about all those missed dead-

You must reflect on your daily rou-

lines and their consequences? How

tine at the end of each day; so as

Have an accountability structure for

about the misplacement of vital

to learn lessons from the mistakes

yourself. Every one of us must have

documents that you have unsuc-

you have made during the day. This

people in our lives to whom we are

cessfully searched everywhere for

makes you wiser the following day.

accountable; it could be a friend or

day and night, only to see it in a rum-

You will find your today will be an im-

a mentor. It is also very important to

Not important, not urgent: Discard it.

diligent shall be made fat.’ (Proverbs

ple of papers when it was too late?

provement of yesterday and your to-

have at least one figure of authority

Unfortunately, many people spend

13:4 KJV)

What about the times you have ex-

morrow, an improvement of today!

over you. This could be your pastor.

precious time on things they should

pelled unnecessary aggression to

This progressively and consequently

the people around you, bringing

results in your life being increasingly

strain to your close and very impor-

productive as you are more effec-

tant relationships?

tive and efficient in the way you

There are so many things we need to

manage your time and your day.

attend to on a daily basis. We must

1. Have a decisive work ethic: Work

set priorities for them. Priorities are

hard, work smart and be proactive.

‘Do you see a man diligent and skil-

set based on our life’s purpose. How

Be patient and endure.

ful in his business? He will stand be-

Let the pains of the past be your motivation! Let them create a de-

3: Set daily goals

sire for change. You and I must be

Important but not urgent: You must

be lazy and become a slave’ (Prov-

plan for it

erbs 12:24 NLT)

Category 4

‘The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the

discard. 6: Set priorities for yourself

‘If you are lazy, you will never get


much and what is to be done con-

fore kings; he will not stand before

Set daily goals for yourself, and de-

tributes to our overall purpose and

2. Have focus: Have vision, plan; be-

ourselves. You and I must determine

velop plans, strategies and actions

determines their importance. There

gin with the end in mind.

to change. Determination is the key.

that you feel will help you to achieve

are some things that, though neces-

We all have what it takes to turn a

the goals. Remember, a goal with-

sary, do not necessarily have to do

3: Budget your time: Prioritise and

new leaf. We all have capacity to

out a plan on how to achieve it is a

with the fulfilment of our life purpose

monitor your activities to guard


wish. The old saying still holds true;

or attainment of our daily goals.

against laziness. Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care

1: Self imposed discipline is a good

ride’. This will enable you to have a

On the other hand, there are other

starting point

focus on a daily basis. This also helps

categories of things which in fact

hard, you will get a fortune.’ (Proverbs 12:27 GNT)

tired of making excuses or justifying

‘if horses were wishes, beggars will

what you are after, but if you work

of themselves.

you live every day productively.

distract us from our focus, goal or

4: Have integrity: Uphold your con-

Discipline to conform yourself to a

Evaluate your productivity day by


victions at all times, especially when

system you have developed, to put

day. Appreciate, encourage and

no one else is watching.

obscure men’. (Proverbs 22:29 AMP)



The Radical Youth

november 2014

RADICAL YOUTH @ 10 2013/14 overview By Pastor ‘Labi Mebude

RY FACES Radical Youths 2011 set

flew in from France and past RY leaders and members travelled from around the UK.

tor Joe [GVC Loughborough Church Pastor, Pastor Muyiwa Dada [GVC Leicester Pastor] all in attendance

It was an awesome evening, we cherished the opportunity to reunite. The main speakers at the conference were RY Alumni Kola Oyeneyin {first RY President], Tobi Martins [Past RY member], Temi Ilori [Former RY Prayer Sec. Notts Uni], Lola Ogunbadejo [OHTV], Jessica Onah [RY Manchester President], Ayo Ajibewa as well as Pastor ‘Labi [GVC-RY Youth pastor], Pastor Dr. Ezekiel Alawale [Senior pastor of GVM and founder of Radical Youth] among others. The guest artist for the weekend celebration was infinity from Nigeria [the producer of Olori Oko] and S. O. [gospel Rap artist].

Finally, I would like to thank God for seeing us through a successful 2013/14, Dr. & Dr [Mrs] Ezekiel Alawale for their support, The Staff of God’s Vineyard Ministries, All the Pastors, Ministers of the ministry. A special Acknowledgment goes out to all of the RY planning Committee members, the Leaders of RY across all Universities, as well as our 2014 RY Graduates. Thank you all for all your hard work and I pray that God will continue to send help and support your way in Jesus name.

The conference on Saturday and Sunday featured various RY region ministrations as well as seminars and workshop. Moving on to our Weekend Away [retreat], February 2014; the theme was Holy Spirit. The purpose of weekend away is simply for us to go out of town, to a quiet place to fellowship and seek God’s face [to reenergise]. A total of 245 young people were present at weekend away which included 15 RY Alumni and 50 sponsored unbelievers [A record attendance in RY]. God really showed up at weekend away as everyone experienced the Holy Spirit in one way or the other and we are already looking forward to weekend away 2015.


ast year [2013/14] was indeed a good year for us in Radical Youth. Radical Youth turned 10years and for us it was a big deal because we are so excited that RY have impacted lives for a decade. The theme for RY last year was ‘Intentional Living’.

After the hustle and bustle of fresher’s fair, which was great, the year really started with our Radical Youth Conference tagged ‘Let Your Life Count Conference’. A factor that made the conference special last year was our reunion ball. Over 70 past RY Alumni [both leaders and members] turned up @ Belfry Hotel Nottingham to celebrate the occasion. The first RY President Kola Oyeneyin [Venia Group] and Tobi Matins [CEO] both flew in from Nigeria. Dupe

God really showed up at weekend away as everyone experienced the Holy Spirit in one way or the other

The academic year 2013/14 was indeed great for us in RY. Regions such as RY Leicester, RY Loughborough, RY Trentside; RY Nottingham hosted events such as Open Mic Night, variety Night, Cook Out, Worship experience, movie night, Bowling etc. The year ended with the RY end of Year Ball and Award Night. All leaders were recognised and appreciated with a certificate. It was a night of fun, Laughter and praise with Dr Ezekiel Alawale, Pas-

WEEKEND AWAY A Teaching Session / Resfreshments



The Radical Youth

november 2014

The Matchmaker

At Your Service – Book Review BOOK COVER PAGE The Matchmaker At Your Service by Dr Ezekiel Alawale






Dreamer or not- take the challenge. My wise friend says, “Go the extra mile! There is no traffic on the extra mile.” I say the words in this book are the gentle push anyone truly needs to embark on the extra-mile journey to building and being a part of God-centred relationship.



The Matchmaker At Your Service: Now on Amazon both for Kindle download and Hard cover

pany and three is crowd but allow me

promise in their lives which eventually

while? The book uses scriptures from

be fourth coming as I confess that I was

led them to each other.

the Bible to make a single person un-

hooked up by the truth in the pages of

derstand and believe that the period

this great read and, like a fish helpless

Experienced, the author (also the star

is only a moment in which God wants

at the end of the line, I let myself be

in this story) pours out his heart as he

to get close to you in order to help you

pulled in.

advises singles, young and old, to in

become the best person you can be for

trust God in all areas of their lives – big

yourself, first, and then for your spouse-

The Matchmaker paints the picture of a

and small. For the God who cares about

to-be. The message is written, signed and sealed with parental love.

don’t pride myself in being a very picky person but I do

One warm summer afternoon, as I walked my usual route

love story like none told in the stories

the number of hairs on your head truly

honestly enjoy having my schedule mapped around the

home from work passed the book shop, I was stopped dead

told by Disney or Hallmark. It tells of

cares about the person whom you share

same sort of routine. Wake at the same time, shop at the same

in my tracks by two shadows that caught my eye through the

two people, a guy and a girl, who lived

your ‘forever’ with. So you ask, “Is it

shops(preferably at same or lower prices), same cup for the

glass. The image of a guy and girl, standing in folded palms,

completely different lives but shared

an instruction manual?” – Nah! To the

morning tea, same glass for the juice at the dinner table, the

facing each other with arms crossed sparked my curiosity but

the same dream- to be joined to their

author, one thing counts when you’re

same hair dresser, same seat and parking at church and the

the calligraphic art that read ‘The Matchmaker’ set it ablaze.

God-sent love. Their story is a testament

the star in your own Mr and Mrs story-

same wit and humour in writing an article. I am a Christian so I

Mixed flames of anticipation, anxiety, and ‘What are you doing’

to faith in God and obedience to His

would you testify that God got through

worship the same God and intend to keep it that way. Though

danced in my chest as I paid for my fourth copy of the book

calling and instruction for, rather than

it all? And not just for the marriage, but

single, I dream to wake to the same face every day, forever

(yes it wasn’t my 1st) and dashed home to read it.

letting the pressures and realities of

do you realise that God is banking on

relationships and personal experiences

your relationship with Him to make the

cloud their vision, they held on to God’s

relationship with your spouse worth-

and love him more and more each day (bet you didn’t see that coming)

I know one copy of a book is more than enough, two is com-



The Radical Youth

november 2014

sity life, learning to balance studies and

A lot of models face various challenges

social life.

but for me I decided to cast mine to God for He is the only one who could get me

You are an athlete and you compete, tell us more about the nature of this.

through. I now see myself as a daughter of the most high King who is loved unconditionally. There is nothing that I can do that can separate me from the love

As an athlete, there is a lot of self-dis-

of God. Additionally, being the current

cipline required in terms of going to

Miss Uganda UK has definitely changed

training, completing tasks given, eating

my life in a sense that I am an ambas-

healthily, looking after your body, train-

sador of the Child Sacrifice Campaign.

ing mentally. In competitions, I use all

I have learned to speak publically to

5 a day and fill me up so I do not eat

the training that I have done prior to the

different people. Also this is not easy I

as much. I usually put different fruits

competition, which is when it all comes

am looked up to by my generation and

such as; strawberries, bananas, kiwis,

together. Before every competition or

younger generation and it is something

oranges, apples, yoghurt, etc. one can

training I always thank God and ask Him

that I would never think about doing so

use whichever fruits they like it does

to be my strength in all I do, from the

it was definitely God who made it hap-

not have to be what I have mentioned.

warm up, the technique, throughout. I


I train 5-6 times a week as I am given a

find that God always comes whenever

timetable by my coach.

