10 minute read

Sense of place

A sense of place


Nigel Morris

Chief Executive Officer at Alexandrina Council at Middleton Beach

After six and a half years as CEO of District Council of Yankalilla, Nigel felt honoured to be selected as CEO of Alexandrina Council. ‘Staying on the Fleurieu was important to me, I love the sense of open air and freedom… It is just spectacular, clean and green and it feels right,’ he says. For Nigel, all of these things intersect at Forktree Brewing in Carrickalinga. ‘It is a place where you can sit and relax and watch the kangaroos on the rolling hills of the farmland and out to the ocean of the Fleurieu Coast while listening to the joys of the sounds of community chatter and laughter.’ If not taking in the view at Forktree, Nigel can be found watching the sunset from his home in Middleton. He enjoys taking time to walk in the footsteps of history on the Great (Big) Gorge Walk, which runs adjacent to the Yankalilla River and follows Colonel William Light’s walking route during his first surveys. When he feels like some community connection – or sometimes some hot debate – Nigel knows he’ll always find some form of camaraderie when visiting Rick and the team at the Range Restaurant, Mount Compass Golf Course.

Amelia Egan

Co-owner, Egan Builders at worksite, Port Elliot

The feeling of community within the Fleurieu is what defines Amelia’s sense of place. ‘There seems to always be support both personally and in business and I have witnessed this many times,’ she says. Amelia feels grounded by the people she surrounds herself with – ‘anywhere in this local area when I am with my family and friends’ – rather than a specific destination. When looking for an opportunity to reset, Amelia is drawn to the ocean. ‘We are so lucky to have so much beautiful coastline on the Fleurieu.’ Amelia’s favourite place to watch the sun rise and fall is from her home, where she’s lucky enough to have beautiful views on her doorstep. Amelia connects with other Fleurieu folk at her regular Hill Street Fitness sessions in Port Elliot – a place that serves her physical and mental wellbeing while also fostering a strong sense of community. ‘I have always felt a sense of support and belonging there, as I know others do too.’

Brioni Oliver

Operations Manager, Oliver’s Taranga at the forest on the family property

For Brioni, the Oliver property is where she finds her strongest sense of place. ‘Our family has been here for six generations, so as soon as I come over the hill into McLaren Vale, I know it’s home and it is just a feeling you have. I think it’s from our family history and living here my whole life – not only my life but my dad’s and my grandparents’,’ she says. Brioni feels most grounded in the forest on their property. Not only is it a place full of memories of childhood play, but also ‘just quiet, grounding and calming.’ Brioni’s sense of place extends to the coast, only ten minutes from her roots in McLaren Vale, where something about the surroundings feels ‘cleansing and refreshing’. To get her community fix, Brioni likes to drop into Duke’s Restaurant at the Moana surf club. ‘I feel like when I go down there I always find someone willing to have a chat and it’s just really friendly,’ she says. For a different kind of bonding, Brioni also loves her netball and footy club, full of familiar and friendly faces: ‘it’s all local people and everyone has the same goal.’

We asked members of the Fleurieu community and our advertising partners to reflect on where we live – or more importantly how we live, how we connect and what gives us a real ‘sense of place’ here on the Fleurieu.

