Pages/overlays from FlexiForce University articles from FlexiForce INFO magazine till 2012. NB! Presented information is subject to change without notice
Content: Bottom brackets - Windows - Curves - Shafts and tubes - Cable drums - Aluminum profiles production - Sales idea - Bolts & Nuts Safe door solutions - SuperClick(r) - Garage door configuration RESL - RESX - 444 - Q&A Springs - Product development process CE-LHR - After Sales Service - Industrial bearing plates - DockDoor system - SafeStep - Couplers - SafeStep - Springs on beams - Seals & astragals - MultiPoint locks - Spring Time! - Led light bars.
April 2012
Pages from University
by Ton Peterse
“The bottom line” In this chapter of FlexiForce University, Ton Peterse, group technical manager, explains about an important part of sectional doors: Bottom brackets. The main function of bottom brackets on sectional overhead doors is: Attachment of the lifting cable to the bottom door section. In this way, “carrying” the total door weight. FlexiForce offers a wide range of different versions, which can be selected based on these choices:
For garage doors? Or for industrial doors? With cable length adjustment? Or non-adjustable?
Steel, aluminium or stainless steel?
Cable break safety device? Or just bottom bracket? With slack cable protection?
For which maximum door weight? Cable wire diameter?
“Light” version (w=60mm) or normal version (w=70mm)?
Cable inside track system? Or outside?
During her 27 years of existence, FlexiForce have expanded the total range of bottom brackets to more than 30 versions. And these are only the standard versions, so not counting the specific customer specials.
Looking at the information above, it seems to be very difficult to make the right choice bottom bracket for your door. In the information below, we want to explain to you, that there is a logical way of approaching this selection process.
Performance (kg) The total door weight, first of all, leads to selecting the thickness of the cable. Most commonly used in the door industry is 7x19 steel cable (“aircraft”) and 6x19+PP steel cable with plastic core. This stands for 6 bundles of 19 wires each and 1 plastic core. Based on the quality, cable wire thicknesses of 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm are applied for door weight of respectively max. 165, 295, 450 and 750 kg. NB! Cable breaking strength is a determined value by CE-norms, which also describe the way of installing cable sleeves (alu or steel) correctly. Check these guidelines for safe use of cable and cable connections. After the cable, of course the bottom bracket itself needs to be constructed strong enough and it must provide a solid cable fixation. When the cable is first being guided before it is mounted to the bottom
bracket, the quality of the cable guidance is critical to prevent wear and tear of the cable. An ideal cable guidance can be easier achieved with aluminium (die-cast) design compared to a stamped part. “The chain is as strong as the weakest link” is certainly applicable on the connection between cable and door section. After selecting the proper cable, and after a solid connection of the cable to the bottom bracket, next step is the fixation of the bottom bracket to the bottom door section. This last connection depends on the bottom bracket design, the fixation material, the configuration of the door section itself and the proper installation (and manual) by a qualified mechanic. The quality of the fixation surface is determined by panel, end caps and bottom aluminium profile. With large, heavy doors, this combination could be the weakest link. This can be compensated by using a bottom bracket with an extra flange, “carrying” the bottom section. For really heavy doors, we offer 3” track system, with 3” rollers and special 3” bottom brackets or cable break devices. Given the fact that the numbers of these doors are limited in the market, also the choice in bottom bracket versions 3” are limited. The many variations that have been introduced over the years, lead, unfortunately, to different hole-patterns for the fixation of bottom brackets. For that it is important to follow the guidelines in the installation manuals for fixing the bottom bracket to the panel. For safety reasons, a door producer should warn (with labels) on the bracket, not to loosen any screw when the door is installed. USmanufacturers use screws with a red coated head, which signals for danger. Cutting of the bottom section is not allowed. The forces on cable break devices and bottom brackets are very high. Cutting is weakening the construction of the door on this critical point. If you need to cut the bottom section make sure you can guarantee the strength.
by Ton Peterse
Cable adjustment The door sections have to be installed “water level”. To achieve this, adjusting the length of the cable can be opted for on the bottom bracket. If not there, it has to be done in the cable drum, or with the adjustable shaft coupler. 444
In most cases, the cable is being guided and connected to an eye bolt, with open or closed “eye”. This bolt is adjustable in height. The cable is provided with a thimble and sleeve (for example 428TAI(-S)). Another solution for cable adjustment is fixing an end sleeve on the cable after guiding the cable through an adjustable hollow bolt. For example 440REGL-1040. The best solution however, is fixing the cable directly, without guidance, with a thimble to the bracket. This solution is available in our latest cable break device, type 444. With a cable connector that operates as a lever, optimal cable adjustment is achieved, in two directions. This solution is “patent pending”. At doors with lift system “Normal Lift” or “Low Head Room” (read garage doors), the position of the bottom roller is very important. It determines if the door sections stay in the days opening or not, when opening the door. This position has to be selected, depending on the position of the cable fixation point and the height of the bottom seal. The roller carrier can be an integrated part of the bottom bracket or it can be installed afterwards. 429S roller carrier seperate
Safety devices European safety norms (CE-CPD EN13241-1) demand that doors are being protected against dropping after cable breaking. To ensure a maximum drop distance of 300mm, a cable break device is a solution. All cable break devices have the same way of functioning: when the cable breaks, a mechanism is activated that clamps into the vertical track system, which causes the falling door to stop. The most popular solution, introduced by FlexiForce many years ago with the 440-600 type, is a knife, mounted on a U-bracket, which, after cable break, cuts into the front of the 2V-track. Today still available with 440-600, 440REGL(-1040), 440LHR, 440-3”, 440HD and the new 444. More rarely is a solution where there are holes over the total length of the vertical angle, in which a pall strikes after cable break. Our 442DS-40 is such a device.
429 roller carrier integrated
The cable break device with knife, have the risk that in normal lift systems (NL), the knife runs against the curve when opening the door. Proper installation can prevent this (see FF installation manuals). There is a frequently asked question on whether cable break devices are required on garage doors. The answer is really simple, when the cables can carry the door weight with a six times safety factor, the cable break device is not mandatory. When the cable breaks, the other cable holds the door. This is the case in most garage door situations. When closing a power operated door, due to the time-lag between activating the shaft and movement of the door sections, the cable tension can be too low at a certain moment. It is called “slack cable”. This is dangerous, because, when the operator keeps on rotating the shaft, the cable can run of the cable drum, which causes the door sections to drop. To prevent this, slack cable systems have been introduced. There are two main systems: detection systems and detection+correction systems. The first system is used in combination with cable break devices and bottom brackets. An electrical switch on the eye-bolt (6901SCHA) or on the U-bracket (445SW or 440SWL/R) is activated when the cable tension drops. It sends a signal to the operator, which stops running. The slack cable system has to be installed in such a way that small differences in cable tension will not lead to stopping the operator.
“ To ensure max 300mm drop distance, a cable break device the the solution” CE CE norms have changed the configuration of overhead doors significantly. Cables outside the track (unprotected) are not allowed any more, protruding parts must be covered (like 444 with cover) and high demands are described on the cable break force and the performance of cable connections.
We have the feeling that in the future, new versions of bottom brackets will be introduced, while existing versions will be banned. So, to be continued? Ton Peterse Group Technical Manager tope@flexiforce.nl
by Ton Peterse
A clear view through ou Garage doors and industrial doors can be equipped with specially designed windows. Main function of a window is to get daylight coming into the building. But also being able to look from inside of the building to outside and visa versa could be important. Last but not least the appearance of a door often is improved by placing nice design windows. So, reason enough to inform you “in deep� about the different FlexiForce window options and backgrounds. 6
and therefore today not used anymore. Other windows are being build up out of two frames and glazing. Frames In the USA, rectangular window frames are often made out of plastic extruded profiles which are being cut and fixed (glued) in the corners. This is a flexible way of producing the frames, because sizes can differ from window to window. Most window frames on the European market are made as two parts produced through injection moulding. With this way of production all kind of surface treatments are possible. Wood grain is probably the most famous version. Most windows in Europe are designed for 40 mm thick panels. Since tooling of plastic injection moulding is expensive, frames for thicker panels are often re-worked versions of 40 mm frames. Glazing Common used glazing materials are acrylic and SAN (Styrene Acrylonitril). Main difference between these two is that SAN is harder, lighter and more rigid, but it scratches more easily. SAN used to be cheaper compared to acrylate, but that difference is less nowadays. Higher quality materials as Lexan®, which is polycarbonate, are solely used on special demand because of its higher price. In some markets, real glass is still used. Due to the EU demands on use of glass surfaces in houses, it is necessary to use high quality glass, which is expensive and heavy. Therefore this solution is not so popular in Europe. Recently a new material was introduced to our industry, Duratec®. This is SAN glazing with a special coating to have a higher quality surface (scratch resistance). Also used in headlamps of cars etc.
ur windows Note: In this article, I limit myself to explanations on windows. Full vision aluminium sections, another way of achieving the above mentioned functions are not included here. Windows: different types Historically, one of the first window types used on isolated door panels is the, so called, ‘caravan window’. This is a single or double acrylic window surrounded by a rubber seal which fits the panel thickness. A very basic, non burglar resistant solution 7
Double glazing is main part of the market. In some cases, single glazing might be a cheap alternative. One way to produce double glazed windows is fixing one acrylic sheet to the inner frame, while fixing the other to the outer frame. An even better solution is to have the double glazing glued on a (for example aluminium) spacer after which this ‘cassette” is glued to the outer frame of the window. This really closes the space between both sheets (FlexiForce codes 2380TC1/2). On most windows the glazing on the outside is some 3 mm thick and the inside glazing is 2mm thick. The bigger the window, the weaker the construction and the easier to break into the building. Inserts For garage door windows, the design of the window is important. Often garage doors are equipped with cassette panels. The window must exactly fit into the dimensions of such a cassette, to keep the design of the door consistent. A nice accessory for garage door windows are so called inserts. Plastic pieces, in the shape of a cross, rhombus, sun and other shapes, create a “traditional look” of the door. Inserts are stamped out of plastic sheets, or, like in our 2230CL-series of windows, made as 3D-versions.
by Ton Peterse
Click or screw The inner- and outer window frames can be installed in the door by clicking or screwing them together. FlexiForce offers both options. Clicking is less labour intensive. Advantage of screwing the frames is that you can easily dismantle the window again for repairs, replacement or when installed wrongly. Our sales statistics show that both ways of assembling are almost equally liked in our customer group.
to inform the end user in the manual about cleaning instructions for the windows. Cleaning by flushing water on to the window is the best option. Using a cloth can lead to the dirt causing scratching, especially with SAN windows.
Windows: quality A perfect window is: • easy to install • water tight • temperature resistant • UV-resistant • scratch-resistant Ease of installation is mainly determined by ‘click or screw’ (see above) and by the tolerance that is allowed in the cut-outsize of the window. Water tightness depends on the fixation of the frame in the door panel and the fixation of the glazing in the frame, either by glue or by seal. No water may come between the double glazing or even on the inside of the door. Most FlexiForce windows are foreseen with rubber sealing kit to allow certain maximum surface variations in the panel. When the panel is grooved, extra sealant might be needed at the place of the groove.
Quality is assured also in the professional production of windows (see insert). FlexiForce inserts the production week/ month and year in each frame as part of our factory production control system. This way we can match the time of delivery with the warranty period and take actions where needed. Windows: CE regulations Using windows in door sections can reduce the ITT-class declared of the door in terms of water penetration. Depending on the number of windows installed per section it will also effect the wind load class because it weakens the construction. Therefore in our Initial Type Testing Report, door sections with window types included are tested and declared. The windows itself must apply to CE-norm EN12600, which is about glazing and breaking of the window. All FlexiForce windows apply to this norm. In the near future, burglar-resistancy will become a major issue in the CE-standards. Pre-drafts are in progress now. In some countries, local legislation is already in place on this subject. For example, in the Netherlands, this is called ‘Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen’ (Police Quality Mark for Safe Living).
Temperature resistant. The outer frame must withstand big temperature variations in order to keep a good construction. Especially black plastic on the sunny side of the building are possible victim of loosing the original shape due to high temperatures. FlexiForce has designed and tested her windows in such a way to prevent this from happening. In case of using coloured window frames, the frame and the glazing must be UV resistance for a certain period. To avoid scratching of the acrylate, FlexiForce supplies her windows with a protection foil on the window surfaces. Before handing over the door to the end user, this foil has to be removed. The best way to do this is to put a little alcohol on the corner of the foil. It shrinks and than is easy to grab. Make sure 8
Windows: Production 01 ←
A special developed grade of raw material is used for production of the black window frames.
The raw material is pre-dried, melted and injected into a complex steel mould.
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A robot is applying the black butyl in accordance with the costumers specifications.
Finished windows waiting to be packed and shipped to customers world wide.
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A special formulated 2- component epoxy glue is applied in a air conditioned chamber to the frame before the inner and outer glazing is carefully mounted into the frame.
The semi-finished window is resting for hardening of the glue for 12 hours.
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While still warm the frame is placed in a calibration jig.
The frame is stacked and transported to quality check and packing.
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The water cooled mould opens and shows the details of a window frame.
The frame is taken out of the mould by a robot and transported to the next workstation.
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FlexiForce windows are being produced through high quality plastic injection moulding. Now you see a step-by-step overview of this production process.
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by Ton Peterse
Windows: FlexiForce Today, FlexiForce offers you a full range of windows, for all kind of situations and applications. A clear overview can be found on our website catalogue: www.flexiforce.com (windows).
Windows: news FlexiForce windows 2400-90 and 2397 will become equipped with aluminium spacers, forming a perfectly closed double glazing cassette. We will keep you informed on the availability of this improvement.
Some end users do not like their high class garage door to be equipped with a plastic window. They want the door to stay high class, all the way. That is why we now introduce a very nice window for garage doors. 2430 is a round window, with a stainless steel frame and hardened glass filling. Top quality which looks stunning in traditional and high tech garage doors. The window is installed with a screw-connection between inside and outside frame and suitable for panel thicknesses of 38-42 mm.
The outside diameter is 330 mm. Order your sample from your sales team. Stock will be available from end of March 2008. We will keep you updated through our website news service on this.
2430 Stainless Steel round window Full package quantity: 1 Price per piece: â‚Ź 69,50
New windows for garage doors are coming up. Type 2250CL, 2250GR, 2250CL-BLA and 2250GR-BLA. High quality window, packed per two in a box including installation manual and drill-mould. Size 675 x 210 mm, with screws, wood grain finish. Soon more news on these windows.
by Ton Peterse
AROUND THE CURVE If there is one typical part that makes an overhead door really an “over-the-headdoor”, it is the curve (or bend). The curves form the connection between the vertical and the horizontal track. Main function is to guide the sections through from vertical to horizontal (door opens) and reverse (door closes). In this article, I would like to inform you on “need-to-knows” and interesting information on curves in general and of course FlexiForce curves in particular.
