4 minute read
Ricky Molina, CEO Rehabilitation Hospital of Northern Arizona

Advancing a Strong Community
In this issue of @7000ft we were able to chat with Ricky Molina, Chief Executive Officer of Rehabilitation Hospital of Northern Arizona, who was a part of the hospital's opening in February of 2018. He prides himself on being in the business of helping people, and attributes the people around him to his success. In the field of healthcare, Ricky most enjoys being able to make an impact on someone's life and supporting their recovery.
Photo Credit: Barbara Sherman
1851 N Gemini Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 rhna.ernesthealth.com | (928) 774-7070
WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR BUSINESS OR PROFESSION? It’s a consistent challenge to prepare a hospital and a team to be able to help a variety of people and injuries. Healthcare is still a growing industry, and the pace is incredible. To be able to make an impact on someone’s life in some small way, and support their recovery, is something me and our team are proud of.
HOW LONG HAS YOUR COMPANY BEEN IN BUSINESS OR HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN THIS PROFESSION? Our hospital has been open since Feb 28, 2018 when we took our very first patient in Flagstaff. It is part of Ernest Health. I have been with Ernest Health for almost 4 years now, and have been in Flagstaff since August 2017 while the hospital was still under construction. We have a sister hospital called Mountain Valley Regional Rehabilitation Hospital located in Prescott Valley, AZ.
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR PROFESSIONAL PATH? IF SO, HOW? Of course…I’d be playing baseball in the Major Leagues! But since that didn’t work out, healthcare has been beyond rewarding. Helping someone recover during some of their worst times is enough to make the day worth it. Perspective is a word that comes to mind when I think of what people in healthcare do every day.

FROM WHOM DO YOU SEEK BUSINESS ADVICE? Anyone who has an idea. We’ve said things amongst our team like “don’t fight to be right, fight to get it right.” Some of the best business advice I’ve gotten from anyone is from the customer perspective. It’s eye-opening to try and walk our talk every day, especially after you’ve been told that you had done something that didn’t help.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE JUST STARTING OUT IN YOUR PROFESSION? Buckle up! This is a planned reaction business. What I mean by that is that
no matter the planning, there is a function of reaction that is needed. We’re in the business of helping people, and that could mean any number of things to that person. Be adaptable, nimble, what some people refer to as a change agent.
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONAL BRAND? PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW YOU DRIVE YOUR BRAND IN DAILY BUSINESS. Whatever the approach, it has to be genuine. I believe strongly that a connection with someone, no matter the reason, is best when there is some skin in the game. Ownership of the outcome, good or bad, is a part of my every day. I just try to get it right.
WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? Be outside! I’m learning how to ski right now, and it may take longer than I thought. Big sports fan, and enjoy playing basketball, football, and baseball. Looking forward to traveling around the region, and white water rafting at some point. A big fan of a good movie too.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My parents. We grew up in a pretty humble situation, and my parents – Virgie and Adolfo – were amazing at keeping us focused on being kids. I didn’t know we struggled as bad as we did until I was a bit older. They let us get in kid trouble, challenged me and my brothers in school, and helped us all to try and find whatever path we wanted. We did without a lot, and we didn’t even know it.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE AND STAY IN FLAGSTAFF? I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors, and Flagstaff offers every part of the outdoors I could want. I grew up in a smaller community in Roswell, NM, and enjoy more rural living.
TO WHAT DO YOU ATTRIBUTE YOUR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS? The people around me – no doubt. I’ve been fortunate to have smart, dependable, and innovative
people around me, and people who challenge me. I enjoy finding out how to mix business with pleasure, and I think that the people around me are a huge part of that.
WHAT IS WORSE THAN FAILURE? I suppose feeling as if you didn’t make the effort to even try. I’ve failed multiple times, at multiple things, and I don’t believe for a second that it won’t happen again. But without an effort, I would think that that regret could possibly be worse.
WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU TODAY THAN IT WAS 10 YEARS AGO? Time! In that famed ‘blink of an eye', I've skipped a decade, and I remember most of it. Time today is a thing that helps me appreciate the moments within it.
WHAT MANTRA OR RULE DO YOU STRIVE TO LIVE BY? I have always appreciated a couple of sayings like “begin with the end in mind,” and “tough times don’t last, tough people do.” My mom always gave me books with quotes and sayings, so I like plagiarizing those who said it right!