2 minute read
Dear Frankie
It’s the Thought That Counts
Dear Frankie,
Paris invited me to her birthday party. I was so excited to learn it would be at the barn where she keeps her horse. When I got to the park the next day, everyone was talking about what to get Paris for a birthday present. Olivia showed us a horse magazine and said we could look over the ads and order something a rider might like. I almost fainted when I saw the prices. Even a riding cap with a pompom on top was super expensive. So, I asked my mom what she thought I should get for a present. She said a gift that was thoughtful and affordable. Do you think Paris will think I am cheap if I don’t bring a present from the horse magazine?
Dear Addie,
Paris invited you as a friend to celebrate her birthday. She didn’t ask you as a donor to fund her equestrian wardrobe. Remember, it was Olivia’s, not Paris’s, idea to get a gift from the magazine. If you decide to get her a gift related to horses, there are many affordable options. How about a book or a video about a horse, or a coloring book that features horses? Another idea is to make her a beaded bracelet with her horse’s name. For a fun gift, bring an old horseshoe (a symbol for good luck) with a card wishing her a blue ribbon at her next horse show. There is a saying, “It’s the thought that counts.” I’m with your mom. A gift should be more about the thought that went into selecting just the right gift and less about how much it costs.
P.S. The more I think about it, the more I like the horseshoe idea, but it’s your gift, not mine.
Frankie is a rescue and a service dog for Geneva Woodruff. Together, they have traveled far and wide. Along the way, Frankie befriended dogs from all walks of life. She thought it would be remiss not to share the many lessons of life she learned from them.