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On The Radar
Serpentine Air Race Serpentine Airfield, Salisbury, Victoria 27 September
This 70-mile air race will launch f r o m ‘ S e r p e n t i n e A i r f i e l d ’ commemorating Australia’s First Offical Air Race. Tiger Moth pilots/ owners from around the country will converge on Serpentine Airfield for this historic aviation event. More than just a race! This Air Show will include breathtaking aerobatic and warbird displays by Paul Bennet Airshows, plenty of children activities on the ground including jumping castles and face painting, street food, historical displays, vintages cars and more... Under 17 entry is free. 17 and above $25. www.serpentineairrace.com.au/airshow/
Warbirds Downunder Temora Airport, Temora, NSW 17-18 October
Across the weekend of Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October 2020 the fifth Warbirds Downunder event will take place at Temora Aviation Museum, NSW.
This biennial event brings together the largest gathering of warbirds for a two-day celebration of Australian Aviation history.
Warbirds are defined as vintage military aircraft – the large working collection of Warbirds at Temora is unique in its breadth, encompassing 13 flying machines. These warbirds, together with visiting aircraft from private collectors, as well as latest technology airplanes from the RAAF, mean the WD2020 offers a unique program highlighting Australian military stories, past and present.

Event visitors will get an unforgettable, up close and personal experience of Australian aviation history, our people and their flying machines.
Together with your friends and family we invite you to share the exhilaration of these amazing aircraft, connect with the experiences through personal stories, and celebrate our country’s history.
WD2020 is one of the Riverina’s largest events with around 22,000 visitors supporting our region. You’re also invited to enjoy the Canola Trail and all our region has to offer, with lots of accommodation options. https://warbirdsdownunderairshow.com.au/
MilCIS National Convention Centre, Canberra 10-12 November
MilCIS is a unique opportunity for those investing in government and military communications and information systems.
In November each year, the Defence Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) partners with the University of New South Wales, Canberra and the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) to present MilCIS. The conference facilitates a continuing dialogue between Department of Defence employees, contractors, industry and researchers to discuss current and developing technological capabilities, project initiatives, and operational requirements.
In addition to keynote presentations, technical presentations, panel discussions and tutorials, MilCIS features an exposition that provides an opportunity for exhibitors to demonstrate new technologies and promote their products and services to attendees.
MilCIS is the only Australian conference that focuses strategically on the crucial technologies, products, systems and services associated with military communications and information systems.
MilCIS has two major components: The MilCIS Expo and the MilCIS Conference: • MilCIS Expo attendees must register to attend but have complimentary access to the MilCIS Exhibition Hall and to the MilCIS Expo presentations that run throughout the conference in the Royal Theatre. MilCIS Expo attendees DO NOT have access to the presentations in the conference parallel sessions, daily catering, nor the conference dinner. • MilCIS Conference delegates pay the relevant conference registration fee and have full access to all conference presentations (five parallel streams including the Expo presentations in the Royal Theatre), daily breakfast and lunch product sessions, the exhibition hall, daily conference morning/afternoon teas and lunches, and the conference dinner. www.milcis.com.au
*Some of these events may be rescheduled or cancelled with minimal notice due to various government direction and restrictions regarding COVID-19.