And the Results are in ... A phrase we use annually for the Nola Family July/August issue is, “the results are in,” which usually refers to our “Family Favorites” Reader Survey results. But this year, there’s a dichotomy to this phrase. By this, I’m referring to the long-overdue national consciousness awakening that’s a result of the renewed Black Lives Matter movement. Public dissent and protests are starting cultural conversations on a national level, with racial injustices and inequities now front and center in everyone’s psyche and waking thoughts. But to put these protests into perspective, one needs to realize that it was 60 years ago this fall that young Ruby Bridges desegregated William Frantz Elementary School here in New Orleans. Sixty years. That number conveys how long overdue the conversation really is. To this end, one of our features this month broaches how to open the conversation with your child on race, racial differences, and inequalities - and how to keep that dialog open. I spoke at length with Jenni Evans, Program Manager and Parent Educator at The Parenting Center of Children’s Hospital New Orleans, for her professional advice. First, we discussed how to rethink one’s own adult mindset and then how to make this conversation age appropriate and cogent for your child. You’ll also find in this issue an article about books to facilitate that dialog with your child, with suggested readings by age of books that support Black voices and examine the themes of anti-racism and social justice. An expanded book list can be found on our website.
Every way you look at it, we’re all in this together.
Thoughtfully yours,
Trevor Wisdom
july/august 2020 |
And another great topic? Our list of local businesses that you’ve taken the time to call out as being your favorites. We’re thrilled to support these businesses - and all local businesses - that are here with us, serving the community in this COVID-19 new normal. Please take the time to review the list and not only celebrate the winners, but support each business represented here and your own list of favorites, too.