17 minute read
Air Force Cadets
The Nijmegen ‘Four Day Marches’
– a gruelling, though truly exhilarating & rewarding experience
FLTLT(AAFC) Gary Martinic 3 Wing Headquarters, Australian Air Force Cadets
Known as the International Four Day Marches in Nijmegen (or ‘Vierdaagse’ meaning ‘the Four Days’ in Dutch) have been run every year in mid-July in Nijmegen, Holland, since 1909. It is an event that sees both civilian and military participants walk either 30, 40 or 50km daily depending on their age and gender, and on completion, they receive a royally-approved medal, known as the Vierdaagse Cross (or ‘Cross for Marching Proficiency’). Originally a military event with few civilians, it is now mainly a civilian event. Vierdaagse De 4 Daagse is done over 4 days (18-21 July). In 2017, registered participants numbered 42,036 participants, 5,500 of these were military participants, with 3,627 participants which did not complete the event. This has become such a popular marching event that armed forces and cadet participants from all over the world send contingents to take part in the marches. During 2019, over 50 nations were represented at Camp Heumensoord, or ‘Camp H’ the military basecamp. Military teams can have a minimum of 11 participants, or up to 30 personnel, but they can also march as individuals. In the military category, participants must march 40 km x 4 days (leaving and returning to Camp H, as a team; Fig 1). They must be wearing uniform and pending age and registration requirements, they may need to carry 10kg of dead weight in addition to consumables, in their backpacks. Military teams usually march as a unit and often sing marching songs, making them very popular with civilian
walkers (Fig 2). Military teams and civilians on the 40km route follow a slightly different route. Military participants begin after morning ceremony from base. Camp H is erected every year just south of Nijmegen. Each day of the marches is named after the town it passes through. Tues. ‘Elst’, Wed. ‘Wijchen’, Thurs. ‘Groesbeek’, and Fri. ‘Cuijk’. On the last day of the march, military participants/teams change uniforms to march the final 6km to walk the ‘Entry on the Via Gladiola to the Wedren’.
History and Award Structure
The award of the Vierdaagse Cross medal (Fig.3; left) was established in 1909 at the time of the first march, to award successful military participants of the ‘Four Day Marches’. Since 1910, it has been awarded to all participants who successfully complete all four days, both civilian and military. The medal is an official Dutch decoration that can be worn on a Dutch uniform, though many other nations also permit the medal to be worn on their uniforms including Britain and Australia. It is also known as the ‘Cross for demonstrated marching skill’, as defined by Dutch Royal Decree, 6th October 1909. It is awarded to participants by the Royal Dutch league for Physical Education (KNBLO or Koninklijke Nederlandsche Bond Voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding, in Dutch). A cross is awarded in bronze for the first march, silver for the fifth, and gold for the tenth march, with a crown added above the cross for the year after each cross is awarded. I feel honoured to be have participated (in the 101st) Vierdaagse in July 2017. This was only the second team to represent the AAFC and Australia. The first AAFC team participated during the 100th anniversary year of the Vierdaagse, making history by being the first Australian team to officially participate in this event. Though there also have been individual Australian participants who have participated as either civilian or military individuals. There are now around 52 AAFC members in Australia who have earned the honour to wear the Vierdaagse Cross to date.