How do you balance the many areas of your life (including you’re walk with God)?

What health/fitness advice would you give to us girls?

Personally, I do not like letting people

To be honest I cannot explain to you

I do advise people to do regular exercise

down such as my coach, myself, family

how it all happens, it is beyond my un-

2-3 times a week. You can walk, dance,

and I think everyone feels that at one

derstanding so only God knows how it

play football, netball or basketball with

point of their life in one way or another

works. My walk with God is more im-

friends or family. Not all exercise is done

but it is how we deal with it that matters.

portant because without it, everything

in the gym, so try find people to exer-

For me, the reassuring words from my

would fall and would not work out. He

cise with as it is more fun and motivat-

coach do encourage me so it is impor-

is my pillar, my strength so everything is

ing. Experiment by making smoothies at

tant to have people to encourage you

put around my walk with God.

home using different fruits.

Are you more inclined towards modelling or athletics and what are your plans for them in the future?

Any other advise?

I ask Him to so it is encouraging that He is faithful and He listens. Additionally, there is always pressure, whether it is from within or from other people.

A CHAT with Deborah Kabahinda We’re currently collating materials for the annual RY magazine! We hope to have a ‘girls section’ and in that tips/an article on health & fitness. I thought this may be an area you are interested in! It would be great if we could feature you as a committed RY member, successful athlete and model

and support you in all you do. God puts them in my life for a reason so I do take advantage of the opportunity.

Tell us about your modelling career.

MODEL: DEBORAH Former Miss Uganda UK.

all you do. He has so much prepared for you. Keep running your own race and

At the moment, I am still praying about

stop comparing yourself to other peo-

I started modelling when I was 17 for

which one to choose but we will see in

ple as it can hinder your walk with God.

my sister’s collection called Aria’s Bou-

the future.

Put God at the centre of your life and all

tique. I think this would not have hap-

You were a member and are now a leader of RY Loughborough, would you like to give them a shout out?

I advise all to keep seeking God above

pened without the support of my family. Having gone through different challenges such as bullying, comparing myself

will work out. Moreso, do not suffer in

Tell us about your health regime/ daily routine when it comes to food and exercise.

silence and talk to the people God has put in your life, whether friends, family, Pastors, Youth leaders etc as God can

Yes, I am so blessed to be part of a great, supportive team. I see

to other people, it was not easy to do

radical Youth as my family. I couldn’t ask for more.

as it was out of my comfort zone. But

I tend to eat 2-3 times a day. I love eat-

situation. Daily decisions that you make

through reading the word, I got to know

ing Ugandan, Nigerian, English food but

daily will alter your life so keep praying

how God sees me and prayed for God to

a lot of my meals contain Ugandan food

about the decisions you make. Lastly,

What do you study and how have you found it?

use them to help you overcome any

change my perception of myself. When

such as; matooke, African beans, chick-

ask God to show you your purpose and

I am studying Mathematics, I have found some modules challeng-

I decided to work with God on this, He

en etc. I love drinking smoothies which

do it with a joyful heart. God bless you

ing but that’s normal for anyone. It has been a good start to univer-

came through and did not let me down.

I make myself. They are healthy, contain




The Radical Youth


november 2014

The Journey of a Lifetime. I had wanted to be a doctor since I was 5 years old and so when I got the e-mail in 2009 saying I had gotten into UEA medical school I was ecstatic. Little did I know the tests and trials that lye before me as I prepared to undertake this journey of a lifetime.

- Alumni: Aisha Bassett


and promoting secular music. This was

tions and look deeply and earnestly in

a huge sacrifice because of how much

the word for the answers. It caused me

I love music and a turning point in my

to be joyful and grateful when I began

I had the greatest reliance on God dur-

walk with Christ because music was an

to understand my sinful state and that

ing this year because I honestly felt at

idol in my life. However after what I dis-

God rescued me from an eternity in Hell

my weakest. But I found that when we

covered about the spirit behind secular

so that I could have an eternal relation-

are weak He is strong. By God’s grace I

music and its impact I was heavily con-

ship with Him. Being a part of this bigger

passed my final exams and graduated

victed and could no longer continue in

family of young Christians was a new

from Norwich Medical School in July

the way I was going. I asked God to for-

experience for me. It gave me account-

2014. I am humbled by Him giving me

give me for all I was doing to scar our

ability I desperately needed so that I

this opportunity to achieve this life-

relationship and over a period of weeks

would continue growing and encour-

long dream. Even more, I am thankful

and months asked for Him to help me

aged my walk with Christ because I felt I

that through my university experience I

change through reading and reflecting

wasn’t alone, but part of a family.

found Jesus and came to know Him as

on the word, to give me a good memory

my friend and started a real and honest

for scriptures and a new heart and for

While studying medicine I felt stretched

relationship with Him. I went from see-

music to worship Him with. I started a

in every way I could imagine: spiritually,

ing my reliance on Him as a weakness to

diary where I read the ‘Word for You To-

emotionally, mentally and physically.

seeing it as a necessity. I am overjoyed

day’ and would write my reflections on

However, having like-minded Christian

that He has given me the privilege to

what the scripture meant to me person-

friends helped me remain focused on

get to know Him. Now, as I grow, the task


the end goal when I felt weary. Also we

is to make Him known.

were able to share our burdens together The date I would say I became a Chris-

and also prayed together. My faith was

I encourage anyone reading this to get

tian was November 14th 2009. Though

also stretched and I saw many miracles

involved with a Christian fellowship,

I grew up in a church I feel that I con-

throughout my schooling where God

to surround yourself with Christians

stantly took Gods grace for granted; at

miraculously provided for my every

friends you can be accountable to, to

times I felt like going to church was a

need. A philanthropist paying my tuition

read the word with intent and to let it

chore because I did not have a true un-

for one year and several kind-hearted

speak to you and challenge you in every

derstanding of God, my sin and how it

people paying for my medical elective

aspect of your life. When you give your

separates me from Jesus, Jesus’ sacri-

in Belize was two of many miraculous

life completely to Christ, you’ll never

fice to cover my sin and the cost of fol-

provisions God made for me which

regret it.

lowing Him. This is an excerpt from my

stretched my faith. I have truly learned

Facebook status on that day, “Is making

to rely on God fully especially in the

a declaration today: My life is rededicat-

face of what looks to be impossible. He

ed to Jesus. When the truth is exposed

reminded me constantly “And my God

one cannot remain neutral anymore; for

will meet all your needs according to

there is NO neutral ground. Yes, all old

the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

things have passed away, past thoughts,

Philippians 4:19

actions, and feelings... It’s a NEW day! tarting university in the UK as a

was the first time I had been part of a

quickly exposed the contents of my

medical student was an adven-

Christian student group that was pas-

heart and a pressing need to evaluate

Throughout the remainder of that year

most challenging of all. Almost every

My final year of medical school was the

ture that took me far from the

sionate about knowing Jesus and about

my relationship with Christ and my un-

and medical school my Christian friends

day was spent either in the hospital

familiar and comfortable to a new and

using their talents to glorify God and

derstanding of who Jesus Christ is. The

both in Signature and those I met in

shadowing doctors, practicing on the

unknown land where I knew no one and

to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ

topics we discussed were personally

Radical Youth have helped me along my

wards or in the library or with friends

had no family. A short while into my

through song, dance and drama. I quick-

relevant and started to embed a deep

walk with Christ. It was such an encour-

consolidating and learning material

first year I found that there were many

ly became part of this new family that

reverence for God’s and his holiness and

agement to meet other youth passion-

from all 4 years prior. Many times I felt

unanticipated challenges. The end of

supported me and challenged me on

a greater want to know Him and have an

ate about their relationship with Christ

anxious about my upcoming exams

a long-term relationship left me feel-

my self-proclaimed title as a ‘Christian’.

intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

and making Him known in this genera-

wondering if I had studied enough to

tion. Through meeting these people, at-

pass but I had to remind myself of Gods

ing broken and alone and making new


Christian friends seemed to come at the

Regular talks, prayer and bible studies

After doing a personal study on music I

tending seminars and especially week-

peace and ask the Holy Spirit to guide

perfect time.
I joined a Christian youth

along with heart-to-hearts with other

decided to delete all the secular music

end away, it caused me see growth in

me with everything I read. The scripture

group called Signature Ministries which

members caused me to reflect and

on my computer and to stop listening to

my spiritual life and also to ask ques-

that helped me greatly was Philippians



The Radical Youth

november 2014

As far as work life itself is concerned, the actual working of a

compromise to any leads to a life that is very fruitful.