“Need-to-knows” A curve for overhead doors is often made out of a straight piece of track (rails). In some cases it is made of other material like plastic or aluminium.The door sections only run smoothly through a curve, when there is at least one roller in the curve. If this is not the case the roller which runs in the horizontal track is pushed upwards instead of backwards while opening the door. So, to prevent this, there is a maximum section height for each radius of curves. The practical result which comes from USA is a standard radius of the curve of 15” or 380 mm to be used in combination with section height of 610 mm and also curve of 12” or 300 mm to be used in combination with section height of 500 mm. Other combinations are possible but not standard available on the market. On low headroom systems (LHR) with double horizontal tracks, only the roller runs through the upper curve. In this case the radius of that curve can be totally different. The radius of the curve used on doors with normal lift system (NL) or low head room (LHR) influence the position of the bottom section when the door is open. In combination with the bottom section height it determines the angle at which it is hanging on the lifting cables. For a perfect balance of the door this should be considered in the spring calculation, which is not always done at this moment. So, something to improve within the door industry. The horizontal tracks should be installed levelled, especially at manually operated doors. By doing this, the springs can balance the door keeping the bottom section out of the door opening height. On normal lift (NL) and low head room (LHR) doors with electrical operators fixed on the shaft, there is a moment of delay in the movement of the door sections when the operator is activated to close the door. This moment can cause the cables to loose tension (slack cable) which can lead to cable running of the drums, or can cause the cable break
device to be activated. This can be avoided by levelling some degrees in the horizontal curve, springs bumpers or cable tensioning sets. Obviously, this problem does not occur with following the roof lift systems (FTR), vertical lift (VL) and high lift (HL) systems, where the weight of the door sections in the vertical tracks secure a tensioned cable at all times. Most door companies use standard curves at following the roof systems which are cut at the right angle and than connected to the vertical straight track. This is a cheap, practical and flexible
“At least one roller should be in the curve.” solution. A technically better solution is to bend the curve exactly at the right number of degrees, but this is too expensive. FlexiForce Following Low Head room (FLH-CE) provides steps of 5 degrees. In case you use a curve with a straight end (code F or G explained here under) always make sure that this straight end is in line with the track connected to it. If this is not the case the hinged sections are over stretched, which decreases the life span of the construction and reduces the classification values of your door. Since the vertical track is almost always mounted under an angle, the curve should be bend under 90 degrees or less. 12
by Ton Peterse
Types of curves: All this information shows that there is not a “one-curve-solution” for all situations. That is why we produce a wide range of different curves. FlexiForce produces annually more than 950.000 curves in more than 200 different versions. A short explanation on the different groups of curves. FlexiForce is producing curves out of our produced 2” track in 1,5 mm and 2,0 mm thickness.
H-curves A straight piece of track is bend around a mould over 180 degrees and than cut in the middle of the curve. This way a left hand and right hand curve is made in one process. It is efficient production leading to effective pricing. The tolerances are bigger because the cut is done in the deformed area where the tension in the material is the highest. This means that a perfect connection to the straight track is not possible, due to slight differences in shape of the “C”.
F-curves A straight piece of track is bend around a mould over 90 degrees, leaving a straight piece of track of approximately 250mm. Left and right hand are produced separately. Quality and tolerances are better compared to H-curve, because there is no deformation at the track end. So it will fit well to the vertical straight track.
G-curves A straight piece of track is bend around a mould over 90 degrees, leaving a straight piece of track of 250 mm. Until recently, the track was being cut afterwards in the 250 mm straight part. The location of the cut is measured from the upper side of the horizontal part thus creating a very well dimensioned product. So, higher quality. Today, our state-of-the-art double bending machine in Hungary is working so accurately that also the G curve is made in one go without cutting it to size afterwards. So, double efficiency and no scrap.
With our current production lines, in Hungary and China, we are able to make all kind of special 2” curves. Radiuses of 200, 250, 300, 380 mm, under almost any degree, with or without hole pattern at the end and in all kind of lengths. “There is not a curve we cannot make” is a statement often heard in FlexiForce. In fact, apart from the range of curves shown in our catalogues, we have a large number of curves made specific on customer demands. Curves.mpeg
Curve production (see movie on www.flexiforce.com\ downloads\products\Curves.mpeg). A The track is positioned against a mould and a gauge is inserted in the track to avoid too much deformation. B The track is than bended tightly around the mould. After the pressure is released from the machine the bended track shows some “spring back” making the radius change to a certain size. This spring back is very depending on the quality of the steel, the roll forming of the track and the bending on the machine and difficult to absolutely control. This is where “experience makes the expert!” C The cutting of the curve is also something which we have developed over the years. Not deforming the track while cutting it with a punching tool is the challenge. Above explains that it takes a solid, good production process and quality control system to be able to deliver good quality curves to the market. For you as a door producer it is important to make the right choice of curve you want to use in your door configuration. Facts that determine your choice are: - Needed dimension and tolerances within the track configuration. - Offered ease of installation for the installer. - Stability of the construction. - Packaging and logistics of the track set. - Find your balance in price and quality. If you have any questions about this subject or other technical questions, contact your sales team or Ton Peterse directly at: tope@flexiforce.nl.
RES350 AND RESL: TESTED FOR ITTR (CE) Recently we have performed additional CE tests for our new RES350 system, RESL system and for some industrial operators. This means that the RES350 and RESL now are included in the main FlexiForce residential ITTR. On your request these systems can be added to your (existing) ITTR which enables you to sell your RES350 and RESL doors applying the CE regulations. The costs for adding to your ITTR on your companies name are € 250,00. Next to our RES350 and RESL system we have tested successfully two additional industrial operator brands: Ellard and BFT SpA. These operators will be included to the main FlexiForce ITTR for industrial doors.
by Ton Peterse
University: Shafts: Solid, tubes and key-ways This time in FlexiForce University detailed information on shafts for overhead doors with torsion springs. Main function: The shaft passes on the torque, given by the torsion springs to the cable drums. This of course with the aim to balance the door which is held by the lifting cables. So, the shaft enables the drums to be secured in such fashion that they can rotate or be driven simultaneously. The shaft system contains fitting of the springs, drums (with lifting cable), spring plugs, coupler, collars, operator etc. Inches One of the first things you notice when you enter the door business in Europe is the fact that the diameter of the shaft is in inches (“). This is because companies that started supplying the door industry in the late seventies imported a lot of parts from the United States. None of the door components suppliers were willing to heavily invest in aluminum die cast tooling to have drums and spring plugs made in metric sizes. This is why FlexiForce and others still supply shafts with diameter 1” and 1 ¼” with a ¼” key way. So a unique, world wide standard! 15
Types and application range Flexi-Force offers various types of shafts: • Solid shafts - 702K-3500 etc. black, 1”, with key-way - 702C-2000 etc. black, 1”, Asia version, with key-way - 702-3500Z etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way - 699-4500Z etc. galvanized, 1¼”, with key-way • Key-way tubular shafts - 702GBL2750 etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way, 2mm material - 705GB-2750 etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way, 3mm material • Tubular shafts (tubes) - 701-2750Z etc. galvanized, 1”, 2mm material Each with their specific application range. This range is determined by the technical specification of the shaft and the construction of the shaft assembly and installation. Main features of the shaft are: shape, diameter, solid/tube and yield stress of the material. Important information on installation is
applied maximum drum diameter, distance to nearest shaft support/bearing plate and total door weight hanging on the cables. With this information you can calculate the maximum torque on the shaft and decide which shaft is strong enough. Black vs. galvanized Initially only black (natural) solid shafts were used on industrial doors and black tubular shafts were used on residential doors. Black means, untreated, phosphate steel, which provides a very thin protective film against corrosion. The key way was first milled in the full length of the solid shaft. Later the key way was made directly in production (hard drawn pulling). Galvanized shafts were introduced because the European customer wanted something better than the greasy, rusty bar above the door, so through quality demands. Key-way On industrial doors only shafts with key-way are used. This makes it possible to create a fixed connection based on shape with the help of a key. Important, because of the high torque in the shaft, which is generated by the torsion springs. The keyway shaft is also needed to make a good connection between two shaft parts. For installation reasons most shafts of wider doors (w>3,5m) are cut in half and need to be connected again. The same goes for connecting an operator. Most motors and chain hoists have 1” shaft access and ¼” key.
699-4500Z 16
Solid vs. tube The advantage of solid shafts is their superior torsional rigidity, their relatively high resistance to bending and the application of standard size ¼” keys; they do however represent the most expensive solution. The 1¼” solid shaft is used for large, wide and heavy doors (from approx. w>7 m). Logically, for 1¼” shafts, the drums, spring plugs, spring rupture protectors, bearing plates and clutches must also be 1¼”. FlexiForce offers the complete range for this. Tube shafts are used on a lot of residential doors. In this case there is no fixed connection based on shape. The connection is achieved by fastening set screws and thus deforming the tubular shaft. This is acceptable for mounting spring winding plugs and cable drums but not for safety components, like ratchet wheels of spring break devices. In those situations you have to create a fixed connection based on shape. Some companies use tubular shafts and deform both ends to have a fixed connection and so prevent using keys or set screws. 702C vs.702K solid shaft Last year we introduced the 702C as a cheaper alternative to the well-known 702K solid black shaft. The only difference is the finish. The 702C is produced in FlexiForce China, where the shaft is covered with a thin oil film to protect during transport. In other words: equal quality for a lower price. The choice is yours!
Key-way tube shaft: A FlexiForce invention! To reduce costs FlexiForce together with a customer and a supplier developed the key-wayed tubular shaft made out of 3 mm galvanized steel, article code 705GBL. This was in 1995. This shaft is being made on a roll forming machine, where the seam is welded and galvanized online. The distance between two radius determine the depth of the key way, which is different than a standard ¼” key way. Special keys of 3/8x1/4” are needed for this key-way.
• For very heavy overhead doors, solutions without springs are provided, where the shaft has a diameter of 200 mm or larger. These doors are driven by heavy-duty e-operators. Cover it up! The finishing touch: FlexiForce introduced last year black plastic covers to close both ends of the tube shafts. Looks better and prevents moist and dirt coming out of the shafts on site. 701CAP for the tube shaft, 702CAP for the 2 mm tube shaft with key-way and 705CAP for the 705GBL-shaft.
Depending on the installation type, this shaft can be used for all lift systems up to doors of 5000x4200mm (wxh) or max. door weight of 300 kg. This is covering almost 75% of the industrial doors. Last year a residential version (702GBL..) made of 2 mm steel was added to the program.
Solid shaft production
701CAP FlexiForce solid shafts are manufactured using a highly specialized process. Cylindrical lengths of steel of 26 mm are drawn through different dies until the appropriate exterior diameter and keyway sizes have been realized. This manufacturing method results in extremely accurate dimensioning. It prevents the so-called “corkscrew effect” and it leaves no sharp edges. This method is better than milling in the key-way afterwards. “Need-to-knows” on shafts • To be able to mount standard motors with 1” shaft access, to the different kind of shafts on the market you need shaft adaptors. Since FlexiForce is supplying industrial motor since beginning of 2008 we will introduce some different shaft adaptors later this year. Our coupler 702ST-1/2 is a solution to connect 1” shaft with 1¼” shafts. • Some bigger independent door companies have introduced their own size of shaft in the past. Main reason is of course to protect the after sales maintenance on their doors. But also an optimum of strength and used material is the reason for this shaft design. For example: diameter 25, 30 mm and even 32 mm hexagon shaped shafts where no key is needed. • With narrow but high overhead doors there is often too little room to fit the springs; this problem can be solved by running the shaft outside the days opening or by placing an additional shaft above the shaft (tandem shaft) and connecting the two via chain and gear wheels. Also when in theory cable of more than 6 mm is needed, a tandem shaft could be the solution. • Did you know that 1” shafts in fact have an external dimension that is a fraction under 25.4 mm? 17
by Ton Peterse
CABLE DRUMS Function The main function of a cable drum used on sectional doors is to roll up the lifting cable properly guided into the groves of the drum. History In the early days cable drums were made of cast iron. Later in the early seventies some American company, named Apco, started manufacturing aluminium cable drums. Flexi-Force and other European companies imported these drums from the States. More recently some companies started making drums out of plastic. Plastic drums are themselves less expensive than aluminium drums. To be able to use these for industrial purposes they require an insert at the location of the spindle because plastic is not strong enough to accommodate the keyway and setscrews. So part of the advantage of plastic is gone and therefore these drums are not very often seen in the market. Flexi-Force introduced their own series of cable drums to the market in 1996-1997. Main reason for this was the introduction of the 2 safety windings of the cable on the drum. Another reason was the quality of the USA made drums (based on inch sized cable) which was not levelling up with the European 18
standard. Also Flexi-Force was able to introduce some new features at that time. Production of high-grade aluminium alloy cable drums. Our cable drums are manufactured by injection moulding (die-casting). In this production process fluidized aluminium is being injected by a large machine (from 100 to 300 ton) with great force into a mould and then cooled down. First aluminum ingots (like alu loaves) are heated in an oven until they fluidize. A robot arm transfers a “weighed beaker� with fluidized aluminum to the mould. The mould is closed by large cylinders causing the aluminum to be injected through various injection channels. The aluminum in the mould is cooled by cooling water that is led around the mould through cooling channels. The moulds can be opened and closed horizontally and have additional slides to accommodate for example the spindle pin. When the mould is opened the product is removed by pincers or robot arm and the mould is blown clean with air ready for the next production cycle. The cycle time is depending on the size, wall thickness, total weight and shape of the product. Each drum is after production relieved of aluminium residues. Then passed to other departments for finishing processes such
as the provision of tapped holes, the fitting of screws, the application of black or red colour code and packaging. Mass production compensates for the high costs of the mould, translating into relatively low manufacturing costs. In this way Flexi-Force is producing very high quantities cable drums. The moulds (tooling) are owned by Flexi-Force. Technical specification To be able to calculate the balancing torsion springs you need to know exactly the following: - Diameter or radius of the cylindrical cable grooves - Diameter or radius of the spiral cable grooves - The number of cylindrical grooves and spiral grooves on the drum. All information which can be found in our “cable drum specification sheets” (download from www.flexiforce.com) are based on the above mentioned information. Basically there are three different types of cable drums used in the market: 1. Cylindrical shaped drums. For sectional doors which move into the horizontal track directly above the height of the door (lintel). These are normal lift, low head room or such system with roof pitch, NL, LHR or FTR, FLH. When the door opens the shaft with the cable drum and torsion springs are turning. At the same time, the torsion springs loose tension and the lifting weight of the panels is reducing. This way the pull force on the cable is at a constant level. 2. Conical shaped drums. For sectional doors which move up vertically all the way. These are vertical lift doors but also doors with a combination of vertical and a roof pitch of more than 40 degrees. When the door opens the torsion springs loose tension but the lifting weight of the panel stays the same. In order to compensate this, the radius or arm of the groove on the drum is becoming smaller (spiral). This way the pull force on the cable is at a constant level.