Physical Preparation is the Key to Success
We had to spend a lot of time gradually building up our levels of walking fitness by doing as many practice marches as possible. However, we didn’t know how our feet and our upper and lower leg muscles would react to the stresses of this type of event? Our team soon took on its first challenging practice walk located in the Blue Mountains. We walked from Black Range to the Megalong Valley, approximately 32km distance of stepped hills, valleys, creek crossings and scrub. That particular day the temperature was higher than 36 degrees celsius with a relative humidity above 80%, similar conditions in July in Nijmegen. Due to team members getting bad blisters and leg muscle issues, serious thought had to be given to individualised preparation, to ensure that all members were able to make the full four days of the Nijmegen march. I sought podiatry advice at the earliest opportunity, in an effort to be better advised and equipped before taking on the long distances of the next planned practice marches. Our team also completed a number of practice walks in the Penrith area, near RAAF Base Richmond, each practice walk of 30km+. We also completed the ‘Seven Bridges Walk’ in the city, which was visually spectacular.
A Strategy for Building up Your Training
It is recommended that participants use the time in the lead up to Nijmegen to build up their walking distances, and take rest on days off. Allow the body and feet to become accustomed to walking long distances gradually, over varying terrain and in varying weather conditions. Also, to do all practice walks in new AAFC-issued boots so that they wear their boots in as soon as possible. It is important that participants regularly supplement team practices with practice walks of their own every 1-2 weeks, and work up to the 4 days of 40km, giving the body time to rest in between. I would often do a round trip, there and back, on each practice walk, for example, 5km out 5km back (10km total), then 7.5km out 7.5km back (15km), gradually building up to 20km, 30km, and then 40 km. While always looking for routes containing both hills and flat areas that allow you to ultimately build up your distances to more than 40km. Although team members in Nijmegen are required to fulfill the 4x40km requirement, the more one practices long distance walking, the more the body gets ‘conditioned’ and used to walking in uniform, boots and backpack. The day of the hills’ (day 3 of Nijmegen) is the day that participants need to contend with and successfully complete the steep sections of this part of the walk, so any extra effort put into training can only serve to increase one’s level of preparation.
Fig 1. The grand entrance to Camp Heumensoord showing the characteristic large black boots and large military helmet overhead. A few Dutch military members can be seen in the foreground while behind them the AAFC team is seen about to exit the base for another day’s marching.
Fig 2. The 2017 Australian Air Force Cadet team marching next to a German military team, while some civilian participants look on (author carrying the RAAF Ensign at right). Note the flags of France, Spain and some other countries in the background.

Figure 3. Vierdaagse Cross (left) & Orderly (team supporter) Medal (right) Fig 4. Having just taken the time to stretch properly the AAFC team move off for another early 4:00 am start.

Fig 5. Members of the 2017 AAFC Team (author third from left, front row) shown shortly after the presentation of their medals, some members shown in their service dress uniform.

Recommendations on Footwear and Other Kit
It is crucial that one wears the boots issued to them on practice walks. Wearing the boots enables one to identify pressure areas and then to apply blister management techniques. Wearing the same type of socks that are planned to be used in the Nijmegen event is important, so the feet can adjust to the boots and socks. Wearing the same DPCU trousers on practice walks, so that any areas of chafing can be identified and remedies sought, is another good idea. Remember, the type of socks worn are the next most important piece of kit that one will need to have sorted, otherwise the feet won’t survive the grueling days of continuous marching. The four main things to look after are; (1) properly caring for your feet, (2) having good-quality socks to do the job (3) maintain regular training, and (4) a good first aid kit. I found podiatry advice and treatments very helpful, and felt that it adequately prepared me for success in Nijmegen. The podiatric stretching techniques were also used before long distance marching.
Rest Breaks While ‘On-the–Go’
During the marching days of the Vierdaagse all the military teams would have between 2-3 rest stops daily, so that the 40km+ daily was broken up into smaller segments, which allowed us to ‘re-fuel’. We were able to stop at the rest tents of the British Military Contingent where we were provided with a hot meal, fruit and drinks, and where we could also resupply our kits and camel packs with water, and take a break. Due to the time constraints placed on the teams (15min before departure) we needed to vacate the space allowing the next teams to occupy the space provided.