9-5 job isn’t actually that bad, in my humble opinion. It can be boring but I’ve found that you genuinely get used to it the

Unfortunately, maintaining such a balance is no easy thing.

same way you get used to going lectures all the time. The com-

Al u mn i Edward Adeshina

mitment to extra-curricular activities has also helped kill the

I have found that waking up early, so as to expand my day as

occasional dullness of the working week by giving me some-

much as possible is always a good place to start, in addition

thing to look forward to after work and ‘spicing’ up my life a

to planning my days as meticulously as possible. This way, I

bit - just like I did in Uni.

know when I need to read my bible, when I need to be at work (obviously), when I need to go to drama rehearsals and I can

My drama life

also make a note of any slacking and seek to rectify that.

One of my extra-curricular activities is acting! This has been

The Christian’s relationship with God governs everything they

a hobby of mine since I was 15, and RY provided a chance to

do, so there is unsurprisingly greater emphasis on making

utilise the craft through RY acts. Upon graduation, however, I

sure I am not allowing the other areas of my life to get the

was encouraged to take the hobby further and when opportu-

better of that all important area! As fallen human beings, this

nities to audition for acting jobs were presented to me, I took

may sometimes be the case. Whenever we see that this might

full advantage of them. I was fortunate enough to secure most

be so, we must repent and ask God to give us greater strength

of the roles I auditioned for and used them as a means to de-

to keep Him as priority.

velop my acting ability and also as a wonderful complement to my working life. One theatre show I was involved in between

Advice for students approaching work life

Sept - Nov 2013 was called “Roots: Child Soldiers” and my latest short film is called “Unwanted” (can be found on YouTube).

Perhaps the greatest initial advice I can give is what the Apostle Paul tells the Colossians: “Whatever you do, do your work

At the moment, I am rather unsure as to where my affection

heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men” - Colossians 3:23.

for drama will progress to. I lead a drama group based at my

This verse should lead you to ensure God is the centre of all

church called ‘Y.i.A’ and the Lord has been doing great things

that you do, to being very focused and being committed to

with us, but as far as my own individual ambition is concerned,

working as hard as possible.

I am still seeking God regarding that and have hope that He

Experience of RY This fellowship significantly aided my walk with Christ, and was effective in keeping me from straying from the Lord during my three years in University. It was an enormous blessing to be a member of this beautiful family as I grew in Christ and met some great people (some of which are sure to be life-long friends).

How did you find the transition from University life to work life?

It was an enormous blessing to be a member of this beautiful family as I grew in Christ...

Difficult. The three years I spent in Nottingham were some of the best years of my life. I had kindled a love for independence and being able to do what I wanted, when

will continue to lead me as He has been doing already. That

Furthermore, you need to be very clear on what you want for

said, though, I am very pleased with the direction it is going in.

your career and how you intend on getting there. If you’re

If someone had said that a year after graduating I would be in

not, keep praying that the Lord will lead you in the right way.

a position where my acting ability is rising, being involved in

Moreover, do well to make sure you are at peace where you’re

numerous acting projects, I would have ridiculed them. But, lo

working, that the environment makes you comfortable and

and behold, that is exactly what has happened!

that you are content. Also, extra-curricular activities can help add flavour to your

The Christian’s relationship with God governs everything they do, so there is unsurprisingly greater emphasis on making sure I am not allowing the other areas of my life to get the better of that all important area!

working week! However, they are by no means a necessity, so never feel obliged to get involved with something after work. That said, I can’t think of many other ways to cure the boredom of a 9-5 life!

I wanted. Back in London, doing silly things like going to my friends house at 1am to cook are unthinkable, but in Nottingham this was a way of life! Alas, the “uni vibe”

How am I juggling all?

that I was very attached to was no more, and, as such, mild sadness ensued and a great sense of uni-sickness engulfed me. This did not last, though. When I visited Nottingham in Sept 2013 (two months after graduation), I realised that I didn’t miss it as much as I thought I would and that it was surely time to let go.

Mr. Edward Adesina

The balance between your walk with God, work and extra-

Finance Graduate at Guardian News and Media

curricular activities has proved to be the most important balance to be struck after I graduated. The ability to maintain the necessary level of focus toward each of those areas, without

Grace and Peace!



The Radical Youth

november 2014

JAMES DASAOLU James Dasaolu is a 100m sprinter who ranks as Britain’s second fastest athlete of all-time.

James: To be fair, I was so much into

or 19. Literally a year before I came to

my sport that I really talk to many peo-

Loughborough is when I started doing

ple; I don’t think I have any friends from

track which is quite late in comparison

my class because I was literally in lec-

to most people who I’ve competed with;

tures then I would be straight off to the

who have started at around 13-15 years

track or off to get home and rest or to

of age.

study my books. Basically, it was full on because when I wasn’t studying, I was

That’s the beauty of athletics I’d say;

training 6 days a week - that’s in the

you can start at any age. There is a tech-

morning and in the afternoon and trying

nical and skill element involved but be-

to fit in classes in between. So the case

cause running is more of a thing you can

was: if i’m not training I’m studying and

‘do’ physically, i.e. If you can run you can

if I’m not studying I’m in my lectures

run, if you can jump you can jump; you

and if I’m not in my lectures, I’m doing

can be taught to do it as long as you are

my coursework and then obviously you

not too old. Unlike some other sports

need to sleep and recover because it’s

where you have to start when you are

quite strenuous. As well as that, some-

quite young. Fortunately, the track and

times I was away for almost 4 weeks at a

field isn’t like that.

time. So for those first 3 years I was try-

Interview with

ing to balance in a lot of stuff because some athletes do break up their educa-



James Dasaolu one of two young British athletes to recently break the 10-second barrier for 100 metres. Hello James, It’s great to have this chance to talk to you. Firstly, Congratulations; you’ve made many of us proud. I grew up in Croydon so that adds to it for me!

Thank you so much for that. 2010; It’ seems like it was just yesterday, but its 4 years ago.

your studies as well as on your sports. So that’s what coming to Loughborough

James: Yeah it’s 4 years ago. Well, I

really enabled me to do. The University

came to Loughborough as a teenager

where able to provide the stuff I needed

and now I’m married and I’ve got chil-

for my studies and also to support me in

James: Oh, I didn’t know that, well

dren, I’ve got my career and I’ve got

my sports; allowing me to kind of gain

you must know that I grew up in Croy-

my degree. So, you know, whenever

balance for both.

don as well. I was born in Dulwich, my

you move somewhere you don’t know

family moved from Dulwich to Croy-

what’s going to happen.

don when I was 8 or 9, I then came to Loughborough University in 2007 and I

I always came to Loughborough with

graduated in 2010, so that’s a bit on my

the goal of wanting to do track but obvi-


ously, you can’t just put all of your eggs in one basket, especially when sports

DASAOLU RUNS INCREDIBLE 9.91 British Championships, Competition, Personal Best - 9.91secs Photo Credit: Mark Shearman (Athletics Images)

So what was your university life like in a few sentences? How were the study aspect and the aspect with the people that you met?

tion, but I wanted to get it all over and

James: I first competed for GB in

done within 3 years.

2007- relay.

Are you happy you did that?

When did you realise this was becoming serious?

James: I’m very very happy James: It’s when I came 3rd or 4th in Because, you know, you have friends now so it’s all good.

my age group in the country; that was quite a big thing for me. Also when they put me on the funding, because I was

James: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

never actually going to come to Loughborough, I only knew I was coming to

When did you start running? James: 18. I might have done some

are involved and you’re relying on your body. It’s always important to focus on

When did you first compete?

it was full on because when I wasn’t studying, I was training 6 days a week - that’s in the morning and in the afternoon and trying to fit in classes in between.

school sports days but I didn’t actually take up track and put on the professional spikes and the lycras; how you probably, see me on TV until I was like 18

JAMES RECOGNISED WITH CHARNWOOD AWARD James Dasaolu was named as Charnwood’s Sports Person of the Year 2013 for an outstanding 2013.



The Radical Youth

november 2014

won silver and bronze medals before).

How did you feel when you got those? I’ve had loads of injuries in the past, but

dence boost in terms of going forward

tough tough part of the sport, but for

It might sound cliché but my only in-

to the next year and competing at the

me I’d always say that’s where my faith,

spiration is the word of God and what I





my belief in Christ and just coming to

read, and also I’d say my father as well

Dislike: Cats and Dogs. (Animals in gen-

knowing that you’re the best in Europe,

church got me going; when I thought

because he’s someone that I look up


you’re the best your continent has to of-

‘Oh, what am I going to I do now? I’m off

to. Those are my two inspirations and

Like: Heat


for 2/3/4 months’. Also, when you are


Who is your biggest fan?

What is one misconception people have about you?

me, as people say they are blessings in

James: Probably my family; my broth-

James: I don’t know, you’d have to ask

James: I’ve always had a coach.


ers and my wife. My Family.

my friends

How would your coach describe you?

A lot of my injuries came during my uni-

One of the challenges you face as a Christian athlete?

If you were a kitchen appliance what would you be?

James: One challenge I used to face

James: What would I be? A kitchen

it’s like all of the pains and struggles I’ve gone through have gained a reward. It’s as though, yeah, I haven’t wasted 3-5

hurt, it gives you a chance to focus and

Did you have a coach from the start?

years of my life just running and training, it’s all worth it. When I look at the

It might sound cliché but my only inspiration is the word of God and what I read

One like and one dislike?

do other things because you just can’t do as much on the tracking fields, so for

trophy cabinet, it and sums up the work and effort; whether it be silver, whether it be bronze.

versity years so it actually meant I had more time to focus on my studies.