“ Also Flexi-Force was able to introduce some new features at that time.” Note: When the door is completely open the drum should be completely full with cable. Note: The final half winding is reserved for the door to overrun in the bumpers. 3. Combination of both, high lift drums. These drums are a combination of the above drums, so for sectional doors which go up vertical and then move into the horizontal tracks. As soon as the top roller is running in the curve of the tracks the cable should go from the conical part onto the cylindrical part. This makes having the right cable length at high lift doors very important to assure a correct functioning of the balancing torsion springs. Need-to-know on drums - The first used winding of the cylindrical drum is spiral. When the door opens the first 200-300 mm, the torsion 19
springs loose tension but the lifting weight of the panels is not reducing because the top panel is not resting in the horizontal track yet. So this is like a small high lift. - For drums (and all other articles with a keyway) it is important that for maximum load transition, the key fits over the entire length of the drum to divide the forces over the entire length of the key. - The number in the article code for normal and vertical lift systems indicates the drum capacity and or clear height in feet (1 foot =304 mm), for example 18 feet is approximately 5.500 mm. For high systems this number is the maximum Hilift in inches (= 1 inch =25.4 mm). 54” is 1370 mm, 120” is 3050 mm and 164” is 4160 mm. - In the USA half a safety wrap of cable on the spiral groove of the drum is used. But, having 2 safety windings on the drum means safety. We interpret the CE-norms in such a way that you need to apply two safety wraps, in order to reduce the force on the cable connection. The force on the cable connection to the drum is reduced by approximately 85%. - Fixing the cable with a screw in the drum makes adjusting cable easy and producing cables cheaper. - Using drums with metric sizes grooves makes metric cable (3, 4,5 or 6 mm) fit much better. Wear and tear of the lifting cable is reduced.
Aluminium profiles in production Our aluminium profiles, for example bottom profile 1038-4040, pass door profiles, full-vision aluminium profiles, are being produced for FlexiForce at dedicated suppliers in Europe and Asia. The process for making aluminium profiles is called extrusion. This is a process in which deformable material, in this case aluminium, is pressed trough a mould. This mould is equipped with complex formed holes, which finally form the product to its needed shape. In the schedule and pictures on this page you see how the process works and how your FlexiForce aluminium profiles are being produced.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Press-beams Pre-material to the process. Solid aluminium beams Beam-oven Pre-hearing of the press-beams Heat-scissors Cutting the pre-heated beams in length Press Pushing the material to the mould under high pressure Mould Giving the profile its final shape Heat-cutter Cutting the profiles to first length Puller Pulls the material out while cooled with air or water. Transport Transport profiles to stretcher Stretcher Stretching allows the profile to be lengthened through the 0,2 yield strength, which makes the profile straight 10 Cold-cutter Cutting the profile to its final length 11 Tray Collecting the profiles 12 Oven Hardening the profiles under temperature
A great sales idea came from a dealer of one of our Scandinavian customers. Every time this dealer has sold a garage door, the day before he will start installing it, he distributes invitation cards to other houses in that specific street saying: “Tomorrow we will be installing a garage door on nr. 7 in your street. If you want to see how we work, you are welcome to come and take a look”. He claims that in many cases he was able to sell more doors in the same street by using this approach.
Where does which bolt fit and how?
By Ton Peterse
This time in FlexiForce University more information on fixation materials. A group of products that not always get the attention it deserves. The quality and safety of a door are determined by the quality of the bolts and nuts holding the construction together. FlexiForce offers a very wide range of bolts, screws, nuts, clips, pins etc.. But, which one is applied where? We try to line that up for you. 23
FlexiForce Introduction The quality and safety of a door are partly determined by a good installation. For a good installation you need good quality fixing material. The fixed bolt and nut must be able to hold the construction in place and withstand all the forces which can take place. Static and dynamic. One can easily imagine what accidents could occur when a bolt/nut connection on a door will break during usage of the door. Everyone in the industry should focus on avoiding this. Therefore, FlexiForce has a clear strategy concerning fixation material: • we only buy from “proven sources”. • we only apply fixation materials in certain quality classes (f.e. 12.9). • we engineer carefully where to apply which class of bolts etc. • we have a strong and intensive quality control in place (yield and break tests). • we try to reduce the number of different types of bolts and nuts needed to install the door as much as possible. • we work with metric sizes. • we are open to add any bolt, nut or pre-packed bags in our range on customer demands. • we integrate all fixation materials in our ITTR testing and CE-approvals. • we advise clearly on application, torque and risks.
Load, torque and quality The maximum load on a connection made by bolt and nut, is determined by the maximum torque which can be applied when fastening the bolt and nut. The quality class of the material determines the maximal torque. Most manufactures determine the maximal torque by determining the minimal breaking strength and deduct a 30% safety factor. FlexiForce fixing material varies in classes from 4.6 till 12.9, based on the safety risks of the application. A short, simplified table of maximum torque per class: Class 4.6 8.8 12.9
Max. Torque: M6 M8 5.3 Nm 13.3 Nm 9.1 Nm 23.1 Nm 11.9 Nm 30.8 Nm
M10 27.3 Nm 46.2 Nm 63 Nm
High quality fixing material is not easy to produce. Buying in Asia has a risk where it comes to being sure to get what you ask for. Sometimes, even material certificates that accompany the shipments are not always 100% trustworthy. After some incidents in the past, FlexiForce is since many years buying only at a limited number of proven sources, where price and quality are balanced consistently. If you realize that FlexiForce sells over 60.000.000 screws, bolts and nuts per year, you understand that we want to avoid any quality issue with these products!
Where goes what? 1. Fixing components onto the panel Insulated door panels in fact exist only of two sheets of steel of for example 0,6mm thickness each, held together by 38mm thickness in foam. Fixing bottom brackets, end caps, hinges, top roller carriers, reinforcement profiles, grips and locks in a secure way to the panels, needs some special attention. The panel sheet material and thickness and the construction of internal reinforcement strips in the panel, determine the size of the hole that has to be pre-drilled and the length of the screw applied. A hole of around 4mm (approximately for 0.6mm steel) should be drilled. For 1.5-2.0mm aluminium we recommend to pre-drill a hole of around 5mm. If you select screws which already integrate a self-drilling-point, you avoid the need to pre-drill a hole first, which saves installation time. FlexiForce screws have a head of 10mm wrench with a curled flange for solid fixture. Self-tapping, galvanized, hex head: 1055BV 6.3 x 25mm 1053BV 6.3 x 35mm 1052BV 6.3 x 16mm 1053BV
Self-drilling, galvanized, hex head: 1055D 6.3 x 25mm 1053D 6.3 x 35mm 1053D Self-drilling, galvanized, round head (better looks): 1054-25 6,3 x 25mm 1054-35 6,3 x 35mm 1054W-25 6,3 x 25mm (white RAL9010 head) 1054W-35 6,3 x 35mm (white RAL9010 head) 1054W-25 1054W-35 1054-25 1054-35 Remarks: The diameter of the drilling point is fixed and must suit the sheet material and sheet thickness. This needs attention on panels with reinforcement strips, which have other thicknesses. Color coating of the screw head is not always efficient because the head could get damaged while fastening. To solve this and still have a nice appearance, FlexiForce offers: 1055CAP10 to cover the 10mm heads of the screws. The colour is RAL9010.
FlexiForce 2. Track connections Track connection bolts need to have a flat head, to prevent the situation where the roller hits the bolt head when passing it during opening and closing of the door. The curled heads grip into the pre-drilled hole in such a way that the head does not rotate when fastening the nut. From the early days, FlexiForce still offers track bolts in ¼-inch dimensions: 1003F ¼” x 14mm bolt 1005F ¼” nut
Most commonly used nowadays are bolts with small, round heads, curled, with metric thread. The hole to place this bolt should have diameter 7mm 1006B M6 x 16mm bolt M6 nut 1062M
3. Installing tracks and shaft system to wall and ceiling Last year we started developing fixation materials for wall, steel construction and ceiling installation. First introduction in this range is a new taptite bolt. After pre-drilling a hole in the construction beam, the taptite thread cuts thread in the steel beam and creates a very solid fixation. Easy to fix with the help of a torque driller with 13mm head. 1066TB
Based on the success of this 1066TB we are preparing a new range of additional fixing materials for these kind of installation later this year. Like plugs and threaded bolts for brick and concrete walls.
5. Other connections Of course, besides these four main areas, bolts and nuts are used in other connections as well. Some other examples of connections and the available fasteners to fix them:
4. Brackets and plates connections Lots of other connections are realized by different bolts and nuts. Another fast mover is the M8 size bolt, for connecting wall consoles to the vertical angle, or connecting the SU profiles to the end of the horizontal tracks, connect the 3021L suspension with the 3022D console, etc. This bolt features a square under the head of 3,5mm. 1070B35 M8x25mm bolt 1071B M8x12mm bolt 1068M M8 nut
M8x20mm bolt
On side hinges: The adjustable roller slide is attached to the hinge base with 2 x 1062B and 2 x 1062M. These M6 slotted bolts are specially designed for this purpose. Class 4.6. The bolt is provided with a special low square of less then 2 mm
Another option is to use a slotted bolt with flat head and a low square part under the head. In class 8.8, so it also can be used in the situation where you use a normal slotted bolt like on side hinges. The hole to place these bolts should have a diameter of approx 1.25 x the diameter of the bolt. The nut to use has a curled flange. 1062BF M6x12mm bolt 1070BF M8x18mm bolt 1071BF M8x12mm bolt 1062M M6 nut 1068M M8 nut 1062BF
under the head. This M6 nut is provided with a curled flange for a solid fixture of the roller slide. Strong connections: 1070B129 is similar to 1070B35, but the class is higher: 12.9 1068M12 is similar to 1068M, but the class is higher: 12.9 This bolt/nut combination is used on connections where installers tend to over-fasten and put a very high torque in the bolt, such as in couplers. So, this bolt/nut are standard used on coupler 703ST etc..
FlexiForce Additional universal fixing material: An M10 bolt, for example to fix the bearing retainer 325 to the USA-8 plate or connect the 670 spring breaking device to the plate 661. This nut is also used to fix the bearing plate to box beam constructions: 1058B M10x25mm bolt 1058F M10 nut
Components to 5C-profiles: Clamp plates are used to fix several components to the 5C-profiles. They are easy to position along or at the end of the profile. The double clamp plate is used for quick and easy fixing of the side bearing plates and the spring bumper bracket. 1026-68B Clamp plate with M8 slotted bolt 1027-68B Double clamp plate with M8 slotted bolts 1068M Nut
Stainless steel fixing material To complete the range of fixation materials, FlexiForce offers a wide line of self tapping screws and bolts/nuts in AISI304 Stainless Steel.
Conclusions The above mentioned information only covers the most used areas and parts of fixation on a door. To view our complete range, we like to guide you to the online product catalogue at www.flexiforce.com where you can click on the chapter “fixation materials�. Your entry to all we offer from stock in this important product group.
by Ton Peterse by Ton Peterse
University: The safest door solutions This time in FlexiForce University detailed information on features of safe doors and on how to make sure that the door stays safe during its life span? European norms on safety of doors, describe the dangers, risks and hazards which can happen on operating an overhead door. In the guidelines, it is not stated how to prevent this from happening, but only to prevent it from happening. FlexiForce has interpreted the norms and made several risk
analyses, which have learned us that the solutions presented on these pages are really providing you a safer door. One thing is clear: An overhead door is often the heaviest, most dangerous moving part of a house or a building. You want to make sure that people (or children) operating the door, are protected against any danger or injury.
Spring break device To prevent a door, equipped with torsion springs, from falling more than 300 mm in case a balancing torsion spring breaks, you should install a spring break device. Even if the door is operated by a motor, this is the safest to do because the gear box of the operator is often not tested and not strong enough to block the shaft! If disconnection of the operator is possible, the spring break device is even more obligatory. FlexiForce codes 656, 651, 667, 670, 675 651 spring break device
Cable break device To prevent a sectional door, equipped with cables, from falling more than 300 mm in case one of the cable breaks (ruptures), you should install a cable break device. It is known that if one cable on a small door which is almost square (width and height approximately the same size) the door blade will get stuck in between the tracks and probably not fall more then 300 mm. If you are not sure about this then do not take the risk and install a cable break device. FlexiForce codes: 444, 440-600etc.
FlexiForce Slack Cable protection Just as bad as breakage of the cable is the situation in which the cable is not tensioned any more. The cable could run of the cable drum, which causes the door blade to fall down. On E-operated doors preventing the cables to become slack, can be done by installing electric switches which detect this and send a signal to turn of the operator.
The switch can be part of a separate device or integrated in f.e. a cable break device or bottom bracket. Same kind of switch are used to give signal to the motor in case a spring break device is activated. FlexiForce codes: 445SW, 6901SCHA, 440SWL/R, 677-67.
Anti-finger-pinch, covers Safety implies also to protect somebody against hurting fingers between moving parts or gaps. The norm describes that you may not get caught or hooked behind some door component and that you may not get your fingers crushed. So if spaces get smaller during operating a door, this space should not reduce to less than 25 mm or else you have to “cover it up�. This last slogan you will find explained in one of the chapters in this INFO magazine. Another goal for installing covers is to get to the next level of safety, even higher than the standard demands. Covers on the pulley wheels, spring break devices, cable drums, complete shaft assembly cover, cable break device, struts and open profile or shaft ends. With that, you show to your customer that you take safety seriously.
Anti-finger-pinch, panels Since the standard states that the door construction must be finger safe up to 2500 mm height a lot of new panels were introduced initiated by this standard. These panels are finger safe on the inside and outside of the door. Since then FlexiForce introduced a lot of new hinges and end caps because of the different designs and different geometric.
Roller protection Some door companies put roller cover on all doors. Other door companies even cover the distance between the panels and the vertical track completely. This is relatively easy on doors without a wedge (inclination) in the track system. But it is difficult on doors with a wedge between track and vertical angle. The distance to cover is less than 25 mm. Not covering it is considered to apply to the standard although the door blade moves during operation with a certain play sideways (approx 10 mm).
FlexiForce Safety edges
Light curtains
The most famous danger of a door is getting stuck under a closing door. On garage doors, the operator is equipped with power-learning software, which stops the door whenever an obstacle is encountered. The max. power with which the obstacle is hit, is described in the norm and should be tested after each door installation. On industrial doors, a safety edge system is needed, where opto-
sensors, pressure sensors or infra-red system are integrated in the seals at the bottom of the bottom section. New in this field are light curtains. Future will be the use of captive sensors. In our chapter “Opening News!”, we introduce safety edge systems and sensors to work with our Liftmaster and Mtec operators.
Integrated safety = installation, manuals, maintenance Within the rules of CE you have to guarantee a safe and good product for the declared life span of the door. This means automatically that the door must be installed properly and that service and maintenance must be carried out on time and professionally. Installation begins with the correct configuration of components. Furthermore it includes quality of fixings, proper adjustments, correct settings of the door opener, correct torques on screws etc.. A safe door is only safe if it is being used where it is made for. So the end user must be instructed personally on do’s and don’ts. A user manual is inevitable. And last but not least, the regular maintenance of the door should be planned.
How far do you go on safety? Everything is possible but what is the price that the customer is willing to pay for all this extra safety? Fact is that every door company must do a risk assessment, filing it in his technical file, in which risks are listed, judged and solved (if possible). This forces you to think about making safe doors. And at the end, if something goes wrong, you can show the judge every step you took in designing a safe door. Using the “state-of-art” available technology is the least you must do. If a safe solution is available in the market and you decided not to apply that, it can become difficult to walk away from your liability.
Safety is a business opportunity The subject “safety” is often approached from a “mandatory” stand point. But, it provides you as door company with major opportunities as well. An end-user is willing to pay more for a safer solution. Maintenance contracts. Upgrading existing doors to safe CE-approved doors. In other words, if you have a progressive approach on safety, it might give you the competitive edge you are looking for.
