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Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy
Updates: June 2023
Flagstaff, Arizona – On May 17th at approximately 11:50 pm, the Flagstaff Mayor & City Council voted 6-1 in favor of Northern Arizona Healthcare's rezoning the proposed site for our new hospital on Beulah Blvd. south of University Heights.
Mayor Becky Daggett and Councilmembers Deb Harris, Lori Matthews, Miranda Sweet, Khara House and Jim McCarthy voted for the proposal. Vice Mayor Austin Aslan voted against the rezoning request. The Chamber Board of Directors has supported NAH's plan to build a new hospital as part of a Health & Wellness Village for more than two years. As you have questions about this decision, please contact the Chamber's Senior Advisor for Public Policy, Joe Galli at jgalli@flagstaffchamber. com.
America's Top Small Business Awards

The America's Top Small Business Award (formerly Dream Big Awards) honors small business achievement and highlights contributions to America's economic growth. The initiative will recognize 10-15 eligible semifinalists in seven (7) regions in the country - each being named a "Top Small Business" in their region. Seven (7) finalists (one from each region) will then be selected, followed by one (1) finalist who will be named America's Top Small Business of the Year and awarded $25,000.
The 2023 America’s Top Small Business Awards are presented in partnership with Iron Mountain and Dell Technologies. If you’re a small business owner hoping to take your business to the next level, America’s Top Small Business is the perfect opportunity for you. Here are three reasons to apply for our awards program before the deadline on Friday, July 7, 2023
1) Get rewarded for your hard work and dedication: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is recognizing top businesses in seven regions across the U.S. — so no matter what corner of the country you call home, you’ll have a chance to be recognized! One grand prize winner will receive the Small Business of the Year Award and a cash prize of $25K.
2) Connect with like-minded individuals: Regional finalists will join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. this fall for an in-person event and celebration. You’ll have the chance to network with other small business owners and get insights from a team of business experts.
3) Elevate your brand: Highlight your business’ accomplishments and share your story with a wider audience. Regional finalists will receive an article on CO—, a free U.S. Chamber of Commerce membership, as well as a digital toolkit to help spread the word about their ATSB status with customers, fans, and social followers.
For more information on participating, please visit here: America's Top Small Business. Deadline to apply is July 7, 2023.
Matt Kent, President/CEO
Meteor Crater Enterprises Inc.
Meteor Crater is a place that needs little introduction. 50,000 years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch, a nickel-iron meteorite estimated at 160 ft across slammed into the earth 37 miles east of present day Flagstaff at 29,000 mph. The resulting impact released 10 megatons TNT of impact energy and left behind a crater 3900 feet in diameter and 560 feet deep.
Q: How did you come to be in this profession?
Matt: After a lifetime in the tourism and hospitality industry, I was approached by a recruiter on LinkedIn who said “I have the perfect opportunity for you! Have you ever heard of Meteor Crater?” An interview process started that opened my eyes to the wonders of Meteor Crater, and the beauty of Flagstaff. It is the best decision I have ever made in my professional life.
Q: How long have you been in practice?
Matt: I have been at Meteor Crater for four years on September 17, 2023.
Today millions of people a year visit Meteor Crater and stand in awe as they witness the power of the momentous event and the precarious balance that Earth exists in within the universe. Meteor Crater has long been a part of the northern Arizona landscape and is an important part of regional economy.
Q: Where do you see the biggest growth potential for your practice?
Matt: Flagstaff has such a wonderful history of science and space Travelers just do not know about it. With millions of people traveling to the Grand Canyon every year we can establish Flagstaff as a premiere destination for astrotourism and bring more visitors to out town.
Crater, like geology and astronomy, and share it with students and children of all ages across NorthernArizona. We hope to fuel their passion for science and help them find their way to a career path that would allow them to pursue those dreams.
Q: How do your services enrich the quality of life the community?
Q: What has been your biggest workplace thrill or accomplishment?
Matt: The biggest thrill has been the establishment of the Meteor Crater Educational Foundation. Through this 501c3 non-profit entity we are going to share the various sciences that are associated with Meteor
Matt: Nearly everyone you meet in Northern Arizona has a passion for science of some sort. By opening the Planet Science store in Flagstaff, Meteor Crater has created a hub for those interests. We have created a store front for fossils, telescopes, NASA items, and even fun sci-fi items. In Planet Science and at Meteor Crater, you can now take those hobbies and live and feed them. This is especially true for kids and families who can do things together.
Q: What’s worse to you than failure?
Matt: I hate seeing people gifted with amazing talent and abilities not pursuing them. Every success story is infused with failure and trouble. But perseverance and a sheer willingness to succeed brings dreams to fruition. And too many people just give up. Give up on life.
Q: From whom do you seek business advice?
Matt: In this arena, Drew Barringer has been a beacon. His wisdom, knowledge, and friendship were invaluable.
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your profession?
Matt: Have fun! Science is fun and we learn so much about who we are and the world around u s. That same wonderment we had as a child laying in the grass and looking at the stars, or collecting rocks in our yard, is the same joy and fun we should carry into this profession.
Q: How would you describe your personal brand? Please explain how you drive your brand in daily business.
Matt: My brand is all about growth. Pushing ourselves to learn more, do more, and be the best version of ourselves we can be. On a daily basis I challenge myself to learn and evolve. Not to be stagnant. And then I look for staff and peers who have maybe stopped at obstacles or not happy on their journey, and I encourage them. Point out their talents and try and remind them how much they have to offer.
Q: What do you do for fun?
Matt: I am a bad golfer who really loves playing though. I have a love for music and for art. And I love to cook!
Q: If you could have one super power what would it be? Tell us why that ranks #1.
Matt: My superpower would be the power to heal. I lost some loved ones too early and unexpectedly, and it was an incredibly helpless feeling to be able to do nothing.
Q: What inspires you?
Matt: Laughter. I love seeing people have fun and express joy. When people are laughing they are bonding with each other, they are forgetting about burden and just being alive. It kicks my happiness up to the highest level when I hear people laugh.
Q: What about Flagstaff makes it the best place for you to live?
Matt: Hands down the people. I moved from Florida, where I lived in places like West Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando. And there was this feeling of social classes and division. When I came to Flagstaff I was immediately welcomed and engaged by the people here. When I go to the restaurants and stores, I can not tell the difference between the wealthy executives and the working man. Everyone is the same and treated the same. This town cares about who you are as a person not what you do or have. It I the quintessential American hometown. I love it.
Q: To what do you attribute your business success?
Matt: My mother. She was a single Mom raising 8 boys by herself. And although we were in poverty, she instilled in us the belief we could do anything. The belief that we were not limited by our surroundings and that we could accomplish anything. I always just expected I wouldbe successful because of that confidence she gave me.
Q: What is more important for you today than 10 years ago?
Matt: Life. As I reach this age and point in my life, you start to value how lucky you are just to get up every day and see the mountain and the trees. The smell of hot coffee and the smile and embrace of people you love. Its all a gift.
Q: My number one rule when striving to be greater is…
Matt: Believe in your talent and do not compare yourself to others. Be you and put your own handprint on life. It is yours after all.
Q: In 10 years, I hope to be...
Matt: Retired and feeling a great sense of accomplishment. Fulfilled with what I have accomplished as a member of this community and what I was able to accomplish at Meteor Crater. Oh! And fulfilled that my golf game by then is much better than it is today!