So to describe your last win ‘worth it’?

James: That’s a question for him, but probably quiet, confident, just deter-

So you’ve got to just focus your energy

and I don’t have to face anymore is hav-

appliance? There’s loads.

mined maybe. Well, I’d want to believe.

on other things. There’s more to life

ing to room with unbelievers who like

Blender? Knife? Fork? Spoon? *Had to get back to him*

James: Yeah for me it wasn’t that big

than just my track and field and it gave

to blast their music; probably the same

of a surprise. I knew I was either going

So you’ve had the same coach through-

me a chance to develop other areas of

with university, but now I’m privileged

to get a bronze or a silver going into the


my life.

in that whenever I go anywhere I always

Where did you meet your wife?

have a room to myself. So it’s just trying


Loughborough 2 or 3 weeks before hand. I wanted to go into the medical field and they didn’t do the course

Photograph by Getty Images

I wanted to study. It all happened so

to focus and find a quiet place where I

James: At a friend’s wedding, 4 years

can (while away from church) stay root-


ed and grounded; reading my bible, being disciplined and not wanting to fol-

A bit of a friendship then it turned into

low them; because there’re not a lot of


Christians on the team.

What is your favourite food?

One benefit of being a Christian in the field?

Do you have any advice for anyone that wants to pursue a career in running?

James: I like Chinese.

James: Your faith, knowing that a lot

James: My greatest advice is not to

of people do get nervous and my belief

train too hard.

quickly; I originally wanted to go to a university in London but decided to come to Loughborough instead. I think my mum said ‘ you’ve got to do what you want to do, you don’t want to say 3/4 years down the line ‘I stayed in

Tell me about your diet? Is it consistent or do you change it up with season?

London, I didn’t go to Loughborough to train with a world class coach’ and see where you could have gone’.

in God is the thing that really helps me to deal with the nervousness of being on the start line. It gives me the strength and belief.

James: I’d say the closer I get to

Although it wasn’t my first option, of

Could you elaborate? James: To students: Enjoy it. It can be painful at times, that’s why you have

course, at least it enabled me to follow

championships. I knew I was probably

No I changed coach in the Olympics

competing, the healthier I get. So with-

my dream and kind of live it out and

one of the best athletes in Europe but

2012. I had been with a coach but I al-

in a month of me competing, I try to

avoid ‘what if’.

wanted to run sub 10 (9.9 seconds) so

ways seemed to have a lot of injuries

cut out junk like coke, crisps, sweets

I was quite disappointed but the end

so I decided to change and that’s when

and I just stick to fruit, vegetables and

of the day it’s the championships; it’s

my career went to the next level; when

just meat and protein. I just try to have

James: I play (probably too much)

even in the bad. Try and enjoy it and just

all about the medal so yeah, I’m happy,

I left my coach to train with the coach

a balanced diet more than anything;


don’t take it too seriously.

and it’s good to win something i.e. fin-

I’m with now.

fruit, vegetables, meat, protein, carbo-

Back to the Kitchen Appliance

How did you feel when you won your first competition? Give us a word to describe your latest win (European Athletics championships)


not young forever and sooner or later

One random fact about you?

rather than a European champion.

Who are your heroes and why?

And before the interview I found out that you drum so that’s a cool random.

So, yeah it’s a good feeling, it’s confi-

James: Injuries are always a tough,

James: I don’t really have any heros.

James: There you go.

same being called a European medallist


James: Well that’s the first time I’ve won, i.e. won a gold medal (because I’ve

your body will deteriorate. So just make sure you have fun in the good times and

How do you manage injuries/ recovering from injuries?

ish first opposed to second. It’s not the

that enjoying element because you are

James: I’d probably be a coffee maker



The Radical Youth

november 2014

1) The purpose of music. Is music designed solely for worship, or did God also intend music to be soothing and/or entertaining? The most famous musician in the Bible, King David, primarily used music for the purpose of worshipping God (see Psalm 4:1;6:1, 54, 55; 61:1; 67:1; 76:1). However, when King Saul

Listening to SECULAR MUSIC

was tormented by evil spirits, he would call on David to play the harp in order to soothe him (1 Samuel 16:14-23). The Israelites also used musical instruments to warn of danger (Nehemiah 4:20) and to surprise their enemies (Judges 7:1622). In the New Testament, the apostle Paul instructs Christians to encourage one another with music: “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19). So, while the primary purpose of music does seem to be worship, the Bible definitely allows for other uses of music.

2) The style of music. Sadly, the issue of music styles can be very divisive among Christians. There are Christians who adamantly demand that no musical instruments be used. There are Christians who only desire to sing the “old faithful” hymns. There are Christians who want more upbeat and contemporary music. There are Christians who claim to worship best in a “rock concert” type of environment. Instead of recognizing these differences as personal preferences and cultural distinctions, some Christians declare their preferred style of music to be the only “biblical” one and declare all other forms of music to be unwholesome, ungodly, or even satanic.

Here are some guidelines for you that may help you decide what to listen to since we are not under law but grace. Many secular musicians are immensely talented. Secular music can be very entertaining. There are many secular songs that have catchy melodies, thoughtful insights, and positive messages. In determining whether or not to listen to secular music, there are three primary factors to consider: 1) the purpose of music, 2) the style of music, and 3) the content of the lyrics.

The Bible nowhere condemns any particular style of music. The Bible nowhere declares any particular musical instrument to be ungodly. The Bible mentions numerous kinds of string instruments and wind instruments. While the Bible does not specifically mention drums, it does mention other percussion instruments (Psalm 68:25; Ezra

3:10). Nearly all of the forms of modern music are variations and/or combina-

what opposes God, a Christian should

tions of the same types of musical in-

not listen to it. However, there are

struments, played at different speeds or

many secular songs with no mention

with heightened emphasis. There is no

of God that still uphold godly values

biblical basis to declare any particular

such as honesty, purity, and integrity.

style of music to be ungodly or outside

If a love song promotes the sanctity

of God’s will.

of marriage and/or the purity of true love—even if it does not mention God

3) The content of the lyrics. Since

or the Bible—it can still be listened to

neither the purpose of music nor the

and enjoyed.

style of music determines whether a Christian should listen to secular music,

Whatever a person allows to occupy

the content of the lyrics must be con-

his mind will sooner or later deter-

sidered. While not specifically speaking

mine his speech and his actions. This

of music, Philippians 4:8 is an excellent

is the premise behind Philippians 4:8

guide for musical lyrics: “Finally, broth-

and Colossians 3:2, 5: establishing

ers, whatever is true, whatever is no-

wholesome thought patterns. Second

ble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,

Corinthians 10:5 says we should “take

whatever is lovely, whatever is admira-

captive every thought and make it

ble—if anything is excellent or praise-

obedient to Christ.” These Scriptures

worthy—think about such things.” If we

give a clear picture of the kind of music we should not listen to.

should be thinking about such things, surely those are the things we should

Obviously, the best kind of music is

invite into our minds through music

that which praises and glorifies God.

and lyrics. Can the lyrics in a secular

Talented Christian musicians work in

song be true, noble, right, pure, lovely,

nearly every musical genre, ranging

admirable, excellent, and praisewor-

from classical to rock, rap, and reggae.

thy? If so, then there is nothing wrong

There is nothing inherently wrong

with a Christian listening to a secular

with any particular style of music. It

song of that nature.

is the lyrics that determine whether a song is “acceptable” for a Christian to

However, much of secular music does

listen to. If anything leads you to think

not meet the standard of Philippians

about or get involved in something

4:8. Secular music often promotes im-

that does not glorify God, it should be

morality and violence while belittling

avoided. I hope this helps you.

purity and integrity. If a song glorifies


The Radical Youth

november 2014



raise your eyebrows up as far as they’ll go and smile. If you feel your tightness

TWIST OUT HAIRSTYLE A Collection of Natural Afro HAir




As I’m sure you know, the biggest prob-

or tugging, loosen your hair. Finally, if

lem with Afro-Caribbean hair is the lack

you like wearing weaves and braids/

of moisture. We have super curly-coiled

twists, ensure you leave some time

hair therefore retaining moisture is ex-

when going from one style to another,

tra difficult. One way to ensure your

this will give your hair time to recover

hair is adequately moisturised is deep

from the high level of manipulation its

conditioning weekly and following up

gone through in the taking out process.

during the week with the LOC method. Deep conditioning is essential for re-

3. Products

turning lost moisture from the hair by

EBUN CAREW Writer and Stylist

using ingredients that penetrate the

What you put in your hair determines

hair shaft. If you’ve got relaxed hair, en-

what it looks like right? Yup. We are

sure you pick a deep conditioner with

now getting more health concious and

hydrolysed proteins to help strengthen

are becoming more aware of what we

your strands. You can choose to deep

put into our bodies, so also these same

condition by buying a store bought or

should be about our hair. Next time you

homemade deep conditioner. The gen-

go hair shopping, think about the prod-

eral rule is once applied wait 30 min-

ucts you buy to put onto your hair. If

utes with heat [using a heat cap] or up

a product claims to have all the good-

to 1hr without heat [place your hair in a

ness of olive oil, then why is olive oil

shower cap and wrap a towel around].