SuperClick速 By Maeike Blauw
d SUPERCLICK速: Unique and super simple! FlexiForce has developed a unique, new SuperClick速 System for installing the balancing system. Our version is unique and a clear improvement compared to existing systems in the market. The new, patented system consist out of new rear track console (340CL/R), wall consoles (563CR/L) and a center console (345C). To these new consoles, a new bearing plate (310CR/L) and/or a complete NEW spring break device (656C) are connected by means of a one-direction-click. So, with a simple click, the preassembled shaft with springs, spring break device and bearing plate can be fixed on the rear track console, wall console or center console.
Really unique is the fact that our click system needs only a move in one direction to click it, after which you still can slightly rotate the connection. This means that on a garage door, only one person can first suspend the left side of the shaft, then move to the right side, lift the shaft there and click it in the right wall plate. Clicking the left side will finish the job easily.
Advantages By introducing the SuperClick速 System we make the installation of your door easier. The balancing system can be prepared in advance in your workshop or on the job and easily clicked on the console or center console for springs in the front or springs in rear. Savings on time and labor! Furthermore, our new spring break device will be available as click version as well (656CR/L). After clicking in, the spring break device and/ or bearing plate of the pre-assembled shaft, you must secure with a new bolt, type 1071BC.
Springs in front (RESX-F) For springs in front, the console 563CR/L is equipped with a small wire spring. The bearing plate 310C and/or spring break device 656C, both designed for the SuperClick速 System, will be clicked onto it. First you have to fix the consoles (left and right) to the lintel, secondly you can easily click the balancing system together with the bearing plate and/ or spring break device. You finalize the installation by securing the plate and/or spring break device with bolts 1071BC. Also non-click plates can be fixed to the console. In case of springs in front, the center console 345C can be mounted to the lintel for intermediate shaft suspension or for situations where the springs are mounted from the center of the shaft.
Springs in rear (RES70, RESX-R) For residential doors with springs in the rear you use the rear track console 340CL/R. This console is also equipped with a small wire spring. Like with springs in the front, the bearing plate 310C and/or spring break device 656C, both designed for the SuperClick速 System, will be clicked onto it. First you have to fix the consoles (left and right) to the horizontal track and SU-profile. Secondly you can easily click the balancing system together with the bearing plate and/ or spring break device. You finalize the installation by securing the plate or spring break device with bolts 1071BC. Also non-click plates can be fixed to the console. In case of springs in the rear, the center console 345C can be mounted to the SU-profile.
SuperClick® NEW RES Spring break device 656 (patent pending)!!! Together with the SuperClick® System we also launch our new residential spring break device 656 as a replacement for the current 651 and 667 spring break devices. The 656 is available in a click (656CL/R) and standard (656L/R) version and is only suitable for key-wayed tube shafts. Compared to our current range of residential spring break devices the advantages are: • Easy installation (slide shaft through spring break device and fix) because of less separate parts • Pawl wheel pre-fixed to the bearing, complete device pre-assembled • Lower price • Simpler construction • Applicable for a weight of 85 kg per spring • Universal for 2” (51mm) and 2 5/8” (67mm) springs
Contact your sales team for more information or samples!!! NB! Later this year we will introduce the 656T version (standard and click) for tube shafts without a key-way.
656CL 656TCL
Availability Our new SuperClick® System consists out of the following products, all available from stock now!
Article code
Console Click
Springs in front
€ 4.26
Rear track console Click
Springs in rear
€ 4.14
Center console Click
Springs in front/ rear
€ 3.85
Bearing plate Click
Springs in front/ rear
€ 3.52
Spring break device Click
Springs in front/ rear
€ 8.65
Spring break device Standard
Springs in front/ rear
€ 8.42
For fixing 310CL/R and 656CL/R
€ 7.00 per 100
SuperClick速 8
! k c Cli 33
By Carel Raaijen
2x Garage door configuration In the Editorial article in this magazine, we claim that there is no such thing as “too much choice”. The challenge is to advise customers properly which hardware is the best suitable for the needed application. To give you some basic advice on residential (garage door) hardware, we present to you the configuration of 2 configuration directions for a garage door: 1. The “lowest cost” version and 2. the “design” version. Of course, there are millions of variations with hardware components for each door, but these examples might help you to determine your choice more easily. On our sales department we can advise you on all other configurations and we can offer you selection and configuration order forms and software, f.e. FFLogic. So, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
1 The low-cost garage door solution On each item we have selected the lowest price option in our product range. Single door (max 2,5m), manual operation,
Track system Shaft system Top carrier Suspension Bumper
finger-safe sections, springs in front, single horizontal tracks, light hardware, minimum of safety features, no accessories.
RES350 (single horizontal track) 701-2750Z tube shaft 656TL/R spring break device installed directly on the lintel Black torsion springs FF-2.00TAI spring fittings FF400-8 cable drums 503-PP cable with plastic core 414CZ adjustable top roller carrier 3021 with 3022S, angle bracket for horizontal track suspension 2100-15 rubber stop at end in horizontal track
Seals/Alu 1085-2010etc. side seal 1035RES bottom astragal 1031RES-6090 bottom profile for finger-safe sections 1085 Astragal fitted on the lintel with 1083 clips Hinges/rollers 423CZ+10R or 424CZ+10R side hinges 423HZ or 424HZ+10R intermediate hinges (or no intermediate hinges at all on single doors) 574RES residential rollers End caps 40ES500L/R “light” end caps (or TS, FS series for Tecsedo or Metecno panel) Locking Cheapest slide bolt 630D, base priced lock 606BOX Grip 634 black plastic grip on the inside of the door only
Bottom bracket 421K light bottom bracket for springs in front Screws For fixing on the panel, 1055D screws with drill point Fixation to wall WF20 fastener bag with screws and plugs
2x 2 The ‘best design’ garage door solution On each item we have selected the option in our product range which presents the best technical or logistic solution with the best appearance (design).
Single door (max 2,5m), power operation, finger-safe sections, springs in front, double horizontal tracks, light hardware, safety features and accessories.
Track system RESX-F, springs in front. Shaft system 702GBL2750 tube shaft 2mm, with key-way 702CAP, cover for open end of tube shaft 656CL/R spring break device, in SuperClick® version 563CL/R wall console, SuperClick® for easy installation of spring break device Powder coated torsion springs FSW51 spring fittings FF-4X8 cable drums 312RM central shaft suspension, connection for Liftmaster drawbar Complete shaft cover system (PREVIEW!) 503-PP cable with plastic core Top carrier 419SWL/R adjustable top roller carrier, white 574M top rollers Suspension 3021L with 3022D, angle bracket for horizontal track suspension Bumper 2100-15 rubber stop at end in horizontal track Connection 48SU + 50SU profile to connect the end of both horizontal tracks
Seals/Alu 1085RW5090 new side seal, white 1035SR bottom astragal with high rubber quality 1030L-S6090 bottom profile for finger-safe sections 1036-36 Top astragal fitted on the panel 1038TOP-6090 Alu top profile Hinges/rollers 423FZW or 424FZW flat side hinges, white RAL9010 423HZW or 424HZW+10R intermediate hinges, white RAL9010 1054W-35 screw with white head or 1053BV screws with 1055CAP10 white covers 595RES tandem rollers for smooth run through the track End caps 40ES500WL/R “light” end caps white (or TS, FS series) Locking Manually operated: 650-40RAL Cylinder lock with design grip C88-5028-2 Euro cylinder Power operated: No lock or 669S burglar resistant lock + 669SW operator switch Grip Manually operated: 650K40AL alu grip, matching with the design of the lock Power operated: 639BL-IN on the inside of the door
Bottom bracket 421KW light bottom bracket for springs in front, white 574RES bottom rollers Screws For fixing on the panel, 1054W-35 screws with white head and drill point Or regular screws with 1055CAP10 white covers Accessories Windows: 2430 stainless steel round windows 2250CL etc white windows (select from our extensive range of windows) Ventilation grills: 717SIM + 717FERM GDO Liftmaster® LM60R (belt driven) with 9747E key pad Signing LABEL-GB etc sheet of warning labels, available in 10 languages! Fixation to wall WF20 fastener bag with screws and plugs Logistics All supplied to you on 1 pallet with RX1PAL service
by Maeike Blauw
components and build your own door based on the required specifications. We aim to have the RESL components on stock end of May. Overview components Below you will find an overview with all components necessary for producing the RESL. The list below is based on Tecsedo/Bremet panels, but of course the system fits with other panels as well.
Manual and electrical operation As mentioned before, for the operation you will have the choice between manual and electrical. In case of electrical operation a normal operator with drawbar will be installed on the ceiling or alongside the wall. Check with your
Hardware system for side-sliding-sectional doors RESL is the FlexiForce solution for sidesliding-sectional doors (also known as lateral doors, horizontal sliding doors, around-the-corner sectional doors Rundum-Tore etc.) for the residential market. By adding this new system to our current product range we give an answer to the growing market demand for this type of doors in different areas in Europe. The major advantages of this door compared to overhead doors are: - simple hardware system: no springs, shaft, cables, safety devices, cable drums etc. - safe operation and no risk of dropping of the door sections during operation. - door can be partly opened for letting in pedestrians. No expensive pass door required. - it moves along the wall of the garage, without taking important space. Compact built-in! With this new hardware system we offer you the opportunity to enlarge your product range with a simple solution for side-sliding-sectional doors. FlexiForce has developed this unique system in close cooperation with several customers. The hardware system has been developed based on our standard 2V track. You can choose between manual and electrical operation. The minimum side space is 150 mm and 36
minimum head room is 100 mm. Furthermore the maximum width will be 5.000 mm and maximum height will be 2.500 mm. Compared to our other systems the RESL does not have a spring/ shaft system and because of the side-sliding a pass door is not necessary anymore. Finally, because of the fact that the bottom track can be both mounted on or milled into the floor, the set is suitable for existing as well for new buildings. Installation The expertise on installing lateral doors is in adjusting the door to seals, lintel and floor, especially when the walls, floor or lintel are not completely aligned. All other parts of the installation are easier compared to overhead doors, so this should give you no trouble at all. To guide you through a perfect installation, we have prepared an installation manual, which you can download from our website. www.flexiforce.com/downloads/ manuals RES. Flexible configuration The new RESL system will only be available in separate components which provide you a maximum flexibility in door size and configuration. This is a difference with our other residential hardware sets which are also available in complete sets. You can order the
operator supplier about the maximum door width. For our RES-E-500 it is 3,5 meters. Another option is that you will divide the door in two parts of 2,5 meters, both opening to a side of the garage. For manual operated doors, we will add a new lock (based on 650-40) to the range. CE Like all our other residential hardware systems, the RESL is scheduled for CE-testing as well. The end results of the tests will be that the RESL will be added to our main residential ITTR and therefore also available for customers in combination with all panels that have been tested already. Initially we will test with Marantec operators, other operators will follow in the future. We will keep you informed about the developments. Price For the components of the RESL we refer the above mentioned lists. Items will be sold based on full packages and your full package discount will be applied. In general, a RESL hardware system is approx. 20% lower in price compared to overhead door systems. More details on each new RESL component is to be found on our online E-catalogue.
Article code
Brush profile
(available july/aug 2007)
Top profile
Hex.bolt M8x16
Hex.bolt M8x60
Hex.bolt M10x50
Nylock M8 nut
Mushroom bolt
Cylinder Head Cap Screw
Ring Nylon-6 ID=10,5 mm, OD=18 mm, x 2 mm
Endrol bracket
Slide 11 mm
L profiel hoeklijn
Rail fixing strip
Bottom rail, L = 3000 mm
Drive unit bracket
Draw arm
Angle bracket
Top bracket
Rail plate
2V-connection bracket
Bottom roller
Roller system
Bottom corner
Extra lock mechanisme for lock
Press bolt M5
Bottom profile
1036-36 sealing
1037 sealing
Top sealing
Flange nut M10
Flat mushroom M6x16 bolt
Flange nut M6
Flange nut M8
Nyloc nut M10
End Cap for Bremet/Tecsedo sections
Side hinge for Bremet/Tecsedo sections
Intermediate hinge for Bremet/Tecsedo sections
1087B2540 1088S
447RL 5060L
INNOVATION: RESX RES-X: universal concept for garage doors Now available: Our complete new track system for garage doors, RES-X. As already described in previous INFOs, RES-X provides the unique opportunity of realizing two different build-in options, ‘springs in front’ (F) and ‘springs in the rear’ (R), with one track system. So RES70 and RES200 in one system. Logistic and technical advantages make RES-X an obvious choice. For the record: Our RES70 and RES200 systems will also remain available without restriction.
Reduction of the number of parts because the curve plate can be used for all door sizes and in both build-in situations (springs in front and springs behind). Therefore fewer curve plates for the same number of door versions. Universal track sets for both applications. This too will result in lower inventory levels in your warehouse. You can choose: • RES-X supplied in separate parts or the combination track sets and separate parts. This provides you with the flexibility to manage your own production. • RES-X as complete hardware set, configured completely for you, packed and supplied on 1 pallet.
RES-X: the track system The track system consists of three components: A. Double horizontal tacks (article code RXH10, etc.) B. Vertical tracks with angle and side seal (article code RVH10, etc.) C. Assembled steel curve plate with lower and upper curve (article code RXR-L, etc.)
Assembly springs in front (F) on the lintel
RES-X components The components of this system are also available as separate items. Attached you will find a price sheet with all components, full package quantities and prices. This list can be downloaded from our web site as well.
Application: • Garage doors of maximum 5 x 3 m (wxh) • Maximum door weight 160 g • Build-in height 200 mm for ‘springs in front’ • Build-in height 70 mm for ‘springs behind’
Assembly springs behind (R) horizontal rails Swapping curve RX215BL and RX215BR from left to right is enough to determine system choice.The curve plate is manufactured from 2.5 mm steel. Together with ingenious reinforcement grills this provides unbelievable rigidity, something that can scarcely be realized with other materials.
Do not hesitate to ask your sales team for more detailed information on this new system. We have created on our website a special download chapter for RES-X, in which you will find important information.
LOGISTICS: fewer parts and efficient transport The transport packaging is very compact. Separate packaging of tracks and curve plates provides a better transport volume and moreover less risk of damage.
Ton Peterse
The space between lower and upper curve is closed. This avoids pinching of fingers between tracks and panel.
The connection and securing of the horizontal tracks to the curve plate is for upper curve and lower curve at different positions. This reinforces the connection substantially allowing in many instances the tracks to be suspended from one single point. The build-in dimensions are practically the same for the RES70 and RES200 systems and therefore satisfy every build-in situation.
The new small curve RX215BL/R locks with manually operated doors the top roller in the vertical section of the curve. This prevents the top section being forced inward by wind or other causes.
RES-X: advantages One curve plate, two build-in options
The cable pulley on the panel is due to extra attachment points so strong that even for the largest garage doors a firm structure is realized.