Matt Smith

Director at Watermayne at Goodieson’s Brewery

Charles Manning

Owner at Face the World at The Flat to Vale Trail

Emma-Lee Shirvington

Sales and Brand Manager, Shirvington Wines at the Port Willunga jetty poles

Life on the Fleurieu has given Matt and his family a strong sense of community and belonging, intertwined with beautiful landscapes and clean air. Watching the sun slowly rise over the south-eastern hills from their back deck to the soundtrack of chirping birds on their McLaren Flat acreage is a sacred morning ritual, rivalled only by the sunsets they view from the front. ‘Summer sunsets,’ Matt says, are breathtaking. ‘The sky is filled with red, pink, purple and orange underlined by the silhouette of trees, vineyards and old rustic rainwater tanks.’ Matt also loves that he can balance the country life with beach life: ‘Seaford and Port Noarlunga first thing in the morning on a still day; the smell of the salt air; the sound of the waves lapping the shore, and the squeak the sand makes being walked on for the first time that day is bliss.’ If Matt is looking for some company, he knows he’s guaranteed a warm and welcoming environment with familiar faces aplenty at Goodieson Brewery – as well as an outstanding selection of beers. At the other end of the day, Matt can find a different kind of community feel at Kicco Espresso on the main street of the Vale, ‘with coffee that is simply the best!’ Nothing makes Charles feel more grounded than his 6am bootcamp on the beach twice a week, or an early morning Thursday walk with his circle of mates – both of which are followed by a dip in the ocean no matter the time of year. ‘The feeling of exhilaration the salt water dip brings cannot be underestimated, I always come away feeling alive and my cup full, both from the sea and the connection with other good men from our community,’ he says. For Charles, the perfect places for contemplation in nature are Onkaparinga Gorge or sitting looking over Horseshoe Bay at Port Elliot. If not there, Charles says he finds his sense of place beside his ‘beautiful wife, Janice, at home in our veggie garden, walking our dogs on the new Flat to the Vale trail, or at Port Willunga beach followed by coffee at Maxwell’s or Goodness.’ Charles takes it all as it comes, his favourite days bookended by the sunrise over their vineyard and sunset at any of our stunning Mid-Coast beaches. ‘Our vineyards in McLaren Vale encompass a sense of place. I feel most at home among the vines,’ says Emma-Lee. ‘I have grown up in a wine family from the age of twelve and I have found myself constantly surrounded by our beautiful land and vineyards.’ On a clear day, Emma-Lee loves watching the sunset over the family vineyard from the back corner of her house in Whites Valley. If not there, the next best sunset destination is Port Willunga beach. If Emma-Lee feels like taking some time out to contemplate in nature, the Shiraz Trail paves the perfect path to enjoy the fresh air and some exercise, all while soaking in McLaren Vale’s picturesque surroundings. The Willunga Farmers Market, with its bustling energy and community spirit, is Emma-Lee’s favourite place to connect with other locals, while supporting small businesses. There’s nothing quite like coming home with a bag overflowing with produce, knowing that the proceeds go straight into the hands of local families. >

Adam Mrotek

Owner, Mrotek Town Planning at the footbridge, Old Noarlunga

Adam’s sense of place spans the Fleurieu’s ‘dramatic coastlines, sandy beaches, rolling green hills and spectacular views, be it over the Willunga Basin or to the lower lakes and Coorong.’ He feels most grounded in the Onkaparinga River National Park, where he can enjoy ‘the solitude of walking through the gorge amongst the tall eucalypts and the timeless perspective this ancient landscape brings to present day problems.’ Whether it be on a warm summer’s evening or a ‘crisp sunny winter’s day,’ Adam can’t think of a better place to watch the sunset than riding along the stretch of coastline between Christie’s Beach and Moana. If not there, Adam can be found walking the river’s edge next to the Old Noarlunga township, ‘something that is very accessible to all abilities and a great way to connect with the community.’ Adam goes to Long Shot & Co in Old Noarlunga, opposite Market Square for a ‘hip, family and pooch friendly’ coffee or brunch fix, along with ‘friendly smiles.’

Anton Groffen

Viticulturist at Wirra Wirra Vineyards at the Aldinga Scrub

Ironically, Anton feels most grounded when he’s out on the water: ‘either snorkelling out on the Aldinga reef, fishing from my tinny, surfing on the South Coast or en route to the Cape Jervis ferry.’ The coast is what first lured Anton to McLaren Vale, a unique place where he could enjoy a relaxed wine region with a hint of salt in the air. Anton watches these two worlds meet from a peaceful spot on a sand dune behind his house in the Aldinga Scrub, taking in the view of the Willunga Hills all the way through to Sellicks, or further south watching swell at the dramatic Waitpinga Cliffs. When Anton thinks of community, he thinks of his Wirra Wirra tribe who are ‘always doing amazing work in the region.’ Anton’s favourite zone for contemplation is running at Aldinga Beach, Deep Creek, or on the southern leg of the Heysen Trail. Despite the sometimes brisk Saturday mornings Anton spends watching his son Jarvis in the under 10’s Willunga Demons playing footy, he wouldn’t have it any other way – especially when it includes a post-match visit to Home Grain Bakery.

Nick Hutchinson

General Manager, Fleurieu Milk Company at Valley of Yore, Myponga

‘To me, the Fleurieu Peninsula brings such pride. It is a place you want to return to when away, it is a place you feel safe, and a place that you want to respect and preserve,’ says Nick. His sense of place in the region isn’t only in its unmatched, picturesque landscapes, but also ‘the small community feel no matter where you visit.’ Nick feels most grounded when he’s outdoors in the fresh air with his family. ‘You know they’re safe and quite often it is a time I find myself reflecting on just how lucky we are.’ Nick fondly reminisces over the community he found in the old Myponga General Store. ‘As soon as you opened the door Kev and Vicki met you with a smile and a story to tell, then you could sit there having conversation after conversation as locals came and went.’ Nick counts his lucky stars that previous generations of his family picked the Fleurieu as their home all those years ago, giving himself and his partner Tina the opportunity to raise their kids in ‘such a special place.’

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