the 20th ingredient? I encourage you

The LOC method stands for liquid, oil

to start looking critically at the ingredi-

and cream. These products are applied

ents in the products you use and read

to your hair in that order to create a

reviews online to see if it was effective

protective layer - your liquid could be

for them.

water, oil – any of your choice e.g. olive, coconut or almond oil and cream could be a leave in conditioner. Moisturised

Girls Health Ebun Carew

We’ve all seen the pictures on Facebook and Instagram of women with lusciously long, full and shiny hair. They make it look like they just woke up like that but we all know they most definitely did not. So how do you go from a to b? Whether you’ve got relaxed or natural hair, I’ve some top tips to get you on your way!

hair is less likely to break and it will also

Start putting these 3 tips into practice

look more lively than dry, brittle hair.

and you’ll be well on your way to rival-



Although it is obvious, how you style your hair determines what it looks like. However, style does also matter when thinking about the health of our hair. Thinning edges and a receding hair line caused by traction alopecia is definitely not pretty and also restricts the types of styles you can wear later. So, when choosing a style think about your edges! Ask yourself, will this style strain the little baby hairs around the perimeter of my head? If the answer is yes, don’t do it. It’s better to miss out on the latest ‘in’ hair style than to have no hair to do the next one on. Harsh I know. A quick test to check that your hair is not too tight:

ling the Instagram gurus ;)



The Radical Youth

november 2014

James 5 (KJV)

Can Christians

or as observed by others).

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous

various reason. That does not necessar-


ily mean we have “clinical depression.”

(not just fear of dying), recurrent sui-

man availeth much

1 John 1 (KJV)


be depressed?

“Can Christians be depressed?” You may as well ask if Christians can sin, or if they can be sick.

We all feel down or low sometimes for

PHOTO BY: DUSICA PARIPOVIC Sad and depressed young woman

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Recurrent thoughts of death

cidal ideation without a specific plan,

Criteria Clinical Depression (1) In order to meet the criteria for clini-

or suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide

cal depression, one must experience at least five or more (the 1st and 2nd

What if you are depressed?

symptoms must be present) of the fol-

God has made both medical and spir-

lowing symptoms nearly every day for

itual resources available for the treat-

at least two weeks. Furthermore these

ment and healing of the sick and the

symptoms will be found to be causing


impairment of day to day functions: social, occupational, educational.

If you are depressed or you know someone who is depressed then SEEK HELP


Depressed mood most of the

day, nearly every day, as indicated by ei-

AND SUPPORT from your FAMILY, “elders of the church” and GP.

ther subjective report (e.g., feels sad or

Yes, Christians do sometimes sin, and

empty), or observation made by others

As Christians we do not merely accept

become sick. Yes Christians can be de-

(e.g., appears tearful). Note: In children

depression as an inevitable part of life.

pressed. In fact depression (and other

and adolescents, can be irritable mood.

Depression is a thief of God’s best for

psychological and psychiatry disorders


Markedly diminished interest

us, just like sin and all other sicknesses.

like Bipolar Affective Disorder, Schizo-

or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities

Take advantage of all the helps God has

phrenia, etc.) is a sickness, just like mi-

most of the day, nearly every day (as in-

made available to you – both spiritual

graine, pneumonia, epilepsy and the

dicated by either subjective account or

and medical – and appropriate your vic-


observation made by others).

tory over depression.


Significant weight loss when

Sickness, in some cases, can be caused

not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change

by sin or direct demonic affliction but

of more than 5 percent of body weight

most sicknesses are not cause by a par-

in a month), or decrease or increase in

ticular sin committed by the individual

appetite nearly every day. Note: In chil-

or by a direct demonic influence.

dren, consider failure to make expected

Psalm 30: 2-5 (KJV)

The more relevant and practical ques-

co-ordination) agitation or retardation

2 O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. 3 O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. 4 Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. 5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a

tion we need to ask is “I’m I depressed?”

nearly every day (observable by others,

night, but joy cometh in the morning.

In order to answer this we need to ask

not subjective feelings of restlessness

another question: “What is depression?”

or being slowed down).


New Product Review

same applies to depression, because

weight gains.

depression is a form of sickness.





(can’t get out of bed) nearly every day.

I’m I depressed?





Fatigue or loss of energy near-

In defining depression there are three

ly every day.


factors you must bear in mind: symp-


Feelings of worthlessness or

1. American Psychiatric Association (2013).

toms, duration and severity (effects on

excessive or inappropriate guilt (which

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

activities of daily living.) It is the com-

may be delusional) nearly every day

Disorders (Fifth ed.). Arlington, VA: American

bination of these three factors that de-

(not merely self-reproach or guilt about

Psychiatric Publishing.

termine when a depression is a “clinical

being sick).

depression.” In order word a depression that is significant and needs some form


of intervention.

concentrate, or indecisiveness nearly

Diminished ability to think or

every day (either by subjective account



The Radical Youth

november 2014

Music Artist Q&A Alexander Victor is a passionate lover of God, crazy worshipper, seasoned worship leader, teacher & preacher, writer & public speaker, radio & TV presenter, songwriter, music producer, worship resources consultant and visionary of Altarsound Ministries, a worship resources development outfit based in London, England.

4. From GOD: His nature, His person, His

His timeline for the birthing of all that

awe, His majesty; His love. I write from

He commissioned us to do. Watch this

Him, For Him, To Him. I struggle to write


songs about anything else. 8. I could say a lot for music, but if I 5. Biggest lesson: Do NOT wait until it

were to narrow it down to the MINISTRY

makes sense before you obey what God

of MUSIC, I’d say: it pays to infuse your

is leading! The price is too dear to pay!

music into God, than to try infusing God into your music! Music gets its expres-

6. Oh, so many times! What keeps me

sion from Him; He created it. So tap-

going: the knowing that I did NOT call

ping into the depths of God as musician

1. My names are Alexander Victor... and I like to introduce myself as a life poured out

our Worship Development School in

myself, and I would be aborting des-

opens you up into creative dimensions

in the pursuit of the Most High and for His exclusive use, for which when it’s all said

2013 was another humbling highlight.

tiny—both mine and those of others

that cannot be attained otherwise.

and done, I’d like to hear Him say ‘well done’! This pursuit finds expression in diverse

God has been faithful on this journey!

linked to my call—if I quit. Plus, the only

gifting operational in my life: singing, song writing, worship-leading, writing, teach-

winner when I quit is the enemy, and

9. Definitely: follow us on our Facebook

ing, preaching, producing, and more!

I ain’t going to give him that pleasure!

Page (Altarsound Ministries) for updates

Phil 3:13-14.

on where next God is sending us!

my music inclination from, though I began really really early—began first with the

7. Well the Altarsound Vision is a clear,

10. Well, facebook (www.facebook.com/

drums at 4/5 years of age and it grew from there. I was of course nurtured and honed

laid-out blueprint which as we trust

altarsoundministries), twitter (@altar-

God, He unpacks and unveils in respec-

sound) and of course, our website: www.

tive seasons. So we’re just following



2. Hmmm... My biological father dabbled with guitar, but I can’t say that’s where I got

by my adopted Father who is a musical genius and living legend. 3. Highlights: I’d have to say our ground-breaking self-funded sold-out live worship


recording in 2010 was definitely a highlight. Graduating the first set of students from Pastor Alexander Victor Visionary/Director Altarsound Worship Resources Unit 3, Cannon Wharf, 35 Evelyn Street, London SE8 5RT United Kingdom


P: +44 (0) 207 232 1731 E: alexander@altarsound.org W: www.altarsound.org FB: Alexander Victor, T: @alexanderv1ctor, Youtube: youtube.com/altarsound

“Redefining Worship On God’s Terms!


The Radical Youth

november 2014



Chris Eyre, Chief Constable Of The Nottinghamshire Police

So Ministering @ RY10


Fashion Show - RY Models



Senior Pastor and Tobi Martins



Pastor Labi & Infinity

youth Pastor, Pastor Bisi, Mummy Pastor and Kolas Oyeneyin (Pioneering RY President)

Tobi Martins, Kola Oyeneyin, Temi Ilori



Chris Eyre with Senior Pastor, Mummy Pastor & Infinity


A Teaching Session @ Weekend Away

Group of Participants @ Weekend Away



The Radical Youth

november 2014

L’aviye We hear you are currently studying for a PhD. What is this in and how are you finding it? I’m just about to finish my PhD in cancer proteomics and biomarker discovery. It’s been a very enjoyable experience, to be honest – there’s been good times and not so good times, but all in all, it’s been great! (L’aviye’s pastel elegance featuring items from the Zahara range) (L’aviye’s pastel elegance featuring items from the Adrianna range)

How does it feel being a student and doing a business alongside? I think that’s been the most challenging part of running my business – trying to juggle two full time projects at once. On top of that, I also hand make all the items myself, so I was having to balance that with the day to day business administrative tasks and being a PhD student.

Why did you choose this nature of business and how did you get where you are? As far back as I can remember, I’ve always loved customising outfits, making them ‘my own’ by adding sequins, beads etc. I started making accessories as a hobby around mid-October, 2012. A close friend wore some of my accessories to Radical Youth Convention in November, 2012 and people loved them. L’aviye was launched soon after that, around mid-December 2012. With L’aviye, I wanted to add my own contribution to the

already existing fashion scene by showing how African inspired jewellery & accessories can be incorporated into work, party, casual and play outfits.