Our latest, flexible track system for garage doors, RES-X is introduced more than one year ago. We claim that the system offers a lot of advantages compared to other systems in the market. The main advantage is the possibility to choose for “springs in front” or “springs in rear” with one single system! The reduction of needed components in your stock is allowing you to reduce costs by choosing this RESX system. Customers recognize this apparently: RESX quantities are growing rapidly. To see if the system is also easy to install, we visited an installation “on site”. Invited by our customer Finish Doors B.V., we were able to follow a “showroom” installation and see and hear directly what the commends were. The photo report shows it all.
Mr. van der Linde explained us that he is very happy with the logistic advantages of RESX. “The separate curve plate makes transport and packaging a lot easier. Moreover, the number of horizontal tracks and vertical tracks in my warehouse have reduced with 50%, which saves a lot of space and money.” He confirms that the system is installed in the same, wellknown, way as the RES200 or RES70 systems. Only remark is that we have to improve our Installation Manual for RESX. “For a mechanic with less experience, the manual is too complex, too many words, too little pictures”. With those remarks in mind, we left the site to evaluate future improvements. Alex van de Glind
(if you have an interesting subject, installation, door configuration or other news that you would like to share in the INFO magazine, do not hesitate to contact us!) 39
444 THE NEW CABLE BREAK SOLUTION! Since Flexi-Force introduced the 440-600 cable break device, a lot of industrial and even residential doors have been protected against dropping down. Although the product was improved from time to time, the basic design is still as strong as it was from the start. Now we have taken a new sheet of paper and we introduce the 444 cable break device for industrial doors. • for industrial doors up till 400 kg door weight! • only one version: always easily adjustable in two directions! • standard lifting cable connections with cable thimbles! • compact design! • standard equipped with design protective cover! • TUV + CE approved! • slack cable E-switch optional available! • price, with cover included, reduced compared to 440-600 and 440REGL versions! • packed in pairs including the covers and manual!
Article code
Full package
Cable break device, 400 kg
25 pairs
€ 32,84
10 pieces
€ 8,97
Technical features The functioning of this new device is proven. The geometry of the chisel cutting into the track when the cable breaks, is exactly the same as it is in the 440-600 series. No need for changes there. The device is made out of galvanised, high quality, steel. The number of components has been reduced with over 50%. This reflects of course in the attractive pricing of the device. The 444 is available from July 2006. Order your samples now, and you will be the first to receive it!
In the past we had a list of frequently asked questions. However, the experience with such lists is that your question is never there, or hard to find. That is why we now start in each following INFO with Q&A, Questions and Answers, on one specific technical subject. This time: powder coated torsion springs.
Q: A:
Q: A:
What is the advantage of powder coated torsion springs compared to black or galvanised springs? Powder coated springs look better on a door (appearance) and you need less kilograms of spring to balance the same door. Especially compared to galvanised, the difference is big. Furthermore, protection against corrosion is an advantage of powder coating.
How is that possible? Before powder coating, Flexi-Force springs are shot-peened. This is done by bombarding the spring with hundreds of small bullets, at a speed of 300km/h. This treatment compacts the surface of the spring wire, which increases the life span of the spring. before
Q: A:
Q: A:
Q: A:
Did Flexi-Force invents this? No, this treatment is used on parts of airplanes and for example on parts of car engines (valves). Flexi-Force introduced it in overhead door springs.
So, what is the new life span of such a spring? The lifespan increases with 40% or more. But, because you select a spring on the number of cycles that you want it to last on a door. So, you automatically select a lighter spring.
End conclusion? A spring that looks better, weights less and also important: with the same price.
Powder coated springs are available, fixed-to-size, from our factories in the Netherlands and Hungary. Ask you sales team for a quotation. More detailed information on this subject can be downloaded: www.flexiforce.com / downloads / products /springs.pdf.
By Marco Blonk
A “shared” challenge in FlexiForce! At the moment that a product is introduced to the market, when the stock is ready in our warehouses, it is hard to think back to the months or years before, where everybody was working hard in the development process of this product. Product development is a real challenge, where a lot of different disciplines on a company need to work together to bring a new product to the market. Customers, sales department, R&D, quality control, purchasing, production, logistics, marketing and finance, form the ingredients for a successful new innovative product. And when you know that each ingredient might have a different view or idea about the innovation, you will understand that innovating is one of the toughest jobs a company can give itself. Despite the fact that we are not always happy ourselves about our “time-to-market” and we still have a lot of ideas that need to be developed, we can conclude that looking back, FlexiForce is providing you with a lot of new products every year. Main goals of all new innovations are: - lowering the costs of our customers, - easier installation, - reducing the number of different components, - improving application ranges - increasing safety - expanding the range by offering more varieties per product, for different applications, 42
in other words, supporting our customers in increasing their competitiveness in their markets. FlexiForce history tells that innovation has lead us to some mile stones as: 440-600 cable break device, 670 spring break device, 1034N pass door hinge, powder coated torsion springs, CEcable drums with 2 safety wraps, residential track sets with RESX as the latest version, 725 chain hoist, 651 spring break device for garage doors and a wide variety of locks, grips, windows and other accessories to personalise a door. CE-ITTR service as an example of a “non-product” service innovation. To show you what is needed to come from a “market demand” to a “product introduction” we now explain to you, as example, step by step the development of our latest lock, 650R40AL. Reading this, you will think it is a smooth, well-managed, process. Well, it can be and in fact, sometimes it is. But often, throughout the process things go not according to plan. Delivery times are delayed, samples are not approved the first time, first production run is not passing quality control, CE-testing shows that adjustments are needed, etc.. A lot can go wrong and this always influences the “time-to-market” of a product. One surprise in the process could lead to months of delay. For this reason we ask you to keep this in mind when we are not able to meet the estimated date of introduction.
Ideas for a new product come from different sources: - customer demands (brought to us by account managers in visit reports), - new technology benchmarked from other businesses, - products ideas seen at exhibitions, - general sources (news papers etc.), - complaints on the application of products, - ideas from FlexiForce staff internationally, - input from one of our suppliers, - etc. The idea for this new lock was based on two leads: Customers want to have more choice in nice design locks for garage doors. And for application of a lock on the RES70, RXR systems, the existing lock knobs were too high; they touched the lintel when opening the door. So, need for a nice design, “flat exterior” lock.
The list of ideas is prioritised in a project group, PDG (product development group), where R&D, Purchasing, Marketing and Operations are represented. Once a project is started, one person in that group will act as project manager. Choices will be made how to develop, design, source or produce and how to market it. The start is formed by a “Product demand list” in which all demands like price, application, CE-approval, material etc. are written down. During the development process this list is checked regularly to see if we are still within the boundaries of the project. For the 650R40AL, we wanted to reduce development time and costs so we decided to have a nice design exterior, fit on the existing, well known, 650 lock mechanism.
R&D starts developing the new product. Material choice, design, dimensions, tolerances, talking to suppliers about “produce-ability” and presenting the first drawings to the PDG. The demand on the design of the 650R40AL was more “domotecnica” then door technology, so we decided to outsource the design. After being offered 4-5 variants, the final design was selected.
Make or buy decisions in FlexiForce are relatively easy. We produce springs, profiles, curves, sets, and stampings ourselves. Other parts are sourced through a dedicated supplier network, often in Asia. Also the supply of this lock was outsourced.
After R&D has done the basic work and the design is approved, the product comes into the “information phase”. This means that the purchasing department can send the drawings out to selected suppliers and quotations arrive at the PDG-team.
By Marco Blonk
5. Design, drawings and quotations are matched and checked with the original “list of demands”. If all is approved, the product moves into the “released for tooling” phase. This means that the tooling (dies) can be made and a first sample out of the tooling will be received.
6. When the sample arrives, it passes R&D, quality control, purchasing and marketing. This is the phase where we ask some customers to give their opinion. After this, the PDG team approves the sample (if not, new samples have to be made) and the product is “released for production”. The design of the 650R40AL was “market-tested” at the Saie Due exhibition in Bologna, March 2007. After positive reactions, it became clear that we could move ahead with the project.
7 8 9 44
7. Now the real work starts for the logistic team. Together with marketing the annual use of the product is forecasted, packaging is specified and technical information is collected. All FlexiForce companies are pre-informed on the product, in order for them to prepare warehouse space, quality procedures and handling. The product is entered in the computer systems and production starts. Purchasing department will issue a “first date of arrival”.
8. Marketing is now responsible for informing the customers about the new product. Product pictures are made, technical information is collected and specs are determined. The product is entered in the E-catalogue, price lists and after some pre-announcements in INFO53 and @INFO, the official introduction is done in @INFO magazine, which reaches all our customers in 9 different languages. The sales teams have received product sheets with extra information and they start analysing which customers we will send a sample.
9. Once all this is done, the PDG-team will evaluate the complete process, read the first reactions on samples, and check the first sales quantities. If all is well, the project can be eliminated from the list, to make room for another new future FlexiForce product!
The system is really simple. First of all the needed head room: 200mm! To achieve this we have designed a special curve assembly, 567-554-2GD. It contains a special lower curve (A), with a “double radius”. This curve is cut and welded resulting in a “sharper” curve. The upper curve (B) runs just under the cable pulley system (C). This
system consists of a cable pulley mounted and secured to the side plate through a top pulley plate. This part of the system is supplied to you completely pre-assembled. The cable runs through the new designed, fork-shaped roller (D), article code 593, through the track and is finally connected to the cable break device, article code 440LHR.
This new CE-LHR system is available as complete hardware set (delivery time 7 working days after your order) or as pre-assembled curve plate combined with other separate components from stock. Available lift systems: • LHR = Low Head Room • FLH = Following the roof Low Head room (CE-FLH) with angles in steps of 5 degrees.
Of course, the advantage of hardware sets is that you do not need to invest in stock for a product line which will be only a small part of the total number of doors that you sell. Contact your sales team for more information on CE-LHR hardware sets and order your samples now.
Now we have a solution for matching low head room industrial doors to the new CE demands: our new CE-LHR track system with cable running inside the track. We have a patent pending on this new invention.
To create the space needed for the cable, a different type of vertical angle is used, code 9K...(E). The distance between panel and track is bigger compared to other lift systems. Therefore the rollers need to have a longer shaft as well, article code 575LHR and 575-304LHR (stainless steel).
A special tension set has been designed to combine with this new system. Article code 688CR/ L. Detailed drawings and installation manuals are available on request, or download from our website (downloads / products).
After Sales by Julian Lopez Montano
From talking to our customers and looking around to other industries, we see the following trends in service: - End-user awareness on service, life span costs and safety is increasing rapidly. - End-user awareness on “downtime” of operation due to door malfunctioning. - The CE standards prescribe that overhead doors, depending on use, must be inspected and maintained regularly, for ensuring safe operation, but to ensure the declared values and classes. - “Old doors” can be upgraded by fitting CE-type safety components such as cable break device, spring break device, etc. NB! If you follow the CE norms you will see that sometimes it is better to offer a complete new door instead of upgrading the existing door (that has to be approved again). - Major door companies are (getting) engaged strategically in providing service, not only for their own doors, but also for doors placed by others (=your doors?); - Companies that are engaged in total building management are including the service of overhead doors (and where appropriate: the supply of new doors) in their business; - More and more doors are becoming motorized. And more and more existing manually operated doors are being retrofitted with electric operators;
season, which allows you to keep your people at work. - Offering of service contracts with shortened response time (for example 24 hours or 4 hours); - Carrying out repairs, dealing with breakdowns; - Offering extended warranty periods; - Upgrading of installed doors (pass door, safety components, safety edge, CE, operator, more transmitters, dock level control, etc.) When you are able to record in a database where you have sold which door, who the present end-user is etc. you will have the basis for a successful approach to service. One thing is sure, if you don’t, someone else will take this profitable business from under your nose.
These developments represent an important opportunity for all door companies, even those companies that have until now restricted themselves to the sale of new doors only to for example a dealer or installer network. A structural approach to and organization of the service of overhead doors can therefore be very rewarding.
What does FlexiForce offer? - Sample documents “Maintenance Contract” in four languages ( downloads\general\....) - Support with photographic / text materials for the production of your spare parts price list. Download all product pictures from our website ( downloads\pictures\...) - FF-Xpress: Rush deliveries of assembled springs, track sets, spare parts within 24 hour (see article FF-Xpress in this magazine). - Installation instruction videos with which you can train and educate your installation and service crew. - Spring selection software to assist you in computing rapidly the appropriate spring. - Installation and maintenance manuals, user guides, for various products ( downloads\manuals\). - A product range which includes many service or supplementary products;
Service may be subdivided into: - Supply of spare parts (do you have a spare parts price list?); - Offering of maintenance contracts when selling doors; Also, keep in mind that maintenance visits are easy to plan in “low”
After listening to what you need, we intend in the near future to extend our facilities for after sales service. We will keep you updated on this. Contact your sales team if you have ideas or remarks on this subject.
10 service tips from an expert We noted the following service tips for you, given by an experienced service manager. All points seem logical, but according to him, if you are able to follow them, you do it a lot better than your competitor!
Make yourself known to potential service customers, for example: a. Put a clear identification label/shield on your new doors (with service phone number or website address) b. Give the customer user instructions with your name and number for service c. Place adds in your regions’ yellow pages (book and internet) d. Have a clear sign on your website explaining your repair service and maintenance options.
Be available 24 hours per day through a phone number and email address. Have somebody pick-up the phone within 3 “rings”. Have somebody to answer emails within 24 hours!
Offer free inspections to the door owner. Without obligation or charge he can receive your advice/proposal for repairs and for maintenance. Give solid price estimations when on site. Maybe guarantee that you will not exceed the estimation with more then 10%.
When going out on repairs, make sure you have the customers prior approval (in writing) before you perform any work for him. Make it a habit of sending him an order confirmation by email or fax, which he has to send back for approval. This makes it a lot easier to get paid afterwards.
Make sure your presentation on site is ok. That means for example: a. A clean and organised service vehicle with your name on it. b. Mechanic in your companies clothing shows professionalism! c. Be there on time. Or call when you are hindered in traffic. d. Trained mechanic. He is your ambassador on site! Not only technically fit for the job! Give him some commercial training on what not to say. Something that you do not want to have is an engineer explaining on site: “This is the 5th time today that I meet this problem! I have told our office many times….blablabla”. e. Secure the area with tape or fences. It shows you take safety seriously.
Complaints and repairs are the best opportunities for a solid relationship with your customer. Take the opportunity while you are there for repairs, to ask the customer about need for new doors, quotation for maintenance on all his doors, his garage door at home, etc.etc. If the customer trusts you and likes the way you work, he is open to increase business with you. 48
“Pick up the phone before the third ring.” 7
Think about offering guarantee on the parts that you replaced.
Be prepared for an efficient visit. This should already start with setting up a database of all doors in your installed base. If you know which door has which problem, you can bring the new, correct torsion spring with you the first time. This provides you with efficiency and saves the door owner a lot of costs. There are door companies that have a bar code system which identifies each door and all the parts on it.
Have a training program for your service people. Organise meetings where problems are discussed to have them learn from each other. Create a certification program for your mechanics or for the mechanics of your dealers.
Follow-up! After you have done the repair, visit or call the customer to see if he is happy on your actions. There might be some dissatisfaction that you would want to solve. It shows you really care about your work!
Top 5 reasons for service calls If you offer repair service to your customers, you might already have a feeling on the list of most frequent door malfunctions (=problem which is the reason for calling you). So to confirm your feeling, or to learn from it:
Panel damaged. Mostly on industrial doors, the bottom section needs replacement after being hit by a fork-lift truck or truck.
