Let’s talk about your latest release, 20/20 vision! Firstly, I wanted to address the title of the record and get a brief explanation over why you felt this was the best suited title to encompass all of the tracks. There’s a lot of forces at work to keep folks choosing apathy over empathy, cynicism over optimism. The search for clarity through smoke screens of division is the main theme of the record. But there’s an overarching question about the future. What do we want it to look like? We know what it looks like if the status quo remains the same. I’m far more interested in a future that is centered on social, economic, racial and environmental justice.
With a lot of the themes that inspired this record revolve around Donald Trump and his government, how long have you been writing or sitting on some of these tracks for 20/20 vision? Started writing Dec 2018. This is the first record where we had art work, album title, and it’s storyline built before hitting record. “Hate Conquers All” was the first song written for the album. We knew it would open it. The ashes of The American Fall.