Because of my L’AVIYE HAND BAG

At L’aviye, we hand make and customise jewellery – earrings, bangles, necklaces, hair accessories, brooches, and other accessories such bow ties, handbags, clutch bags and shoes. We also have a growing collection of men’s accessories such as bow ties, pocket squares and cufflinks.



African heritage, I’m a big fan of the vibrant colour and patterns of the African print fabric.

Olivia collection featuring rhinestone bangle, triangle necklace and bangles.

You draw inspiration from African prints and fabrics, what draws you to this? Because of my African heritage, I’m a big fan of the vibrant colour and patterns of the African print fabric. My vision from the start was to create quality, affordable, handmade accessories that embrace the es-


sence of my personal style which was rooted in my culture & heritage.

What advice would you give a student wanting to start a business?

Follow L’aviye on any of their social media platforms to stay updated on news, new releases, sales and giveaways.

Believe in yourself & stick at it, even when it gets tough. Nothing good comes easy.

• • • • •

Zahara collection featuring open toe shoes, enamel bracelets and diamanté drop earrings.

Tamara collection clutch purses, triangle earrings and open toe shoes.

Thank you for featuring us, RY!!! Just to say thank you, we’d like to offer your readers 10% OFF any item on our website. Visit: http://www.laviye.com and enter ‘TREAT10’ at the checkout.

Facebook: @laviye Instagram: @laviye Twitter: @laviyeofficial Pinterest: @laviyeofficial Youtube: @laviyeofficial



The Radical Youth

november 2014

the feelings of love grow faster than the

‘All things are lawful, but not all are ex-

commitment needed to make love last.

pedient for me…..’ ‘Flee ALL appearanc-

We should patiently wait for feelings

es of evil…….’

of love and commitment to develop toNote


Air can easily be polluted; water also Note

can be contaminated while a righteous

Several young women have be-

life can easily be brought low by sin and

come single parents because they

pleasures of sin.

took their body chemistry for grant-

An unmarried

ed while men’s conscience is being

couple should

into premarital sex.

avoid any activity

flogged daily by the error of going


that tempts them





thought they are capable of han-

toward sex, that gives the appear-

Several young women are into

dling their emotions. •

Look round in your neighbourhood

ance of immoral-

and see the devastation that the

ity, or that could

several people because they as-

be considered

and all sorts are things that can be


enemy has wrought in the lives of sume kissing, necking, touching done casually without consequenc-

2. Galatians 5:16 says we should let the Holy Spirit guide our lives, then we won’t be doing what our sinful nature craves. Seeing as we are sexual beings and lust often creeps in, how do you allow the Holy Spirit guide your desires? How do you control your emotions in a relationship? Can you give practical tips on how we can stick to boundaries? Answer:

es. a). Recognise the presence of the Holy


Spirit inside of you. b). Let the word of God dwell richly inside of you •

Meditate always on the Word of God


Is kissing and touching allowed in a relationship/courtship?


– In a way kissing and touching could

– Song of Solomon 2:7; 3:5; 5:8;

be a PRELUDE to SEX. If you are not

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,

ready for sex, simply avoid it. This

By the gazelles or by the does of the

becomes necessary because you can

field, Do not stir up nor awaken love un-

‘lose control’ and plunge into SEX

til it pleases.

Observe to do His word

Activate your will for righteousness

Set boundary according to God’s

– Kissing on the cheek could be a way of

and the consequences of such would

greetings. Touching could also be a way

shock you. Foreplay is designed to

Repetition most of the times means em-

of showing affection. They may or may

prepare or get one ready for sex, logi-

phasis. This verse was repeated three

not be sinful depending on the motive.

cally then, foreplay should be restrict-

times in this book. Feelings of love can

Can you also listen to your heart and

ed to married couples. Anything that

create intimacy that overpowers rea-

body and tell yourself sincerely what

can be considered foreplay should be

son. A lot of young people are often in a

colleague and lovers. Your bounda-

they are really saying to you? The an-

avoided till marriage. An unmarried

hurry to develop and intimate relation-

ries teach others how to treat you.

swers to these things are very crucial.

couple should avoid any activity that

ship based on feelings. Feelings how-

Boundaries are your warning signs.

Does your heart condemn you after

tempts them toward sex, that gives

ever are not enough to support a lasting

each touch or kiss?

the appearance of immorality, or that

relationship. We are being encouraged

could be considered foreplay

in this verse not to force romance lest

word (not according to the world’s conventions but Godly convic-


tions). Boundaries are necessary for


every relationship - friends, family,

After setting boundaries, ensure you stick to boundaries by:


The Radical Youth


november 2014

Watch and pray (Practically avoid


of people who had grown their career


How about complications that

agreement on this most crucial issue.

situations and circumstances that

alongside their spouse.

comes with child bearing at an ad-

Marrying for emotional and physical at-

vanced age?

traction can be a recipe for failure. Both

can endanger your spirit man) •

Such ‘best friend’ could become an alternative to your relationship and

Be aware of your boundaries

this prevents complete allegiance


to the relationship you are trying to

grow with your spouse to be. •

Pay attention to your boundaries

Gen 2:18 says… It is not good (suf-


What do you understand by

God, so they can surrender one to an-


ficient, satisfactory) that the man

the phrase…… ‘Enjoy the wife of your

other. It is important that we enter into

looks/ stature, neither is it about good jobs or profession.

should be alone; I will make him

youth’ does it connote any meaning to

this second most relationship (mar-

a helper meet (suitable, adapted,

you. PAUSE and THINK on these things.

riage) in our lives with great caution.

or unacceptable behaviour. Know-

ask God to come in to help you as

complementary) for him.

ing your boundaries allows you to

you build your new relationship

make a judgement and act upon it.

with your new found spouse.

The journey of life cannot be properly prosecuted without a profit-

Lessons for all seasons: I.


able relationship under the auspic-

Endeavour to be each other’s’ best

es of the almighty God. Therefore,

5. What to look for in a spouse?


eyes wide open. Our most important re-

deceitful and desperately wicked. So

lationship is that with our Lord and sav-

seek God who can search and bring out

iour Jesus Christ which must however

the intents of man’s heart. -

friend rather than having a ‘best

to succeed you need the comfort,

friend’ outside this new found rela-

encouragement, counsel, etc. of

even until she had brought forth her

tionship with your spouse.

someone else that God has placed

obedience to God’s word and seek

on your path.

to live a life that glorifies God.

6. Advice for the (young people)

How much does he/she love God?


God, he/she must seek to walk in

deeply share your heart/ emotions

two shall chase ten thousand. So

Does he/she have passion for God?

tercourse with her until she had brought

with any other person apart from

the best of you can only succeed to

Ephesians 5:22-24

forth Jesus (Mat 1:18-25)

your new found spouse.

the tune of a thousand while in the

One shall chase a thousand and

company of a man/ woman chosen

Lastly, I commend you unto God who is able to keep you from falling. God bless

able to easily correct.

you richly.


complish ten thousand.

These two/three things take prec-

(Dan 1:8) Life is about purpose, and pur-

wind down and grow this new re-

pose is brought to fruition by discipline,


walk in the company of a Joseph/ The bible does not say ‘stick around

Mary to properly actualise the pur-

and try to fight temptation, but to

pose of God for your life without

flee from it. 2 Timothy 2:2

stress at an incredible speed that

• 4. Personally, I’m very career oriented

Who are his/her friends?

rational thinking/reasoning, being guided by the word of God, prayers – All un-


‘Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be im-

Even God is a team player… let us

Actively seeking to become a ma-

pressed with his looks and stature. I’ve

create man… (Gen 1:26), let us go

ture person in Christ

already eliminated him. God judges per-

Examine these questions:

as Christians, there are some principles

I’m ready. What do you have to say


that are wise for us to heed. Temptations

about this?

complish your career goal?


How old are you now? How long will it take you to ac-

could arise when there are issues/prob-

Lastly, take good note of this…

sons differently than humans do. Men •

the right person for me by the time

life cannot be disconnected with time.


characters etc. (1 Timothy 3:11)

concern of not being able to find

to unhealthy emotional attachment.


Then his/her physical appearance,

between men and women, but for us

It is not wrong to build one’s career but


forbid close friendship relationships

which one way or the other could lead


proached with a measure of patience,

der the watchful eyes of the Holy Spirit.

ried. However, there is the fear and

ing such problems with such a friend


Who is he/she (his/her person)?

to a certain point before getting



This is not advised. The bible does not

lems and there is the possibility of shar-


down… (Gen 11:7)

and would love to build my career into a relationship or getting mar-


Stop ‘crawling’ alone when you can

you can never imagine.



edence over every other thing.

determination, patience, consistency

Be careful to diligently seek

is a lifelong matter that you may not be

of God for your journey, you can ac-

decision of life that can make or mar

God, you can’t afford to make mistake; it

fore you got engaged, gradually

3. Can a boy/girl in a relationship have a best friend that is the opposite sex?

Prayerfully look for proven, trusted and

How committed is he/she to-

If you had such a relationship be-

after you have prayed and convinced.

you. I.

heart that he will not defile himself…

and godliness.


tested elders as you make this crucial

into his house, he never had sexual in-

hesitate to seek for godly counsel even

Cultivate a healthy relationship between each other and refuse to

Daniel also purposed in his

Know that you can be sincere-

ly wrong in your judgement, so do not •

obeyed the Lord by taking in his wife


Know that the heart could be

be the focus of our lives. Answer:

Joseph and Mary remained

you ever imagined that after Joseph had

Everything is not about good

Not under an emotional cloud, but with

virgins throughout their courtship and first son which was named Jesus. Have

Lessons for all seasons

parties must be totally surrendered to

Rather than use ‘human crutches’

– this alerts you to inappropriate

the heart’ (1Sam16:7 GNB).