E-operator malfunction. Limit switches, complete stalling of the operator, remote transmitter batteries, mother board replacement, etc.
Torsion springs unbalanced or broken. Door is not balanced properly. Springs need re-tensioning. Or springs need to be replaced, including the spring break device (one-shotdevice!)
Cable is broken or shows wear. Cable needs replacing and if needed also replacement of the cable break device (oneshot-device!)
Track/roller system damaged or need greasing. Lack of proper maintenance.
This is the third time this week that I see this problem. I told them in the office, but will they listen to me? Now way…
Costs of service
Your customer might be shocked by the service hourly rate that you put in your quotation to them. You can inform them that this is why you need more per hour for a service mechanic compared to factory or installation workers. Service hour rate = compensation for: • higher level of worker • service vehicle with spare parts stock inside • stock of spare parts (not fast moving products) in your warehouse • specialised training & education • extra health and safety costs • special tooling for service on site • higher insurance for liability, casualty • overtime hours are more expensive (and occur often in service) • less effective hours per day for a mechanic • waiting hours on site • administration: quotation, confirmation, report, follow-up • service staff in the office • service advertising and marketing • risk out of warranty on work done And of course normal costs, depreciation, taxes, etc. 49
Industrial bearing plates The main function of bearing plates is to fit and support the rotating shaft and all that is attached to it, like torsion springs, cable drums, couplers, electrical operators, chain hoists, etc. to the stationary construction of the building or the end of the horizontal tracks. For industrial doors, we divide into three groups: • End bearing plates (1) • Centre bearing plates (2) • Spring break devices (3) For this article we will limit ourselves to the first two groups. Spring break devices will be explained in a future University lesson.
Non-adjustable bearing plates The last group contains one bearing plate for 1 heart distance. The standard heart-distances originate still from the USA-standard from the early overhead door times: • 3 3/8” • 4 3/8” • 5” • 6”
86 mm (7) 111 mm (7) 127 mm (7) 152 mm (7)
2. Centre bearing plates
All these can be supplied with 1” or 1¼” impressed bearing or without bearing. The heart distance from shaft to the installation surface varies with applied drum diameter and perhaps spring diameter. That is why bearing plates cannot be restricted to a single size. Therefore, bearing plates are provided in two groups when it comes to the heart-distance between centre of the shaft and the wall/lintel etc.: • Adjustable bearing plates, heartdistance adjustable to needed sizes (4) • Non-adjustable bearing plates, fixed for one heart distance (5)
Side bearing plates (End plates) Side bearing plates or end plates are mostly fitted in the line with the vertical angle. The drums are fitted directly adjacent in order to provide them with a solid support close to the plate. Side bearing plates contain slotted holes in the bottom part of the plate. (8) These holes accommodate fixation of the horizontal reinforcement profile (5C). This connection can be made with the single or double paroclamp plate (102668B or 1027-68B). The flange with which the plate is secured to the wall is
3. Spring break devices
4. Adjustable bearing plates
5. Non-adjustable bearing plates
1. End bearing plates
by Ton Peterse
6. High tension steel solution designed in order to bridge the width of the 5C profile and to utilize the same assembly surface as for the vertical angle. Since each door requires an LH and RH side bearing plates are supplied in pairs. Some years ago, FlexiForce® introduced an innovative line of new side bearing plates for industrial doors. These bearing plates (series 3086S etc.) (6) replace the old-type USA bearing plates (series 305-8 etc.) and the bearing plates that followed those (series 305-4B etc). The new bearing plates combine smart design, use of high tension steel and reinforcement ribs with easy installation and solid performance. There are moreover several holes for connecting the chain hoists 725,720-4 etc.. The flange for the connection with the reinforcement profile has been enlarged to provide a better connection to the 5C and is supplied with several holes.
These new bearing plates are the standard in our industrial hardware sets. In our hardware sets, for an opening width of 5.000mm or more and/ or 6” springs, two extra centre bearing plates (type 3086C) are employed next to the drum to provide the shaft with extra support from sagging due to wide doors or heavy springs. Side bearing plates 318-4CP (9) contain a 1¼” (31,75 mm) bearing and are modified 318-4C (10) centre bearing plates with an extra strip at the bottom of the bearing plate.
7. Hart distance
Centre bearing plates Centre bearing plates are positioned above the door opening in the centre of the door width, to support the shaft at the location of the coupler and possibly to fix the stationary spring fittings. Also for the non-adjustable centre bearing plates, FlexiForce© introduced
8. Slotted holes 27
flexiforce a new series of high tension steel (2,5mm thickness), reinforced plates, the series 3086C, 3111C, 3127C and 3152C. (6) These replaced the older types series 315-4B etc.. (11) The width of these new bearing plates is suitable for all spring plugs through 6” and they provide holes suitable for fitting of spring plugs.
9. 318-4CP
For all different kinds of application, the centre bearing plates can also be supplied with the shoulder of the bearing on the non-flanged side (code 315-4BOM etc.). (12) Applied at the location of the cable drum, where the drum is positioned against the bearing while the flange still needs to be accessible for fixation. Series 315-4N centre bearing plates are supplied without installed bearing. This allows, with an opening on the front, to temporarily suspend the shaft during assembly. The heavy duty bearing blocks USA-HD and USAHD-125 can be applied in combination with these plates. (13)
wall to shaft is variable between 76mm to 152mm. In stock as USA-8LH and USA-8RH. These plates often function as centre bearing plate, to mount the stationary spring fittings to in the case when no spring break device is used. Sometimes, in combination with a USA-B bearing and the 325 bearing container, USA-8 is used as adjustable bearing plate for doors with one spring. Article UP-2-6 (14) is a central support plate for “duplex” springs where the internal spring is longer than the external spring. The heart distance is 152 mm (6”). bearing plate production (15, 16,17, 18) Bearing plates are in general stamped (punched) from pre-galvanized strip steel. There are basically two ways of production: • high volume production with expensive progressive dies • low volume production with manual tooling and one stamping-step per die.
11. Old type 315-4B etc.
universal plates (4) Universal centre bearing plate USA-8 is manufactured from 4.0 mm zinc plated steel plate. The heart-distance from
The most efficient choice differs per product and is determined by volume and labour rates. In the more simple manual dies, flat strips are being positioned for each treatment under the punching die of an eccentric press. Progressive dies are in fact several moulds that are “linked together” where each step represents a punch or setting procedure. Progressive dies are applied when the cutting and/ or punch force required is high and the progression of the work makes it impossible to realize all the holes and settings required in one step. Progressive dies mainly use steel strip on rolls or coils.
12. 315-4BOM
13. 315-4N
14. UP-2-6
10. 318-4C Centre bearing plates can also be supplied with a 1 1/4” (31,75 mm) fitted bearing with 64 mm external diameter (318-4C). Or with a hole for heart distance bearing of 190mm (320-4). NB! Centre bearing plates are sold by piece(1). So, Plenty of choice for plenty applications!
flexiforce Reinforcement ribs, rims and settings can make a product stronger and/or more rigid without having to use thicker plate. The current bearing plate series of FlexiForce is made out of High Tension Steel. This steel provides the same strengths with less material use. For production, using this steel is more complex, because the “spring-back” (which is the tendency of the material to come back to the position before stamping) is bigger compared to when normal steel is used. Expertise is needed to control this process accurately, which is the reason that not many other suppliers are capable of supplying this solution. In 2007, FlexiForce has invested in a brand new stamping production in FlexiForce China, where both high volume and low volume products can be stamped (punched). This has made us the expert in this kind of production for our standard catalogue products, but also for customer specific products. prevIew! new developments In our continuous search for product improvements, we can now announce two bearing plate developments that will be introduced in our product range in the future:
• USA8RL/R (4) The universal USA-8 plate is analysed which has lead to material savings without limitation of the application. So, lower price, same use! • New industrial bearing plate system (19) In our complete hardware sets we will introduce a new system of side bearing plates that offer some major advantages: - double heart-distance application with one plate - integrated connection and positioning - in bigger sizes more flexibility for positioning the plates for all kind of lift systems.
15. Bearing plate production, automatic
16. Bearing plate production, automatic
17. Bearing plate production, manual
19. New industrial bearing plate system
18. Bearing plate production, manual 29
DockDoorsystem by Ton Peterse
DockDoor system:
Your entry to bigger projects Distribution centres, big projects, high quantities of identical doors, standard sizes, and heavy price pressure. That is in a few words the market for DockDoors, overhead doors installed in combination with loading bays, dock levellers and dock shelters. A tough market for the smaller and medium sized door company to compete in, especially against the big global players. FlexiForceŠ introduces a new hardware system that will allow her customers to become more competitive in these bigger projects: DockDoor hardware system. 18
dockdoorsystem the new, innovative flexiforce® dockdoor system features: • application range: - max door size (wxh) 3,25 x 3,30m, - VL and HL lift system, HL max 3050mm • pre-assembled cable-pulley system • efficient use of materials • spring installation on beam, above the lintel • new, light, box-beam and brackets • customer choice: - parts - complete hardware sets with pre-assembled shaft system • combination with electrical operator and accessories • choice for: - traditional 9VB angle and profiles - more efficient 9ZR angle and profiles
the new dockdoor parts are: For creating an efficient solution for DockDoors, we have introduced the following new parts. Details can be found also on our website catalogue on www.flexiforce.com.
DS554HL-L DS554HL-R Pulley assembly high lift, left/right € 10,44 p.piece
40U60 Bracket for box beam 60K40 € 0,95 p.piece
DS554VL-L DS554VL-R Pulley assembly vertical lift, left/right € 11,40 p.piece
342L 342R Triangular plate 375x225x2.5mm, Left/Right € 7,24 p.piece
60K40-2750 60K40-3500 Box beam, galvanised, 60x40mm, 2.0mm L=2750mm € 14,80 L=3500mm € 18,83 19
dockdoorsystem track system configuration The track system leaves a choice to the customer. Traditionally, our well-known 9VB angle can be applied in combination with the 1085 side seal. However, money can be saved by choosing the 9ZR angle in combination with the new side seal 1084. the ultimate: complete dockdoor hardware sets Since DockDoor projects are often characterized by more doors per project, it would be ideal to outsource the hardware production for these projects to FlexiForce. This will save you production capacity, pre-financing, stock and of course production time and costs. Our hardware set service for DockDoors features: • complete track set with seals, assembled and cut-to-size • torsion springs, powder coated, cut-to-size and pre-installed on the shaft • complete pre-assembled shaft with springs, spring break devices, plates, drums. • hardware box with all screws and parts needed for installing this specific door. • clear installation manual included in the box (on request) • one-pallet-packaging for efficient transport • matching electrical operator and e-accessories Contact your sales team for receiving the DockDoor HWS price list, order forms and installation manual. You will be surprised by the cost saving advantages! Installation savings! When working with a FlexiForce DockDoor hardware set, supplied with pre-assembled shaft and pulley systems and keeping in mind the fact that the shaft is installed just above the lintel, you will be able to save valuable installation time. Testinstallations show reductions of 2-4 hours depending on the local situation. more information: The products are in stock now. Installation manuals, price lists and product sheets can be found on our website and in our online catalogue. Easy find: type “Dock” at the “search” space. Meanwhile, we have supplied some big quantities of DockDoor hardware sets to certain customers. These “early adapters” gave us positive feed back on the quality and efficiency of the system. Do not hesitate to follow their lead!
By Ton Peterse
New! SafeStep速: System for residential pass doors The residential pass door system for fingersafe sections seems to be a real challenge for everyone involved in the design and development of a possible system. FlexiForce had to overcome several design conflicts and re-evaluations to now be ready to introduce to you our solution. We are happy with the end result: SafeStep速. Our system allows our customers to build a pass door that features a solid construction, very small tolerances and a very good appearance, on the inside and outside of the door. The system will consist of separate parts, with which you can compose the complete pass door. Possibly, in a later stage, FlexiForce will offer ready kits, configured to order. 17
SafeStep速 1034MCAPS / 1034KCAPS / 1034TCAPS
1034FL & 1034 BASE
1033A 1041L-01 1041LT
1033LS / 1033LSF
1033LR 1033LBR 18
Part I. Low threshold, H= 28mm The pass door configuration can be configured including our new low threshold solution. We have designed a 1-piece aluminium threshold profile (1041L-…) that has an integrated U-shape to fix on the bottom section. The wide base of the profile gives the threshold its sturdiness and prevents the door panel from bending in opened position. The profile contains two grooves for mounting the bottom rubber seals (2 x 1035L). It is very important that the floor is flat in order to properly support the threshold without having a too high load on one point of the profile. At the location of the pass door, the flanges of the U-shape must be removed by cutting or milling the flanges and finishing of the surface in the door opening. To neatly finish the pass door threshold location, we provide a special sticking film (1041LT). At the location of the bottom brackets, the reinforcement ribs in the base need to be removed on inside as well as outside. This can be done by milling, but to prevent complicated labour, we have created two corner pieces of aluminium profile (1041LE) that can be connected to the main profile with a connecting strip (1041L-01) and screws. After installation, a threshold height of approximately 28mm is obtained. The upper surface of the pass door threshold is designed with an angle, allowing water to run of to the outside of the door. The bottom side of the pass door is foreseen with a rubber seal. For power operated doors, of course, a safety edge system needs to be installed. IR-beams or special sensor devices are available in the market, offering a solution to the fact that standard opto-sensors cannot be fitted in the bottom seal. A pass door switch to prevent the door from opening when the pass door is not closed, is already available in our product range. To ensure the solid construction of the complete door, it is needed to fit an additional reinforcement profile (80PS….) at the top of the upper door section. Once all the above mentioned information is put into practice during installation, this system allows to make a pass door of 840mm max. width in a sectional door of max. width 5000mm. Traditional safety edge system cannot be applied on this new wide threshold. There are IR-systems available in the market to ensure safe opening and closing of the door with this threshold. FlexiForce offers you f.e. a light curtain, SG06-2000 (see www.flexiforce.com for details)
Part II. The pass door system Main characteristics of our pass door system are: • smooth design of the anodised aluminium profiles • inside, non-visible hinges • intermediate hinges fixed on the aluminium profiles • different plastic covers per panel type • strong construction with minimized “play” • the door always opens to the outside • CE-Initial Type Testing Report already in place. The system is based on having one aluminium profile (1033LD) for framing the pass door itself. Another profile (1033LS) makes the frame of the door opening. On the transition from panel to panel, black plastic covers (1034TCAPS etc.) are available for ensuring the finger safety. Covers are now available for Kingspan, Epco, Metecno and ThyssenKruppHoesch panels. These caps are fixed to the aluminium profile with small screws. The cutting of the aluminium profiles needs attention. A perfect fit to the plastic covers, the right angles and keeping into account that different panels have different size tolerances. Per section transition, 4 caps are necessary. Before installing the internal hinges (1034HI), a recess or hole needs to be milled in the aluminium profile. To save you from this labour, we also provide pre-worked alu profiles in short lengths. The hinges are fixed with special bolt/nut connection to both frames. The door is sealed by a rubber profile (1033LR) all around. The seal to the threshold is done by adding a small aluminium profile (1033LB) with rubber seal (1033LBR). To secure the construction in the corners, a reinforcement angle bracket (1033A) is fitted. At this moment, we can offer a single lock for this system, for which we developed a new lock assembly (1034CLB). The door pusher (1034FL) and optional rain profile (1034RN) are existing products from our range. There is an option for a single point euro cylinder lock, which is described in detail in the product overview (download from www.flexiforce.com or request from your sales team). More information. This is of course a first introduction of the system. We have available for you a complete installation manual and production manual as well as a system configurator in Excel. In our online catalogue you can find the details on each product. Contact your sales team for a deep insight introduction or quotation!
