On T h e Rad ar
HARS Aviation Museum 54 Airport Road, Shellharbour Airport Albion Park Rail, NSW Open 7 days a week 9:303:30, except Christmas Day www.hars.org.au
What’s included? Entry to a 3-course dinner, pre-dinner cocktails. Complimentary Spitfire Association 60th entry to the airshow on 5 Anniversary March. The Spitfire Association celebrates a belated 60th Anniversary on the weekend of 5 March. A celebratory dinner will be held in conjunction with Temora Aviation Museum, NSW, and will take place in the Museum hangar with the Spitfires. Guests to include Chief of Air Force and other dignitaries. The weekend includes flying displays on both days of the Spitfires and the first flight since 2008 of Temora’s Canberra bomber not to be missed.
An opportunity to be part of history and make your contribution to helping Australia remain resilient.
We look forward to you joining us in Temora to remember the gallant efforts of our RAAF Spitfire pilots and support crews. In doing so we “Carry the Spirit Forward” for the founders of our Spitfire Association and Spitfire Memorial Defence Fellowship. Get your ticket and join us for dinner in the hanger with the Spitfires. Cost: $250. Discounts for Limited numbers. tables available. Financial Temora Aviation members of the Spitfire Museum, NSW A s s o c i a t i o n r e c e i v e 5 March significant discounts, so if https://www.eventbrite.com. you’d like to join, please au/e/spitfire-associationgo to our online shop at 60th-anniversary-dinnertickets-163334232085 -spitfireassociation.com
Just over an hour drive south from Sydney Airport, an amazing display of almost 50 aircraft await visitors to a guided tour of the uniquely interactive HARS Aviation Museum. Some of the museum highlights include a Boeing 747-400, a replica of Charles Kingsford Smith’s 1920 Southern Cross, Lockheed Super Constellation, DC-3/C-47 aircraft, DC-4 in 1950s Qantas livery, Convair 440 in TAA colours, two Fokker F27500 Friendships, a Morava used by Ansett-ANA and PBY Catalina. Well worth a visit. Allow around two hours for a comprehensive tour.
EXPLORING INNOVATIVE APPROACHES In a dynamic and uncertain geostrategic environment, it is imperative small and middle powers build resilience in their ability to generate timely, effective and
AUSTRALIA’S 1st OFFICIAL AIR RACE Commemoration of the Serpentine Aerial Derby Centenary is scheduled for 20 March 2022.In 1920, Serpentine was chosen as the starting point of Australia's first official air race in which four airmen all of whom had served in the Australian Flying Corps in the First World War competed to promote the 82
relevant air and space power. Credible air and space power that enables Australia to shape, deter and respond requires resilient support systems together with an organisational culture that embraces innovation. The Air and Space Power Conference 2022 will explore resilient and innovative approaches to achieve national and regional advantage in air and space power. Air & Space Power Conference Virtual & Physical National Convention Centre Canberra | 22-23 March www.airpower.airforce.gov. au/events/aspcon22_event
EXCITING FUTURE FOR SPACE Australia’s space sector has an incredibly exciting future as it continues to transform and grow into a globally respected space industry. As we continue to see Australia’s space industry expand its relationship through national and international space activities, it presents multiple business opportunities for those who are involved in the Australian space ecosystem and looking to break into the domestic and global supply chain.
'Second Peace Loan'. As part of the celebrations, the skies over the Serpentine Airfield will roar into life with heart-stopping aerobatic and historical warbirds presented by Paul Bennet Airshows. Tickets on sale now.
Serpentine Air Race Loddon Valley Highway, Serpentine VIC 20 March serpentineairrace.com.au