We must be surrendered / yielded

and women look at the face: God looks

to the will of God for our lives.

into the heart.’ (1 Sam 16:7, MSG)

The most important relationship a per-

‘Don’t judge by his appearance or height,

son can have outside of his/her rela-

for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t

tionship with God through Jesus Christ

make decisions the way you do! People

is his/her relationship with the spouse.

judge by outward appearance, but the

Therefore the key as stated above is a

LORD looks at a person’s thoughts and

Can you add it to your present

person with a personal faith in Jesus

intentions.’(1Sam16:7 NLT).

age, then how old would you be by that

Christ. If our vertical relationship with


the Lord is as it should be, then our hori-

‘Pay no attention to how tall and hand-

zontal relationships will reflect that re-

some he is. I have rejected him, because

ality. To have a godly and fulfilling mar-

I do not judge as people judge. They look

riage, a man and woman must be in full

at the outward appearance, but I look at


The bible says – there is time for every-


Would you not have passed

thing. Look around and you will see a lot

child bearing age?

Pastor (Dr) Funmi Alawale



The Radical Youth

november 2014

IHim will Trust

Trust according to the Oxford Dictionary is ‘Firm belief

peace, trusting God and not worrying about anything

in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or some-

so that His will alone be done. He has your future in


His hands so why worry? Just trust Him.

Psalms 118:8 - “It is better to trust in the LORD than to

‘Let His will be done’ has been my phrase recently.

put confidence in man.”

When things desired or expected turn out differently, we should always remember His ways are not ours

I am sure you have experienced disappointments at

and that His will be done. I would say those things

some points in life most especially as a result of rely-

were not included in His will. Or He may instruct you

ing firmly on humans. There is a God who never fails.

to do something entirely different from what you re-

Having firm belief in the reliability of God, there is

ally wish to do, at the end you must obey and trust.

assurance of no failure. The Omniscient knows it all. Right from when you ‘Trust’ – a word God sent to me. On February 24, 2014

were formed, He knew your ending. No matter how

He said to me ‘If only I would trust Him’.

tough a situation is, God knows why He is letting you go through it as He cannot give you more than you

God is dependable, faithful, a shield, a stronghold;

can handle. Yes, you can handle that situation and

strong tower where the righteous run into.

you will come out an overcomer. So trust Him to see

Are you going through tough times? Trust Him. Are

you through no matter how challenging the situation

you worried about anything? Once again, trust Him.


I am occasionally in deep thoughts concerning various

Trust Him with your heart and with your life at all

aspects of life to the extent that if you were aware of

times and you shall have peace!

my thoughts, you would ask me to go sleep. Honestly, that would be the perfect reaction for one should be at

By Fisayo (RY Notts Member)



The Radical Youth

november 2014

How to be a Successful lady in the 21st Century When we entered the millennium we apparently rid ourselves of all the facets of the old world. All the remnants of pre-millennium were swept away mainly by advances in technology and these advances in technology altered our perceptions of just about everything, from relationships, to religion, to careers to money.

YOUNG CONFIDENT LADY Photograph: Viktor Cap 2012

Our generation is blessed because the

In summary (this is more for the skim

opportunities available to us are end-

readers amongst you, who probably

less. We can be corporate flyers in the

read the opening paragraph and quickly

day and buskers (if we wish) by night.

moved on to the end, I don’t blame you

The point is there is so much we can do

as I often find myself doing the exact

, so just do it.

same thing) a lady then is one who recognises her value but also enables oth-

Be confident: I’ve always said that the

ers to see the value within themselves.

world favours the confident and looks

Furthermore, success, although harder

down on the shy. There is no room to

to quantify, can be measured by doing

hide behind an inhibited personal-

all the things abovementioned.

ity because that could ultimately stunt However, what is striking is the concept of

are generic rules us females (and males)

your prospects. Do not allow yourself

a lady has remained consistent through-

can apply to all areas of our lives in or-

to simply fade into the background be-

out the ages. The dictionary defines a

der to maximise our potential.

cause in doing so you are doing your-

Cristine Edusi (RY ALUMNI)

self a disservice. The world needs to be

lady as,

blinded by the light that only you can 1. A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper

Love Cris x



What then is a girl to do?



Try a little tenderness: The last one of

2.a. A woman regarded as proper and

my “top tips” is quite unusual but per-


haps the most important. In a world that

b. A well-behaved young girl.

Get some standards: The definition

is increasingly becoming self- seeking

3. A woman, especially when spoken of

above alludes briefly to standards of

and self-righteous tenderness will soon

or to in a polite way.

proper behaviour and whilst these are

become as rare as a full moon and ulti-

4.a. A woman to whom a man is romanti-

important, women need to gain stand-

mately lose its appeal. However, those

cally attached.

ards outside of their behaviour. For in-

who are tender, kind, with hearts and

b. Informal A wife.

stance, actively set standards as to how

minds that ooze affection and warmth

you wish to be treated in your friend-

will capture the world.

Numbers 1, 2a, 2b and 3 deserve our

ships and other intimate relationships

attention as these describe the char-

but more importantly reflect those

The article would lose its value if it did

acter and conduct of a lady. A lady is

standards. The next statement is ex-

not include another “top tip”. It would

distinguishable by her manner, her con-

tremely cliché but has to be reiterated,

be a huge error if as a woman I failed to

sideration of others, her virtue and be-

a woman is far more likely to be treated

address the myriad ways in which wom-

haviour. Although this conception of the

below par if she perceives herself lowly.

en are being spoken to within the me-

lady is definitely timeless, it provides

Value every essence of your being.

dia and other platforms. Our femininity

no detail for the millennium lady who

is being carved out for us, we feel com-

overwhelmed by changing perceptions,

Do something: In previous generations,

pelled to embrace identities that are

is confused as to how to express her-

once an individual chose a particular ca-

not our own, stereotypes are being used

self within this age. Even the question

reer path it was often the case that they

to define us but my mantra is, defy ste-

of how to succeed as a lady within the

stayed within that role for the remain-

reotypes and live out your own identity

21st century is also vague, especially

der of their lives, very few had identities

through Christ. Do not feel burdened by

as “success” is relative. However, there

that existed outside of their occupation.

other people’s expectations of you.


P.S. Power heels are an important accessory for any lady. Invest in a pair. P.S.S but always keep a pair of flat shoes in your bag for comfort.



The Radical Youth

november 2014

A seed and its fruit are never parted (My RY experience)

the love he had for Tamale, he granted his request immediately. Tamale was left alone and no one was allowed to ask for his fruit. For the next few months the farmer sold of the crop


in his garden as Tamale continued to


bear delicious fruits.

- Angela Chrystal

After a year, Tamale noticed that his fruit wasn’t as beautiful anymore- it grew pale and sickly, almost without the suc-

Diary entry 17/07/14 2:10pm

culent flesh it once had. The fruit would

Dear Diary, I have just received a phone call, email and text message requesting me to write a short article about my RY experience for the Radical Youth annual Magazine. I am soooo excited :-)

grow slowly, rot away quickly, and fall

you looked beautiful and constantly re-

Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,

by his trunk. His branches still grew with

moved the dried back so you could have

Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self con-

an elbow bend but shortly thereafter,

a beautiful trunk all year round.

trol- but he wants us to share this fruit

however, they changed their minds and

and he gives us grace to plant its seed

turned around again , as if frightened

The villagers loved you because you

everywhere we go, with whoever we

at the sight of the powerful though

never were proud from their compli-

are with and in whatever we do. When

Diary entry 17/08/13 6:00pm

pocked, burnt, time-wrinkled trunk. And

ments but always produced better fruit

I came to Nottingham, I was recovering

Dear Diary, I have spent the past 4 hours trying to put together

in turning around, the branches took a

with every season. You asked for a leave,

from my “two-year leave” and I prom-

this short article and it honestly feels like I have been assigned

different direction from the one before.

and as your friend I couldn’t refuse. That,

ised God that I will not enjoy my fruit

to go out in a thunder storm and catch some lightening.

Near to the end of the two years Tamale

however, meant that I couldn’t maintain


stood the only surviving plant in the

the other crops in the garden for they

garden, with nothing but a crooked and

grew from the seed in your fruits. So

He led me to GVC and I have grown so

shapeless trunk to remind him of his ex-

over this time the old plants have died

much in the church and RY has been a


out and dried away and there was not

good platform. I have learned that I can

seed to revive them. I have not been in

not bear more fruit if I do not sow my

Farmer Musana came to visit him. “Hello

the garden because I have no harvest to

seeds and seeds cannot grow if they are

my friend, I am glad to see you after so

collect or anyone that needs my help in

not planted.

long. You left your garden to dry out!”

looking after. So you see, you were the

Farmer Musana looked at him and said,

garden and when you asked for leave,

My daily life is a testimony and I have

“I did not let the garden dry up, you

the garden ceased.” “Oh no!!” cried Ta-

soooooo many other testimonies from

decided that the garden shouldn’t ex-

male, “how could I have been so selfish.

weekend away, voices, pyjama day, car

Diary entry 13/09/14 7:00am Dear Diary, I am way passed the deadline for this article - it is still needed but I can not write it anymore. It’s too rushed, and as Peep O would say it “I will not do it justice”. I am going to


be honest with the editor!!!!