Couplers: Connecting shafts Introduction It will be no surprise to you that the main function of couplers is to connect two shaft parts to become one shaft on a door. There are three main reasons, applications, for using couplers: 1 A coupler is used on wider doors (>3.5m), where it is physically impossible for the mechanic and for the structure to work with one longer shaft, taking in consideration that springs, spring break device and cable drums are already on the shaft when installing it. So, carrying and installing two pieces is easier in the installation process. The coupler connects the two pieces to one shaft. 2 A coupler is often used for out-lining, levelling of the length of the left and right cable by rotating the shaft halves including the cable drums opposite of each other. For this, adjustable couplers are available. 3 A coupler is used for transition from one shaft size to another. For example, from a 1¼” shaft to a 1”shaft. This can be demanded in situation where an electrical operator or chain hoist is fitted to a door with a 1¼” or even odder size (32mm, hexagonal, etc) shaft.
Innovation Already in 2000, FlexiForce, after close cooperation with one of our suppliers, introduced the 703ST coupler, in an innovative new material, cast steel. The cast steel was >20% stronger compared to the cast iron and allowed more freedom in the design of the coupler, which lead to reduced pricing and increased work load. Our yellow galvanised innovation is copied since then by others. Which is a compliment, we think.
This information learns that there are two main types of coupler: 1 Fixed 2 Adjustable The selection and configuration of the coupler depends on the shaft type and the expected work load on the coupler. The load on a coupler is limited when the door is equipped with an equal number of equal torsion springs at the left and right side of the coupler. If this is not the case, the coupler is the location where all the torque from one part is transferred to the other part of the shaft! On the load subject it is also very important that both shaft halves are aligned properly, to prevent eccentric forces on the coupler. To achieve this alignment, the shaft must be supported by bearing plates close to both sides of the coupler.
1 Fixed
by Ton Peterse
Cable adjustment There are three ways of cable length adjustment: 1 Using an adjustable coupler 2 Using an adjustable bottom bracket (or cable break device (444, 440REGL) 3 Adjusting the cable fixation on the cable drum with the set screw.
Production methods Our couplers come out of three production processes, depending on the base material: • Cast steel. Hot, liquid cast steel is poured into a mould, after which it is cooled down. When released from the mould, the cast steel coupler is reworked. • Aluminium. Our 708-range is made through aluminium extrusion. An ingot of hot aluminium is drawn through a steel-stone (mould) and results in an aluminium profile that is cut into the correct lengths for the different couplers. • Aluminium. Our small 706ALU coupler is die-casted in a mould, equal to the process of our cable drums and spring fittings.
Couplers for bigger residential- and industrial doors
Coupler quality and testing FlexiForce couplers are undergoing extensive and repeated load and quality tests. The quality of the coupler is defined by the quality of the base material (aluminium or cast steel) and the quality and classes of the bolts and nuts. FlexiForce is applying bolts and nuts certified in classes from 8.8 to 12.9. The testing of couplers and bolts have provided us with maximal loads and maximal torques on the fixing material. We strongly recommend that you respect these values as presented in our online product catalogue in the product sheet. Couplers for smaller residential doors
Bigger garage doors and industrial doors are configured with 1” (25.4mm) shafts with a ¼” (6.35mm) key-way. Couplers for this application are equipped with a key-way, for positioning the key. The key is fixed by pushing it against the shaft with a set screw on the key, or by means of direct clamping of the coupler on the shaft. To prevent the key from loosening during door operation, it is recommended to place a set collar on the shaft, for example FlexiForce collar 1065. For placing a set collar on a already installed door, for example when the mechanic discovers that the key is moving in the key-way, a 2-piece set collar is now available for 1”shafts (1065S) and 1¼” shaft (1065-125). NB! The bearing plates need to be installed close to the coupler, but with keeping in mind space needed for putting in the keys afterwards. Both sides of the shaft need to meet in the centre of the coupler. To ensure this, fixed couplers are equipped with a small inspection hole. With adjustable couplers, one piece of the shaft is shifted slightly through one half of the coupler, which makes the shaft connection during installation a lot easier. Couplers for bigger industrial doors
706ALU On smaller garage doors mostly 1” tube shafts are applied. Without a key-way. In general, the lifting cables are already exactly made-tosize, so cable drum, bottom bracket and coupler do not need to be adjustable. The shaft coupler is therefore a light, fixed version in aluminium (706ALU). The set screws of this coupler need to be fixed with the recommended torque, which is strong enough to firmly connect the two shaft pieces.
706ST100 A stronger construction achieved on bigger doors with the use of a 1 1/4” (31.75mm) shaft with a ¼” (6.35mm) key-way. Also for this shaft size, FlexiForce has a full range of fixed and adjustable couplers (see diagram).
FlexiForce Selection of couplers Based on fixed vs. adjustable, door size and application and of course on price, you can select the FlexiForce coupler which best matches your demand. Our couplers in a schematic overview:
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
708S75 25,4 mm Fix 75 mm Alu extrusion 290 Nm € 3,01 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
706ALU Tube 25,4 mm Fix 60 mm Cast aluminium 87 Nm € 2,43 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
708S90 25,4 mm Fix 90 mm Alu extrusion 290 Nm € 3,72 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
705ST60 25,4 mm Fix 60 mm Cast steel, galvanised 125 Nm € 6,98 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
705ST100 25,4 mm Fix 100 mm Cast steel, galvanised 326 Nm € 8,76 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
708S120 25,4 mm Fix 120 mm Alu extrusion 326 Nm € 4,73 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
703ST 25,4 mm Adjustable 80 mm Cast steel, galvanised 290 Nm € 8,60 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque List Price
704ST 31,75 mm Adjustable 80 mm Cast steel, galvanised 290 Nm € 14,99 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
706ST100 31,75 mm Fix 100 mm Cast steel, galvanised 326 Nm € 13,12 (2010-Q4 p.piece(1))
FlexiForce Shaft size transitions The last reason for using a coupler is to install an electrical operator or chain hoist on a, often already installed industrial door where the shaft size is different, for example 1¼” or hexagonal, or 35mm or 32mm. With the right coupler an after-sales opportunity is opened up, because now you can upgrade any manual door from any brand into a power operated door. For that purpose we have extended our line of couplers with the following range: FF article code Shaft Version Length Material FF article code Shaft Version Length Material
705-125 25,4 mm > 31,75 mm Fix 76 mm Cast steel, galvanised
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material
705H32 25,4 mm > 32 mm hex. Fix 76 mm Cast steel, galvanised
705R40 25,4 mm > 40mm Fix 76 mm Cast steel, galvanised
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material
705R35 25,4 mm > 35 mm Fix 76 mm Cast steel, galvanised
FF article code Shaft Version Length Material Max torque Price pc
702ST05 25,4 mm > 31,75 mm Adjustable 80 mm Cast steel, galvanised 290 Nm € 14,73
Resuming This concludes our information on couplers for overhead doors. Of course, in our configuration software programs FFLogic and Create (online garage door configuration), the proper coupler is being pre-selected for you. If you need any more details, let us know.
SafeStep Introduction update IN OUR INFO#61 WE INTRODUCED TO YOU OUR
Installation Installing a pass door in an industrial door can be a real challenge. Door companies assign special trained people for this that are capable of getting routine in making the perfect pass door. Making a pass door in a residential, finger-safe door is even more complicated. Our SafeStep system results in a perfect fit, but, only when installed by trained pass door makers that follow closely the instructions and tolerances as stated in our manual. The dimensional tolerances of the panel differ for each brand. Therefore, be sure it takes solid preparation and skills to make SafeStep the perfect solution. We are happy to train your people in this. In-house or at FlexiForce.
Kits We have received requests from you for supplying the SafeStep doors in standard, or configured-to-order kits. The risk for us in supplying you the kits is high, caused by the fact that the panel tolerances differ per panel supplier. So, we could be preparing something for you that in the end won’t fit perfectly. So, instead of supplying kits, we have made a number of cutting moulds that will help you to easily and rapidly cut (no milling required!) the aluminium profiles to size and angle.
1033A The 1033A reinforcement bracket is improved. Now it is equipped with new self-locking nuts that will stick to the aluminium during installation. So, easier to fix.
SafeStep Information • in the product section of our website • download brochure in the download section (products/brochures) • full installation manual • an excel calculation program ready for you • pictures on Flickr.com photo stream • introduction movie on FF-TV (YOUTUBE). • SafeStep doors on display in the show rooms of all FlexiForce subsidiaries.
PREVIEW! Multi-point lock As we openly admitted, there was one thing still missing at SafeStep during introduction: a multi-point lock for the pass door. Now, we can show you a preview on our unique solution in the pictures on this page. FlexiForce has cooperated closely with a lock supplier, which was able to integrate our innovations into his lock-know-how. The result will be a very simple, effective lock for as many panels as you want. Mounted on the door framing. A slightly adjusted design of the black covers is being worked on. We aim to show the prototype on the Equip’Baie exhibition in Paris. Market release should be possible within months from that presentation. We will keep you updated.
Springs on beams: A full solution We now introduce to you two new products, pulley systems IND554L/R for “springs on beams” door configurations. But we realize that you might have missed the fact that with this introduction we have completed a product range that offers a full solution for industrial High Lift (HL) and Vertical Lift (VL) doors with springs on beams. Not only for DockDoors, but also for Industrial doors up to 600kg. That is why we give you a full overview on this page. More specific information can be downloaded from our website in the booklet “Springs on beams” ( www.flexiforce.com downloads/products/brochures). Or ask your sales team to fully update you on our options in this configuration.
DockDoor, High Lift
DockDoor Vertical Lift
Industrial door VL and HL
80KCAP 120KCAP 120K60CAP 100KCAP
60K40-.... 60x40mm
80K-.... 80x40mm
120K-.... 120x40mm
120K60-... 120x60mm
100K-.... 100x100mm
342R/L DockDoor
1058B 355STRI 1060 1058F
35U40 35U80 100K
Industrial door
35U120 40U60 33
FlexiForce University (Ton Peterse)
Seals and astragals An overhead door in closed position, has to be “sealed” to prevent air or water from entering into the building. This is the main function of door seals. A door has 4 locations with possible leakage gaps: 1 The horizontal seam in between the top panel and the lintel 2 The horizontal seam in between the bottom panel and the floor 3 The vertical seams in between the sides of the panels and the wall 4 The horizontal seams in between all the panels. In a door where windows or a pass door are integrated, of course seals are applied between window and panel and between the pass door and the frame in the overhead door. In this chapter of the FlexiForce University, we explain the features, application and the “nice-to-knows” of (1) top-, (2) bottom-, (3) side- and (4) intermediate seals.
“ The quality of the seal can make or break the class and safety of a door”
Quality of seals
To execute the main function optimally, seals are made of soft and flexible material. The quality level of sealing the door, is defined in the doors’ Initial Type Testing Report (ITTR), where air permeability and water penetration classes are tested and declared. With that it defines the experienced quality of the door and its competitive position. Next to this, the bottom seal has an even more important function, where it comes to safety. On a closing door, it is the safety-“buffer” between the moving heavy door panels and an obstacle or person under the door. For this, the bottom seal can be equipped with a safety edge system which ensures that the maximal allowed peak-force is not exceeded. Concluding: The quality of the seal can make or break the quality and safety of a sectional overhead door.
www.flexiforce.com 26
As said, good results for air permeability, water penetration and peak force safety are determined by properly designed seals of high quality. Important for the quality level is: • The right material for the right application. For example: EPDM rubber with softness of 60 Shore for a simple bottom seal. • The design of the seal. The specific movement of the door in relation to the building, puts different demands on the shape and form of the different seals. • The design of the total construction. To ensure the CE classes declared, the seal may not be subject to excessive wear and tear during a certain life span. • The installation of the seal must be easy and time efficient. • The packaging must be designed to allow the seal to keep its needed shape or come back to that shape after installation.
FlexiForce University
1. Top seals On most sectional doors the top seal is fixed on the top section of the door. On cheaper doors, a seal is screwed directly on the top of the panel. But in Europe, a typical top seal is made of EPDM rubber, it slides into an aluminium retainer top-profile (1038H-series) and features one sealing lip.To reduce costs and/or in situations where the available build-in height is limited, the top seal can also be fixed to the lintel. In that case a side seal is used as top seal, fixed on a steel angle profile (915VR-series) or fixed to the wall with use of clips (art. code: 1083). Our extensive CE testing program at SP-institute in Sweden has taught us that a top seal often is the weakest link in getting good test results for air permeability. Since there is also a trend for increasing the insulation and with that the thermal values of sectional doors using thicker door panels FlexiForce has recently introduced a strongly improved top seal with double sealing lips (1036D). We highly recommend opting for this newest seal, in combination with the 1038H-series of aluminium top profiles. For fingersafe panels and traditional industrial panels.
1038H, 1036D
Our top seals: Top seal 1036-36 1036-52 1036D*
Aluminium top profile 1038-4040 etc, 1038H-4040 etc*, 1040-6090 1038-4040 etc, 1038H-4040 etc*, 1040-6090 1038-4040 etc, 1038H-4040 etc*, 1040-6090
1085 1036-36
* = FlexiForce recommended combination
2. Bottom seals The typical bottom seal is made of EPDM rubber and slides into an aluminium retainer profile (for example 1038-4040 etc.). Exception is the smart design of the Epco panel, where the door panel itself is equipped with a groove to fit in the bottom seal (1035QSE) directly, without the need for an extra aluminium profile. Saving installation time and costs. In the market there are many types and qualities of bottom seals available. Starting with cheap plastic ones to expensive ones with integrated contact switches. So here again, it is important to understand, for which application which seal applies best. The CE-norms state a maximal peak force that a closing overhead door may exert on any obstacle hit while closing. This means that, depending on the door size, door weight and door speed, this demand can only be met, by using the bottom seal as a buffer between the door and the obstacle. The time that it takes to deform the seal or to activate the sensors in the seal, must be enough to ensure that the door is stopped (and reversed) in time before crushing objects or people. Our test program shows that it is not always easy to meet the peakforce demands only by applying a safety edge (industrial) or by proper software setting of the door drive (residential). For this, the bottom seal needs a certain height, to compensate for the time-delay.