Camaraderie, Traditions and Trading at Camp Heumensoord
The team humorously remembers the loud morning wake up calls in broken-English “G-o-o-d Morning, Bonjour! - are you ready for another delightful day of marching?” to all the participants at 2.30am, with marching often commencing from 4am (Fig 4). Not so ‘funny’ at the time, but funny in hindsight.. Camp H exhibited an ‘international flavor of friendship’, which encouraged all cadets and military personnel from all over the world, to interact, form new friendships, and for those returning to Camp H, to see old friends. Particularly for impressionable young cadets, these experiences will be treasured, and fondly remembered throughout their lives, aside from the achievement of earning their own Vierdaagse Cross. Despite the sleep deprivation, the fatigue, sore legs and painful feet, the friendly atmosphere of Camp H to all presented an experience never to be forgotten. And while it is fair to say that walking the required distances of Nijmegen was very physically and mentally challenging, it was also very exhilarating and most rewarding. Most that complete the Nijmegen Vierdaagse feel a great sense of achievement, relief and euphoria. The tradition at the end of each days marching, was that as the teams that were coming back to Camp H they would march into the main hall, where other teams finishing prior would clap them in. It was recommended to us that we bring trading material to Nijmegen, which we could use to trade items of military memorabilia with those from other nations – another tradition! Stand down saw members of many military teams trading the likes of patches, pins, hats, belts, and some even entire military uniforms. This was great fun for our cadets, and even some staff, who really enjoyed the interactions.
The ‘Electric’ Atmosphere and Spirit of the Marches
Until one experiences the excitment, spirit and welcoming atmosphere of the Nijmegen Vierdaagse one cannot truly appreciate the camaraderie, good will and generosity of spirit of the marches, and of the Dutch people. As we marched, many Dutch children patiently waited on the median strips to provide us with refreshments or to simply give us a ‘high five’ handshake. We would often give them various patches, badges, small toy Koalas or small Australian flags as we marched on through their towns, which they loved. Various musical bands would perform in every town and city that we passed through. An important tradition of the Vierdaagse was that on the Friday, the last day of the marches thousands of people would line the last few kms of road before the finish (Fig 5) to cheer all of the participants on, with shouts such as ‘congratulations” and “you’ve done it” among many others. St. Annastraat, is dubbed the ‘Via Gladiola’ for the day (the official flower of the marches) and it is tradition to give them to the participants. The significance of this being that the gladioli, has been a symbol of force and victory since Roman times, when even gladiators were showered with these flowers.
References A number of official articles related to the Vierdaagse Marches have been used as reference material, these are cited below: 1. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Prderly_Medal_of_the_ Four_Day_Marches&oldid=762347180 2. H.G. Meijer, C.P. Mulder en B.W.Wagenaar, “Orders and Decorations of the Netherlands”, 1984 External Links: • http://www.nijmegenmedals.com/ • http://www.onderscheidingen.nl/nl/medailles/sport/4dverzorging. html • http://www.4daagse.nl/en/register/distance-and-rewards.html (a note on the medal on the official Vierdaagse site)
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Behind the Scenes of RAAF Base Pearce
During June the RAAF Base at Pearce hosted a special ‘behind the scenes tour of the base for invited guests from the Australian Air Force Cadets, Royal Australian Air Force Veteran community and the winners of the Albany Scholarship competition. This year the Royal Australian Air Force will mark 100 years of service to Australia and 2021 will be an important time to reflect on our enduring contribution to the security of Australia and the communities that support our training operations. From modest beginnings in 1921, Air Force has grown into a potent, world-class force which Australia relies upon in both conflict and peace. When Australia needs us, we are ready to respond. THEN. NOW. ALWAYS. To recognise our past, present and future, the invited guests were provided access to static aircraft, the Royal Australian Air Force Balloon and tours of the facilities.

Members of the Air Force Cadets and Air Force Veterans enjoy the opportunity to get up and close with the RAAF Balloon and experience a short-tethered flight at RAAF Base Pearce. Defence image. Members of the Air Force Cadets and Air Force Veterans experience the immersive experience of flying a flight simulator using some of the latest virtual reality equipment. Defence image.

PC-21 Flight
Recognised for service excellence within the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC), Cadet Under Officer Grace Wilton was awarded a flight in one of the Aircraft Research and Development unit’s (ARDU) newest aircraft based in South Australia, the PC-21.

Australian Air Force Cadet - Cadet Under Officer Grace Wilton with life support equipment in the Aircraft Research Developmental Unit at RAAF Edinburgh, South Australia. Defence image.