Dear Mr Editor,

ist.” “How do you mean?” asked Tama-

Could you ever forgive me? Please, give

wash, baking, women’s conference, gvc

den. His branches dragged and twisted above the ground,

le, amidst tears. “You, my dear Tamale,

me another chance to make this right.”

conference, jobs, HEALING (another

unable, try as they might, to hoist themselves skyward; and

grew from very special seed. I sold all

Farmer Musana was glad to take Tamale

amazing story) and youth service that I

Sir, I was delighted when I received your phone call, request-

thus at a certain point of their progress they reconsidered their

that I had to buy your seed. My friends

back and this time he put in more effort

will not be able to give, seeing as to how

ing me to put pen to paper for the RY Annual Magazine. I sin-

effort and decided to turn back towards the trunk, creating a

thought I was crazy but there was some-

to make him bloom for the next harvest.

I have exceeded the word limit. But the

cerely apologise for what you are about to read is not in line

kind of elbow like bend or, in some cases, an out-and-out knot.

thing about you that I couldn’t explain.

Tamale asked that each person who ate

most satisfying thing is I do not tell of

with the instructions given me over the phone because the

When in season, people travelled from far and wide to eat of

I planted you in this very spot and

of his fruit was given seeds so they too

the testimonies from my own strength

call cut before I had time to mention or to give my terms and

Tamale’s fruit for the best description they heard was: “You

watched over you for years. You grew

could have gardens as big and fruitful.

for it has been by the Grace of God that

conditions. I am fond of storytelling in crayon “software” as

need to taste it to understand why you need to eat it.” Farmer

into a beautiful tree with no ordinary

Farmer Musana and Tamale lived hap-

I have made it this far.

my QWERTY is yet to be upgraded; therefore I humbly request

Musana loved Tamale and made certain all was well with him.

fruit- other trees had one fruit but you

pily ever after… THE END…

that you publish my article in comic sans font, blue floral bor-

One day Tamale called the farmer for a quick chat. “Farmer

had 9 different kinds. I used my first

derline and a footer that reads “Jesus is Lord”. Furthermore, a

Musana, I am truly grateful for all you have done for me. I have

profits to purchase the rest of the garden

Mr. Editor, Farmer Musana and Tamale

short article about an RY experience will be selling your read-

heard all the praises the villagers sing about my fruit therefore

and the best of your fruit every season

are real characters in this world; we all

ers short of a more beautiful story; I call it “a seed and its fruit

I only ask that you give me a two years leave, where I will be

to plant the rest of the garden. When the

have aTamale in us as Christians. Jesus

Yours sincerely,

are never parted”.

left alone to enjoy the fruits that grow from my branches - all

fruit grew bad on your branches, I took it

is the good farmer who paid a high price

the story teller

of them and when the two years are finished I will gladly give

away so that the good fruit could not be

for our lives, poured His spirit in us so

you the rest of the fruits I will bare.” The farmer was sad but for

contaminated. I cleared dried leaves so

we can bear 9 great fruits of Love, Joy,

Tamale was the most beautiful tree in Farmer Musana’s gar-

Mr. Editor, Thank you for reading my letter :)




The Radical Youth

november 2014


the RY story 11 Facts about RADICAL YOUTHS @11years Pastor ‘Labi Mebude GVC RY Youth Pastor - 2009 till date



11 Years ago, RY was active in 1 university only (Not-



he first ever RY retreat, now known as weekend away,

tingham Uni); 11 years later, we have RY in over 20

was attended by 40 students in 2007. At the 2014

universities in the UK.



Weekend Away Auction Fundraising

ber of young people attend (just fewer than 200), 50 charge.




11 years ago, we had less than 10 members in RY; 10 years later, we have over 3,000+ members in RY.



In the last 11 years, over 6,000 students have past


Weekend Away Booking before January is £90 ( £100 otherwise )

weekend away in February, we had the highest numof which were non believers who attended free of





Radical Youth Week

GVM Annual Conference

though RY, some stayed, some just visited, some eve-



ry active, some didn’t etc.


11 years ago Radical Youth had just 5 leaders; 10 years later, we have over 70 leaders currently in RY 2014/15 academic year.






had over 1000 attendees from Friday to Sunday. We are estimating more this year.



In the last 11 years, God has really helped us through

By 2015, RY will be in 30 universities by the grace of

Radical Youth started in Sussex University, Brighton in October 2014

Radical youth take Over Sunday

occurrence(s)! God has granted us favour, support,


help, resources etc






Second Radical Youth Leaders Training

the journey; there is no record of death or evil




First Radical Youth Leaders Training

Radical Youth End of Year Ball

dents since its inception.

200 students within a few universities. Last year we



In the last 11 years, RY has graduated over 1,000 stu-

The first ever RY conference was attended by less than



In February 2014, Radical Youth raised £3, 150 [with the Help of GVM and various fundraising] to sponsored 50 unbelievers to weekend away 2014


Radical Youth ‘Let Your Life Count’ Conference




Support the Vision... Radical Youth would like your support in prayers, by attending our weekly/bi – weekly meetings and financially. If you need more information, please call any of the following numbers: P. ‘Labi: 07947797323 Esther Opiyo: 07454339918 www.radicalyouth.co.uk



The Radical Youth

november 2014 University of Manchester

Loughborough University

University of Salford

Nottingham Trent University

University of Nottingham

University of Sheffield

London School of Economics

Aston University Birmingham

University of Birmingham

h out n S ersity o d v Lon k Uni Ban

Sheffield Hallam University

University of Bradford University of Leicester

RADICAL YOUTH London Metropolitan University


Cov Uni entry ver sity

Radical youth is currently in these universities across the United Kingdom University of Leicester

Manchester Metropolitan University

Bristol University University Of Bedfordshire

y rsit lia ive t-Ang n U as of E

Radical Youth meetings is currently NOT active in Bristol and Bedfordshire (Luton) New Regions: • Sussex University Coming Soon: • University of West London

University of Sussex

University of Derby


Headquarters God’s Vineyard Church 292 Derby Road Nottingham NG7 1QF Tel: 01159472486 http://www.godsvineyardchurch. org/ Email: admin@godsvineyardchurch.org Service Times: Sundays 1st service: 8.00am -10.15am 2nd service: 10.30am-12.45pm 3rd service: 6.00pm - 7.30pm Thursdays: 7.00pm - 9.00pm Branches Birmingham Chinese Community Centre, 99 Bradford Str. Digbeth Birmingham. B12 0NS Tel: 07904766921 Email: birminghamgvc@gmail. com, info@godsvineyardchurch. org Service Times: Sundays: 10.00am - 12.30pm Wednesday: 7:30pm - 9.00pm (Bible Study) Derby Suite 3,158-162 Abbey Street, Derby. DE22 3SS Tel: 07900957500 Email: gvcderby@godsvineyardchurch.org

Contact: 07984416723 Email: gvclondon12@gmail.com Website: www.godsvineyardchurch-london.org Loughborough Charnwood College Schofield Road LE11 4SQ Tel: 07734957502 Email: gvcladmin@godsvineyardchurch.org Service Times: Sundays - 10.00am - 12.30pm Wednesdays: 6.00pm - 7.00pm Fridays: 7.00pm - 9.00pm GVC Manchester Suite 213, 2nd Floor Hilton House 26-28 Hilton Street, Manchester Tel: 07596655152 Email: manchestergvc@gmail. com Service Times: Sundays - 10.00am - 12.30pm GVC Leicester Youth Church University Of Leicester University Road LE1 7RH Ken Edwards Building Lecture Theatre 2 Service Time: Sundays: 11am-12.30pm Mondays: 7-8.30pm (Youth fellowship) Tuesdays: 6-7pm (Prayer)

Service Times: Sundays: 10.00am - 12.30pm Thursdays -6.30pm - 8.00pm Every 3rd Friday of the Month: 9.00pm - 12.00 Midnight (Night of Glory)

ABUJA Oxford Hotel, 26 Suez Crescent, Off Ladi Kwali St, By Sheraton Hotels, Zone 4.

GVC London The Globe Academy (Off New Kent Road) London, SE1 6AF

LAGOS No 8, Fola-Agoro Street, (Ireti Oniresi-Adun) Lagos.

Service Time: Sundays: 11am - 1pm Every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Monthly 7pm - 9pm

Service Times: Sundays - 10.00am - 12.30pm

Service Times: Sundays - 10.00am - 12.00pm

For more information on how to contact the different universities, their meeting times, venue etc, please contact the Youth Pastor (Pastor Labi). Would like to start Radical Youth at your university or like to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will give you all the necessary support. Write to us or contact us via details below: Pastor ‘Labi Mebude [RY Pastor] God’s Vineyard Church. 292 Derby Road, Lenton Nottingham NG7 1QF t. 01159472486, 07947797323 e. admin@godsvineyardchurch. org, p.labi.mebude@gmail.com [ask of Pastor ‘Labi or Esther]

facebook.com/GVCNOTTINGHAM twitter.com/GVCNOTTINGHAM youtube.com/GVMNOTTINGHAM

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