The FlexiForce range of bottom seals starts with a simple bottom seal for applications with no further requirements, but even that seal is produced out of EPDM as the base of quality. EPDM is oil-resistant and suitable for outside use. For use on automated industrial doors, the applied seals are equipped with a “chamber”, used by pneumatic (air switch) safety edge systems or by optosensor (photo-cells) safety edge systems. These safety sensors need to be activated as soon as the closing door hits an obstacle. The height of these seals, the quality of the chamber (and inner surface quality) and the shape make these seals more difficult to produce and therefore more expensive compared to simple seals on manually operated doors. Our low-threshold aluminium profile 1041L… is to be used with two slide-in seals, 1035L, made out of EPDM. 2 x 1035L + 1041L...
folow us on
FlexiForce University
1039-52, 1039-55
Our bottom seals: Bottom seal 1037 1035RES* 1035QSE 1039 1035 1035SR 1039-52* 1039-55* 1035L
Features simple shape chamber, 2 small lips chamber, 2 small lips round chamber, 1 lip, for air-switch round chamber, 2 lips round chamber, 2 lips, high quality material 11mm round chamber, 2 lips, for opto-sensor 13mm round chamber, 2 lips, for opto-sensor. to be applied on SafeStep low threshold doors
Alu-profile 1038-4040etc. 1031RES-6090 (*) None, directly in Epco panel 1038-4040etc. or related.. 1038-4040etc. 1038-4040etc. 1038-4040etc. 1038-4040etc. 1041L-….
NB! Look for the full range of matching opto-sensors, pneumatic air-switches and e-accessories in our online product catalogue or request for the OPENING NEWS operator product overview. Installation: Sliding the seal into the aluminium retainer profile can sometimes give some hassle. Use some soft soap to make this process easier. And when cutting of the seal on both sides of the aluminium profile, let it stick out slightly, because the material may retract slightly after installation.
* = FlexiForce recommended combination
3. Side seals In Europe side seals are mounted on the vertical angle which holds the vertical track. Because of the fact that in the USA most doors do not have vertical angle profiles, the side seal (referred to as “stop mould”) is fixed to the outside of the building pressing against the panel-exterior. One type of side seals is available in flexible material, packed on rolls (f.e. 1090 seal). This offers a theoretical advantage of reducing cutting waist, but the quality of the seal is lower and the installation is less easy compared to the other type: Side seals made of a combination of a rigid part (PVC, regenerated material) and a flexible part (TPE, elastomeric, returns into original shape). Packed in bundles. FlexiForce article codes 1085-.. and 1088-….. The way these seals are produced is called co-extrusion, extruding two types of materials in one process. The TPE sealing lip has a smooth surface and the end has a radius thus preventing scratches on the door panels. The life span of the side seal is influenced by wear and tear, caused by damaging the seal or by the movement of the panel surface against the seal. To prevent this as much as possible, the vertical track is placed under a small angle (wedge) to the vertical angle profile and wall. Together with the adjustable hinges, this construction assures that the door panels are released from the seal very quickly during opening. Only when the door is completely closed, the panel presses against the seal. The life span of a seal should be declared in the maintenance manual of a door, with recommended replacement cycles. Article 1094-40 has
www.flexiforce.com 28
USA solution: Outside stop moulding
an increased hard pvc component part, distancing the door panel from the upper lintel for application on wider industrial doors.
FlexiForce University
500 500
Door closed, panel against the seal A
Door opening, panel released from seal A
Door opening, panel completely released from seal
Our side seals: Vertical angle Side seal 9VB 1085-…./1094-40-…. 9K 1085-…./1094-40-…. 915VB 1085-…. 9VD* 1088-….* 3rd-party angle 1086 * = FlexiForce recommended combination 1088
4. Other seals • The seal in between the door panels is supplied by the panel manufacturer, already inserted in the groves of the panel. Only with full vision sections, a seal has to be placed by the installer. For this FlexiForce seal code ARS applies. • Also in full vision panels, the sealing of the glazing against the aluminium is achieved by applying seal type ARU, universally for single and double glazing. • Specially designed pass door seals are available for use with our industrial and residential pass door systems. See pictures. • On our RESL side sliding door, the bottom seal is, due to the side movement of the panels against the floor, made out of brush material (art. code 1087B1). • To give the door an extra protection against water penetration and wind loads, we offer the rubber threshold profile, or often referred to as storm/ water shield, type 1030. Fix to the floor with the proper glue and the garage or building is extra protected. • An overview of all our seals and applications is to be found in our online catalogue, by clicking Aon the SEALS chapter. A
1030 (Red)
RESL brush
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Multi-Point for SafeStep (Lydie le Peltier)
Multi-Point for SafeStep
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Multi-Point for SafeStep
The 1034 series of multi-point locks all feature: • very good appearance. Flat surface on the lock-side, nice stainless steel cover plate. • simple and easy installation (after pre-drilling holes in the aluminium profiles). • locks activate when door closes. Locks dis-connect when main lock is operated. • locks are foreseen with “parrot” shape hooks for optimal burglar resistance. • positioning of the lock is easy, guided by the caps on the panel. • possibility of extending to any number of sub-locks. Not limited to 3 or 5 but really “multi-point”.
• There is a lock kit available for each combination of 3 sections plus a top section. Packed in one box with full discount quantity = 1. • There are extension kits available for doors with more (lower) intermediate panels. Full package = 5. • There are 3 pieces of lock-caps (covers), which can be used to exchange with 1 standard cap in a traditional set • The pass door is designed with a top panel height of 312mm, applying two 1034HI pass door hinges. • 1034PG is a new set of grips and plates, specifically made for this application by Stremler. • We have a complete installation manual available as download on our website.
Other topics on these locks:
Lock kit for 3x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB500R, 1034LC500R, 1034LU500R, 1034LT-R
Right hand opening
Lock kit for 3x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB500L, 1034LC500L, 1034LU500L, 1034LT-L
Left hand opening
Lock kit for 1x610mm and 2x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610R, 1034LC500R, 1034LU500R, 1034LT-R
Right hand opening
Lock kit for 1x610mm and 2x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610L, 1034LC500L, 1034LU500L, 1034LT-L
Left hand opening
Lock kit for 2x610mm and 1x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610R, 1034LC610R, 1034LU500R, 1034LT-R
Right hand opening
Lock kit for 2x610mm and 1x500mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610L, 1034LC610L, 1034LU500L, 1034LT-L
Left hand opening
Lock kit for 3x610mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610R, 1034LC610R, 1034LU610R, 1034LT-R
Right hand opening
Lock kit for 3x610mm sections plus top section. Contains articles: 1034LB610L, 1034LC610L, 1034LU610L, 1034LT-L
Left hand opening
www.flexiforce.com 18
Multi-Point for SafeStep
Caps for lock kits (1034KLCAPS-R)
Lock for lower intermediate section 500mm.
Right hand opening
Lock for lower intermediate section 500mm.
Left hand opening
Lock for lower intermediate section 610mm.
Right hand opening
Lock for lower intermediate section 610mm.
Left hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Kingspan and Epco panels.
Right hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Kingspan and Epco panels.
Left hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Metecno panels.
Right hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Metecno panels.
Left hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Thyssen panels.
Right hand opening
Set of 3 caps for Thyssen panels.
Left hand opening
Left hand opening 21
196 .2
Right hand opening
For actual pricing and availability of these locks, kits and caps, we refer to our online product catalogue: www.flexiforce.com
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Spring time! (Hans Lubbers)
Spring time!
For those of you that are not familiar with our history and experience in spring manufacturing, a small introduction: Since its foundation, FlexiForce has been involved with torsion spring technology. In 1997 we started producing our own torsion springs in Barneveld (NL) with state-of-the-art production lines designed specifically for this purpose. In 1999 the supply range was extended with shot-peened and powder coated torsion springs, providing a better spring (40% more life-span) with a high-quality coating appearance. Today FlexiForce has three production plants for torsion springs: in the Netherlands (4 lines), Hungary (2 lines) and in Spain (1 line). A unique selling point is the ability to produce and assemble ‘fixed-springs’ to customer order, which reduces the client’s cutting losses to zero and reduces the inventory costs for door companies tremendously. This fixspring service is available from all European FlexiForce subsidiaries. FlexiForce is the European market leader in torsion springs for overhead doors serving hundreds of customers with the springs they need each day for the doors they produce or install.
www.flexiforce.com 22
Spring time! (Hans Lubbers)
What standard range do we offer you today? wire finish
All available in
51 mm
4,5 - 6,0 mm
1. Standard lenghts (2750, 3000, 3250 mm)
67 mm
6,5 - 7,0 mm
2. Fixed-to-size springs
51 mm
4,5 - 6,0 mm
3. Fixed-to-size pre-assembled springs
67 mm
6,5 - 7,0 mm
95 mm
6,5 - 9,5 mm
152 mm
7,5 - 11,5 mm
Production process Pictures say more than words, so we recently uploaded a new movie on FF-TV, FlexiForce SpringTime, where Hans Lubbers (MD FlexiForce NL) explains to you everything about our spring production and assembly process. Below is a picture showing the production layout in FlexiForce Netherlands:
Temperature treatment (oven)
P d Powder coating ti
Sh t Shotpeening i
transport >>>>>>
Reeady spriing to o stock/exxp.
Spring winding production lines
Spring assembly department 1
transport >>>>>>
Spring fittings
Spring fillers
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Spring time! (Hans Lubbers)
Some more facts about our springs: • Calculation is done through software, either online or off-line with FF-Logic, Create and the new to be released software: SpringForce! • Quality is ensured by selecting high specs European spring wire as base material. • Quality is continuously tested on our life-span test bench in FlexiForce R&D center. • Quality during production is monitored throughout the process. Example for this is the go/no-go tool for the internal spring diameter tolerances. • Temperature treatment is “the secret of the chef” in spring production. By cold-deforming the spring wire into a spring, the molecular structure of the steel gets disrupted. To relax the wire again, it needs to be in the oven at a certain temperature, for a certain amount of time. The high quality characteristics of FlexiForce springs during their complete life-span are determined largely by this. • Shot-peened, powder coated springs provide higher life span compared to black springs and galvanized springs. The FlexiForce shot-peening process is developed from experience in other industries. 40% life span increase leads to selecting a lighter (less kg) spring for the same door application. In fact, a better looking spring for more or less the same costs as a black spring.
New! Plasma spring cutting
New! Hydraulic spring assembly
For cutting springs out of standard lengths, we have started to use a plasmacutting machine in FlexiForce Italia. The process works a lot faster compared to other methods and the machinery does not need major investments. Ask you sales team for more information and watch a demonstration on (Youtube).
Our FF200 and FF263 plugs are now equipped with slotted holes for securing the spring wire. In our production line, we have in place hydraulic automated machinery for cold-deforming and pushing the spring wire into these slotted holes. So, without damaging the spring wire by heating it and without hammering in the wire manually. Better working conditions for our staff. Efficient and fast, saving time and energy.
New! Spring matrix for residential doors For a garage door, 90% of the time equipped with a electrical door opener, the exact scientific calculation of the spring is less critical. We have calculated a matrix for you, in which for each door height and width (and weight), a spring is selected. This spring matrix allows you to limit the amount of different springs you need to cover all doors up to max wxh = 5 x 3m to 15 different spring sizes. That means you can stock these fixed springs which makes you more flexible in configuring and preparing your garage door production. Download these RES Spring Matrix sheets (for Kingspan, Epco, Thyssen panels) from our website.
www.flexiforce.com 24
Spring time! (Hans Lubbers)
“...in 5 days ready for delivery. If needed, within the hour...” How does fixed-spring production work for you? When you let us produce and assemble your total demand for torsion springs, it works like this: 1. Twice a week, you send in your list of needed springs: • Calculated with your own ERP software and email/fax to FlexiForce • Calculated with FF-Logic or Create and email/fax to FlexiForce • You fill in a spring order form with the door data, send it to us and we do the calculation for you. 2. FlexiForce confirms your springs and starts entering them into our weekly 2 shifts production planning 3. The springs are produced: • Without cutting waste (scrap is normally >10% in a small door production) • Powder-coated (standard, but black or galvanized is an option) • Assembled with spring fittings, spring filler (swprings: 95 optional, 152mm standard) • Striped (red, or other color option) for tensioning • Greased • Packed in plastic • With unique spring order-ID label • Spring article codes explained: VL50-1-610PP • VL = Left (LHW), VR = Right (RHW) • 50 = wire diameter 5,0mm • 1 = spring diameter (1 = 51mm, 2 = 67mm, 3 = 95mm, 6 = 152mm) • 610 = total spring length in mm • PP = Powder Coated, Pre-assembled (with fittings) 4. T he springs are collected and shipped to you in wooden crates or steel racking (which needs to be returned when empty). An advanced track-and-trace system is in place to inform you on the status of your springs. So, effectively in 5 days, we have your springs, twice a week, ready for shipment. For rush-springs we are able to do it within the hour if needed. One thing is certain: We will never leave you waiting for the spring you need, you can fully rely on us.
Your advantages are clear: • You can cut costs in your own production department (space, staff, overhead, investments in machinery) • You do not need any inventory on standard spring lengths (which take space and money) • 0% scrap during our production. • Due to the high FlexiForce volume, you will get a more efficiently produced spring, against lower costs. We are convinced this is the way forward for many door companies. Our current customer base for fixsprings is a wide variety of door companies, from small local companies making 300 doors per year, via service companies buying only rush-repair-springs, to major door companies making more than 20.000 doors per year.
We are ready for you!
Contact your sales team to find out your specific solutions.
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New! LED light bars “Shining a light” on a garage door in the dark of evening and night, may serve different goals: – the home-owner is proud of house and garage door and expresses that by spreading light over it, purely decorative and increasing curb appeal! – a light beam on top of the door helps people in finding their way in the dark of night. Orientation. – it is commonly known that burglars don’t like working in the light. So, burglar safety. And security! Whatever the main driver is, fact is that with the FlexiForce LED-bars, we offer another ideal up-sell in residential projects. We start our range with four types, in length 5000mm and 3000mm, in aluminum and white (RAL9010) finish, all with warm-white LED light. FlexiForce LED-bars are made of high quality Alunox and contain LEDs from the best LED suppliers. The lifespan is 40.000 hours, with over 100lumes per LED. Easy installation, cut-to-size adjustments possible. Other colors and finishes on request available. Your electrician can easily make circuits that allow switching the light with the garage door opener, or installing a light-dimming function or dark/light sensors etc. Of course also to be applied in other parts of houses or industrial buildings. It is all up to you!
L=3000mm, Alu, 4 LEDs
L=3000mm, white, 4 LEDs
L=5000mm, Alu, 8 LEDs
L=5000mm, white, 8 LEDs
€ 249,50
€ 292,-
€ 459,-
€ 459,-
www.flexiforce.com 22
We already assemble more than 6.000 torsion springs weekly‌
But we are more than happy to add your springs to the figure! FlexiForce is one of the biggest suppliers of torsion springs to the European door industry. We do not claim this only to brag, but to show you that we are very successful in handling the complete spring production for our customers. Customers rely daily on the springs that we produce and assemble for them: without cutting-waste, powder-coated, with installed spring cones (fittings), spring filler, striped, greased and packed in plastic with clear customer order-ID label. We can provide these springs twice per week in regular shifts or within 24 or less hours if needed. With state-of-the-art production lines (see our SpringTime movie on Youtube). We think it should make sense for you to hand over your own spring production to FlexiForce. Let us do the work for you: eliminate your worries at lower costs. All volumes are welcome, from 100 – 30.000 doors per year. Challenge us for a quotation!
I: www.flexiforce.com E: info@flexiforce.nl