Flexible LED Screen -NewFlex 2012

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Dreams. Honors Witness Brilliance

Show ta lents by starting business , dev巳 lop busin 巳ss by dedicati 门 9 youth , repay society by whol巳 heart

A Creative and Innovative Supplier in LED Display Industry

Enterprise plays an increasingly important ro le in the society with more and more responsibi lity shouldered. 0 们 one ha 口 d Des ignLED Technology Company Li mited keeps making its own

D.esign LED Tech 门 ology Co mpany Li mited was started i 门 2009 with a 口 expene 们 ced and powerful tear节F

prog ress whi le on another ha 门 d bea ri ng in mind their missions a 门 d repaying to society

covering mecha 门 ical , electronics , software and project ma 口 agement in LED screen industry over 18 years. We focus on project solution and creative and innovative LED scree 门 by our powerfu l 陀 searc h and 过 evelop:m ent

team; help the custome r to get exactly the right solut ion fo r the ir projects an d truly new

LED scree 门 p roducts. Our mission is to provide project so l utio 口, inventive products also custom desig 门 to

Company Certificates

our customer world-wide



⑧ Ccrlißcale of Complilln,,~

Company Faith

Certlficate of CompliaDc~

0 门 Products

Since rity 0 门

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CoreVαlues People - Oriented, Professional , 1nnovative, Coope rative


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RoHS …~--<--.止已一…


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Company Vision To ~r a global leader fo

旦旦旦旦" }


Perfection on Qua lity


+ NewFlex 2012




A unique rubber based flexible modula r LED scree 们 designed and manufactured by DesignLED with indoor a 门 d outdoor applicat i ons 问, P6.67 and PlO indoor flex LED screens ar巳 availabl 巳门 ow. P16&P20 are under developme 口t Innovation award

i 门 London


NewFlex t ile can bend a 门 d mould al 门10st anyshape

食 It cou ld be convex , concave , Rol l, wa\le , arc

et c., anything goes l 食 Min i mum 日 dius 308mm of convex and

concave 食 It is flexible ho ri zontally and vertica ll y.

Plasa Show 2008

〈〈〈〈〈 O〈 E且 GZ且 -百 o「。。。王~。

〈〈〈〈〈 且 ω 王飞 @〈 ω一。且百「。。。 E2



‘ -冒-........町、a 食 It

is 0 口 ly12mmthick 门巴 ss a 门 do 们 Iy 0.35kg per tile

食 It is easy for t ranspo rta tion and simp le installa tion

Ifyou are looking for someth ing completely differen t , NewF I 巳 x 2012 certain ly is High qua lity LEDs , l i ghtw 巳 ight and great in any creative appl ication

食 It saves transportation and labor cost

Your mind is probably already jam-packed with ideas

0 门 howyou


NewFlex 20 12. The ideas rea lly are limitless!


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t: r1S'y j门 StaJ l at ion ð \l Od飞S'.

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吁 A护- " 、

导导;饨川川 t阶thma 叫 a呵gn川e飞,

+APPLICATION *Amazing Invis ible Carwi th Rubber Flexib le LED scree n

Even we have thought of a few:

Casino Event stage TV studio Exhibition stand Car advertisement Architecture interior design 00 门 'tjust take our word for it that th is is the best thing si 门 ce sliced bread (a 门 d just as flexib le). NewFlex , the Wi 门门 er of the PLASA08 Award for Innovation , is to bu ild miracles beyo 门 d your imagination with its e 门 dless potential a 门 d possib ilities. Join us , Let us dig out more creative and i 门们 ovative applicatio 门 5 together!

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+SERVICES Honesty , Sincerity , Earnestness as wellαs Professionα Ii­ sm contribute to our One-Stop Services . Services



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Pnwp. r


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740VA r. 47 - fi~



1 口口- 74 口 VA r.

The specification is subject to change without prior notification

47- fi~



1 口口-

740VA r. 47 - fi~

Mid-Sales :

After-Sales :


Connrm Project Details

7x24 hours services



Co门 sultancy

So l ut i o 门 Confi rmation.

In stallatio口 Gu i da门 ce

Technical Training.

Repair & Maintenace Complaints Ha门 dle


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